What do you think, fellers? Should we try to make our voices heard by the tone-deaf Hearthstone team and let the history be decided by them, or are we to fight for our rights...to be able to play the magnificent Azure Drake in standard?
Blizzard wants to avoid cards which are played in pretty much every deck. So we will probably never see azure drake in core set since it was used everywhere except maybe hyper aggro decks as far as i remember (been playing since the release).
Blizzard wants to avoid cards which are played in pretty much every deck. So we will probably never see azure drake in core set since it was used everywhere except maybe hyper aggro decks as far as i remember (been playing since the release).
Azure Drake was in pretty much every non aggro deck, you're right
I mean it isn't, and I don't see why it needs to be.
I don't... really get why they put Stand Against Darkness into the set, when there's already a card which summons 5 silver hand recruits. But I dunno if I'd want Muster for Battle there in it's place either. (Maybe if it was 2 recruits instead of 3)
Azure drake would not be in every deck in today's hearthstone, not even close. In fact it would not be played at all or barely, less than Steward of Scrolls and Big Ol' Whelp. Game was different and a lot smaller back then. Some classes didn't even have 5 mana class cards.
So I fully support its return, it's an iconic and fair card that would be very healthy for new players and for the core set overall.
But even more importantly I 200% agree about undoing the Fiery War Axe nerf, what are they thinking keeping that weapon at 3 mana? It is so shit it is hard to believe, probably worst value weapon in game now. Especially with all the power creep we've seen over the years. At least give it some effect like 1 AoE damage to all Battlecry... or just anything!
Blizzard wants to avoid cards which are played in pretty much every deck. So we will probably never see azure drake in core set since it was used everywhere except maybe hyper aggro decks as far as i remember (been playing since the release).
Dude Azure Drake would not see play in every single deck with how powerful cards have gotten. Do you not remember there's a card that's liteally Azure Drake already in standard? Yeah you probably don't cause it sucks and it'll never see play. It's called Steward of Scrolls, which is a 5 mana 4/4 with spell damage +1 and battlecry: discover a spell. It's quite literaly Azure Drake. You can argue that drawing a card is better than discovering one, and that's true but just very slightly better, discover makes it so you have high chances of getting something useful. Steward is, as I said, just a tiny tiny bit worse and it's not even like on the edge of seeing play, it's not even like the 35th card of a deck like Spell Damage Burn/ Cyclone mage which are decks that care a lot about spell damage and discovering spells and I can guarantee you that Azure Drake wouldn't be played on this list or any list to be fair at this point.
But even more importantly I 200% agree about undoing the Fiery War Axe nerf, what are they thinking keeping that weapon at 3 mana? It is so shit it is hard to believe, probably worst value weapon in game now. Especially with all the power creep we've seen over the years. At least give it some effect like 1 AoE damage to all Battlecry... or just anything!
It was because of weapon buffs. I believe FWA would still see a lot of play at 2 mana, along with the pirate gang. I am not sure about slower Warrior decks, though, they might prefer more aoe.
As long as nitroboost poison exists in standard fwa should at 3, that said, i once saw a post somewhere here where they wanted to give it a battlecry like gain 3-4 armor and i tend to agree with that,
Azure drake would not be in every deck in today's hearthstone, not even close. In fact it would not be played at all or barely, less than Steward of Scrolls and Big Ol' Whelp. Game was different and a lot smaller back then. Some classes didn't even have 5 mana class cards.
So I fully support its return, it's an iconic and fair card that would be very healthy for new players and for the core set overall.
agree fully with this and might add that people who argues that it would be in every deck because it used to be back in the days of naxx / blackrock mountain have most likely just heard a talking point from some idiot influencer and are simply just parroting a dumb talking point because they lack critically thinking skills
I think one way to fix Fiery War Axe would be to give it a Battlecry such as 'give it +2 attack for this turn only' and make it a 2 mana 2/2 weapon. It could also be reverted to 2 mana, 3/2 that reads 'Battlecry: if you don't have a pirate in play, you can only attack minions this turn'.
I refrained from making Steward of Scrolls an argument point for my post because drawing a card is always better than discovering random cards as it makes the deck more consistent, but they have the same stats and serve similar purposes. The 'dragon' tag alone will not make Azure Drake OP; only more consistent.
Blizzard wants to avoid cards which are played in pretty much every deck. So we will probably never see azure drake in core set since it was used everywhere except maybe hyper aggro decks as far as i remember (been playing since the release).
Dude Azure Drake would not see play in every single deck with how powerful cards have gotten. Do you not remember there's a card that's liteally Azure Drake already in standard? Yeah you probably don't cause it sucks and it'll never see play. It's called Steward of Scrolls, which is a 5 mana 4/4 with spell damage +1 and battlecry: discover a spell. It's quite literaly Azure Drake. You can argue that drawing a card is better than discovering one, and that's true but just very slightly better, discover makes it so you have high chances of getting something useful. Steward is, as I said, just a tiny tiny bit worse and it's not even like on the edge of seeing play, it's not even like the 35th card of a deck like Spell Damage Burn/ Cyclone mage which are decks that care a lot about spell damage and discovering spells and I can guarantee you that Azure Drake wouldn't be played on this list or any list to be fair at this point.
Steward has Elemental tag, not Dragon.
