I know this post is a little on the long side but trying to get a consensus of what the community thinks of something like this...
After taking a 2 1/2 month break from hearthstone to play other card games, mainly Gwent I have come back with a renewed feeling to the game which has changed a lot since i stopped, aside from hunter of course. Anyways aside from some of the glaring differences of how the games are played I really liked one aspect of it more than hearthstone and that is the ranked system. it is almost identical to hearthstone in the way that you need 5 wins at each rank to progress to the next and winstreak bonus on your 3rd win in a row, But the big difference is that once you've earned the rank in that season you can never lose the rank. You can drop from 5 stars to 0 stars within the rank but you cant drop ranks even after hitting rank 5, this allowed me to hit pro rank (legend equivalent) in Gwent for the 3 seasons that i've been playing so far (I've only hit legend 3 times in the 4 on and off years I've played hearthstone). This seems like a no brainer, you invest time into the ranked mode and you're rewarded for your progress. I really wish Hearthstone would adopt this strategy as i think i would allow more players a great opportunity to get legend and maybe cause people to play those wacky experimental decks that they've always wanted to try but need to use a meta deck to grind up the ladder. I know this would make hitting legend easier but once you hit legend and start climbing to high ranks is where the true skill of this game is found even if it's just an RNG-fest at times. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say that Gwent is the superior game but there is a lot more incentive to keep playing each season if you're rewarded for the time and energy used to get there.
Hearthstone does have a similar system to the one you're suggesting. At the ranks which are multiples of 5 - 20, 15, 10, and 5 - losing at 0 stars prevents you from dropping rank. For example, if you are at rank 5 with 0 stars, you can't reach rank 6, no matter how many times you lose. It is therefore at these ranks that we see the experimentation that you refer to in your post.
So to conclude, your idea is a great one - but as far as I know, it's already implemented. Unless you are advocating for every rank to be like this (which would make it nearly impossible NOT to get legend), this has already been done.
Unless you are advocating for every rank to be like this (which would make it nearly impossible NOT to get legend), this has already been done.
That's exactly what he's advocating for!
Maybe something between 5 stars (that's really not a lot) and 5 levels (that sounds kinda too much even if it's not supposed to happen very often) would be more appropriate but yes, it would definitely make becoming legend easier...
If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
an extremely jaded opinion but it actually wouldn't matter if more people were making it to legend because if you are a very skilled player that knows the ins and outs of every deck you'll still be at a higher tier of legend and will continue to play similarly skilled players. Remember this game isn't built for the top 3% of players.
Hearthstone does have a similar system to the one you're suggesting. At the ranks which are multiples of 5 - 20, 15, 10, and 5 - losing at 0 stars prevents you from dropping rank. For example, if you are at rank 5 with 0 stars, you can't reach rank 6, no matter how many times you lose. It is therefore at these ranks that we see the experimentation that you refer to in your post.
So to conclude, your idea is a great one - but as far as I know, it's already implemented. Unless you are advocating for every rank to be like this (which would make it nearly impossible NOT to get legend), this has already been done.
yes i'm saying you do not drop down from a single rank. The grind aspect of reaching legend and beyond would still be there but the overall point is eventually your time spent trying to progress is rewarded. maybe it's just not a popular opinion but i think it would keep players more excited each season rather than getting burned out after playing days upon days to just bounce back and forth between ranks 5-1 or 10-6 and so on. And to reiterate once again i think it would completely change the health of the game by allowing players to actually play a deck of their own creation and have a chance rather than play what HSreplay or this site say are the best decks.
I know this post is a little on the long side but trying to get a consensus of what the community thinks of something like this...
