I've played HS since the beta, so 6 years or so. I have never managed to reach Legend. Does that mean I'm a bad player? It feels like everyone who discusses HS online has managed to reach Legend at least once.
The closest I've been was like rank 2 in the rank system before this revamped one.
What does reaching Legend even mean? You face the same decks in all ranks. If you enjoy playing the game, just do it. No need to prove anything to anyone. You're not a bad player, probably just a more casual one.
It probably depends on why. I have been playing since beta, and haven’t reached it, because I have never grounded long enough. It’s not just being good, it’s being good, and grinding long enough with a consistent enough deck. Once i got high enough in the ranks, i always get bored of the “grim patron” deck and start playing random nonsense.
Hey OP, same here. Been playing since 2015 and haven’t ever reached legend. In all honesty I’ve only ever tried twice before but both attempts were a while ago now. The first attempt was with aggro shaman and the other was with pirate warrior and the closest I got was rank 2, 3 stars. Does this make me a bad player? Well, a lot of my play sucks I’ll admit because I just don’t have a lot of time to play. But I’ve been playing more frequently the last two months and I have noticed that I’m improving a little because I’ve stuck with one deck each month. That helped me learn the decks and understand the matchups better. Last month I had a blast playing cyclone mage, one of my favorite standard decks ever and this month I’ve been playing aggro weapon rogue which I’m really enjoying as well. Got my golden mage last month and I’m 8 wins away from golden rogue, hopefully I’ll be able to get there before the new expansion launches next week.
Anyway, I don’t think hitting legend is a big deal although I would like to one day. The climb from diamond 5 is really not fun, just full of the top meta decks and little else. Next month I’ll hover around diamond 10 and push for 5 on the last few days for the free epic. Right now I’m on diamond 3 and I’m slowly developing an intense hatred for Paladins, so many of them and not a good match up for aggro rogue. We’re only halfway thru the month but at least the new set should change things up for a few days!
Actually it says that you don’t know the Game well. You have to „read the meta“ compared to the time you play. Usually you face aggro decks in the morning until afternoon cause in this time people wants to climb fast because lack of time. That’s your turn to play control decks because you will outsustain thouse decks. In the evening you should play midrange decks because people have time after work so they can play expanded battles. You can play combo decks to defeat control decks in just one turn. This theory fits better to higher ranks (diamond 5-1)
the last ranks can be high Rist high reward. Just aggro deck to win or lose quick and hit legend or value control deck to outvalue your opp. Depends on meta.
actually you should stick to a T1 deck and play T4-T5 decks in normal to have fun.
Bad player? Definitely not. Reaching Rank 2 means that with enough time and a little bit of luck you can reach legend for sure. Reaching legend is just grinding which by default takes a lot of time. Time that not everybody has, especially if job, family, studies etc are involved. Just enjoy the game, keep playing and eventually you'll get there.
Actually it says that you don’t know the Game well.
Only if you are actually trying but failing to reach legend. If all you do is complete your dailies, tavern brawls or even just the monthly card back, you are obviously not going to reach legend.
Reaching legend is not a big deal. If you managed to reach rank 2 - you were almost there. The only difference between those two ranks is time and amount of games.
You are not a bad player, you just either hate grinding which is fine or a very impatient person which might be the problem.
I actually hit legend in the first years when it was competitive to do so, then lost interest in trying until the rewards was packs instead of dust for hitting legend.
When I came to the conclusion that the system decides if you win or lose(good mu vs bad mu, good draw vs bad draw). I just play a couple decks I enjoy playing(sometimes homebrew non meta decks) with an eye on the meta, and grind out that Legend.
Note the more you lose, the worse the opponents and incomplete decks you begin to face.
It depends. I have been playing since beta (always as F2P) but I have never been able to last more than 3-5 games a day (I was too bored to play more). For about a year now, I've been doing daily quests only (sometimes I skipped them completely).
In fact, I think I don't like HS anymore, but I don't want to stay behind. I still hope that something will change and some day game will be fun again.
I've played HS since the beta, so 6 years or so. I have never managed to reach Legend. Does that mean I'm a bad player? It feels like everyone who discusses HS online has managed to reach Legend at least once.
The closest I've been was like rank 2 in the rank system before this revamped one.
Considering only about 0,5% of the playerbase reach legend, I don't think so.
