The collection manager at this point is a convoluted joke, I'll give you that.
Its always been bad, searching using it just doesn't work well at all, some of it is counter-intuitive, its hard to to seacrh for cards the synergise with each other because values and keywords are all over the place, and seacrhing multiple terms often just break the search completely. Its...well, it is garbage, frankly.
The reason Blizzard are making the artificial distinction is they don't want to give players cards, they want to loan them for the season (and remove them later). I.e. because they are greedy.
This whole "Blizzard are so greedy" shtick is becoming very overdone. What is being described is not even "greed". It's entitlement (again). For example:
Entitled guy : Hey that's a nice car! Wish I had one like that. Other guy : Oh, well here's the keys. You can borrow it for a bit. Entitled guy : You mean it's mine to keep, right? Other guy : No, I'm lending it to you so you can use it. I can't just give it to you for free. Entitled guy : Ehrmegherd! You is liek, so grEeDy!
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
The reason Blizzard are making the artificial distinction is they don't want to give players cards, they want to loan them for the season (and remove them later). I.e. because they are greedy.
This whole "Blizzard are so greedy" shtick is becoming very overdone. What is being described is not even "greed". It's entitlement (again). For example:
Entitled guy : Hey that's a nice car! Wish I had one like that. Other guy : Oh, well here's the keys. You can borrow it for a bit. Entitled guy : You mean it's mine to keep, right? Other guy : No, I'm lending it to you so you can use it. I can't just give it to you for free. Entitled guy : Ehrmegherd! You is liek, so grEeDy!
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
Other Guy: Yeah but I got you a new one.
Guy: Can I at least keep that one?
Other Guy: No. You're borrowing it.
Guy: Okay... Is it new at least?
Other Guy: Somewhat.
I take it you haven't actually looked at your set to see how incorrect your comment is? Because when I look in mine, I can see all the cards I collected, alongside all the NEW cards that I got literally for free without having to do anything for them.
Guess that's the old Blizzard greed coming into play right there, giving away free stuff. Damn them. I didn't ask for anything and they forced me to have more stuff... so evil... much greed...
What your misinformed analogy SHOULD have said was:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use. Other guy: But I already have that car Guy: Ok, well this is a spare one to use (in case you didn't have it already) Other guy: Can I keep it? Guy: Well, no. It was just a loan. And you already have it, you said Other Guy: Yeah, but you're loaning another one to me, so my entitlement states I should keep it. Guy: Uh, that's not how loans work... Other Guy: I DESERVE TO HAVE THIS FOR FREE, FOR PLAYING THE GAME YOU WORKED ON FOR ME! sO GReEdY!!!!11!1!
I think Bllizz's stance will soften when it comes to eventual core set rotation. A couple of the new core legendaries are strong and it will be super cheeky if we have to craft them in order to keep playing them in wild. Particularly the golden ones, the app quite clearly 'awarded' me those.
It's easy for Blizz to solve this without causing grief - an extended wild version of the core set, for example, or just give us disenchantable versions of the cards they rotate.
I think Bllizz's stance will soften when it comes to eventual core set rotation. A couple of the new core legendaries are strong and it will be super cheeky if we have to craft them in order to keep playing them in wild. Particularly the golden ones, the app quite clearly 'awarded' me those.
This isn't meant to sound catty or passive aggressive but why would it be cheeky? You get to use the cqrds for a year with the knowledge that you may have to craft them if they rotate out.
I agree that it'd be -nice- if you got to keep them for free but I don't see how this could be expected, or even likely, behaviour.
Honestly, I'm not having a dig, just wondering if there's an angle I've missed.
So Core cards can't be used in Classic after all, huh didn't expect to be wrong on that. I am a long time player (since closed beta) and I would not be mad if people were allowed to use their Core cards that apply for Classic in Classic. More blood in Classic is a good thing.
I would be happy if Blizz gave a sizeable dust refund in one way or another to us oldtimers for rotating the set they said they never will. But they don't want to do that so instead they punish new players interested in Classic >_>
You are bang on Slyde. I have recently returned to HS after about a year and have no fucking idea what I'm looking at when I go through my collection - random duplicates and golden legendaries, it's a mess.
