Alright guys so I started playing malygos druid again and SOTF (Survival of the fittest) druid with kelthas the last few weeks. I think GA (Guardian Animals) might be dead after nerfs. There's many games vs aggro where 50% of the time I don't even draw GA and when I do I survive by a hair. Yes I understand there's the high roll where you can cheat it out early but then you are using more cards to do it and if you don't get a taunt vs aggro or draw vs control you are most likely dead anyways. Not to mention you have to run 4-6 5 drop beats for it to be worth it and you end up drawing most of them before you cast the second GA. I think it would be better to give them taunt/rush or just taunt being it's "Guardian Animals". I'm kinda disappointed in this nerf. Maybe the 1 Mana difference won't be alot, I just feel it throws off the curve of the ramp and requires more cards to cheat early. Druids would need to run more lower curve cards to stay up with the game. What are your thoughts? Sorry for the long vent/post! Love ya!
Half of what you said u heard from youtube from regis kibblin.anyway.. yes..GA is dead.Remember Spiteful Summoner Druid? One mana later for the magic to happen kills the deck
Yes, but not the class, druid can full go dragon now, still have excelent ramp cards and big plays and a nice and more challenging build instead of braindead pre-build deck with 7 manas GA.
I'm sad. I crafted 4 legendaries for my druid deck. Alextrasza, Jepetto, Malygos, Omu. 6,400 dust. I really hope the nerf isn't that bad.
Malygos druid will still beat the decks it beats now (slow decks) but it'll have a harder time against faster decks, not terribly harder but still a little bit. Alex always findsa way into at least one meta deck and being classic means it's straight up a safe craft. Malygos is kinda the same, it's more specific and it usually sees play more in druid but from time to time it pops into other classes, so in general it's also safe. Omu is just an insane legendary but it's very reliant on druid having big combo plays but it seems like a solid card to keep around. Jepetto is very niche but also a decent card to have that has seen play here and there on certain metas.
**EDIT: Forgot to say this, I personally think that the best version of druid will become once more, Mount seller druid cause now more than ever yo need to fill the 7 mana turn and mount seller has proven to be very good for the class. Your legendaries probably won't have impact in the new meta but still, I wouldn't regret or be sad, you crafted really good legendaries anyways.
Still not enough, Overgrowth needs a nerf too. Druid's absolutely unfun to play against, way more than priest, and I actually prefer tempo mage over these matches.
Considering most games that I have played against Druid, they often pull out this spell on turn 6 (after they finally draw the other card they need), they have 8 mana for it anyway. So... basically no, I don't see it affecting Druid at all.
Turtle Mage, on the other hand - that super oppressive deck that is ruling the meta right now with all the hate threads on the forums (kappa) - is blown right out of existence. Sad times. :-(
Still not enough, Overgrowth needs a nerf too. Druid's absolutely unfun to play against, way more than priest, and I actually prefer tempo mage over these matches.
Overgrowth is the reason it was too strong in druid while it didn't see play at all in hunter.
Still not enough, Overgrowth needs a nerf too. Druid's absolutely unfun to play against, way more than priest, and I actually prefer tempo mage over these matches.
Overgrowth is the reason it was too strong in druid while it didn't see play at all in hunter.
I bet five days into SA almost no one remembered it was a also a hunter card :p
Still not enough, Overgrowth needs a nerf too. Druid's absolutely unfun to play against, way more than priest, and I actually prefer tempo mage over these matches.
Overgrowth is the reason it was too strong in druid while it didn't see play at all in hunter.
I bet five days into SA almost no one remembered it was a also a hunter card :p
I have a reasonably good Hunter deck that runs this. Obviously it's not Tier 1+, but it's fun enough to get a few good wins with.
Seems that Druid disappeared from the meta after the nerf and I think it was a bit too harsh. Yes, Guardian Druid was a very strong deck but it didn't really dominate the meta, it was on par with other strong decks. And yes a Guardian Animals on t4 or t5 was a huge swing play, but not more than a big Sorcerer's Apprentice turn that Mages often pull off on t5 or even earlier or a Twin Slice into Blade Dance into hit face for a ton of damage from Soul DH.
