You are not delusional, it's absolutely true. I asked about this problem like 3-4 years ago, At that time it was absolutely the same with what you describe here.
So I have been playing alot of Priest lately. Home brew decks. I win alot of games, but the matchmaking system makes sure I dont win too much.
Rogue is the counter to Priest, and once I get a winstreak going, all I face are Rogues, cuz they are prob winning most of their games too.
It feels unfair to face the counter to my deck 5 or 6 games in a row.
If I switch to another deck, suddenly I wont face Rogue as much!
Does anyone else run into this problem with the new MMR system of matchmaking?
Or am I just delusional? LOL
In my first 20 games with a deck, I saw Rogue 3 times, but once I kept winning, I saw 5 Rogues in 8 games, for example.
The same happens with other decks I play alot and suddenly see the counter, switch decks, dont see the counter as much, or at all!
Anyone have ideas or thoughts on why this happens? Thanx everyone.
Serious question: If Rogues are winning most of their games as well, shouldn't they face their counter just like you do?
Just my 2 cents, but this seems like confirmation bias and/or a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
BTW, I know a lot of other threads that say things similar to yours; but no one backs it up with any substantial data other than "it seems like" or "it feels like." I'm bad at the game so I might (more like probably) have no idea what I'm talking about : /
This is a hidden pool my friend. The game does not want you to be on a long streak. Every last star of each rank I face counter to my deck. Old system, current system, doesn’t matter. This happens already for a couple of years. The only thing you can do is to counter this shit by yourself. So in my case, when I am 1 win off the next rank I simply counter pick.
Youre a priest player, you should get utterly destroyed for shamelessly playing unnerfed class. Apart from that, your statement is correct, when you start winning a lot youll get extremely hard matchups followed by bad mulligans and draws. In my case its usually when im about to reach higher rank on max stars, its almost 90% loss due to reasons stated above.
Losing to Sire Denathrius makes me not want to play this game anymore. The Sire Denathrius nerf makes me want to play this game again. Losing to Deathrattle Rogue makes me not want to play this game anymore. The Prince Renathal nerf makes me not want to play this game anymore.
1st, rogues become popular these days, i switched to spell druid and have eaten them quite easily
2nd, priest can win vs rogue match up, by using removals and copy cards intelligently. One of the common way to outvalue them is Soul Mirror their big board or Murozond when they used wand previous turn. Its not completely hopeless for priests in that matchup
By my experience copying their secret package or full upgraded rogue galakrond makes your game much satisfying
I know there are some bad variations potentially happen, such as Togwaggle's Scheme a lot of Kronx and then wand into it, but sometimes u have to accept it could happen as dumb luck for your opponent
Nobody has ever come up with anything but anecdotal evidence that the game chooses counterdecks for you if you are on a winstreak.
The matchmaking does not know which deck you queue up with.
If you are on a winstreak with a good deck, the most probably way that winstreak will end (being at 4 or 10 games) is a counterdeck.
At specific times of the day at specific MMR ranks, mini-metas occur. Choosing a deck which has a good winrate against the current field is an important skill playing the ladder, especially at high legend. Just don't expect any magic, you can get unlucky with any deck.
Nobody has ever come up with anything but anecdotal evidence that the game chooses counterdecks for you if you are on a winstreak.
The matchmaking does not know which deck you queue up with.
If you are on a winstreak with a good deck, the most probably way that winstreak will end (being at 4 or 10 games) is a counterdeck.
At specific times of the day at specific MMR ranks, mini-metas occur. Choosing a deck which has a good winrate against the current field is an important skill playing the ladder, especially at high legend. Just don't expect any magic, you can get unlucky with any deck.
Don't tell the tinfoil hat wearing players that! They are 100% certain that there is some sort of conspiracy going on and that it directly targets them! Damn Blizzard...leave me alone O_o
How is it that Blizzard has managed to create a matchmaking system that somehow penalizes you, specifically, and rewards your opponents? Why doesn't it do the same thing to them?
Why doesn't this happen to me? I get streaks of bad luck, I've been lazy this month so I just hit plat, but I lost 4x games in a row at Gold 5, then I won 5 games in a row and am now at Plat 9. Why didn't I get a counter "assigned" to me?