What does reaching Legend even mean? You face the same decks in all ranks. If you enjoy playing the game, just do it. No need to prove anything to anyone. You're not a bad player, probably just a more casual one.
back in the day reaching legend meant something
now it's just same deck netdecked by different players one after the other
I dont think so, obviously you need to have some skills but not for dont reaching it you are bad. I took nearly 2 years to reach legend.
What (imo) really demostrates you are not so good is when you need to use the legend card back to probe you reached it :).
It probably depends on why. I have been playing since beta, and haven’t reached it, because I have never grounded long enough. It’s not just being good, it’s being good, and grinding long enough with a consistent enough deck. Once i got high enough in the ranks, i always get bored of the “grim patron” deck and start playing random nonsense.
Hey OP, same here. Been playing since 2015 and haven’t ever reached legend. In all honesty I’ve only ever tried twice before but both attempts were a while ago now. The first attempt was with aggro shaman and the other was with pirate warrior and the closest I got was rank 2, 3 stars. Does this make me a bad player? Well, a lot of my play sucks I’ll admit because I just don’t have a lot of time to play. But I’ve been playing more frequently the last two months and I have noticed that I’m improving a little because I’ve stuck with one deck each month. That helped me learn the decks and understand the matchups better. Last month I had a blast playing cyclone mage, one of my favorite standard decks ever and this month I’ve been playing aggro weapon rogue which I’m really enjoying as well. Got my golden mage last month and I’m 8 wins away from golden rogue, hopefully I’ll be able to get there before the new expansion launches next week.
Anyway, I don’t think hitting legend is a big deal although I would like to one day. The climb from diamond 5 is really not fun, just full of the top meta decks and little else. Next month I’ll hover around diamond 10 and push for 5 on the last few days for the free epic. Right now I’m on diamond 3 and I’m slowly developing an intense hatred for Paladins, so many of them and not a good match up for aggro rogue. We’re only halfway thru the month but at least the new set should change things up for a few days!
Missing lethal since June 2015.
Actually it says that you don’t know the Game well. You have to „read the meta“ compared to the time you play. Usually you face aggro decks in the morning until afternoon cause in this time people wants to climb fast because lack of time. That’s your turn to play control decks because you will outsustain thouse decks. In the evening you should play midrange decks because people have time after work so they can play expanded battles. You can play combo decks to defeat control decks in just one turn. This theory fits better to higher ranks (diamond 5-1)
the last ranks can be high Rist high reward. Just aggro deck to win or lose quick and hit legend or value control deck to outvalue your opp. Depends on meta.
actually you should stick to a T1 deck and play T4-T5 decks in normal to have fun.
no, it doesnt mean you are bad, it just means you either didnt want or didnt have time for the grind...
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
Bad player? Definitely not. Reaching Rank 2 means that with enough time and a little bit of luck you can reach legend for sure. Reaching legend is just grinding which by default takes a lot of time. Time that not everybody has, especially if job, family, studies etc are involved. Just enjoy the game, keep playing and eventually you'll get there.
Back in the day people netdecked too, what are you talking about?
Only if you are actually trying but failing to reach legend. If all you do is complete your dailies, tavern brawls or even just the monthly card back, you are obviously not going to reach legend.
Reaching legend is not a big deal. If you managed to reach rank 2 - you were almost there. The only difference between those two ranks is time and amount of games.
legend means you are good at the game rank 5 means you average and below is more casual
depends how much you play becouse if you play alot you should hit legend very easy if you just doing your quest then it means noting
I don,t know about Standard, but in wild u can achieve legend in just a few hours. Aggrodruid oddpaladin and painlock wins fast consistently.
You are not a bad player, you just either hate grinding which is fine or a very impatient person which might be the problem.
I actually hit legend in the first years when it was competitive to do so, then lost interest in trying until the rewards was packs instead of dust for hitting legend.
When I came to the conclusion that the system decides if you win or lose(good mu vs bad mu, good draw vs bad draw). I just play a couple decks I enjoy playing(sometimes homebrew non meta decks) with an eye on the meta, and grind out that Legend.
Note the more you lose, the worse the opponents and incomplete decks you begin to face.
It depends. I have been playing since beta (always as F2P) but I have never been able to last more than 3-5 games a day (I was too bored to play more). For about a year now, I've been doing daily quests only (sometimes I skipped them completely).
In fact, I think I don't like HS anymore, but I don't want to stay behind. I still hope that something will change and some day game will be fun again.
''Its not about whether you win or lose, its how you play the game!''-Yami Yugi
After watching MarkMcKz#1603 what he had done so far, I realized that I was playing like a noob since now.