I totally agree with OP and most of what people here have been saying (except for the entitled car guy, what kind of comparison was that? Didn’t even make sense considering the context). Anyway, been playing since late tgt early loe and I’ve never been so overwhelmed by this game in my life. It’s honestly stopped me from playing as much this expansion because I dont even know where to begin when making a deck (I only make homebrews) and I dont like the fact that in a year my decks may or may not be totally unusable when a card/s rotate out of the core set. They really need to clean it up because it’s become more stressful to actually try and enjoy the game when I used to play this game to relieve stress. Just overwhelmed with all the new changes and very little explanations
The reason Blizzard are making the artificial distinction is they don't want to give players cards, they want to loan them for the season (and remove them later). I.e. because they are greedy.
This whole "Blizzard are so greedy" shtick is becoming very overdone. What is being described is not even "greed". It's entitlement (again). For example:
Entitled guy : Hey that's a nice car! Wish I had one like that. Other guy : Oh, well here's the keys. You can borrow it for a bit. Entitled guy : You mean it's mine to keep, right? Other guy : No, I'm lending it to you so you can use it. I can't just give it to you for free. Entitled guy : Ehrmegherd! You is liek, so grEeDy!
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
Other Guy: Yeah but I got you a new one.
Guy: Can I at least keep that one?
Other Guy: No. You're borrowing it.
Guy: Okay... Is it new at least?
Other Guy: Somewhat.
Someone who actually understands the concept of loans. I made a similar complaint about this earlier when core was first announced and everybody dogged on me like I was some idiot. Like, do people really not understand the concept of loaning us a collection for a year and then possibly taking that away and putting new cards in, so we will still, in the long run, have to spend resources to get the “old” core set cards that were new to the game. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to understand lol, i’m glad someone else gets it. We all spent time and resources to get the classic cards which they told us would never roatate. Then the classic set rotated, making all the time and resources we spent worthless (if you dont play wild) and then LOANED us a core collection that will EVENTUALLY rotate out. However many years it takes, the core set will eventually look completely different and we will have to spend more time and resources to collect the cards that which we were originally loaned. People are stupid lmao no wonder banks rule the world.
The reason Blizzard are making the artificial distinction is they don't want to give players cards, they want to loan them for the season (and remove them later). I.e. because they are greedy.
This whole "Blizzard are so greedy" shtick is becoming very overdone. What is being described is not even "greed". It's entitlement (again). For example:
Entitled guy : Hey that's a nice car! Wish I had one like that. Other guy : Oh, well here's the keys. You can borrow it for a bit. Entitled guy : You mean it's mine to keep, right? Other guy : No, I'm lending it to you so you can use it. I can't just give it to you for free. Entitled guy : Ehrmegherd! You is liek, so grEeDy!
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
Other Guy: Yeah but I got you a new one.
Guy: Can I at least keep that one?
Other Guy: No. You're borrowing it.
Guy: Okay... Is it new at least?
Other Guy: Somewhat.
I take it you haven't actually looked at your set to see how incorrect your comment is? Because when I look in mine, I can see all the cards I collected, alongside all the NEW cards that I got literally for free without having to do anything for them.
Guess that's the old Blizzard greed coming into play right there, giving away free stuff. Damn them. I didn't ask for anything and they forced me to have more stuff... so evil... much greed...
What your misinformed analogy SHOULD have said was:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use. Other guy: But I already have that car Guy: Ok, well this is a spare one to use (in case you didn't have it already) Other guy: Can I keep it? Guy: Well, no. It was just a loan. And you already have it, you said Other Guy: Yeah, but you're loaning another one to me, so my entitlement states I should keep it. Guy: Uh, that's not how loans work... Other Guy: I DESERVE TO HAVE THIS FOR FREE, FOR PLAYING THE GAME YOU WORKED ON FOR ME! sO GReEdY!!!!11!1!
Youre an idiot bro lmao read my last post. You do not understand the concept of loans, maybe take an economics course. Both of your metaphors were just flat out wrong bud and way off the mark. But hey if you wanna keep thanking and praising blizzard for giving you what you think are free cards. Go apply for a loan at your local bank, they would be thrilled to trap you in their debt scheme. Oooo free money
The reason Blizzard are making the artificial distinction is they don't want to give players cards, they want to loan them for the season (and remove them later). I.e. because they are greedy.