After taking a 2 1/2 month break from hearthstone to play other card games, mainly Gwent I have come back with a renewed feeling to the game which has changed a lot since i stopped, aside from hunter of course. Anyways aside from some of the glaring differences of how the games are played I really liked one aspect of it more than hearthstone and that is the ranked system. it is almost identical to hearthstone in the way that you need 5 wins at each rank to progress to the next and winstreak bonus on your 3rd win in a row, But the big difference is that once you've earned the rank in that season you can never lose the rank. You can drop from 5 stars to 0 stars within the rank but you cant drop ranks even after hitting rank 5, this allowed me to hit pro rank (legend equivalent) in Gwent for the 3 seasons that i've been playing so far (I've only hit legend 3 times in the 4 on and off years I've played hearthstone). This seems like a no brainer, you invest time into the ranked mode and you're rewarded for your progress. I really wish Hearthstone would adopt this strategy as i think i would allow more players a great opportunity to get legend and maybe cause people to play those wacky experimental decks that they've always wanted to try but need to use a meta deck to grind up the ladder. I know this would make hitting legend easier but once you hit legend and start climbing to high ranks is where the true skill of this game is found even if it's just an RNG-fest at times. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say that Gwent is the superior game but there is a lot more incentive to keep playing each season if you're rewarded for the time and energy used to get there.
Curious as to how much you spent / if you're paying someone to play for you to achieve pro rank in gwent every season for the first 3 seasons you picked it up, lol. I'm multi legend consistent rank 3 plus every season I play ranked and I had difficulty getting past rank 17-16 when I started playing gwent. I actually still haven't gotten past 16 bc I stopped playing it. So I'm a little skeptical that you apparently just picked it up and immediately became one of the best players in the game for 3 seasons straight. I mean if you were a pro sure, but you're just some guy that took 4 years to hit legend 3 times. I'm not buying it.
If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
This sums it up - the legend rank is a function of playing a broken meta deck and playing a lot of games. Not much else. They've thrown the skill and strategy out the window over the last couple years. Its gone. Forget it. Until they get realistic and STOP with unlimited card discovery, allowing classes access to cards that they shouldnt, allowing decks to end up with 4-6 copies of brutally powerfuls cards that break deck rules, printing super-cheesey/ass-saving cards & of course endless lackey generation.... this game aint gonna be abut nothing except for two factors:
What matchup did my busted deck get matched against? If good = I win game. If bad = I lose game.
Did me or my opponent draw our impossible to defend against crap first? Or if against Rogue, did they get the right lackey(usually they do)?
I know this post is a little on the long side but trying to get a consensus of what the community thinks of something like this...
After taking a 2 1/2 month break from hearthstone to play other card games, mainly Gwent I have come back with a renewed feeling to the game which has changed a lot since i stopped, aside from hunter of course. Anyways aside from some of the glaring differences of how the games are played I really liked one aspect of it more than hearthstone and that is the ranked system. it is almost identical to hearthstone in the way that you need 5 wins at each rank to progress to the next and winstreak bonus on your 3rd win in a row, But the big difference is that once you've earned the rank in that season you can never lose the rank. You can drop from 5 stars to 0 stars within the rank but you cant drop ranks even after hitting rank 5, this allowed me to hit pro rank (legend equivalent) in Gwent for the 3 seasons that i've been playing so far (I've only hit legend 3 times in the 4 on and off years I've played hearthstone). This seems like a no brainer, you invest time into the ranked mode and you're rewarded for your progress. I really wish Hearthstone would adopt this strategy as i think i would allow more players a great opportunity to get legend and maybe cause people to play those wacky experimental decks that they've always wanted to try but need to use a meta deck to grind up the ladder. I know this would make hitting legend easier but once you hit legend and start climbing to high ranks is where the true skill of this game is found even if it's just an RNG-fest at times. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say that Gwent is the superior game but there is a lot more incentive to keep playing each season if you're rewarded for the time and energy used to get there.
Curious as to how much you spent / if you're paying someone to play for you to achieve pro rank in gwent every season for the first 3 seasons you picked it up, lol. I'm multi legend consistent rank 3 plus every season I play ranked and I had difficulty getting past rank 17-16 when I started playing gwent. I actually still haven't gotten past 16 bc I stopped playing it. So I'm a little skeptical that you apparently just picked it up and immediately became one of the best players in the game for 3 seasons straight. I mean if you were a pro sure, but you're just some guy that took 4 years to hit legend 3 times. I'm not buying it.
Well gwent doesn't have nearly as high of a player population so making it within the top 1000 players isn't that big of an achievement but i did it. I probably have spent a fair amount of money but more importantly time on both hearthstone and gwent so i could build decks that can compete at high ranks.
