Am so curious how long the first 50 levels will take // how many weeks of an expansion will be left for grinding those sweet "extra" 150g buckets.
(Made a little calculation how many extra lvl's I would "need" to break-even with the gold-spoils under the old system: I'd need 21,3 of these 150g-buckets. Not that it'd be an outrage if we would receive a little less freebies than before: All of us would still be playing this cool game, would we not? :-) )
Personally: underway to lvl 17. F2P (No Tavern Pass)
I believe it is planned to take an average player to reach Level 50 per expansion, approximately ~4 months (so if you play ~1-2 hours per day and completing all your quests, you may have about ~1-3 weeks to 'grind those sweet 150g'). And for players who really love playing may be able to reach Level 100 (It may take about 6-8 weeks to reach Level 50, and 12-16 to reach Level 100, playing ~5-6 hours per day). Beyond that is probably for the most disciplined players or even others who may be trying to cheat with bots or something.
I am currently Level 21 with a decent head-start into this expansion's track. For me, I should 'break even' at around Level 40 to be on par with before. I am also counting the rewards value and not just the gold value; I would have spent that gold on the other rewards anyway.
Right now I'm 600 xp away from level 18. With tomorrow's quests I should be above level 20, maybe close to 21. I have not done the numbers that I will need to reach level 50, but I do not think it will reach the 7000/8000k that I used to do before an expansion.
whoops, White Knight alert! notwithstanding; I just love the Rewards Track!
Really do. Am now at the point where we need 3200 XP (my wife and I call 'em "skittles" cause we do not like to talk about "xp" - stupid term) for the next level - somewhere round lvl 24; I try to proceed 1 lvl a day, am looking a lot at the Track how much progress I've made during the last play session, etcetera.
Also, I have this goal of attaining 1.500 wins with all 10 classes. So, the 2 things nicely coincide. Get my number of total wins up; make gold for the next Xpac (or get other goodies) and play nice wacky decks to enjoy myself to boot. (8 classes are at fiteenhundred already; shammy and demon hunter still to go.)
I believe it is planned to take an average player to reach Level 50 per expansion, approximately ~4 months (so if you play ~1-2 hours per day and completing all your quests, you may have about ~1-3 weeks to 'grind those sweet 150g'). And for players who really love playing may be able to reach Level 100 (It may take about 6-8 weeks to reach Level 50, and 12-16 to reach Level 100, playing ~5-6 hours per day). Beyond that is probably for the most disciplined players or even others who may be trying to cheat with bots or something.
I am currently Level 21 with a decent head-start into this expansion's track. For me, I should 'break even' at around Level 40 to be on par with before. I am also counting the rewards value and not just the gold value; I would have spent that gold on the other rewards anyway.
Enigma, if you calculate that you already break-even at lvl 40 on the Rewards Track, you truly did not reap much gold in the old system! I strongly believe you will surpass lvl 40, even just by doing dailies and playing here and there a bit.
And, I think you are absolutely right by including "the rewards value" of all the goodies given among the Rewards Track, though I do not think the packs of older expansions are worth 100 gold / dust as we are accustomed valuing the worth of a pack.
Daily quests are either 800 or 1000 xp, so let's take the average of 900. Weekly quests are primarily 1750 xp. This gives an average weekly xp reward of 11550.
Since each level takes 100 more xp than the last, and there's 3000 xp between levels 21 and 22, we started with 1k xp going from level 1 to 2 (can someone confirm this?) So it'll take 4800 xp to go from levels 49 to 50. Doing more math, it means it's a total of 166600 xp to reach level 50 starting from level 1, which would mean 15 weeks of quests alone, or around 3.5 months.
And that's not including xp you get from playing. Whenever I checked after a rank match, I noted I got 10xp per minute that the match lasted. This means for approximately every 20 hours you spend playing, you reduce this time by an additional week. So if you play an hour a day, it brings your average xp to about 15K a week, and you should reach level 50 within 12 weeks. So yes, I'd say level 50 is definitely within sight.