This whole "Blizzard are so greedy" shtick is becoming very overdone. What is being described is not even "greed". It's entitlement (again). For example:
Entitled guy : Hey that's a nice car! Wish I had one like that. Other guy : Oh, well here's the keys. You can borrow it for a bit. Entitled guy : You mean it's mine to keep, right? Other guy : No, I'm lending it to you so you can use it. I can't just give it to you for free. Entitled guy : Ehrmegherd! You is liek, so grEeDy!
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
Other Guy: Yeah but I got you a new one.
Guy: Can I at least keep that one?
Other Guy: No. You're borrowing it.
Guy: Okay... Is it new at least?
Other Guy: Somewhat.
I take it you haven't actually looked at your set to see how incorrect your comment is? Because when I look in mine, I can see all the cards I collected, alongside all the NEW cards that I got literally for free without having to do anything for them.
Guess that's the old Blizzard greed coming into play right there, giving away free stuff. Damn them. I didn't ask for anything and they forced me to have more stuff... so evil... much greed...
What your misinformed analogy SHOULD have said was:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use. Other guy: But I already have that car Guy: Ok, well this is a spare one to use (in case you didn't have it already) Other guy: Can I keep it? Guy: Well, no. It was just a loan. And you already have it, you said Other Guy: Yeah, but you're loaning another one to me, so my entitlement states I should keep it. Guy: Uh, that's not how loans work... Other Guy: I DESERVE TO HAVE THIS FOR FREE, FOR PLAYING THE GAME YOU WORKED ON FOR ME! sO GReEdY!!!!11!1!
Close but not quite. It's not a spare, it's replacing you car so the dialog should go like this:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use. Other guy: Great... unfortunatelly I made it illigal to use it outside this one street. Guy: Wait.. why would you do this? Other guy: So that I can lend you this one. Guy: But it's nearly the same with one that I bought. Other Guy: Yeah, but this one is only a loan so I can take it back anytime I want. Guy: Will I be able to use my own car than? Other Guy: Of course not, I will sell you another one. I need to squeeze money out of you somehow.
Back to heartstone, you are telling me that I should be happy that I can't use my classis collection in standard anymore but instead I can use slighly altered version of it for free but only as long as Blizzard wants it to be free. Great...
PS Can I lend you your home, I will add a plant or two so it's not the same? 100% free (at least for now)?
Imagine this is supposed to be an intuitive phone game, yet Blizzard in the pursuit of monetization has made it a cluster fuck.
I understand the system, but that's because I've been playing for a while, and read up on it. Imagine someone playing now, from scratch.
A part of the problem comes from the very old greedy decision to make non-DEable legendary cards, and not making it graphically obvious. The Basic set having no rarity dot was actually quite easy to get used to.
With the introduction of the non DEable Core set, the mess is now complete.
Well since it seems this debate has some life I will throw my hat into the ring and share Core pros and cons as I see them:
-Pros: new players can jump into the game quicker, provided Core is a powerful and impactful set which mostly seems to be the case. Indeed it being more powerful than Classic is a boon to all players, new and old, but there is a con related to that see bellow. Some players may enjoy the bling of having those golden cards given out fairly liberally. It is a loan but it is a zero interest loan so that is still mostly good. Core cards being unusable in Classic Mode is arguably compensation to old players so their investment in Classic still matters, I disagree with this idea but the thought exists so.
-Cons: even if we were given Core to make up for it Blizz still broke a pretty big promise by retiring a set they said they never will. In fact thanks to power creep, nerfs and moving cards to HoF/Wild the best part of the Classic set was already severely dented. I will not say Blizz did this on purpose to make the switch to Core more palatable in the way some players parrot "hey Classic had become shit, Core is much better!" But their tendency to power creep new sets and nerf the old ones is no accident and is definitely part of a greater strategy to incentivize us to buy new expansions and hence earn them money, it is a long trend. So yeah old players were a bit betrayed and they were not offered any dust in compensation, I am not saying it is some huge tragedy but it is not fair either. Core is clunky and confusing, to old player and especially then new players who are meant to benefit most. Core changing in a year will obsolete decks more than they already are during Year transitions which is a hassle and adds to the confusion.