Alright guys so I started playing malygos druid again and SOTF (Survival of the fittest) druid with kelthas the last few weeks. I think GA (Guardian Animals) might be dead after nerfs. There's many games vs aggro where 50% of the time I don't even draw GA and when I do I survive by a hair. Yes I understand there's the high roll where you can cheat it out early but then you are using more cards to do it and if you don't get a taunt vs aggro or draw vs control you are most likely dead anyways. Not to mention you have to run 4-6 5 drop beats for it to be worth it and you end up drawing most of them before you cast the second GA. I think it would be better to give them taunt/rush or just taunt being it's "Guardian Animals". I'm kinda disappointed in this nerf. Maybe the 1 Mana difference won't be alot, I just feel it throws off the curve of the ramp and requires more cards to cheat early. Druids would need to run more lower curve cards to stay up with the game. What are your thoughts? Sorry for the long vent/post! Love ya!
Half of what you said u heard from youtube from regis kibblin.anyway.. yes..GA is dead.Remember Spiteful Summoner Druid? One mana later for the magic to happen kills the deck
Yes, but not the class, druid can full go dragon now, still have excelent ramp cards and big plays and a nice and more challenging build instead of braindead pre-build deck with 7 manas GA.
I'm sad. I crafted 4 legendaries for my druid deck. Alextrasza, Jepetto, Malygos, Omu. 6,400 dust. I really hope the nerf isn't that bad.
Malygos druid will still beat the decks it beats now (slow decks) but it'll have a harder time against faster decks, not terribly harder but still a little bit. Alex always findsa way into at least one meta deck and being classic means it's straight up a safe craft. Malygos is kinda the same, it's more specific and it usually sees play more in druid but from time to time it pops into other classes, so in general it's also safe. Omu is just an insane legendary but it's very reliant on druid having big combo plays but it seems like a solid card to keep around. Jepetto is very niche but also a decent card to have that has seen play here and there on certain metas.
**EDIT: Forgot to say this, I personally think that the best version of druid will become once more, Mount seller druid cause now more than ever yo need to fill the 7 mana turn and mount seller has proven to be very good for the class. Your legendaries probably won't have impact in the new meta but still, I wouldn't regret or be sad, you crafted really good legendaries anyways.
It's not dead, the card is still good
It just won't be able to carry the entire druid class like it has been
But I'm pretty sure the way to build most druid decks that contain overgrowth will still be to play GA
Good job HS for killing this card, I hate this card so much
Dead for hunter. I had a odd hunter deck with GA..RIP Call Of The Wild > Guardian Animal
Fun > Meta
Hopefully, Yes, and good riddance.
Still not enough, Overgrowth needs a nerf too. Druid's absolutely unfun to play against, way more than priest, and I actually prefer tempo mage over these matches.
Considering most games that I have played against Druid, they often pull out this spell on turn 6 (after they finally draw the other card they need), they have 8 mana for it anyway.
So... basically no, I don't see it affecting Druid at all.
Turtle Mage, on the other hand - that super oppressive deck that is ruling the meta right now with all the hate threads on the forums (kappa) - is blown right out of existence.
Sad times. :-(
Overgrowth is the reason it was too strong in druid while it didn't see play at all in hunter.
I feel like as in other games the best place to summon from is the deck so its gonna be there granted if it has a good target.
I bet five days into SA almost no one remembered it was a also a hunter card :p
I have a reasonably good Hunter deck that runs this. Obviously it's not Tier 1+, but it's fun enough to get a few good wins with.
You can play it as spiteful version.
Seems that Druid disappeared from the meta after the nerf and I think it was a bit too harsh. Yes, Guardian Druid was a very strong deck but it didn't really dominate the meta, it was on par with other strong decks. And yes a Guardian Animals on t4 or t5 was a huge swing play, but not more than a big Sorcerer's Apprentice turn that Mages often pull off on t5 or even earlier or a Twin Slice into Blade Dance into hit face for a ton of damage from Soul DH.
HSReplay showing druid at 43% WR.
Complaining worked! GG....
dh had like 45% winrate after FIRST nerf too (it was to battlefiend and others), just give time to netdeckers to clean their shit up