Couldn't agree more. I remember the times when playing around your opponent's two Flamestrikes was a thing. That's the one thing they got right about Demon Hunter, no random card generation there.
There is no RNG in DH since they just draw their whole deck and consistently kill you though lol. There is some merit in having a chance to win!
Skill box though is pretty bad. I mean everyone hates skill of guldan but at least you know what they are going to draw. The trouble with skill box is that all you know is it's coming and it's just a gamble. It's an absurd mechanic.
Would be nice with less rng swings, also less Mana cheat, but it's not going to happen.
Blizzard needs bad players to win games so they don't quit playing. A way to let bad players cheese some wins is to replace some of the skill requirement with random events.
I mean, obviously there's a lot of randomness in every card game.
However, it's painful to see they turned Mage into total clownfiesta, with 5 cards being a total meme. Yeah, it might be fun for 1 or 2 games to box, but come on, can you really call the class competitive with stuff like this. And I say it as a former mage player.
Any game involving cards has some RNG involved in it and no one will contest that. HS, compared the early days, has now too much RNG. It is acceptable when it comes to card draw and discover mechanics. But when it comes to direct action on the board the player should given a certain control. Here is an example of what I am talking about: Let's take Rotnest Drake. Battlecry: If you are holding a dragon destroy a random enemy minion. On top of the ability to destroy a random enemy minion there is a condition. If don't hold a dragon the card is still playable on turn 5 but it loses most of it value. Now, I am not saying it's the best option but just for the sake of proving my point, here is what the Battlecry could be: "Destroy a random enemy minion. If you are holding a dragon, deal 5 damage" it demonstrates that there can be RNG and a certain degree of control that the player can have. Winning because of RNG or your skill to manage RNG is satsifying but winning because of the moves you make and the decisions you make is much more rewarding.
Actually its the other way around. Its cards like Rotnest Drake that is what should be "acceptable RNG" Cause at least this card leaves you some room for countering it. You can play as many tokens as possible when you expect it and decrease the chance it will kill your big minion. Its not different than Ragnaros, i feel like Ragnaros was the type of RNG that was healthy for the game.
Discover mechanic is everything that is wrong with HS right now. It has so many possible outcomes, it makes it so you discover cards that discover more cards that should never be in your deck and everything gets out of control to the point that you cant play around anything. Who exactly is going to play around dragon lackey giving Dragonqueen alexstrasza giving Ysera unleashed that gives you more random dragons.
But as i said once you realize that this is how the game is meant to be you just stop taking it seriously and move on.
This is my exact thoughts. rotnest drake is a perfect example of what RNG should be. it has an effect you can expect, prepare for but might lose to. its fine because YOU KNOW its a possibility. the random DQA playing x2 0 mana dragons which can swing a whole game and adding cards which aren't in a players class is stupid. I wasn't as much implying RNG with card draw. although it can be frustrating it is actually the nature of a card game.
Bizarequeen Alextrasza is problem here. This card require no timing or skill to use, if you have 9 mana you just play that and gain extreme value without thinking or any brain activity. When two highlander decks meet in standard, it’s only about that who play Dragonqueen Alextrasza first. I loved highlander decks but after release of Dragonqueen I play them only in wild.
Bizarequeen Alextrasza is problem here. This card require no timing or skill to use, if you have 9 mana you just play that and gain extreme value without thinking or any brain activity. When two highlander decks meet in standard, it’s only about that who play Dragonqueen Alextrasza first. I loved highlander decks but after release of Dragonqueen I play them only in wild.
What you need to do is put a lot of board pressure on the opponent so that if they play alex and do not highroll a taunt/heal (or god forbid deathwing) they just die. Alex can allow you to come back from almost anything but it can also give you nothing of use. The best alex come back I have seen is with no cards in hand but top decked alex on a full board almost dead. Alex into nozari for the full heal into deathwing for the board clear.
I'd rather go with a game that occasionally pulls out wins from out of nowhere than one where the outcome is basically decided on the get go, depending on matchup and starting hand. Are there really people nostalgic over pirate warrior or mid-range shaman?!?
I'd rather go with a game that occasionally pulls out wins from out of nowhere than one where the outcome is basically decided on the get go, depending on matchup and starting hand. Are there really people nostalgic over pirate warrior or mid-range shaman?!?