Imagine this is supposed to be an intuitive phone game, yet Blizzard in the pursuit of monetization has made it a cluster fuck.
I understand the system, but that's because I've been playing for a while, and read up on it. Imagine someone playing now, from scratch.
A part of the problem comes from the very old greedy decision to make non-DEable legendary cards, and not making it graphically obvious. The Basic set having no rarity dot was actually quite easy to get used to.
With the introduction of the non DEable Core set, the mess is now complete.
Imagine this is supposed to be an intuitive phone game, yet Blizzard in the pursuit of monetization has made it a cluster fuck.
I understand the system, but that's because I've been playing for a while, and read up on it. Imagine someone playing now, from scratch.
A part of the problem comes from the very old greedy decision to make non-DEable legendary cards, and not making it graphically obvious. The Basic set having no rarity dot was actually quite easy to get used to.
With the introduction of the non DEable Core set, the mess is now complete.
I can only agree with this.
Yes, they can even do it easily. Take out the orange gem, signifying the card is Basic and cannot be disenchanted but keep the decorative dragon border, that will make it clear enough the card cannot be put into a deck twice, if the single uncraftable copy didn't ;)
It is also silly that cards we got for free like C'thun are still non-disenchantable after all these years. I can understand wanting them to be champions of flavour and not wanting to flood the dust economy but maybe after card rotates to Wild or after a suitably long period of time they should be made disenchantable. It is a nice gift to reward the loyalty of long term players without hurting anyone. It is just 400 dust after all, hardly groundshaking.
thank god i‘m not the only one having this problem :D
- which copies of cards can I DE?
- which card do i ‚own‘ and what‘s just a core card for loan?
- can I dust the original card I got before the new core set came? can I play the other card from the core set anyway? and most important: in which game mode?
I can agree on the collection display thing, but i think it is pretty good for what could have been: while browsing Wild mode cards, you see both the cards you own and the cards loaned (Core), so when Core rotates, you will have left your Wild cards. There could be a better way to represent it (something similar to the attached image but applied to Wild/Core), indicating that they are the "same" card.
What I wonder the most is how Blizzard is going to work when Core Set rotates. The problematic thing here are imo the new cards, since (when Core Set rotates) for the old ones, if you had them you keep them, else you have to craft them. About the new cards, there are 29:
With a total craft value of exactly 22280 dust (1xlegs, 2xotherwise). I highly doubt that Blizzard will rotate these cards without giving anything back. I can see some options:
These cards are not going to rotate while they figure out the strategy.
They give the equivalent dust to the cards (do not think so).
They assignate each card to an equivalent card in the "Classic" set and give it based on you having it or not. Example: Ysera the Dreamer is assigned to Ysera. If you have Ysera, you get Ysera the Dreamer. And so on for every card. This is the option I like the most because it rewards players who have worked their classic collection.
They group the cards and sell it for Gold/Money for people who want to use them in wild (mini-set like).
They introduce the cards to some packs (do not think so).
That's my opinion and the future I see. I personally think that options 3 and 4 are the most likely, being 4 the thing I would bet on.
The collection manager at this point is a convoluted joke, I'll give you that.
Its always been bad, searching using it just doesn't work well at all, some of it is counter-intuitive, its hard to to seacrh for cards the synergise with each other because values and keywords are all over the place, and seacrhing multiple terms often just break the search completely. Its...well, it is garbage, frankly.
What? That metaphor doesn't work AT ALL. The Core Set isn't just a free bonus, it's a REPLACEMENT of the basic and classic sets. People earned classic cards, built up a collection of them, and Blizzard decided that even classic wasn't safe from being rotated. Better example:
Guy: You sold my car? The one that I owned and paid for?
Other Guy: Yeah but I got you a new one.
Guy: Can I at least keep that one?
Other Guy: No. You're borrowing it.
Guy: Okay... Is it new at least?
