It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
That the game is rigged is a phenomenon that we all experience but cannot proof since Blizzard with clever algorithms is able to devide the nation into believers and defenders. An excellent position for which devide and rule is invented.
Not opening up how the matchmaking sysytem really works, only issue statements for the masses to believe in, equals the villan to plead innocence and we all rest to believe. That is not how the system of proof works. There is no independent third party to verify its workings.
The matchmaking system is tuned towards the target audience. Their interest must be served. It keeps the game fast, aggressive...mindless: the purpose of all things in HS: maximize packselling serving the vulgar crowd killing skill as sole reason to win games.
It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
And would it do that for every single card against every single variation of an archetype in every possible win streak scenario? You are talking trillions of possibilities in any given meta. For every match. Yeahhh no.
It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
And would it do that for every single card against every single variation of an archetype in every possible win streak scenario? You are talking trillions of possibilities in any given meta. For every match. Yeahhh no.
No. Which us why I never said anything remotely close to that.
There are only a handful of viable decks at any time so it would only need to be done for a handful if cards which would be switched with the changing meta.
Again, I’m not saying this is happening so there’s little need to get you knickers in a twist over it, it’s just an example of a possibly easy method to keep players near 50%.
You are right, there is a blizzard employee assigned to every player. They watch you 24/7 to see what changes you make to your decks and decipher what you are trying to counter. Then they create a deck to counter you and make a new account to match up against you. This is an immoral practice to force pack purchases, blizzard needs to be held accountable!
- its a simple code to adjust dynamic matchmaking with parameters ,they already do this for MMR matching right? so they can adjust by other parameters like deck structure, loosing strike of a player (if you lost 3 you will get better match-up etc.) i wouldn't be surprised if blizzard apply some rules to retain players or to promote card crafting etc.
They keep tabs on decks, cards and player winrates and they will pair you up to the perfect opponent to keep your WR balanced. It is like this ever since the game started.
What about all the people with a better than 50% win rate?
You are right, there is a blizzard employee assigned to every player. They watch you 24/7 to see what changes you make to your decks and decipher what you are trying to counter. Then they create a deck to counter you and make a new account to match up against you. This is an immoral practice to force pack purchases, blizzard needs to be held accountable!
there are algorythms wich decides what will be your chances to win your next game,so your overall to be at 50% , but ofcourse is not the front of the blizzard newspaper cause brain deads like u should stay that way.but if a brain dead like you would read the terms and policy of the company , you would find out that what you are mocking is really happening.enough,go back to sleep now.
Are there? Care to share these algorithms? Or did you just make that up?
I would be the first person to condemn any malpractice on fixing games but I've never seen any evidence or a convincing argument to convince me there's anything in this.
It's essentially a bunch of salty people making excuses for losses. People who have no idea how statistics or matchmaking works, who don't understand things such as confirmation bias and who never provide any recording or evidence of what they are talking about.
It's the same as all the other conspiracy theories, lots of talk and assertions, no actual evidence, a victim mentality and a bias/agenda.
It shows you how basic a shocking number of people's brains work. There's always the same tone and arrogance about the claims and the same writing off as anybody asking for proof as 'in on it' or an employee, a sympathiser etc. Lazy attempts to simply discredit the person raising the questions instead of, you know, providing a good argument with evidence and we'll articulated points.
The fact I've had people ask me, genuinely shocked, that I think it's right to want 'evidence' says it all. When you say that and genuinely think I'm the unreasonable person then there is no point at all in discussing it.
When you're playing crap decks in gutter ranks its no surprise you'll come across the odd crap deck with low win rate cards.
If you say that everytime you switch to X deck you no longer face X class anymore, just bang up some deck tracker shots showing a decent sample size and the matchmaking history with a few different decks. If it's an algorithm then someone else can simply replicate that and should then get the same results.
"it can't be just coincidence"
Yes. It can. That's literally what coincidence is. Just like if I'm really interested in a new car and I've been looking at one specifically that I really like, I go out and look around some dealers and one dealer has a special sale price for the exact car I've been liking at and it happens to be a one day special, that isn't the universe rigging life in my favour, its a fucking coincidence and yet you'll still get idiots saying "but dat so unlikely, me no see how that happen without man in sky controlling". Over millions of games and millions of players you're constantly going to get crazy things that happen, series of events with low odds of occurring etc.
