Any kind of grief play is arguably toxic. You don’t occupy some moral high ground because you don’t do it. You simply shouldn’t because it’s a good sportsmanship.
also in before someone calls you toxic for making a straw man account only to post something toxic
I'm fine with roping (not saying I do it, although OP's reasons are very valid). Nearly all competitive past times have a form of sledging. It's not breaking any rules and it's obviously a psychological tactic that works according to all the posts about it.
I wouldn't be against a chess style clock where roping takes away from your next turn if you do it consistently, say a second less next turn for every second you go over a minute the previous turn and leaving you no less than a minute a turn.
I don't see the argument being angry because of roping, from the moment that the game itself rewards in-game time (insert sarcasm here). But anyways,if you are using deck tracker just download the Auto-Squelch plugin and you are gucci ;)
I don't see this thread going anywhere positive, and there are plenty of threds already talking about this subject.
OP: Judging by the fact that this is your first post, I would suggest you have a read of the forum rules before posting again. Trolling is frowned upon here.
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Declaring you already won on your opponent's turn = rope
Emote spamming = rope
Don't pretend you are the angry one after getting roped.
Any kind of grief play is arguably toxic. You don’t occupy some moral high ground because you don’t do it. You simply shouldn’t because it’s a good sportsmanship.
also in before someone calls you toxic for making a straw man account only to post something toxic
Reacting to bad manners by being bad mannered just doubles the amount of bad manners in the world.
Grow up.
Also, Squelch early and often.
First thread and being toxic LUL
I'm playing against a rope warrior right now. As you can see, it's almost impossible to look away out of sheer excitement...
Sometimes when someone ropes me I just rope back and then they'll start playing normally. Doesn't work every time, but it is something :D
I'm fine with roping (not saying I do it, although OP's reasons are very valid). Nearly all competitive past times have a form of sledging. It's not breaking any rules and it's obviously a psychological tactic that works according to all the posts about it.
I wouldn't be against a chess style clock where roping takes away from your next turn if you do it consistently, say a second less next turn for every second you go over a minute the previous turn and leaving you no less than a minute a turn.
I don't see the argument being angry because of roping, from the moment that the game itself rewards in-game time (insert sarcasm here). But anyways,if you are using deck tracker just download the Auto-Squelch plugin and you are gucci ;)
just as usual.
I don't see this thread going anywhere positive, and there are plenty of threds already talking about this subject.
OP: Judging by the fact that this is your first post, I would suggest you have a read of the forum rules before posting again. Trolling is frowned upon here.