Other Guy: Somewhat.
I take it you haven't actually looked at your set to see how incorrect your comment is?
Because when I look in mine, I can see all the cards I collected, alongside all the NEW cards that I got literally for free without having to do anything for them.
Guess that's the old Blizzard greed coming into play right there, giving away free stuff. Damn them. I didn't ask for anything and they forced me to have more stuff... so evil... much greed...
What your misinformed analogy SHOULD have said was:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use.
Other guy: But I already have that car
Guy: Ok, well this is a spare one to use (in case you didn't have it already)
Other guy: Can I keep it?
Guy: Well, no. It was just a loan. And you already have it, you said
Other Guy: Yeah, but you're loaning another one to me, so my entitlement states I should keep it.
Guy: Uh, that's not how loans work...
I think Bllizz's stance will soften when it comes to eventual core set rotation. A couple of the new core legendaries are strong and it will be super cheeky if we have to craft them in order to keep playing them in wild. Particularly the golden ones, the app quite clearly 'awarded' me those.
It's easy for Blizz to solve this without causing grief - an extended wild version of the core set, for example, or just give us disenchantable versions of the cards they rotate.
blizzard codes as well as they balance as well as they design
Also I love how "missing" command now doesn't take into account my golden cards. New collection manager is a clusterfuck, needs immediate fix.
This isn't meant to sound catty or passive aggressive but why would it be cheeky? You get to use the cqrds for a year with the knowledge that you may have to craft them if they rotate out.
I agree that it'd be -nice- if you got to keep them for free but I don't see how this could be expected, or even likely, behaviour.
Honestly, I'm not having a dig, just wondering if there's an angle I've missed.
So Core cards can't be used in Classic after all, huh didn't expect to be wrong on that. I am a long time player (since closed beta) and I would not be mad if people were allowed to use their Core cards that apply for Classic in Classic. More blood in Classic is a good thing.
I would be happy if Blizz gave a sizeable dust refund in one way or another to us oldtimers for rotating the set they said they never will. But they don't want to do that so instead they punish new players interested in Classic >_>
You are bang on Slyde. I have recently returned to HS after about a year and have no fucking idea what I'm looking at when I go through my collection - random duplicates and golden legendaries, it's a mess.
I totally agree with OP and most of what people here have been saying (except for the entitled car guy, what kind of comparison was that? Didn’t even make sense considering the context). Anyway, been playing since late tgt early loe and I’ve never been so overwhelmed by this game in my life. It’s honestly stopped me from playing as much this expansion because I dont even know where to begin when making a deck (I only make homebrews) and I dont like the fact that in a year my decks may or may not be totally unusable when a card/s rotate out of the core set. They really need to clean it up because it’s become more stressful to actually try and enjoy the game when I used to play this game to relieve stress. Just overwhelmed with all the new changes and very little explanations
Someone who actually understands the concept of loans. I made a similar complaint about this earlier when core was first announced and everybody dogged on me like I was some idiot. Like, do people really not understand the concept of loaning us a collection for a year and then possibly taking that away and putting new cards in, so we will still, in the long run, have to spend resources to get the “old” core set cards that were new to the game. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to understand lol, i’m glad someone else gets it. We all spent time and resources to get the classic cards which they told us would never roatate. Then the classic set rotated, making all the time and resources we spent worthless (if you dont play wild) and then LOANED us a core collection that will EVENTUALLY rotate out. However many years it takes, the core set will eventually look completely different and we will have to spend more time and resources to collect the cards that which we were originally loaned. People are stupid lmao no wonder banks rule the world.
Youre an idiot bro lmao read my last post. You do not understand the concept of loans, maybe take an economics course. Both of your metaphors were just flat out wrong bud and way off the mark. But hey if you wanna keep thanking and praising blizzard for giving you what you think are free cards. Go apply for a loan at your local bank, they would be thrilled to trap you in their debt scheme. Oooo free money
Close but not quite. It's not a spare, it's replacing you car so the dialog should go like this:
Guy: I bought you a new car to use.
Other guy: Great... unfortunatelly I made it illigal to use it outside this one street.
Guy: Wait.. why would you do this?