If I play 15 games and don't meet a priest, then switch to priest and mirror with one, that's coincidence. It happens. I've switched to priest many, many, many times and not inendiatley met a mirror, so it's easy for that time to stand out because *shock* it's an unlikely occurrence and therefore stands out far more in my memory than other, much more mundane events. Like I'm never going to remember all the times I switch to priest and match with warrior next.
It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
And would it do that for every single card against every single variation of an archetype in every possible win streak scenario? You are talking trillions of possibilities in any given meta. For every match. Yeahhh no.
No. Which us why I never said anything remotely close to that.
There are only a handful of viable decks at any time so it would only need to be done for a handful if cards which would be switched with the changing meta.
Again, I’m not saying this is happening so there’s little need to get you knickers in a twist over it, it’s just an example of a possibly easy method to keep players near 50%.
Oooorrrr.... people have a 50% win rate because everybody is trying to win and somebody has to lose each match.
It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
And would it do that for every single card against every single variation of an archetype in every possible win streak scenario? You are talking trillions of possibilities in any given meta. For every match. Yeahhh no.
No. Which us why I never said anything remotely close to that.
There are only a handful of viable decks at any time so it would only need to be done for a handful if cards which would be switched with the changing meta.
Again, I’m not saying this is happening so there’s little need to get you knickers in a twist over it, it’s just an example of a possibly easy method to keep players near 50%.
Oooorrrr.... people have a 50% win rate because everybody is trying to win and somebody has to lose each match.
Well no, there has to be an average win rate of 50% across the board but how that is distributed depends on many factors. We know MMR is a factor, we know skill is a factor and we know RNG is a factor (both through card draw and random card generation). Whether Blizzard also use other methods is not known.
Now to reiterate, I’m not arguing with you about what Blizzard definitely are or are not doing, all I’ve stated is that if Blizzard wanted to fix the matchmaking in order to further bring more players closer to 50% it would be easy for them to do so. I couldn’t care less whether or not you believe they are doing this, it’s irrelevant to my point.
Once upon a time, I worked as a debt collector. We had bets among the collectors about how many busy signals in a row someone could get (I know, I know, it's a boring job). I won hundreds of dollars on a bet that we'd eventually see a 15 streak, and not only did it happen, it happened several times.
If you don't get the point, stop posting your interpretations of statistics in this forum.
If you do get the point, you'll know that one can experience short-term streaks that defy all logic based on expected values over long-term iterative processes. In English, that means that if you toss a coin a million times, the results will be fairly close to 500k heads and 500k tails, but that doesn't change the fact that you'll repeatedly see "impossible" streaks of heads and tails in a row.
When you post 14 games, or 40 games for that matter, it's not that it doesn't mean much. It means absolutely nothing.
This topic has reared its head countless times in this forum . . . and the fact that no one has actually done what it takes to make a statistical argument speaks volumes. It would not require millions of games, but it WOULD require approximately 2-3 weeks during a relatively stable meta during which many games would have to be played with two decks. Rejecting a null hypothesis that the matchups are similarly distributed while playing two different decks wouldn't be that difficult if in fact the matchmaking is rigged. But until someone actually does it, rehashing this with different deck archtypes is contributing nothing.
Well said. I also think that if the test were going to be accurate, not only would they need to be in a stable meta, but the 2 decks would have to have very similar win rate overall (or even conceding so they are the same) to keep the mmr equal.
That's correct if you wanted to also test the idea of win rates effecting the mm. I was just starting with the idea that deck choice does.
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
This is a recurring theme that has been explained again and again ad nauseam...
It has already been shown that, according to an Activision patent used in Hearthstone with the simple objective of increasing revenue, the matchmaking system for Hearthstone is rigged, it is not random, but is performed by an algorithm that automatically chooses your opponent based on your winrate and the type of deck and cards you are going to play with.
Bottom line: when you go to play a game, the algorithm used by Blizzard has already decided beforehand whether you should win or lose that game: your fate is already sealed.