I don't know about beyond level 50, but if I assume a constant 5k xp per level up, then you should get another 3 levels per week. And given 3 expansions a year, it's an average of 17.33 weeks per expansion cycle, at least 5 weeks more than the time to get to 50, so I'd expect myself to reach level 65 by the time the next expansion is released, giving me 6250 gold per expansion cycle, as well as 16 packs from this standard year, 2 tavern tickets and 2 random legendaries.
Sure, it's a bit less gold than I used to earn, for card packs on expansion day, but It seems overall better to me. And blizz says it'll be better than it currently looks.
TL;DR: I believe you can hit level 65 by playing an hour a day and doing all quests, and save up 6250 gold for expansion day.
Since each level takes 100 more xp than the last, and there's 3000 xp between levels 21 and 22, we started with 1k xp going from level 1 to 2 (can someone confirm this?) So it'll take 4800 xp to go from levels 49 to 50. Doing more math, it means it's a total of 166600 xp to reach level 50 starting from level 1, which would mean 15 weeks of quests alone, or around 3.5 months.
Am so curious how long the first 50 levels will take // how many weeks of an expansion will be left for grinding those sweet "extra" 150g buckets.
(Made a little calculation how many extra lvl's I would "need" to break-even with the gold-spoils under the old system: I'd need 21,3 of these 150g-buckets. Not that it'd be an outrage if we would receive a little less freebies than before: All of us would still be playing this cool game, would we not? :-) )
Personally: underway to lvl 17. F2P (No Tavern Pass)
The experience gain is set so that over 17 weeks (which is 4 months, the length of 1 xpac) you will get exactly enough xp from dailies and weeklies to get you to 50. If you complete every daily/weekly, you will hit 50.
That isn't counting match xp, achievement xp, or however much we'll get from these events they said they'll do. But if the max is 400 xp/hour, I'd say 200 or so is a safe average for a normal player. So if you play an average of 1 hour per day at 200 xp per hour, you'll hit somewhere around 56 through normal play without grinding.
lvl 25, have the battle pass, play a few games a day, do my quests as soon as i get em. maybe 3-8 games a day. i play for fun so it feels steady considering we have 3 more months
a bit under halfway to lvl 20, about 6 7 games every day, quests included. definitely seems doable, but we all know the elephant in the room isnt how long it takes. its the single pack rewards. these have to go, and i know Blizz stated that they will. it better be quick tho
How far are you on the Rewards Track?
Am so curious how long the first 50 levels will take // how many weeks of an expansion will be left for grinding those sweet "extra" 150g buckets.
(Made a little calculation how many extra lvl's I would "need" to break-even with the gold-spoils under the old system: I'd need 21,3 of these 150g-buckets. Not that it'd be an outrage if we would receive a little less freebies than before: All of us would still be playing this cool game, would we not? :-) )
Personally: underway to lvl 17. F2P (No Tavern Pass)
I believe it is planned to take an average player to reach Level 50 per expansion, approximately ~4 months (so if you play ~1-2 hours per day and completing all your quests, you may have about ~1-3 weeks to 'grind those sweet 150g'). And for players who really love playing may be able to reach Level 100 (It may take about 6-8 weeks to reach Level 50, and 12-16 to reach Level 100, playing ~5-6 hours per day). Beyond that is probably for the most disciplined players or even others who may be trying to cheat with bots or something.
I am currently Level 21 with a decent head-start into this expansion's track. For me, I should 'break even' at around Level 40 to be on par with before. I am also counting the rewards value and not just the gold value; I would have spent that gold on the other rewards anyway.
Yogg take the wheel!
Right now I'm 600 xp away from level 18. With tomorrow's quests I should be above level 20, maybe close to 21. I have not done the numbers that I will need to reach level 50, but I do not think it will reach the 7000/8000k that I used to do before an expansion.
Currently level 20 after getting xp from 9 wins duel achievement
Level 17 ATM. Did quests and since then only play BG.
blad you manz play bares manz is only level 15 yet lol
Level 24 ATM . Using afk Hunter.
My only problem is you don't get a ticket to pick what rewards you want on each part of the track. im lvl 19
Guys and gals,
whoops, White Knight alert! notwithstanding; I just love the Rewards Track!