Never heard of gwent, imma try it out! I'm getting sick of the grind from 5 to 1... and I agree with Roadie, HS just has way too much RNG that it really doesn't take skill. You lose either cuz your opponent has the right cards at the right time while you don't OR through sheer RNG luck discovering the right card(s) OR getting lucky through topdecking
Never heard of gwent, imma try it out! I'm getting sick of the grind from 5 to 1... and I agree with Roadie, HS just has way too much RNG that it really doesn't take skill. You lose either cuz your opponent has the right cards at the right time while you don't OR through sheer RNG luck discovering the right card(s) OR getting lucky through topdecking
Its not just 5 to 1....its any ranking. The game is a pure diceroll. No thought required but thats the way people want it, apparently. Rank means nothing other than you got luckier. Thats the reality of it.
Never heard of gwent, imma try it out! I'm getting sick of the grind from 5 to 1... and I agree with Roadie, HS just has way too much RNG that it really doesn't take skill. You lose either cuz your opponent has the right cards at the right time while you don't OR through sheer RNG luck discovering the right card(s) OR getting lucky through topdecking
Its not just 5 to 1....its any ranking. The game is a pure diceroll. No thought required but thats the way people want it, apparently. Rank means nothing other than you got luckier. Thats the reality of it.
roadie two questions how often do you get banned and have to create new account? and which game are you talking about? because if you're calling gwent a pure diceroll then you're mistaken. Gwent is all about the deck you build and the strategy you employ to win 2 rounds. If you're talking about hearthstone then i would understand a bit.
Curious as to how much you spent / if you're paying someone to play for you to achieve pro rank in gwent every season for the first 3 seasons you picked it up, lol. I'm multi legend consistent rank 3 plus every season I play ranked and I had difficulty getting past rank 17-16 when I started playing gwent. I actually still haven't gotten past 16 bc I stopped playing it. So I'm a little skeptical that you apparently just picked it up and immediately became one of the best players in the game for 3 seasons straight. I mean if you were a pro sure, but you're just some guy that took 4 years to hit legend 3 times. I'm not buying it.
Well gwent doesn't have nearly as high of a player population so making it within the top 1000 players isn't that big of an achievement but i did it. I probably have spent a fair amount of money but more importantly time on both hearthstone and gwent so i could build decks that can compete at high ranks.
Yeah again, from my experience it's not that anywhere near that easy to get to pro rank in Gwent. I feel like you're trying to prove a point and you're possibly greatly exaggerating how far you were able to progress to prove that point. I may be wrong, maybe you just grinded 10 hours every day and paid a lot of money to get the strongest meta deck, but I am still having a hard time believing you. There are still tens of thousands of people that play Gwent every month that do not achieve pro rank, and you're saying you just casually picked it up and immediately got to that rank for 3 months straight? Pretty far fetched man. I recognize the validity of your argument for preventing rank loss, but unless you can come up with some photo evidence of your achieves for each season that you achieved pro I don't think you got anywhere near that high.
i totally agree with this statement, i am one of those that like to experiment with decks but find my self not doing that and using meta decks when i get to the rank 7's & 6's in order not to drop but in having said that i also think it would be to easy to get to legend if its was stuck on every rank.
Never heard of gwent, imma try it out! I'm getting sick of the grind from 5 to 1... and I agree with Roadie, HS just has way too much RNG that it really doesn't take skill. You lose either cuz your opponent has the right cards at the right time while you don't OR through sheer RNG luck discovering the right card(s) OR getting lucky through topdecking
Its not just 5 to 1....its any ranking. The game is a pure diceroll. No thought required but thats the way people want it, apparently. Rank means nothing other than you got luckier. Thats the reality of it.
roadie two questions how often do you get banned and have to create new account? and which game are you talking about? because if you're calling gwent a pure diceroll then you're mistaken. Gwent is all about the deck you build and the strategy you employ to win 2 rounds. If you're talking about hearthstone then i would understand a bit.
Roadie is obviously talking about Hearthstone, dude. Not sure how you are confused by his comment.
I am sure hitting legend and ranking up feels great for a while, but it is like pissing in the pants to stay warm. How this devaluates the skill/rank relation in the game will be obvious very quickly.
First, anybody can beat anybody, and both RNG and matchups play a huge role. In other games this is not the case. The difference between a decent and fantastic player will only be 5% wr tops if they play the same deck.