Other guy: So that I can lend you this one.
Guy: But it's nearly the same with one that I bought.
Other Guy: Yeah, but this one is only a loan so I can take it back anytime I want.
Guy: Will I be able to use my own car than?
Other Guy: Of course not, I will sell you another one. I need to squeeze money out of you somehow.
Back to heartstone, you are telling me that I should be happy that I can't use my classis collection in standard anymore but instead I can use slighly altered version of it for free but only as long as Blizzard wants it to be free. Great...
PS Can I lend you your home, I will add a plant or two so it's not the same? 100% free (at least for now)?
Imagine this is supposed to be an intuitive phone game, yet Blizzard in the pursuit of monetization has made it a cluster fuck.
I understand the system, but that's because I've been playing for a while, and read up on it. Imagine someone playing now, from scratch.
A part of the problem comes from the very old greedy decision to make non-DEable legendary cards, and not making it graphically obvious. The Basic set having no rarity dot was actually quite easy to get used to.
With the introduction of the non DEable Core set, the mess is now complete.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Well since it seems this debate has some life I will throw my hat into the ring and share Core pros and cons as I see them:
-Pros: new players can jump into the game quicker, provided Core is a powerful and impactful set which mostly seems to be the case. Indeed it being more powerful than Classic is a boon to all players, new and old, but there is a con related to that see bellow. Some players may enjoy the bling of having those golden cards given out fairly liberally. It is a loan but it is a zero interest loan so that is still mostly good. Core cards being unusable in Classic Mode is arguably compensation to old players so their investment in Classic still matters, I disagree with this idea but the thought exists so.
-Cons: even if we were given Core to make up for it Blizz still broke a pretty big promise by retiring a set they said they never will. In fact thanks to power creep, nerfs and moving cards to HoF/Wild the best part of the Classic set was already severely dented. I will not say Blizz did this on purpose to make the switch to Core more palatable in the way some players parrot "hey Classic had become shit, Core is much better!" But their tendency to power creep new sets and nerf the old ones is no accident and is definitely part of a greater strategy to incentivize us to buy new expansions and hence earn them money, it is a long trend. So yeah old players were a bit betrayed and they were not offered any dust in compensation, I am not saying it is some huge tragedy but it is not fair either. Core is clunky and confusing, to old player and especially then new players who are meant to benefit most. Core changing in a year will obsolete decks more than they already are during Year transitions which is a hassle and adds to the confusion.
Anyway that is my full opinion on the issue.
I can only agree with this.
Yes, they can even do it easily. Take out the orange gem, signifying the card is Basic and cannot be disenchanted but keep the decorative dragon border, that will make it clear enough the card cannot be put into a deck twice, if the single uncraftable copy didn't ;)
It is also silly that cards we got for free like C'thun are still non-disenchantable after all these years. I can understand wanting them to be champions of flavour and not wanting to flood the dust economy but maybe after card rotates to Wild or after a suitably long period of time they should be made disenchantable. It is a nice gift to reward the loyalty of long term players without hurting anyone. It is just 400 dust after all, hardly groundshaking.
thank god i‘m not the only one having this problem :D
- which copies of cards can I DE?
- which card do i ‚own‘ and what‘s just a core card for loan?
- can I dust the original card I got before the new core set came? can I play the other card from the core set anyway? and most important: in which game mode?
I can agree on the collection display thing, but i think it is pretty good for what could have been: while browsing Wild mode cards, you see both the cards you own and the cards loaned (Core), so when Core rotates, you will have left your Wild cards. There could be a better way to represent it (something similar to the attached image but applied to Wild/Core), indicating that they are the "same" card.
What I wonder the most is how Blizzard is going to work when Core Set rotates. The problematic thing here are imo the new cards, since (when Core Set rotates) for the old ones, if you had them you keep them, else you have to craft them. About the new cards, there are 29:
With a total craft value of exactly 22280 dust (1xlegs, 2xotherwise). I highly doubt that Blizzard will rotate these cards without giving anything back. I can see some options:
That's my opinion and the future I see. I personally think that options 3 and 4 are the most likely, being 4 the thing I would bet on.
Have a nice day everyone!