Rogue Hunter and DH are the most played decks right now, of course you're going to see a lot of them
The explanation viable is the existence of a target audience, target decks that Blizzard wants to be played and be dominant in the meta. Not only is Rogue a counter to priest, it is just the way it happens and I can confirm the OP. I even observed an incomplete Soul Mirror which made me lose.
The game is rigged. No question about it. It is just a matter of time. The truth is out there.. It is easy to assume tinfoil, conspiracy and the like. Those who think that are right. They are always right. Until prove wrong.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
The answer to your question is in blizzard s way to keep a "50%-50%" chance to all players.. if u re loosing too much,they raise your Luck factor... or give u good matchups ... if u re winning more than 50% , they lower the luck factor or give u bad matchups . Is no secret .. as there is no randomness that a computer can understand. Any "random" effect of a machine is actually just an algorithm ... and there isnt a smart enough person out there to sort this out "random opponents" is blizzards job to chose one for you .
The matchmaking does not know which deck you queue up with.
How do you know that? Been at Blizzards design team and mechanics and have insiders knowledge? You saw with your own eyes the inner workings of the matchmaking? I seriously doubt that. Blizzard has reasons enough to exactly know which decks ae queued.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
The answer to your question is in blizzard s way to keep a "50%-50%" chance to all players.. if u re loosing too much,they raise your Luck factor... or give u good matchups ... if u re winning more than 50% , they lower the luck factor or give u bad matchups . Is no secret .. as there is no randomness that a computer can understand. Any "random" effect of a machine is actually just an algorithm ... and there isnt a smart enough person out there to sort this out "random opponents" is blizzards job to chose one for you .
Yup. They are on record stating they want all players to have a 50/50 winrate and that the new MMR is part of this. We don’t know the full details but and it’s hard to say how they manipulating the game (opponents, cards, rng) but I think it’s naive to believe that there isn’t something fishy going on. For me the new MMR has completely ruined this game unfortunately.
Youre a priest player, you should get utterly destroyed for shamelessly playing unnerfed class. Apart from that, your statement is correct, when you start winning a lot youll get extremely hard matchups followed by bad mulligans and draws. In my case its usually when im about to reach higher rank on max stars, its almost 90% loss due to reasons stated above.
The matchmaking does not know which deck you queue up with.
How do you know that? Been at Blizzards design team and mechanics and have insiders knowledge? You saw with your own eyes the inner workings of the matchmaking? I seriously doubt that. Blizzard has reasons enough to exactly know which decks ae queued.
And what evidence do you have to prove that the matchmaking sets you up against a counter when you're winning to much. Oh, wait, you have absolutley no evidence beyond your feelings. If you want to be taken seriously record data, actually analyze what's going on and recording it, so you have some legs to stand on. You can't state something as a fact without having evidence to back it up.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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So I have been playing alot of Priest lately. Home brew decks. I win alot of games, but the matchmaking system makes sure I dont win too much.
Rogue is the counter to Priest, and once I get a winstreak going, all I face are Rogues, cuz they are prob winning most of their games too.
It feels unfair to face the counter to my deck 5 or 6 games in a row.
If I switch to another deck, suddenly I wont face Rogue as much!
Does anyone else run into this problem with the new MMR system of matchmaking?
Or am I just delusional? LOL
In my first 20 games with a deck, I saw Rogue 3 times, but once I kept winning, I saw 5 Rogues in 8 games, for example.
The same happens with other decks I play alot and suddenly see the counter, switch decks, dont see the counter as much, or at all!
Anyone have ideas or thoughts on why this happens? Thanx everyone.
The old MMR worked the same way.
You are not delusional, it's absolutely true. I asked about this problem like 3-4 years ago, At that time it was absolutely the same with what you describe here.
Serious question: If Rogues are winning most of their games as well, shouldn't they face their counter just like you do?
Just my 2 cents, but this seems like confirmation bias and/or a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory.
BTW, I know a lot of other threads that say things similar to yours; but no one backs it up with any substantial data other than "it seems like" or "it feels like." I'm bad at the game so I might (more like probably) have no idea what I'm talking about : /
"There is no spoon"
This is a hidden pool my friend. The game does not want you to be on a long streak. Every last star of each rank I face counter to my deck. Old system, current system, doesn’t matter. This happens already for a couple of years. The only thing you can do is to counter this shit by yourself. So in my case, when I am 1 win off the next rank I simply counter pick.