Even with an over all winrate of 45%, which is very low Hearthstone, you will always eventually get the win streaks to reach the next floor. This is also true with the current 15/10/5 floors, but it is much harder to do.
They already have win streak bonus stars, rank floors and slashed the endseason dropbacks. I think the closer rank floors is a bad idea, I like that I face tougher opponents as I climb and don't want the inevitable aggro-grinder influx this would create.
If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
This sums it up - the legend rank is a function of playing a broken meta deck and playing a lot of games. Not much else. They've thrown the skill and strategy out the window over the last couple years. Its gone. Forget it. Until they get realistic and STOP with unlimited card discovery, allowing classes access to cards that they shouldnt, allowing decks to end up with 4-6 copies of brutally powerfuls cards that break deck rules, printing super-cheesey/ass-saving cards & of course endless lackey generation.... this game aint gonna be abut nothing except for two factors:
What matchup did my busted deck get matched against? If good = I win game. If bad = I lose game.
Did me or my opponent draw our impossible to defend against crap first? Or if against Rogue, did they get the right lackey(usually they do)?
Thats it, kids. Facts are facts. Enjoy.
Never saw a more accurate post on this site. Wish I could upvote this 1000 times.
I know this post is a little on the long side but trying to get a consensus of what the community thinks of something like this...
After taking a 2 1/2 month break from hearthstone to play other card games, mainly Gwent I have come back with a renewed feeling to the game which has changed a lot since i stopped, aside from hunter of course. Anyways aside from some of the glaring differences of how the games are played I really liked one aspect of it more than hearthstone and that is the ranked system. it is almost identical to hearthstone in the way that you need 5 wins at each rank to progress to the next and winstreak bonus on your 3rd win in a row, But the big difference is that once you've earned the rank in that season you can never lose the rank. You can drop from 5 stars to 0 stars within the rank but you cant drop ranks even after hitting rank 5, this allowed me to hit pro rank (legend equivalent) in Gwent for the 3 seasons that i've been playing so far (I've only hit legend 3 times in the 4 on and off years I've played hearthstone). This seems like a no brainer, you invest time into the ranked mode and you're rewarded for your progress. I really wish Hearthstone would adopt this strategy as i think i would allow more players a great opportunity to get legend and maybe cause people to play those wacky experimental decks that they've always wanted to try but need to use a meta deck to grind up the ladder. I know this would make hitting legend easier but once you hit legend and start climbing to high ranks is where the true skill of this game is found even if it's just an RNG-fest at times. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say that Gwent is the superior game but there is a lot more incentive to keep playing each season if you're rewarded for the time and energy used to get there.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
Hearthstone does have a similar system to the one you're suggesting. At the ranks which are multiples of 5 - 20, 15, 10, and 5 - losing at 0 stars prevents you from dropping rank. For example, if you are at rank 5 with 0 stars, you can't reach rank 6, no matter how many times you lose. It is therefore at these ranks that we see the experimentation that you refer to in your post.
So to conclude, your idea is a great one - but as far as I know, it's already implemented. Unless you are advocating for every rank to be like this (which would make it nearly impossible NOT to get legend), this has already been done.
Check out some of my decks:
That's exactly what he's advocating for!
Maybe something between 5 stars (that's really not a lot) and 5 levels (that sounds kinda too much even if it's not supposed to happen very often) would be more appropriate but yes, it would definitely make becoming legend easier...
If you want to reach legend, then just playing better. If you want that card back, you need fight for it. Actually everyone who have a brain and a meta deck could reach legend with time. So it is exactly like IRL: you either need investing time(hardworking) or you born with superior skill. Obiviously i will lost incentive to play if i know legends rank was fill with nothing but loads of idiots. What then the point of reaching legend ?