The problem are the usual fanboys who refuse to believe the evidence and charge against it, trying to make it appear that everything is our imagination, a coincidence, that the holy Blizzard would never put its financial interests first over the interests of its players.
It has also been explained that that video is filled with lies and unsubstantiated leaps from what is said in the patent to pure fantasy.
If you watch that video and don't spot 30 things that are obviously false, feel free to search post history and find a gigantic point by point reaming of that crap.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Actually I know no one will bother to search, so here's the cut and paste from a thread months ago about that same bullshit video:
Is this the first time you've heard of this document? There was a huge rush of post a year or two ago when this patent first became public knowledge.
I'm typing this as I listen, and I won't hit post until I'm done with all 14 mins of the video, but so far this guy has proceeded from a premise no one has ever claimed (that matchmaking is random) and drawn one conclusion that is in no way supported by a single line of text in the document (the game picks which player "is going to have fun", the other player "is not going to have fun"). He uses the word prove after jumping two logical steps beyond what actually appears in the document.
Ohhhhh, huge ridiculous logical fallacy at 5:17. The document says a gamer's profile will carry data such that the game will recommend game modes it expects the player to enjoy (the example given is "capture the flag"). This video creator says that the relevant comparison to Hearthstone is picking a Soul Demon Hunter opponent for a Control Warrior. That is grossly dishonest. A "game mode" and a specific opponent are not remotely synonyms.
Good God, this guy has an insufferable tone. I'm having to listen to him pretend to throw up in his mouth while he goes through the whole "Blizzard matches new players with players who have items and skins they paid for, in the hopes that the new player will want those items as well and be influenced to buy them." That's old news, and has been acknowledged for years. This guy claims he's using a budget deck in wild and getting matched up against Highlander Priest, which is a more expensive deck. No allowance for how popular and successful Highlander Priest is.
Wow, ok, so at 8:00, he takes a quote from the document talking about making sure new players are exposed to whales, or "marquee players" in the words of the patent, and the whales' premium weapons, and compares this to having players in Hearthstone see rigged topdecks so that certain legendaries are drawn in an artificially timely manner and work to win the game. This is in no way what is contemplated in the text, and by the way, if we proceed from the logic that decks with more legendaries and epics are going to be stronger than budget decks (a logic I generally agree with), then one must admit, it is not necessary for their to be any MM rigging for new players to be exposed to these cards for two reasons: 1) if the new player enjoys any success at all, he will be matched against those cards naturally, and 2) as time goes on in a meta, there is a natural pressure to craft and include those cards in order to be able to win games, regardless of what level of play is being observed.
This is the fundamental issue with videos alleging "proof" of rigging from this document. The document exclusively talks about team-based games, and though it says the principles are generalized to all multiplayer games, Blizzard patented the system for games with a cooperative element specifically to have a way in which they can advertise skins and other purchasable items thru matching both teammates and opponents in non-ranked beginner-level play. In ranked play, when these premium items (like legendary cards in Hearthstone) positively affect win rates, players are naturally exposed to them without this sort of engineering. I'm not saying at all that Blizzard is too principled to engage in such activity. I'm saying the same effect occurs without any of this easily data-mined manipulation.
In any case, I'm continuing with the video, but my God, this guy is hard to listen to. I'm going to need ASMR therapy after this. And the word "proof" has never been molested and mutilated as hard as what I'm seeing today.
I like how from 8:40 - 9:20 he just stops referencing the document completely to refer to something called the "honeymoon period" where apparently it's a "fact" that when you make a new deck, you get a win streak before things "even out". No reference to the document or any other evidence, just a little throw-in there.
I also like how he just dismisses all the diagrams that don't support his point. Mostly because they all clearly refer to games that have no analogy to Hearthstone (which is true of the stuff he's referencing also, but if we can just accept his jumps between what is written and what he wants to prove, he'll get somewhere here). I'm also scared we're taking analytical proof from a guy that doesn't know the word "coefficient", but whatevs.
So minute 9 and 10 are more of the same, he's insisting that legendaries are the "items" that cause players to be matched together, and that you will have a rigged matchmaking system based on what cards you own. Of course, this completely ignores the contrapositive of this point, meaning that if what he says is true, I should be able to affect what decks I get matched against based on what legendaries I do not own. That is an easily testable hypothesis, and so anyone who purports to have "proof" without doing that work is full of it.
THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST EASILY ASSAILABLE POINT OF THE VIDEO. If Blizzard is rigging the matchmaking as he says, I should be able to track a statistically relevant increase in opponent's decks that contain legendaries (and perhaps epics, but DEFINITELY legendaries) which I do not own. If, on the other hand, I am correct and the only relevance to matchmaking my opponent's legendaries have is how they affect his winrate and MMR, then I will see an increase in the more powerful legendaries in my opponent's decks, regardless of whether I own said legendaries or not.
He continues to ignore the language of the document when it doesn't match his rhetoric. There are a few particularly egregious misstatements of the text around 12:30 when the document talks about gauging player satisfaction from things like quitting a match while it is still in progress for other players (a factor which does not translate to Hearthstone, as quitting a game before actually taking lethal damage is the outcome of a huge percentage of games and generally indicates only that one player believes he is beaten).
Anyway, his last bit about Hearthstone watching you is another "what else is new?" moment, but that's just a cherry on top of the conspiracy sundae. As with most videos that purport to "prove" something on this topic, I'm not suggesting there is proof to the contrary. I'm simply pointing out how grossly inadequate and misleading the evidence (or in this case, the interpretation of evidence) is as a source of proof.
EDIT: After 5 pages of trollery and very few arguments against what I've written, apparently this 90 seconds or so of reading requires a TL;DR summary.
TL;DR: You don't care whether the video is correct or not; you just enjoy another rant against Blizzard. If I'm wrong, read for 90 seconds and find out why this particular video is incorrect and deliberately misleading.
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
It has also been explained that that video is filled with lies and unsubstantiated leaps from what is said in the patent to pure fantasy.
If you watch that video and don't spot 30 things that are obviously false, feel free to search post history and find a gigantic point by point reaming of that crap.
The patent is real and true, nobody can deny that. Its objective is also clear and self-explanatory.
For example, you only have to play Heroes of the Storm and you will know how evident is that this patent is being put into practice.
Now it is up to each one to think if it is possible for Blizzard to make use of that patent in Hearthstone or not... But come on, Blizzard is not known for being greedy at all, is it?
You're lucky if you have faced something unusual. I have faced typical secret mages and kingsbane rogues very much in a row lately. Even they are easy to beat the gameplay is boring. Instant concede after they realise they have no cards left and cant do any more damage, when you have 15 cards left. I win even I haven't even attacked enemy hero. HS is very weird these days...
thought of getting a few pts on my road to hit 1k wins with my DH last night so i queued the otk list for some quick matches... 5 times in a row queued into secret mage (wild btw), like come on ffs, u can say w/e u want, but i'm more than convinced by now of the "randomness" of HS. every1 is free to have their own opinions, mine is that deff there are patterns into the claimed "rng"...
It has also been explained that that video is filled with lies and unsubstantiated leaps from what is said in the patent to pure fantasy.
If you watch that video and don't spot 30 things that are obviously false, feel free to search post history and find a gigantic point by point reaming of that crap.
FWIW, regardless of who was right or wrong, the abuse you got in that thread is borderline psychotic.
Your posts are well written and enjoyable to read.
It has also been explained that that video is filled with lies and unsubstantiated leaps from what is said in the patent to pure fantasy.
If you watch that video and don't spot 30 things that are obviously false, feel free to search post history and find a gigantic point by point reaming of that crap.
The patent is real and true, nobody can deny that. Its objective is also clear and self-explanatory.
For example, you only have to play Heroes of the Storm and you will know how evident is that this patent is being put into practice.
Now it is up to each one to think if it is possible for Blizzard to make use of that patent in Hearthstone or not... But come on, Blizzard is not known for being greedy at all, is it?
Pseudo-intellectual mandarism through organized confusion is a problem in itself. Blizzard has a jezus-status in some eyes and can do no wrong. Even using statistics to defend.
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We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
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It would be pretty easy to set up an algorithm which states that a player (on a win streak) running X card will not face another player (on a losing streak) running Y card. So a player on an 8 game streak running Acidic Swamp Ooze will not queue against a player running Self-Sharpening Sword.
