Anyone else getting an inclining that blizzard might begin awarding exp for watching Hearthstone streams and Grandmasters Tour?
Also the reason why the progression system seems hard initially is that blizzard pre-planned to loosen it up a bit in a few months to boost community morale and favor for the new system?
for the tavenr pass, and i agree, the exp for the tavern pass progress that slow that id rather get more from watchin play hearthstone or streamers instead of 2 packs with useless cards most of the time
Edit, and i would add more exp in general, the tavern pass is just the opposite of what blizzard said about "winning slithgly more gold and packs"
Anyone else getting an inclining that blizzard might begin awarding exp for watching Hearthstone streams and Grandmasters Tour?
Also the reason why the progression system seems hard initially is that blizzard pre-planned to loosen it up a bit in a few months to boost community morale and favor for the new system?
"Give the community a win" so to speak
for the tavenr pass, and i agree, the exp for the tavern pass progress that slow that id rather get more from watchin play hearthstone or streamers instead of 2 packs with useless cards most of the time
Edit, and i would add more exp in general, the tavern pass is just the opposite of what blizzard said about "winning slithgly more gold and packs"
sounds like a corporate move for sure.
Remember when they tried to to make you join twitch to access this site?