I'm on bronze league yet all I am fighting are players with tier 1 decks that play like robots. No fun decks at all, no funny mistakes, endless amount of galakrond Rogues and highlander mages with 6+ legendaries.
If this new system was supposed to make it more fair, I honestly don't see it, my experience has been the absolute worse. I had way more fun back in rank 5 matches than this lower league bullshit.
Edit: I found a workaround, just auto-concede a bunch to get your "MMR" down. After about 30 games of mostly doing it, I am mostly fighting fair decks now and I'm enjoying being in Silver. Its quite sad that it had to come to this but gotta do the workarounds for such a feel bad system.
It's second day of the season, with well established meta, ppl are running tier 1 decks a lot (it's common in HS in general and i'm doing it too when climbing, that has 0 legendaries btw), but my experience with the system has been good. I ranked up fast with the bonus stars and have felt more rewarded than before so my suggestion is: either wait untill the new expansion comes, but it will be a DH fest in the beginning at least, or tank your MMR untill you face worse people.
about the misplays, I played in gold 1 against a mech paladin that made 2-4 huge plunders in the game so it's just a matter of luck who you run into.
I just played agaisn't a diamond player, I added them just to see what rank they were... why is bronze players playing agaisn't diamond players? jesus christ.
But since you don't have the intellect to figure this out i guess i'll lend a hand. This is only a one time problem which will be temporary, they said that everyone is getting reset to Bronze 10 so you have everyone from all sorts of skill set stacked at that rank, everyone will begin to space out as time goes on. Things will be back to normal after about 3-4 weeks.
Wait a week. Everybody starts at Bronze 10, so you are running into players who were at, or near, legend two days ago. I got down to platinum in around 3 hours, so I expect that the lower portion of the ladder will clear itself of higher-level players fairly quickly, leaving you to battle Jank and new players.
First things first, this will happen every month. Everyone gets set back to bronze and matchmaking will take a bit to really refine as everyone's MMR is composed based on games played.
So far, I've spoken with a few players who have done some testing and here's how the matchmaking seems to work (unofficially, of course):
Based on your skill, efficiency, deck composition, and rank, you'll get matched with people who best line up with you.
For example, you'll face a player who makes a lot of mistakes if you make a lot of mistakes, too. You'll face a lot more meta decks if you run meta decks, too. Running off-meta? Your opponent is likely to be doing the same. Win streak? Your opponent probably has one going, too.
Don't let the initial newness/weirdness of ladder turn you off from it. Get a feel for how it works and how you can best approach it.
Best of luck!
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Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Leagues might as well be useless if a bronze is put agaisn't a diamond or legend or platinum. There should be a limit of how far the leagues are paired up agaisn't each other.
But since you don't have the intellect to figure this out i guess i'll lend a hand. This is only a one time problem which will be temporary, they said that everyone is getting reset to Bronze 10 so you have everyone from all sorts of skill set stacked at that rank, everyone will begin to space out as time goes on. Things will be back to normal after about 3-4 weeks.
that is not how it work... you play all ranks even if you diamind or bronze.,..
I'm on bronze league yet all I am fighting are players with tier 1 decks that play like robots. No fun decks at all, no funny mistakes, endless amount of galakrond Rogues and highlander mages with 6+ legendaries.
If this new system was supposed to make it more fair, I honestly don't see it, my experience has been the absolute worse. I had way more fun back in rank 5 matches than this lower league bullshit.
Blizz needs to fix their MMR, I lost 5 games in a row in standard bronze, gave up and switched to wild where I have about a 35% winrate. I am hoping ill be able to get to diamond 10 where I run out of bonus stars than ill get stuck there. Also opponent ranks aren't being displayed for some reason.
I just played agaisn't a diamond player, I added them just to see what rank they were... why is bronze players playing agaisn't diamond players? jesus christ.
The system matches you based on MMR. Not actual rank. At least up to legendary. So if your starting at bronze and face legend cardback opponents with T1 decks. It's a nod to you for being good.
It's matching "skill" now over rank. And high win MMR get more star bonuses. I started with an 11 star bonus for example, so even though my matches are technically harder I climb easily because of the bonus I received. Where's as a low MMR player will receive less bonus but should have an easier time getting matched with similar skill opponents and not get steamrolled.
This is also why players have been talking about exploiting the system by tanking your MMR on purpose so a Legendary level players face newbs.bs.
All I know is I'm playing an oddball dragon warlock deck with a grand total of 1 legendary (gul'dan) and after "reaching" rank 20 in March I've been facing in order: all golden mecha'thun warlock, all golden cubelock, galakrond bomb warrior and quest mage. If this is the best the matchmaking can do, it's garbage, there's no two ways about it (especially since every single one of my opponents had 1000 wins on their class).
I just played agaisn't a diamond player, I added them just to see what rank they were... why is bronze players playing agaisn't diamond players? jesus christ.
