I been complaining about Leeroy for a while... and Blizzard goes and puts him in the meta... after this most recent patch I'm a F2P player on hearthstone.
I mean he definitely is too strong but i feel like zilliax is even more op. according to hsreplay.net Leeroy is in 36.5% of the decks meanwhile zilliax is in 51%of the decks which means that on average there is a zilliax in every game.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
I mean he definitely is too strong but i feel like zilliax is even more op. according to hsreplay.net Leeroy is in 36.5% of the decks meanwhile zilliax is in 51%of the decks which means that on average there is a zilliax in every game.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
More often than not, Zilliax is indeed a charge minion due to magnetize. It's effectively charge, heal, and taunt. No one thinks it needs to go.
What makes the removal of the few remaining charge cards improve the game?
Why does Leeroy, a neutral card that all classes have access to, need to go?
I mean he definitely is too strong but i feel like zilliax is even more op. according to hsreplay.net Leeroy is in 36.5% of the decks meanwhile zilliax is in 51%of the decks which means that on average there is a zilliax in every game.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
And after we get rid of Charge, what is next? Burn spells that can go face?
We could make every minion in the game be N-mana with N/N+1 stats and no text. Sounds like great fun, doesn't it.
We have had three expansions of broken rush cards dominating the Meta. Just because they can't go face, doesn't mean they aren't OP.
More often than not, Zilliax is indeed a charge minion due to magnetize. It's effectively charge, heal, and taunt. No one thinks it needs to go.
What makes the removal of the few remaining charge cards improve the game?
Why does Leeroy, a neutral card that all classes have access to, need to go?
Zilliax rotates out naturally in April with the yearly rotation.
To Hall of Fame it at that time (when most HoF moves happen) would be utterly meaningless. That's why no one is asking for it.
Also, let's change your "more often than not" to "sometimes." It has pseudo-charge in mech decks only, and mech decks do NOT constitute the majority of decks that contain Zilliax.
I mean he definitely is too strong but i feel like zilliax is even more op. according to hsreplay.net Leeroy is in 36.5% of the decks meanwhile zilliax is in 51%of the decks which means that on average there is a zilliax in every game.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
More often than not, Zilliax is indeed a charge minion due to magnetize. It's effectively charge, heal, and taunt. No one thinks it needs to go.
What makes the removal of the few remaining charge cards improve the game?
Why does Leeroy, a neutral card that all classes have access to, need to go?
Requiring an existing mech on the board does not constitute a charge minion.
A charge minion is a minion that can attack THE SAME TURN IT IS PLAYED. Requiring a minion tp be on the board for a full turn is not charge.
If you're drafting mechs for the magnetic affect thinking it's anywhere close to Charge.. Zilliax isn't even the strongest magnetic minion.
I mean he definitely is too strong but i feel like zilliax is even more op. according to hsreplay.net Leeroy is in 36.5% of the decks meanwhile zilliax is in 51%of the decks which means that on average there is a zilliax in every game.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
And after we get rid of Charge, what is next? Burn spells that can go face?
We could make every minion in the game be N-mana with N/N+1 stats and no text. Sounds like great fun, doesn't it.
We have had three expansions of broken rush cards dominating the Meta. Just because they can't go face, doesn't mean they aren't OP.
It's far easier to buff minions than it is to stack spellpower. We had cost deduction cards severely limited because of the dumpster fire of Thaurrisan and Malygos OTKOs.
Basically all former OTKO/TTKO combos revolved around charge or cost reduction. It's retarded to argue against it, when it's a mechanic that's been systematically pushed out, nerfed, and put out of print since day 1 as problems continuously rise.
Leeroy is not a problem stand alone, it just a 5 mana fireball . The only problem is its combo potential. If Blizzard add Dirty Rat to classic set to fcuk up combo pieces, Leeroy is perfectly fine
Why play a game where your opponent is only smaking your face? There is not many control tools in standard now, and they need to fix that before alot of people are leaving.
I personally would love to see a rotation of basic and classic cards!
While I think that it's possible Leeroy could see the HoF at some point, sending him there wouldn't really change much. Reckless Rocketeer will basically do the exact same thing. You will still get burst down from more than you want to be burst down from.
The break points are slightly different, but people would pretty quickly adapt.
The other problem charge besides Leeroy is stonetusk boar and the 2/1 pirate, rotate those along with Leeroy. Wolfrider and bluegill see occasional play at about a tenth the level of Leeroy. Stormwind knight, reckless and argent commander are too fair to see much play and if you want to trade, rush has better stats anyway, no one will run charge for trading.
How come anyone didn't complain about him in the past that much? Just because now Blizz vomited some aggro tools he is op?
I could ask for insane control tools like Brawl or Twisting Nether to be HOF'd, because they REALLY put a halt to your tempo if you have a good board. See how easy it is to find victims?
tbh with the way warrior is designed now brawl makes no sense. Warrior is very much a tempo class, utilizing rush and armor as it's control tools. Warrior doesn't need and should have hard AoE removal like brawl. Twisting Nether is sort of trouble too, hard removal in general has been a problem in the game too, just as much as Leeroy really.
