Who's got the most so far? Screenshots aren't loading on my phone big enough to read. So posted totals are appreciated! Can't screenshot myself atm though, on my phone.
I've got 1.1kish arena wins, which was entirely from beta & vanilla, I haven't played it in years but used to do very well and could go infinite. Under 2k games total played was enough to entirely burn me out on that format though. Really don't like how HS does drafts, just can't compare to MTG style drafts and I don't like phantom drafting in general.
Constructed I'm at almost 13k wins, 2k + in the last few months. Before Dragon's Descent expansion, I hadn't played more than 20 games a month the last 3 years though, so you can tell I used to be a very heavy player.
I had a really physically and mentally draining employment situation for the first few years the game was out, so everyday I'd come home, get stoned, and play for like 4 hours to decompress.
I'd probably have like 20k wins if I didn't make so many major misplays at the time from being high LMAO 😂
I started playing just before GvG dropped, been playing every single day since and have a win total of "just" 9322 in ranked, 491 in Arena (I haven't played Arena for years).
I'm a control player though so I'd guess my average time per game is a lot higher than that of some other people.
shame I can't easily tell anymore how many wins I have for constructed and at all for arena cause someone at Team 5 thought it was a great idea to instead of giving us even more stats, take them away from us
srsly sometimes I feel like guys at Team 5 have no idea what makes good UX :(
Who's got the most so far? Screenshots aren't loading on my phone big enough to read. So posted totals are appreciated! Can't screenshot myself atm though, on my phone.
I've got 1.1kish arena wins, which was entirely from beta & vanilla, I haven't played it in years but used to do very well and could go infinite. Under 2k games total played was enough to entirely burn me out on that format though. Really don't like how HS does drafts, just can't compare to MTG style drafts and I don't like phantom drafting in general.
Constructed I'm at almost 13k wins, 2k + in the last few months. Before Dragon's Descent expansion, I hadn't played more than 20 games a month the last 3 years though, so you can tell I used to be a very heavy player.
I had a really physically and mentally draining employment situation for the first few years the game was out, so everyday I'd come home, get stoned, and play for like 4 hours to decompress.
I'd probably have like 20k wins if I didn't make so many major misplays at the time from being high LMAO 😂
since beta
play mode : 12646
arena: 513
playing since GvG
playing since un'goro
12195 wins play mode
620 arena (i am so bad at arena)
Started at first day of beta
14350 wins in play mode
And I've "retired" couple times so I've missed about 3 years of playtime
1000 hours is noting many players in wow have 3-4 full years play time...
Play Mode: 14402 Wins
Arena: 1889 Wins
Here comes the best part...
Druid (Level 60) - 2920 Wins on Ranked
Paladin (Level 60) - 1686 Wins on Ranked
Hunter (Level 60) - 1634 Wins on Ranked
Warrior (Level 60) - 1038 Wins on Ranked
Shaman (Level 60) - 969 Wins on Ranked
Warlock (Level 60) - 801 Wins on Ranked
Mage (Level 60) - 626 Wins on Ranked
Priest (Level 60) - 216 Wins on Ranked
Demonhunter (Level 44) - 146 Wins on Ranked
ROGUE (Level 28) - 0 !!!!!!!! Wins on Ranked xDDDD
Still shocked about myself that I managed to not dust Hanar thus far, will I be able to withstand the temptation ?
Damn, and I thought I play a lot :D
I started playing just before GvG dropped, been playing every single day since and have a win total of "just" 9322 in ranked, 491 in Arena (I haven't played Arena for years).
I'm a control player though so I'd guess my average time per game is a lot higher than that of some other people.
11850 win... but only 257 on arena
Those Druid wins are really impressive to me because for me Druid is one of those classes that stack wins a lot slower than others.
Hunter: 3125 - Warlock: 2283 - Rogue: 2278
Mage: 2176 - Paladin: 1949 - Priest: 1162
Warrior: 1127 - Druid: 1000 - Shaman: 905
Demon Hunter: 500
Cool total number at the moment, 11111.
1K ranked wins all except DH
Haven't played arena for years, best win 12.
Sarcasm off:
31.493 wins in play mode (yes I'm a player since the beta )
473 wins in Arena
All classes above 1k except the Demon Hunter
" In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded."
F2P since closed beta. 14384 wins, 11749 arena.
not bad?:)
14k Arena wins (most so far for Arena?) & closing in on 9k for Play Mode
400 wins and I am at 40K (played since beta. also: secret paladin was a steamroller, as you can see!)
NINE Packs opened with 2 legendaries inside insofar
What lvl are you on the reward track?
shame I can't easily tell anymore how many wins I have for constructed and at all for arena cause someone at Team 5 thought it was a great idea to instead of giving us even more stats, take them away from us
srsly sometimes I feel like guys at Team 5 have no idea what makes good UX :(
8233 on rogue
paladin 500
all others around 2k except demon hunter at 5 wins.
111 on the reward track right now
such salt much BM.