Am I the only one that dusted my entire wild collection... I came short of meta cards lately and sadly had to do go this way :/
Saved sylvanas, Rag, lich king and dr7 though
Did the same when MSoG came out. Regretted it immidiately and have over time established my wild collection again.
@OT Don't dust your card unless you have to. Blizzard nerfs a lot more than they used to do, so you'll eventually miss out on a lot of dust if you press the botton.
So what have you guys done so far? Have you dusted the extra cards from the expansion or are you waiting for the first big wave of nerfs?
I've dusted the cards which I don't think will get nerfed, which is the vast majority.
I just dust everything because im impatient.
Same answer as Deathstroke, impatience.
Never dust anything unless you really need the dust right now. Duplicates just sitting there don’t hurt.
I don't dust anything, ever, unless it gets nerfed.
I still have 2 jaraxus and 2 tirion、and more trashy duplicated legendaries、 yes i'm so lucky i dont dust unless nerfed
But i understand some people want to play expensive decks every expansion、 thats something i cant do unless i dust
If you need the dust, dust them if you don’t need the dust don’t dust them!
I dust all the Heroes cards that I don't use.
Am I the only one that dusted my entire wild collection... I came short of meta cards lately and sadly had to do go this way :/
Saved sylvanas, Rag, lich king and dr7 though
I never dust anything if I don't need dust and when I need dust I dust the cards which I don't think will ever be nerfed.
Annoy-o-Tron: deathriddle: 'Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye'
My battle tag is Fely#.... Can you find all the digits after the #. They're hidden amongst my profile, it's like an easter egg hunt.
<3.14159265359 you!
Now Stop checking my spoilers!
Bonus Spoiler
I only dust all my wild cards on my free to play account, I keep all my wild cards on my pay to win account!
Did the same when MSoG came out. Regretted it immidiately and have over time established my wild collection again.
Don't dust your card unless you have to. Blizzard nerfs a lot more than they used to do, so you'll eventually miss out on a lot of dust if you press the botton.
I've done this for Mage and Priest for years.
Wild is a good format, I play wild when standard meta is stale, but you dont need all the wild cards, just a few subset to enjoy the wild format.
same, i've always done this.
If I dont have a deck I need dust to try on, I always wait :P~
I have golden Octosari and High Priest Amet, dust or not dust? :)
Octosari is a fun milling OTK card in wild :P~~~