But Leeroy is also a problem. I'd honestly be fine if they just nerfed him to be like an 8 mana 8/4 or something instead. Make him a true finisher, rather than a mid-game combo tool.
Leeroy allows classes that don't normally have 'reach' damage to win games they probably shouldn't. Leeroy also allows far too much combo OTK decks to exist and continue to exist until this day. Leeroy can also be discounted, copied and shuffled into your deck for more charge damage.
Charge is a thing that IF it exists should be done very rarely and on legendary cards so you cannot draw those cards every game with 2 copies of them in your deck. I don't think Charge is very healthy for the game anymore and if people still want to play OTK charge stuff, then HOF Leeroy so you can still do that, but it doesn't invade Standard anymore.
Rush is still powerful, but at least you have to wait a turn before going face. It does give the opponent time to interact and react.
And if you still want Charge in the game, then relegate it to Wild only. It's a call back to decks of old, but doesn't remove the card from existence.
You could also limit Charge minions to have Battlecry text. Battlecry: Gain Charge.
And if you wanted to limit the card even more, you can create conditions on Charge:
Battlecry: Gain Charge. You can only play 1 more card this turn.
By giving Charge a 'battlecry' tag, it does enable Shudderwock, but if you add the tag of only playing 1 card then Shudderwock in Wild cannot get abused IF you want charge.
Either way, simple solution is to HOF Leeroy and be done with it.
a card designed 5 years ago (not the only one sadly) has no more sense now.
Too many cards that make it cancer. It' s everywhere, I ask everybody to count how many time you have been killed by a cheated leeroy. (copied, buffed, mana discounted, replayed, resurected... )
I feel for you OP. I don’t agree and I do play leeroy myself but I definitely understand you.
I don’t think leeroy is unfun to play against and there are some counters. Hunter would deal with it using freeze trap, explosive trap (doesn’t work if he is galakrond buffed), misdirection or snipe. Mage can do it with vaporize. I think paladin has a secret counter too. And then of course there is taunts.
But for sure leeroy is everywhere right now and not all decks have good counters and I can understand how some may find it aggravating. So I wish you all the best but would personally change other more inherently toxic things
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Dad, husband, gamer, fueled by coffee.
Currently playing Dragon Galakrond Priest, Dragon Galakrond Warrior and Highlander Dragon Hunter.
I don't think it's a good plan to remove all finishers from the game. If control and control heavy combo decks can respond to everything, I think it's gonna get mighty frustrating.
Charge minions have always been a problem and players always find a way (every single expansion) to abuse the mechanic (Quest Rogue, Cubelock, now Deathrattle Rogue...) . I'm just waiting for the Leeroy Nerf a la Arcane Golem or a Charge into Rush nerf.
How come anyone didn't complain about him in the past that much? Just because now Blizz vomited some aggro tools he is op?
I could ask for insane control tools like Brawl or Twisting Nether to be HOF'd, because they REALLY put a halt to your tempo if you have a good board. See how easy it is to find victims?
tbh with the way warrior is designed now brawl makes no sense. Warrior is very much a tempo class, utilizing rush and armor as it's control tools. Warrior doesn't need and should have hard AoE removal like brawl. Twisting Nether is sort of trouble too, hard removal in general has been a problem in the game too, just as much as Leeroy really.
But Leeroy is also a problem. I'd honestly be fine if they just nerfed him to be like an 8 mana 8/4 or something instead. Make him a true finisher, rather than a mid-game combo tool.
Or they could just HoF him.
the whine in this com is just incredible. nerf this, hof that........jesus
Leeroy is more OP than sylvanas and ragnaros in every ways and still not being hall of famed is a joke , I hope they will do it in April. And the most OP non-classic card Zilliax is rotating in April, so no need to nerf at this point .
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I been complaining about Leeroy for a while... and Blizzard goes and puts him in the meta... after this most recent patch I'm a F2P player on hearthstone.
Zilliax is a strong card in mech decks, but Zilliax isn't a face card like Leeroy is. He's board removal and healing. He's mediocre at both, but the best sustain for some classes. Without Zilliax, face would be WAAAY more dominant than it already is.
I've been against the charge mechanic in general since day 1 because of how detrimental it has always been. It took them years to finally stop fucking printing it and it made the game way better. But now we're left with Kor'kron Commander, Leeroy Jenkins and Unleash the Hounds as the final bastions of Charge.
Class cards having insanely powerful mechanics (cost deduction, charge, divine shield) is fine. Leeroy's a colossal pain as a neutral card.
More often than not, Zilliax is indeed a charge minion due to magnetize. It's effectively charge, heal, and taunt. No one thinks it needs to go.
What makes the removal of the few remaining charge cards improve the game?
Why does Leeroy, a neutral card that all classes have access to, need to go?
And after we get rid of Charge, what is next? Burn spells that can go face?
We could make every minion in the game be N-mana with N/N+1 stats and no text. Sounds like great fun, doesn't it.