Youre a priest player, you should get utterly destroyed for shamelessly playing unnerfed class. Apart from that, your statement is correct, when you start winning a lot youll get extremely hard matchups followed by bad mulligans and draws. In my case its usually when im about to reach higher rank on max stars, its almost 90% loss due to reasons stated above.
That's not how MMR works.
Standard, Wild, and Classic player.Losing to Sire Denathrius makes me not want to play this game anymore.The Sire Denathrius nerf makes me want to play this game again.
Losing to Deathrattle Rogue makes me not want to play this game anymore.
The Prince Renathal nerf makes me not want to play this game anymore.
1st, rogues become popular these days, i switched to spell druid and have eaten them quite easily
2nd, priest can win vs rogue match up, by using removals and copy cards intelligently. One of the common way to outvalue them is Soul Mirror their big board or Murozond when they used wand previous turn. Its not completely hopeless for priests in that matchup
By my experience copying their secret package or full upgraded rogue galakrond makes your game much satisfying
I know there are some bad variations potentially happen, such as Togwaggle's Scheme a lot of Kronx and then wand into it, but sometimes u have to accept it could happen as dumb luck for your opponent
This again?
Nobody has ever come up with anything but anecdotal evidence that the game chooses counterdecks for you if you are on a winstreak.
The matchmaking does not know which deck you queue up with.
If you are on a winstreak with a good deck, the most probably way that winstreak will end (being at 4 or 10 games) is a counterdeck.
At specific times of the day at specific MMR ranks, mini-metas occur. Choosing a deck which has a good winrate against the current field is an important skill playing the ladder, especially at high legend. Just don't expect any magic, you can get unlucky with any deck.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Don't tell the tinfoil hat wearing players that! They are 100% certain that there is some sort of conspiracy going on and that it directly targets them! Damn Blizzard...leave me alone O_o
"There is no spoon"
In the old system when you was in a win streack you face other players in a streack too. maybe it is the same now (I am not sure)
So, OP, let me ask you something important.
How is it that Blizzard has managed to create a matchmaking system that somehow penalizes you, specifically, and rewards your opponents? Why doesn't it do the same thing to them?
Why doesn't this happen to me? I get streaks of bad luck, I've been lazy this month so I just hit plat, but I lost 4x games in a row at Gold 5, then I won 5 games in a row and am now at Plat 9. Why didn't I get a counter "assigned" to me?
Rogue Hunter and DH are the most played decks right now, of course you're going to see a lot of them
Thing is, OP plays Priest...
Here we have a saying wich goes like: Little sins get quickly punished by God.
The explanation viable is the existence of a target audience, target decks that Blizzard wants to be played and be dominant in the meta. Not only is Rogue a counter to priest, it is just the way it happens and I can confirm the OP. I even observed an incomplete Soul Mirror which made me lose.
The game is rigged. No question about it. It is just a matter of time. The truth is out there.. It is easy to assume tinfoil, conspiracy and the like. Those who think that are right. They are always right. Until prove wrong.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
The answer to your question is in blizzard s way to keep a "50%-50%" chance to all players.. if u re loosing too much,they raise your Luck factor... or give u good matchups ... if u re winning more than 50% , they lower the luck factor or give u bad matchups . Is no secret .. as there is no randomness that a computer can understand. Any "random" effect of a machine is actually just an algorithm ... and there isnt a smart enough person out there to sort this out "random opponents" is blizzards job to chose one for you .
How do you know that? Been at Blizzards design team and mechanics and have insiders knowledge? You saw with your own eyes the inner workings of the matchmaking? I seriously doubt that. Blizzard has reasons enough to exactly know which decks ae queued.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Yup. They are on record stating they want all players to have a 50/50 winrate and that the new MMR is part of this. We don’t know the full details but and it’s hard to say how they manipulating the game (opponents, cards, rng) but I think it’s naive to believe that there isn’t something fishy going on. For me the new MMR has completely ruined this game unfortunately.
Funny. Reading these comments just makes it visible once again of how much rock, paper, scissors this game has become.
Priest isn't good right now though. Salty much
And what evidence do you have to prove that the matchmaking sets you up against a counter when you're winning to much. Oh, wait, you have absolutley no evidence beyond your feelings. If you want to be taken seriously record data, actually analyze what's going on and recording it, so you have some legs to stand on. You can't state something as a fact without having evidence to back it up.