And drawing a card is more valuable than discovering because #1 it thins your deck and #2 it's a card that you know will be useful because you chose it yourself instead of discovering say totemic might, totemic surge, and lightning bloom
Fiery War Axe would still be really good as a 3/2 weapon for 2 mana. It's honestly a card they should have just replaced with something else. Blood Razor or Death's Bite probably.
Azure Drake would still be a good card. Better than Big Ol' Whelp anyway. I dunno if this is the meta for Azure Drake, but it would still be one of the best generic 5 drops in the game.
Among other things like Muster for Battle (in Stand Against Darkness' stead) and Seeping Oozeling for 'deathrattle' support. The nerf to Fiery War Axe should also be reverted in my opinion, but it's a low priority change.
What do you think, fellers? Should we try to make our voices heard by the tone-deaf Hearthstone team and let the history be decided by them, or are we to fight for our rights...to be able to play the magnificent Azure Drake in standard?
Big Ol' Whelp
Whelp, it will rotate out with the Descent of Dragons.
Blizzard wants to avoid cards which are played in pretty much every deck. So we will probably never see azure drake in core set since it was used everywhere except maybe hyper aggro decks as far as i remember (been playing since the release).
Azure Drake was in pretty much every non aggro deck, you're right
Jeah love that card, why not just make it 5/5 + 1SD.
I mean it isn't, and I don't see why it needs to be.
I don't... really get why they put Stand Against Darkness into the set, when there's already a card which summons 5 silver hand recruits. But I dunno if I'd want Muster for Battle there in it's place either. (Maybe if it was 2 recruits instead of 3)
Azure drake would not be in every deck in today's hearthstone, not even close. In fact it would not be played at all or barely, less than Steward of Scrolls and Big Ol' Whelp. Game was different and a lot smaller back then. Some classes didn't even have 5 mana class cards.
So I fully support its return, it's an iconic and fair card that would be very healthy for new players and for the core set overall.
Good old Azure Drake, we miss ye.
But even more importantly I 200% agree about undoing the Fiery War Axe nerf, what are they thinking keeping that weapon at 3 mana? It is so shit it is hard to believe, probably worst value weapon in game now. Especially with all the power creep we've seen over the years. At least give it some effect like 1 AoE damage to all Battlecry... or just anything!
Dude Azure Drake would not see play in every single deck with how powerful cards have gotten. Do you not remember there's a card that's liteally Azure Drake already in standard? Yeah you probably don't cause it sucks and it'll never see play. It's called Steward of Scrolls, which is a 5 mana 4/4 with spell damage +1 and battlecry: discover a spell. It's quite literaly Azure Drake. You can argue that drawing a card is better than discovering one, and that's true but just very slightly better, discover makes it so you have high chances of getting something useful. Steward is, as I said, just a tiny tiny bit worse and it's not even like on the edge of seeing play, it's not even like the 35th card of a deck like Spell Damage Burn/ Cyclone mage which are decks that care a lot about spell damage and discovering spells and I can guarantee you that Azure Drake wouldn't be played on this list or any list to be fair at this point.
It was because of weapon buffs. I believe FWA would still see a lot of play at 2 mana, along with the pirate gang. I am not sure about slower Warrior decks, though, they might prefer more aoe.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Azure Drake would not see play in every deck like it used to.
They could even bring back Ragnaros and Sylvanas and I doubt they would even see much play.
Disagree on Muster for Battle. Every Paladin deck will use this, whether Control or Aggro.
As long as nitroboost poison exists in standard fwa should at 3, that said, i once saw a post somewhere here where they wanted to give it a battlecry like gain 3-4 armor and i tend to agree with that,
agree fully with this and might add that people who argues that it would be in every deck because it used to be back in the days of naxx / blackrock mountain have most likely just heard a talking point from some idiot influencer and are simply just parroting a dumb talking point because they lack critically thinking skills
I think one way to fix Fiery War Axe would be to give it a Battlecry such as 'give it +2 attack for this turn only' and make it a 2 mana 2/2 weapon. It could also be reverted to 2 mana, 3/2 that reads 'Battlecry: if you don't have a pirate in play, you can only attack minions this turn'.
I refrained from making Steward of Scrolls an argument point for my post because drawing a card is always better than discovering random cards as it makes the deck more consistent, but they have the same stats and serve similar purposes. The 'dragon' tag alone will not make Azure Drake OP; only more consistent.
Azure drake was played in a meta that has little card draw. I don't think it would be quite as ubiquitous now.
Steward has Elemental tag, not Dragon.
And drawing a card is more valuable than discovering because #1 it thins your deck and #2 it's a card that you know will be useful because you chose it yourself instead of discovering say totemic might, totemic surge, and lightning bloom
Today will only see maybe in dragon sinergy decks and that is it, not even close the use the card have before.
Mages and rogues used the card before because the complete lack of a better one in curve 5, it is not the case anymore.
Fiery War Axe would still be really good as a 3/2 weapon for 2 mana. It's honestly a card they should have just replaced with something else. Blood Razor or Death's Bite probably.
Azure Drake would still be a good card. Better than Big Ol' Whelp anyway. I dunno if this is the meta for Azure Drake, but it would still be one of the best generic 5 drops in the game.
Ethereal Conjurer seems to have replaced it in core. I can't imagine both of the cards being in core since they're similar-ish.
edit: derp, neutral