We have had three expansions of broken rush cards dominating the Meta. Just because they can't go face, doesn't mean they aren't OP.
Zilliax rotates out naturally in April with the yearly rotation.
To Hall of Fame it at that time (when most HoF moves happen) would be utterly meaningless. That's why no one is asking for it.
Also, let's change your "more often than not" to "sometimes." It has pseudo-charge in mech decks only, and mech decks do NOT constitute the majority of decks that contain Zilliax.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Requiring an existing mech on the board does not constitute a charge minion.
A charge minion is a minion that can attack THE SAME TURN IT IS PLAYED. Requiring a minion tp be on the board for a full turn is not charge.
If you're drafting mechs for the magnetic affect thinking it's anywhere close to Charge.. Zilliax isn't even the strongest magnetic minion.
It's far easier to buff minions than it is to stack spellpower. We had cost deduction cards severely limited because of the dumpster fire of Thaurrisan and Malygos OTKOs.
Basically all former OTKO/TTKO combos revolved around charge or cost reduction. It's retarded to argue against it, when it's a mechanic that's been systematically pushed out, nerfed, and put out of print since day 1 as problems continuously rise.
Leeroy is best card as finisher it shouldn't moved to hof
Rotation of classic cards is very important as kibler said.
Leeroy is not a problem stand alone, it just a 5 mana fireball . The only problem is its combo potential. If Blizzard add Dirty Rat to classic set to fcuk up combo pieces, Leeroy is perfectly fine
Tempo/aggro makes people quit the game.
Why play a game where your opponent is only smaking your face? There is not many control tools in standard now, and they need to fix that before alot of people are leaving.
I personally would love to see a rotation of basic and classic cards!
I really hope he finally gets rotated out. We are getting a 2nd balance patch next week so it shows Blizz is serious about game balance at this point.
Leeroy has to go, but make bloodlust cost 6 mana, roar cost 4 mana and they will be fine and much harder to double them up in late game.
The other problem charge besides Leeroy is stonetusk boar and the 2/1 pirate, rotate those along with Leeroy. Wolfrider and bluegill see occasional play at about a tenth the level of Leeroy. Stormwind knight, reckless and argent commander are too fair to see much play and if you want to trade, rush has better stats anyway, no one will run charge for trading.
tbh with the way warrior is designed now brawl makes no sense. Warrior is very much a tempo class, utilizing rush and armor as it's control tools. Warrior doesn't need and should have hard AoE removal like brawl. Twisting Nether is sort of trouble too, hard removal in general has been a problem in the game too, just as much as Leeroy really.
But Leeroy is also a problem. I'd honestly be fine if they just nerfed him to be like an 8 mana 8/4 or something instead. Make him a true finisher, rather than a mid-game combo tool.
Or they could just HoF him.
Leeroy allows classes that don't normally have 'reach' damage to win games they probably shouldn't. Leeroy also allows far too much combo OTK decks to exist and continue to exist until this day. Leeroy can also be discounted, copied and shuffled into your deck for more charge damage.
Charge is a thing that IF it exists should be done very rarely and on legendary cards so you cannot draw those cards every game with 2 copies of them in your deck. I don't think Charge is very healthy for the game anymore and if people still want to play OTK charge stuff, then HOF Leeroy so you can still do that, but it doesn't invade Standard anymore.
Rush is still powerful, but at least you have to wait a turn before going face. It does give the opponent time to interact and react.
And if you still want Charge in the game, then relegate it to Wild only. It's a call back to decks of old, but doesn't remove the card from existence.
You could also limit Charge minions to have Battlecry text. Battlecry: Gain Charge.
And if you wanted to limit the card even more, you can create conditions on Charge:
Battlecry: Gain Charge. You can only play 1 more card this turn.
By giving Charge a 'battlecry' tag, it does enable Shudderwock, but if you add the tag of only playing 1 card then Shudderwock in Wild cannot get abused IF you want charge.
Either way, simple solution is to HOF Leeroy and be done with it.
Leeroy has to go.
a card designed 5 years ago (not the only one sadly) has no more sense now.
Too many cards that make it cancer. It' s everywhere, I ask everybody to count how many time you have been killed by a cheated leeroy. (copied, buffed, mana discounted, replayed, resurected... )
he needs to go.
Dad, husband, gamer, fueled by coffee.
Currently playing Dragon Galakrond Priest, Dragon Galakrond Warrior and Highlander Dragon Hunter.
I don't think it's a good plan to remove all finishers from the game. If control and control heavy combo decks can respond to everything, I think it's gonna get mighty frustrating.
Charge minions have always been a problem and players always find a way (every single expansion) to abuse the mechanic (Quest Rogue, Cubelock, now Deathrattle Rogue...) . I'm just waiting for the Leeroy Nerf a la Arcane Golem or a Charge into Rush nerf.
the whine in this com is just incredible. nerf this, hof that........jesus
Leeroy is more OP than sylvanas and ragnaros in every ways and still not being hall of famed is a joke , I hope they will do it in April. And the most OP non-classic card Zilliax is rotating in April, so no need to nerf at this point .