Now I’m not saying this is the case! I’ve seen no hard evidence that Blizzard are doing anything to even the field outside of MMR which they openly admit. But it would not take hugely complex coding wizardry to implement.
That the game is rigged is a phenomenon that we all experience but cannot proof since Blizzard with clever algorithms is able to devide the nation into believers and defenders. An excellent position for which devide and rule is invented.
Not opening up how the matchmaking sysytem really works, only issue statements for the masses to believe in, equals the villan to plead innocence and we all rest to believe. That is not how the system of proof works. There is no independent third party to verify its workings.
The matchmaking system is tuned towards the target audience. Their interest must be served. It keeps the game fast, aggressive...mindless: the purpose of all things in HS: maximize packselling serving the vulgar crowd killing skill as sole reason to win games.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
And would it do that for every single card against every single variation of an archetype in every possible win streak scenario? You are talking trillions of possibilities in any given meta. For every match. Yeahhh no.
No. Which us why I never said anything remotely close to that.
There are only a handful of viable decks at any time so it would only need to be done for a handful if cards which would be switched with the changing meta.
Again, I’m not saying this is happening so there’s little need to get you knickers in a twist over it, it’s just an example of a possibly easy method to keep players near 50%.
- its a simple code to adjust dynamic matchmaking with parameters ,they already do this for MMR matching right? so they can adjust by other parameters like deck structure, loosing strike of a player (if you lost 3 you will get better match-up etc.)
i wouldn't be surprised if blizzard apply some rules to retain players or to promote card crafting etc.
What about all the people with a better than 50% win rate?
Or worse, even?
Are there? Care to share these algorithms? Or did you just make that up?
I would be the first person to condemn any malpractice on fixing games but I've never seen any evidence or a convincing argument to convince me there's anything in this.
It's essentially a bunch of salty people making excuses for losses. People who have no idea how statistics or matchmaking works, who don't understand things such as confirmation bias and who never provide any recording or evidence of what they are talking about.
It's the same as all the other conspiracy theories, lots of talk and assertions, no actual evidence, a victim mentality and a bias/agenda.
It shows you how basic a shocking number of people's brains work. There's always the same tone and arrogance about the claims and the same writing off as anybody asking for proof as 'in on it' or an employee, a sympathiser etc. Lazy attempts to simply discredit the person raising the questions instead of, you know, providing a good argument with evidence and we'll articulated points.
The fact I've had people ask me, genuinely shocked, that I think it's right to want 'evidence' says it all. When you say that and genuinely think I'm the unreasonable person then there is no point at all in discussing it.
When you're playing crap decks in gutter ranks its no surprise you'll come across the odd crap deck with low win rate cards.
If you say that everytime you switch to X deck you no longer face X class anymore, just bang up some deck tracker shots showing a decent sample size and the matchmaking history with a few different decks. If it's an algorithm then someone else can simply replicate that and should then get the same results.
"it can't be just coincidence"
Yes. It can. That's literally what coincidence is. Just like if I'm really interested in a new car and I've been looking at one specifically that I really like, I go out and look around some dealers and one dealer has a special sale price for the exact car I've been liking at and it happens to be a one day special, that isn't the universe rigging life in my favour, its a fucking coincidence and yet you'll still get idiots saying "but dat so unlikely, me no see how that happen without man in sky controlling". Over millions of games and millions of players you're constantly going to get crazy things that happen, series of events with low odds of occurring etc.
If I play 15 games and don't meet a priest, then switch to priest and mirror with one, that's coincidence. It happens. I've switched to priest many, many, many times and not inendiatley met a mirror, so it's easy for that time to stand out because *shock* it's an unlikely occurrence and therefore stands out far more in my memory than other, much more mundane events. Like I'm never going to remember all the times I switch to priest and match with warrior next.
Oooorrrr.... people have a 50% win rate because everybody is trying to win and somebody has to lose each match.
Confirmation bias, shut up.
Take a walk on the wild side...
Well no, there has to be an average win rate of 50% across the board but how that is distributed depends on many factors. We know MMR is a factor, we know skill is a factor and we know RNG is a factor (both through card draw and random card generation). Whether Blizzard also use other methods is not known.