Really do. Am now at the point where we need 3200 XP (my wife and I call 'em "skittles" cause we do not like to talk about "xp" - stupid term) for the next level - somewhere round lvl 24; I try to proceed 1 lvl a day, am looking a lot at the Track how much progress I've made during the last play session, etcetera.
Also, I have this goal of attaining 1.500 wins with all 10 classes. So, the 2 things nicely coincide. Get my number of total wins up; make gold for the next Xpac (or get other goodies) and play nice wacky decks to enjoy myself to boot. (8 classes are at fiteenhundred already; shammy and demon hunter still to go.)
Enigma, if you calculate that you already break-even at lvl 40 on the Rewards Track, you truly did not reap much gold in the old system! I strongly believe you will surpass lvl 40, even just by doing dailies and playing here and there a bit.
And, I think you are absolutely right by including "the rewards value" of all the goodies given among the Rewards Track, though I do not think the packs of older expansions are worth 100 gold / dust as we are accustomed valuing the worth of a pack.
Daily quests are either 800 or 1000 xp, so let's take the average of 900.
Weekly quests are primarily 1750 xp.
This gives an average weekly xp reward of 11550.
Since each level takes 100 more xp than the last, and there's 3000 xp between levels 21 and 22, we started with 1k xp going from level 1 to 2 (can someone confirm this?)
So it'll take 4800 xp to go from levels 49 to 50. Doing more math, it means it's a total of 166600 xp to reach level 50 starting from level 1, which would mean 15 weeks of quests alone, or around 3.5 months.
And that's not including xp you get from playing. Whenever I checked after a rank match, I noted I got 10xp per minute that the match lasted. This means for approximately every 20 hours you spend playing, you reduce this time by an additional week. So if you play an hour a day, it brings your average xp to about 15K a week, and you should reach level 50 within 12 weeks. So yes, I'd say level 50 is definitely within sight.
I don't know about beyond level 50, but if I assume a constant 5k xp per level up, then you should get another 3 levels per week. And given 3 expansions a year, it's an average of 17.33 weeks per expansion cycle, at least 5 weeks more than the time to get to 50, so I'd expect myself to reach level 65 by the time the next expansion is released, giving me 6250 gold per expansion cycle, as well as 16 packs from this standard year, 2 tavern tickets and 2 random legendaries.
Sure, it's a bit less gold than I used to earn, for card packs on expansion day, but It seems overall better to me. And blizz says it'll be better than it currently looks.
TL;DR: I believe you can hit level 65 by playing an hour a day and doing all quests, and save up 6250 gold for expansion day.
lvl 23 atm
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
ill laugh if the xp is actually 9300 xp from 49 to 50 even if level 50 is back to 4000 and 59-150 is 4500 each level, Thats just bad
Hey thehidden ninja,
according to this page:
you do not have the correct numbers of XP-necessary to proceed to the next level.
( lvl 1 > 2 : 100 XP. lvl 49 > 50 : 9.300 XP.)
Do not pass Go
The experience gain is set so that over 17 weeks (which is 4 months, the length of 1 xpac) you will get exactly enough xp from dailies and weeklies to get you to 50. If you complete every daily/weekly, you will hit 50.
That isn't counting match xp, achievement xp, or however much we'll get from these events they said they'll do. But if the max is 400 xp/hour, I'd say 200 or so is a safe average for a normal player. So if you play an average of 1 hour per day at 200 xp per hour, you'll hit somewhere around 56 through normal play without grinding.
lvl 25, have the battle pass, play a few games a day, do my quests as soon as i get em. maybe 3-8 games a day. i play for fun so it feels steady considering we have 3 more months
a bit under halfway to lvl 20, about 6 7 games every day, quests included. definitely seems doable, but we all know the elephant in the room isnt how long it takes. its the single pack rewards. these have to go, and i know Blizz stated that they will. it better be quick tho
Lvl 31 now, underway to 32.
33,7 % of the Rewards Track completed. (64.700 of the total 192.200 XP donezo.)
(Mind you, Without the Tavern Pass! Through sheer hard, honest "work" :P ) (Work? Nah, I love playing HS. Truly do.)
After (not even) 12 days into the Xpac.
Guys, this new system.... It's Awesome ^^
would be actually much easier if I was getting my weekly and daily quests.... :(