an extremely jaded opinion but it actually wouldn't matter if more people were making it to legend because if you are a very skilled player that knows the ins and outs of every deck you'll still be at a higher tier of legend and will continue to play similarly skilled players. Remember this game isn't built for the top 3% of players.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
yes i'm saying you do not drop down from a single rank. The grind aspect of reaching legend and beyond would still be there but the overall point is eventually your time spent trying to progress is rewarded. maybe it's just not a popular opinion but i think it would keep players more excited each season rather than getting burned out after playing days upon days to just bounce back and forth between ranks 5-1 or 10-6 and so on. And to reiterate once again i think it would completely change the health of the game by allowing players to actually play a deck of their own creation and have a chance rather than play what HSreplay or this site say are the best decks.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
Curious as to how much you spent / if you're paying someone to play for you to achieve pro rank in gwent every season for the first 3 seasons you picked it up, lol. I'm multi legend consistent rank 3 plus every season I play ranked and I had difficulty getting past rank 17-16 when I started playing gwent. I actually still haven't gotten past 16 bc I stopped playing it. So I'm a little skeptical that you apparently just picked it up and immediately became one of the best players in the game for 3 seasons straight. I mean if you were a pro sure, but you're just some guy that took 4 years to hit legend 3 times. I'm not buying it.
This sums it up - the legend rank is a function of playing a broken meta deck and playing a lot of games. Not much else. They've thrown the skill and strategy out the window over the last couple years. Its gone. Forget it. Until they get realistic and STOP with unlimited card discovery, allowing classes access to cards that they shouldnt, allowing decks to end up with 4-6 copies of brutally powerfuls cards that break deck rules, printing super-cheesey/ass-saving cards & of course endless lackey generation.... this game aint gonna be abut nothing except for two factors:
Thats it, kids. Facts are facts. Enjoy.
Well gwent doesn't have nearly as high of a player population so making it within the top 1000 players isn't that big of an achievement but i did it. I probably have spent a fair amount of money but more importantly time on both hearthstone and gwent so i could build decks that can compete at high ranks.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
Never heard of gwent, imma try it out! I'm getting sick of the grind from 5 to 1... and I agree with Roadie, HS just has way too much RNG that it really doesn't take skill. You lose either cuz your opponent has the right cards at the right time while you don't OR through sheer RNG luck discovering the right card(s) OR getting lucky through topdecking
Its not just 5 to 1....its any ranking. The game is a pure diceroll. No thought required but thats the way people want it, apparently. Rank means nothing other than you got luckier. Thats the reality of it.
roadie two questions how often do you get banned and have to create new account? and which game are you talking about? because if you're calling gwent a pure diceroll then you're mistaken. Gwent is all about the deck you build and the strategy you employ to win 2 rounds. If you're talking about hearthstone then i would understand a bit.
Google search: Is Hearthstone free to play?
I'm pretty sure he's referring to HS as dice roll.
Yeah again, from my experience it's not that anywhere near that easy to get to pro rank in Gwent. I feel like you're trying to prove a point and you're possibly greatly exaggerating how far you were able to progress to prove that point. I may be wrong, maybe you just grinded 10 hours every day and paid a lot of money to get the strongest meta deck, but I am still having a hard time believing you. There are still tens of thousands of people that play Gwent every month that do not achieve pro rank, and you're saying you just casually picked it up and immediately got to that rank for 3 months straight? Pretty far fetched man. I recognize the validity of your argument for preventing rank loss, but unless you can come up with some photo evidence of your achieves for each season that you achieved pro I don't think you got anywhere near that high.
There's no excuse to not get rank 5 and rank 5 is the only rank you need to make.
i totally agree with this statement, i am one of those that like to experiment with decks but find my self not doing that and using meta decks when i get to the rank 7's & 6's in order not to drop but in having said that i also think it would be to easy to get to legend if its was stuck on every rank.
Roadie is obviously talking about Hearthstone, dude. Not sure how you are confused by his comment.
Rank floors at every rank? Please NO!
I am sure hitting legend and ranking up feels great for a while, but it is like pissing in the pants to stay warm. How this devaluates the skill/rank relation in the game will be obvious very quickly.
First, anybody can beat anybody, and both RNG and matchups play a huge role. In other games this is not the case. The difference between a decent and fantastic player will only be 5% wr tops if they play the same deck.
Even with an over all winrate of 45%, which is very low Hearthstone, you will always eventually get the win streaks to reach the next floor. This is also true with the current 15/10/5 floors, but it is much harder to do.
They already have win streak bonus stars, rank floors and slashed the endseason dropbacks. I think the closer rank floors is a bad idea, I like that I face tougher opponents as I climb and don't want the inevitable aggro-grinder influx this would create.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Never saw a more accurate post on this site. Wish I could upvote this 1000 times.
What point is legendary then? We might as well have no ranked if this system was in place.