But there has to be a difference between this and puzzle box? I mean puzzle box is absurd. In some ways you could argue it's not very RNG because when it is played against a non-control deck, and assuming you arn't almost dead, it almost guarantees the win. On the other hand mage can only win against highlander hunter if they get puzzle box off before they are dead. Otherwise, the matchup is literally unwinnable. Maybe they can high roll something off dragon caster into discover but it's unlikely. It's why mage pretty much always loses to hunter, since they are dead before box. Having the game decided though on ten random spells is just substantial RNG. If we compare this to warrior RNG where they play a upgrade lackey on a brute and get gromm, well that's just rng and a highroll and is rare. Mage though it's a casino every single game. Casino mage shouldn't be a thing lol.
i feel the same man, also losing to top decks and bad draws suck
This is a thing in ALL card games. Dont like it? Go play Chess or something.
I like rng even if it screws me over from time to time. It makes the game a bit more unpredictable, so you dont know the winner after turn 2..
Ah, that is not true, my son. Sit down for I have a tale to tell you.
Have you ever heard the tragedy of Purge: Sins of science? It is not a story other card game companies would tell you. Purge sought to eliminste the RNG factor from card games. It grew so embitious that some said that you could even turor for a card at the beginning of every turn. "Mana screw? Screw mana" was their moto. Whenever you would draw a card you would instead search your deck for any card and put it into your hand in order to avoid the big bad RNG.
What happened? Why did you never hear of this tale? Well, you see, Purge crashed and burned faster than Artifact lol. Bad card game players, like some people here, were excited because they thought that no RNG would make them suck less but in reality the game devolved into a counter war. Player A tutors for a card, player B tutors for a counter, then player A tutors for a counter to that, then player B tutors for a counter to that counter and over and over again.
That is the reality of what a card game with no RNG turned out to be.
I dont get why anyone plays Hearthstone. It seems like everyone hates it. Hates the RNG. Hates the meta. Hates the nerfs. If you dont like the game dont play it. Or at least dont give Blizzard money, that is the only way to make them listen.
Fuck you Bli$$ard! FUCK YOU. You disgusting piece of fucking filth company you have become. You have had three rounds of nerfs in a month but yet every single one has made the game worse? How is that fucking possible???? I am SICK and fucking tired of losing to bullshit rng after bullshit rng. I am sick and fucking tired of every fucking time I have lethal my opp is able to wiggle their way out of it because of rng!!!! I’m fucking sick of it! Oh lackey evolve!!!! Untargetable taunt with reborn! Oh shucks I was at one and you had lethal but I guess I just outplayed you tee hee! Oh you had lethal? Oh sorry I had renewed into renew into renew guess you can’t win now tee hee! Oh you had lethal that’s ok I’ll top deck genie actually I have lethal now tee hee! Wtf does it take to realize this is not fucking fun! I’m sick of every game being this way! And im sick and fucking tired of this company being purposely incompetent! You can be legit ********, have a 60 iq, and be in a coma and still make legend in this game. It cheapens legend so fucking much now. What’s the fucking endgame now? Why should I play bli$$ard? When I hit over 50 percent I instantly get shot back down. Please tell me why I should continue to be a f2p or any of the brain dead consumers who spend money why we shouldn’t quit it mass. Business 101 you can shit the bed over and over and over and as long as you are a monopoly company like Bli$$ard and the masses continue to be fools you can put out all the absolutely monstrosity products you want and it will always fucking blow over no matter what. I really don’t know who I hate more. This shit money grubbing incompetent company or the brain dead consumer who eat this shit up and think it’s ok the game is like this now.
Oh wow. Step away from the take this way too seriously
This is the reason I stopped playing a while ago. It just makes no sense to be a good player that gets fucked by a lucky dragonqueen on turn 9 and two turns later dies because of it.
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There is no RNG in DH since they just draw their whole deck and consistently kill you though lol. There is some merit in having a chance to win!
Skill box though is pretty bad. I mean everyone hates skill of guldan but at least you know what they are going to draw. The trouble with skill box is that all you know is it's coming and it's just a gamble. It's an absurd mechanic.
This was meant for the salt thread but I think it still applies!
Would be nice with less rng swings, also less Mana cheat, but it's not going to happen.
Blizzard needs bad players to win games so they don't quit playing. A way to let bad players cheese some wins is to replace some of the skill requirement with random events.
