Hunter is just a waste of time to play against cause u know ur going to lose by turn 5 people complaining bout ganklord rogue as stong deck to is laughable.
Unless you're playing against mech hunter in wild there's no way on earth you'd be dead by turn 5 in this standard meta against ANY hunter, unless you fell asleep on your keyboard at the beginning of every hunter matchup.
Are they going to do something about fucking Rogue? Like like set card generation limits to 10 cards a game MAX. Or just delete Lackeys altogether. Im so sick of them having unlimited card draw every single turn. It never ends. Why is this allowed? Whos in charge of this crap? No matter what you do you cant possibly deal with it. They have removal, boards, healing, whatever. And they steal a bunch of cards they shouldnt have access to.
Theres your "design limitation" argument. Please nerf Rogue into the ground so it sucks for like 2 years. Please. Thanks.
Are they going to do something about fucking Rogue? Like like set card generation limits to 10 cards a game MAX. Or just delete Lackeys altogether. Im so sick of them having unlimited card draw every single turn. It never ends. Why is this allowed? Whos in charge of this crap? No matter what you do you cant possibly deal with it. They have removal, boards, healing, whatever. And they steal a bunch of cards they shouldnt have access to.
Theres your "design limitation" argument. Please nerf Rogue into the ground so it sucks for like 2 years. Please. Thanks.
Are they going to do something about fucking Rogue? Like like set card generation limits to 10 cards a game MAX. Or just delete Lackeys altogether. Im so sick of them having unlimited card draw every single turn. It never ends. Why is this allowed? Whos in charge of this crap? No matter what you do you cant possibly deal with it. They have removal, boards, healing, whatever. And they steal a bunch of cards they shouldnt have access to.
Theres your "design limitation" argument. Please nerf Rogue into the ground so it sucks for like 2 years. Please. Thanks.
Hunter main confirmed.
Nope - thats not it. Its very much that they literally get like 6-8 cards generated per turn once the ball gets rolling and you have no way to decipher what any of it is and since they usually bounce discover cards( which are a whole other problem in this game) they get even MORE free cardrs. They pull cards that they have NO business pulling from other classes. They get not only duplicates of powerful cards but they like 4, 5 or 8 of them. These are cards that they dont have to use in their deck build either. They get them "free of charge". So deck rules dont apply. It aint right. Yes, Priest can steal cards too but at great cost and with a much more limited scope.
Like I said, the alleged "weaknessess" of Rogues dont exist. Card draw? Hilarious - its a strength. Board clears? Ummm... it would seem so but when they can *somehow* manage to clear your strong board with spells/lackeys/whatever every single turn Id say its a myth that Rogue has no clears. Targeted removal? Yeah, they got that too. Finishers? They have access to plenty of that and usually "discover" some nice finisher from another class, conveniently. Thats the problem here. Should be obvious. Look harder.
Somebody forgets Death Knights, Jade Druid, Reno/Kazakus, Baku, Grim Patron, Cube, etc.
Unless you're playing against mech hunter in wild there's no way on earth you'd be dead by turn 5 in this standard meta against ANY hunter, unless you fell asleep on your keyboard at the beginning of every hunter matchup.
Are they going to do something about fucking Rogue? Like like set card generation limits to 10 cards a game MAX. Or just delete Lackeys altogether. Im so sick of them having unlimited card draw every single turn. It never ends. Why is this allowed? Whos in charge of this crap? No matter what you do you cant possibly deal with it. They have removal, boards, healing, whatever. And they steal a bunch of cards they shouldnt have access to.
Theres your "design limitation" argument. Please nerf Rogue into the ground so it sucks for like 2 years. Please. Thanks.
Isn't that their class identity? It would be pretty hard to complete their quest otherwise... And, Tess Greymane would be pretty boring...
Do you also have a problem with Priests healing, mages having spells, Shaman "cheating out" through overload, and Warrior buffing from damage?
Hunter main confirmed.
Nope - thats not it. Its very much that they literally get like 6-8 cards generated per turn once the ball gets rolling and you have no way to decipher what any of it is and since they usually bounce discover cards( which are a whole other problem in this game) they get even MORE free cardrs. They pull cards that they have NO business pulling from other classes. They get not only duplicates of powerful cards but they like 4, 5 or 8 of them. These are cards that they dont have to use in their deck build either. They get them "free of charge". So deck rules dont apply. It aint right. Yes, Priest can steal cards too but at great cost and with a much more limited scope.
Like I said, the alleged "weaknessess" of Rogues dont exist. Card draw? Hilarious - its a strength. Board clears? Ummm... it would seem so but when they can *somehow* manage to clear your strong board with spells/lackeys/whatever every single turn Id say its a myth that Rogue has no clears. Targeted removal? Yeah, they got that too. Finishers? They have access to plenty of that and usually "discover" some nice finisher from another class, conveniently. Thats the problem here. Should be obvious. Look harder.