The system matches you based on MMR. Not actual rank. At least up to legendary. So if your starting at bronze and face legend cardback opponents with T1 decks. It's a nod to you for being good.
It's matching "skill" now over rank. And high win MMR get more star bonuses. I started with an 11 star bonus for example, so even though my matches are technically harder I climb easily because of the bonus I received. Where's as a low MMR player will receive less bonus but should have an easier time getting matched with similar skill opponents and not get steamrolled.
This is also why players have been talking about exploiting the system by tanking your MMR on purpose so a Legendary level players face newbs.bs.
Well, that's very nice of the system, except I don't care about how "skilled" it sees me as. Any game is right now a giant struggle and it just feels awful to play. There should be a combination of MMR and league matching in that case instead of just MMR. This isn't overwatch.
Based on your skill, efficiency, deck composition, and rank, you'll get matched with people who best line up with you.
For example, you'll face a player who makes a lot of mistakes if you make a lot of mistakes, too. You'll face a lot more meta decks if you run meta decks, too. Running off-meta? Your opponent is likely to be doing the same. Win streak? Your opponent probably has one going, too.
What deck you're playing and if you have a win streak going or not has nothing whatsoever to do with matchmaking. There are two things that determine matchmaking in the new ladder system:
1) At the beginning of a new season, you're matched with people by MMR, no matter your and their rank. Basically, you're playing the same people in Bronze 10 that you were playing two days ago in rank 5. 2) When your star multiplier is gone (when you are at the rank you're "supposed" to be according to your MMR) you'll be matched according to rank.
This cannot be said enough: Blizzard does not care what deck you're queueing up with when they're matching players. Your choice of deck has absolutely no impact on matchmaking. None. At all.
I have to disagree and say after two days this new ladder system is amazing. Just hit legend and it was the easiest climb I've ever had. I did finish top 250ish last month which helped as I had 11 stars per win from outset and crazily still got 2 stars per win at diamond 5 so all in all it took less than 50 games from start. Massive improvement for legend players!!!
But you will get matched up with players of equal MMR I just played a Silver 5 and I'm 93 in legend currently.
Obviously if you have less bonus stars to start with it will appear more grindy but the great thing is progress really matters and you get a real sense of achievement as losses didn't feel tilting as much when progress happens faster.
I'd just say stick with it if you can. slowly improve your ladder finishes it makes the following month all the more easy
People have explained it to the OP fine. The system got reset and there will be some small problems for a short time until higher ranked players are where they're supposed to be. Most people get this, if you want to be mad you don't need an excuse you know.
I'm on bronze league yet all I am fighting are players with tier 1 decks that play like robots. No fun decks at all, no funny mistakes, endless amount of galakrond Rogues and highlander mages with 6+ legendaries.
If this new system was supposed to make it more fair, I honestly don't see it, my experience has been the absolute worse. I had way more fun back in rank 5 matches than this lower league bullshit.
Low ranks have always been full of meta decks, where have you been?
Come on now guys, you are down to Diamond 10 in a matter of HOURS, yet still complaining ?!
Hilarious. If anything this new System makes grinding down until Diamond 5 ridicolously easy compared to the old one.
Getting from Diamond 5 to Legendary is much easier than Rank 5 to Legendary from the old system too, since you "only" required to hit a 15 Game Winstreak, which seems do-able for most players after 1-2 weeks.
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I'm on bronze league yet all I am fighting are players with tier 1 decks that play like robots. No fun decks at all, no funny mistakes, endless amount of galakrond Rogues and highlander mages with 6+ legendaries.
If this new system was supposed to make it more fair, I honestly don't see it, my experience has been the absolute worse. I had way more fun back in rank 5 matches than this lower league bullshit.
Edit: I found a workaround, just auto-concede a bunch to get your "MMR" down. After about 30 games of mostly doing it, I am mostly fighting fair decks now and I'm enjoying being in Silver. Its quite sad that it had to come to this but gotta do the workarounds for such a feel bad system.
It's second day of the season, with well established meta, ppl are running tier 1 decks a lot (it's common in HS in general and i'm doing it too when climbing, that has 0 legendaries btw), but my experience with the system has been good. I ranked up fast with the bonus stars and have felt more rewarded than before so my suggestion is: either wait untill the new expansion comes, but it will be a DH fest in the beginning at least, or tank your MMR untill you face worse people.
about the misplays, I played in gold 1 against a mech paladin that made 2-4 huge plunders in the game so it's just a matter of luck who you run into.
I just played agaisn't a diamond player, I added them just to see what rank they were... why is bronze players playing agaisn't diamond players? jesus christ.
Cool story bro.
But since you don't have the intellect to figure this out i guess i'll lend a hand. This is only a one time problem which will be temporary, they said that everyone is getting reset to Bronze 10 so you have everyone from all sorts of skill set stacked at that rank, everyone will begin to space out as time goes on. Things will be back to normal after about 3-4 weeks.