This is a thing in ALL card games. Dont like it? Go play Chess or something.
I like rng even if it screws me over from time to time. It makes the game a bit more unpredictable, so you dont know the winner after turn 2..
In four years I have never seen so many pissed and unhappy players. The game is a joke at this point.
I mean, obviously there's a lot of randomness in every card game.
However, it's painful to see they turned Mage into total clownfiesta, with 5 cards being a total meme. Yeah, it might be fun for 1 or 2 games to box, but come on, can you really call the class competitive with stuff like this. And I say it as a former mage player.
I'm not Paul George, I'm just a fan.
This is like saying sugar has ruined chocolate.
Release the Kraken!
Chocolate never used to contain sugar! Seriously! Look it up!
Yogg ( and its offspring, box and Reno hero power ) was actually the thing that killed this game for me.
This is my exact thoughts. rotnest drake is a perfect example of what RNG should be. it has an effect you can expect, prepare for but might lose to. its fine because YOU KNOW its a possibility. the random DQA playing x2 0 mana dragons which can swing a whole game and adding cards which aren't in a players class is stupid. I wasn't as much implying RNG with card draw. although it can be frustrating it is actually the nature of a card game.
Bizarequeen Alextrasza is problem here. This card require no timing or skill to use, if you have 9 mana you just play that and gain extreme value without thinking or any brain activity. When two highlander decks meet in standard, it’s only about that who play Dragonqueen Alextrasza first. I loved highlander decks but after release of Dragonqueen I play them only in wild.
What you need to do is put a lot of board pressure on the opponent so that if they play alex and do not highroll a taunt/heal (or god forbid deathwing) they just die. Alex can allow you to come back from almost anything but it can also give you nothing of use. The best alex come back I have seen is with no cards in hand but top decked alex on a full board almost dead. Alex into nozari for the full heal into deathwing for the board clear.
I'd rather go with a game that occasionally pulls out wins from out of nowhere than one where the outcome is basically decided on the get go, depending on matchup and starting hand. Are there really people nostalgic over pirate warrior or mid-range shaman?!?
But there has to be a difference between this and puzzle box? I mean puzzle box is absurd. In some ways you could argue it's not very RNG because when it is played against a non-control deck, and assuming you arn't almost dead, it almost guarantees the win. On the other hand mage can only win against highlander hunter if they get puzzle box off before they are dead. Otherwise, the matchup is literally unwinnable. Maybe they can high roll something off dragon caster into discover but it's unlikely. It's why mage pretty much always loses to hunter, since they are dead before box. Having the game decided though on ten random spells is just substantial RNG. If we compare this to warrior RNG where they play a upgrade lackey on a brute and get gromm, well that's just rng and a highroll and is rare. Mage though it's a casino every single game. Casino mage shouldn't be a thing lol.
Some RNG is fine, but geez... Mage is a walking casino, I think the only card without the word "random" in it is like, Arcane Intellect.
Rogue is the lackey lottery and even Priest gained the infinite RNG button.
Ah, that is not true, my son. Sit down for I have a tale to tell you.
Have you ever heard the tragedy of Purge: Sins of science? It is not a story other card game companies would tell you. Purge sought to eliminste the RNG factor from card games. It grew so embitious that some said that you could even turor for a card at the beginning of every turn. "Mana screw? Screw mana" was their moto. Whenever you would draw a card you would instead search your deck for any card and put it into your hand in order to avoid the big bad RNG.
What happened? Why did you never hear of this tale? Well, you see, Purge crashed and burned faster than Artifact lol. Bad card game players, like some people here, were excited because they thought that no RNG would make them suck less but in reality the game devolved into a counter war. Player A tutors for a card, player B tutors for a counter, then player A tutors for a counter to that, then player B tutors for a counter to that counter and over and over again.
That is the reality of what a card game with no RNG turned out to be.
I dont get why anyone plays Hearthstone. It seems like everyone hates it. Hates the RNG. Hates the meta. Hates the nerfs. If you dont like the game dont play it. Or at least dont give Blizzard money, that is the only way to make them listen.
Silver Hand Recruit
I prefer RNG over P2W, just saying.
Oh wow. Step away from the take this way too seriously
This is the reason I stopped playing a while ago. It just makes no sense to be a good player that gets fucked by a lucky dragonqueen on turn 9 and two turns later dies because of it.