Now to reiterate, I’m not arguing with you about what Blizzard definitely are or are not doing, all I’ve stated is that if Blizzard wanted to fix the matchmaking in order to further bring more players closer to 50% it would be easy for them to do so. I couldn’t care less whether or not you believe they are doing this, it’s irrelevant to my point.
Here is a video which explains pretty well what happens if watch to the end:
If you are facing an unusually high amount of a particular deck, it is actually quite unlikely that it will continue after you change decks.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
That's correct if you wanted to also test the idea of win rates effecting the mm. I was just starting with the idea that deck choice does.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
This is a recurring theme that has been explained again and again ad nauseam...
It has already been shown that, according to an Activision patent used in Hearthstone with the simple objective of increasing revenue, the matchmaking system for Hearthstone is rigged, it is not random, but is performed by an algorithm that automatically chooses your opponent based on your winrate and the type of deck and cards you are going to play with.
This video clearly explain what this patent consists of and you also have at your disposal this thread where the matter is discussed:
Bottom line: when you go to play a game, the algorithm used by Blizzard has already decided beforehand whether you should win or lose that game: your fate is already sealed.
The problem are the usual fanboys who refuse to believe the evidence and charge against it, trying to make it appear that everything is our imagination, a coincidence, that the holy Blizzard would never put its financial interests first over the interests of its players.
It has also been explained that that video is filled with lies and unsubstantiated leaps from what is said in the patent to pure fantasy.
If you watch that video and don't spot 30 things that are obviously false, feel free to search post history and find a gigantic point by point reaming of that crap.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Actually I know no one will bother to search, so here's the cut and paste from a thread months ago about that same bullshit video:
Is this the first time you've heard of this document? There was a huge rush of post a year or two ago when this patent first became public knowledge.
I'm typing this as I listen, and I won't hit post until I'm done with all 14 mins of the video, but so far this guy has proceeded from a premise no one has ever claimed (that matchmaking is random) and drawn one conclusion that is in no way supported by a single line of text in the document (the game picks which player "is going to have fun", the other player "is not going to have fun"). He uses the word prove after jumping two logical steps beyond what actually appears in the document.
Ohhhhh, huge ridiculous logical fallacy at 5:17. The document says a gamer's profile will carry data such that the game will recommend game modes it expects the player to enjoy (the example given is "capture the flag"). This video creator says that the relevant comparison to Hearthstone is picking a Soul Demon Hunter opponent for a Control Warrior. That is grossly dishonest. A "game mode" and a specific opponent are not remotely synonyms.
Good God, this guy has an insufferable tone. I'm having to listen to him pretend to throw up in his mouth while he goes through the whole "Blizzard matches new players with players who have items and skins they paid for, in the hopes that the new player will want those items as well and be influenced to buy them." That's old news, and has been acknowledged for years. This guy claims he's using a budget deck in wild and getting matched up against Highlander Priest, which is a more expensive deck. No allowance for how popular and successful Highlander Priest is.
Wow, ok, so at 8:00, he takes a quote from the document talking about making sure new players are exposed to whales, or "marquee players" in the words of the patent, and the whales' premium weapons, and compares this to having players in Hearthstone see rigged topdecks so that certain legendaries are drawn in an artificially timely manner and work to win the game. This is in no way what is contemplated in the text, and by the way, if we proceed from the logic that decks with more legendaries and epics are going to be stronger than budget decks (a logic I generally agree with), then one must admit, it is not necessary for their to be any MM rigging for new players to be exposed to these cards for two reasons: 1) if the new player enjoys any success at all, he will be matched against those cards naturally, and 2) as time goes on in a meta, there is a natural pressure to craft and include those cards in order to be able to win games, regardless of what level of play is being observed.
This is the fundamental issue with videos alleging "proof" of rigging from this document. The document exclusively talks about team-based games, and though it says the principles are generalized to all multiplayer games, Blizzard patented the system for games with a cooperative element specifically to have a way in which they can advertise skins and other purchasable items thru matching both teammates and opponents in non-ranked beginner-level play. In ranked play, when these premium items (like legendary cards in Hearthstone) positively affect win rates, players are naturally exposed to them without this sort of engineering. I'm not saying at all that Blizzard is too principled to engage in such activity. I'm saying the same effect occurs without any of this easily data-mined manipulation.