Wait a week. Everybody starts at Bronze 10, so you are running into players who were at, or near, legend two days ago. I got down to platinum in around 3 hours, so I expect that the lower portion of the ladder will clear itself of higher-level players fairly quickly, leaving you to battle Jank and new players.
First things first, this will happen every month. Everyone gets set back to bronze and matchmaking will take a bit to really refine as everyone's MMR is composed based on games played.
So far, I've spoken with a few players who have done some testing and here's how the matchmaking seems to work (unofficially, of course):
Based on your skill, efficiency, deck composition, and rank, you'll get matched with people who best line up with you.
For example, you'll face a player who makes a lot of mistakes if you make a lot of mistakes, too. You'll face a lot more meta decks if you run meta decks, too. Running off-meta? Your opponent is likely to be doing the same. Win streak? Your opponent probably has one going, too.
Don't let the initial newness/weirdness of ladder turn you off from it. Get a feel for how it works and how you can best approach it.
Best of luck!
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
you should all read the Matchmaking section here on this site.
Leagues might as well be useless if a bronze is put agaisn't a diamond or legend or platinum. There should be a limit of how far the leagues are paired up agaisn't each other.
that is not how it work... you play all ranks even if you diamind or bronze.,..
Blizz needs to fix their MMR, I lost 5 games in a row in standard bronze, gave up and switched to wild where I have about a 35% winrate. I am hoping ill be able to get to diamond 10 where I run out of bonus stars than ill get stuck there. Also opponent ranks aren't being displayed for some reason.
The system matches you based on MMR. Not actual rank. At least up to legendary. So if your starting at bronze and face legend cardback opponents with T1 decks. It's a nod to you for being good.
It's matching "skill" now over rank. And high win MMR get more star bonuses. I started with an 11 star bonus for example, so even though my matches are technically harder I climb easily because of the bonus I received. Where's as a low MMR player will receive less bonus but should have an easier time getting matched with similar skill opponents and not get steamrolled.
This is also why players have been talking about exploiting the system by tanking your MMR on purpose so a Legendary level players face newbs.bs.
All I know is I'm playing an oddball dragon warlock deck with a grand total of 1 legendary (gul'dan) and after "reaching" rank 20 in March I've been facing in order: all golden mecha'thun warlock, all golden cubelock, galakrond bomb warrior and quest mage. If this is the best the matchmaking can do, it's garbage, there's no two ways about it (especially since every single one of my opponents had 1000 wins on their class).
1000 wins and bought by whales decks =/= high winrate or good MMR, especially in Wild.
The game is aged enough that even low winrate players can have 1000 win classes. You're just making speculations.
Well, that's very nice of the system, except I don't care about how "skilled" it sees me as. Any game is right now a giant struggle and it just feels awful to play. There should be a combination of MMR and league matching in that case instead of just MMR. This isn't overwatch.
What deck you're playing and if you have a win streak going or not has nothing whatsoever to do with matchmaking. There are two things that determine matchmaking in the new ladder system:
1) At the beginning of a new season, you're matched with people by MMR, no matter your and their rank. Basically, you're playing the same people in Bronze 10 that you were playing two days ago in rank 5.
2) When your star multiplier is gone (when you are at the rank you're "supposed" to be according to your MMR) you'll be matched according to rank.
This cannot be said enough: Blizzard does not care what deck you're queueing up with when they're matching players. Your choice of deck has absolutely no impact on matchmaking. None. At all.
I have to disagree and say after two days this new ladder system is amazing. Just hit legend and it was the easiest climb I've ever had. I did finish top 250ish last month which helped as I had 11 stars per win from outset and crazily still got 2 stars per win at diamond 5 so all in all it took less than 50 games from start. Massive improvement for legend players!!!
But you will get matched up with players of equal MMR I just played a Silver 5 and I'm 93 in legend currently.
Obviously if you have less bonus stars to start with it will appear more grindy but the great thing is progress really matters and you get a real sense of achievement as losses didn't feel tilting as much when progress happens faster.
I'd just say stick with it if you can. slowly improve your ladder finishes it makes the following month all the more easy
People have explained it to the OP fine. The system got reset and there will be some small problems for a short time until higher ranked players are where they're supposed to be. Most people get this, if you want to be mad you don't need an excuse you know.
Low ranks have always been full of meta decks, where have you been?
Come on now guys, you are down to Diamond 10 in a matter of HOURS, yet still complaining ?!
Hilarious. If anything this new System makes grinding down until Diamond 5 ridicolously easy compared to the old one.
Getting from Diamond 5 to Legendary is much easier than Rank 5 to Legendary from the old system too, since you "only" required to hit a 15 Game Winstreak, which seems do-able for most players after 1-2 weeks.