In any case, I'm continuing with the video, but my God, this guy is hard to listen to. I'm going to need ASMR therapy after this. And the word "proof" has never been molested and mutilated as hard as what I'm seeing today.
I like how from 8:40 - 9:20 he just stops referencing the document completely to refer to something called the "honeymoon period" where apparently it's a "fact" that when you make a new deck, you get a win streak before things "even out". No reference to the document or any other evidence, just a little throw-in there.
I also like how he just dismisses all the diagrams that don't support his point. Mostly because they all clearly refer to games that have no analogy to Hearthstone (which is true of the stuff he's referencing also, but if we can just accept his jumps between what is written and what he wants to prove, he'll get somewhere here). I'm also scared we're taking analytical proof from a guy that doesn't know the word "coefficient", but whatevs.
So minute 9 and 10 are more of the same, he's insisting that legendaries are the "items" that cause players to be matched together, and that you will have a rigged matchmaking system based on what cards you own. Of course, this completely ignores the contrapositive of this point, meaning that if what he says is true, I should be able to affect what decks I get matched against based on what legendaries I do not own. That is an easily testable hypothesis, and so anyone who purports to have "proof" without doing that work is full of it.
THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST EASILY ASSAILABLE POINT OF THE VIDEO. If Blizzard is rigging the matchmaking as he says, I should be able to track a statistically relevant increase in opponent's decks that contain legendaries (and perhaps epics, but DEFINITELY legendaries) which I do not own. If, on the other hand, I am correct and the only relevance to matchmaking my opponent's legendaries have is how they affect his winrate and MMR, then I will see an increase in the more powerful legendaries in my opponent's decks, regardless of whether I own said legendaries or not.
He continues to ignore the language of the document when it doesn't match his rhetoric. There are a few particularly egregious misstatements of the text around 12:30 when the document talks about gauging player satisfaction from things like quitting a match while it is still in progress for other players (a factor which does not translate to Hearthstone, as quitting a game before actually taking lethal damage is the outcome of a huge percentage of games and generally indicates only that one player believes he is beaten).
Anyway, his last bit about Hearthstone watching you is another "what else is new?" moment, but that's just a cherry on top of the conspiracy sundae. As with most videos that purport to "prove" something on this topic, I'm not suggesting there is proof to the contrary. I'm simply pointing out how grossly inadequate and misleading the evidence (or in this case, the interpretation of evidence) is as a source of proof.
EDIT: After 5 pages of trollery and very few arguments against what I've written, apparently this 90 seconds or so of reading requires a TL;DR summary.
TL;DR: You don't care whether the video is correct or not; you just enjoy another rant against Blizzard. If I'm wrong, read for 90 seconds and find out why this particular video is incorrect and deliberately misleading.
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
The patent is real and true, nobody can deny that. Its objective is also clear and self-explanatory.
For example, you only have to play Heroes of the Storm and you will know how evident is that this patent is being put into practice.
Now it is up to each one to think if it is possible for Blizzard to make use of that patent in Hearthstone or not... But come on, Blizzard is not known for being greedy at all, is it?
You're lucky if you have faced something unusual. I have faced typical secret mages and kingsbane rogues very much in a row lately. Even they are easy to beat the gameplay is boring. Instant concede after they realise they have no cards left and cant do any more damage, when you have 15 cards left. I win even I haven't even attacked enemy hero. HS is very weird these days...
thought of getting a few pts on my road to hit 1k wins with my DH last night so i queued the otk list for some quick matches... 5 times in a row queued into secret mage (wild btw), like come on ffs, u can say w/e u want, but i'm more than convinced by now of the "randomness" of HS. every1 is free to have their own opinions, mine is that deff there are patterns into the claimed "rng"...
FWIW, regardless of who was right or wrong, the abuse you got in that thread is borderline psychotic.
Your posts are well written and enjoyable to read.
Pseudo-intellectual mandarism through organized confusion is a problem in itself. Blizzard has a jezus-status in some eyes and can do no wrong. Even using statistics to defend.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.