Arena when I feel like thinking a lot. Spend time doing the card selection and evaluate all options each turn.
Ranked standard when I want to grind a lot. I play a lot more on autopilot. No real objective there, except for reaching the highest rank with the least effort (in quality).
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
Lately i am enjoying more wild than standard, but standard is on a great meta too.. but i do think that wild is just a better mode atm.. arena is nice too, but its the mode ive been playing the least..
Which one do you play and enjoy most ?
None of the above
Wild. I have been playing since begining so have a collection i want to use.
Arena > Standard > Brawl >>>>> Wild
arena is a waste of time, wild is casual mode.
standard is the only format that matters from a competitive side
I only play arena. Keeps things fresh.
How is wild casual mode when we have way harder decks to pilot?
Skidaddle skidoodle your Milhouse manastorm is now a noodle
Duel Friends is the funniest thing in this game try new decks theories or pick each other decks by share collections then > Wild > Arena > standard.
I chexked niw and...
Playing since 2014 got 10000 wins but in arena only 36, cause I was bord ao much of this non creative format. only the first few days.
Arena is a junk format
Wild no. 1
single player
brawls/friendly duels
Arena/wild/standard/rest crap
Wild is the place to be.
My current mage deck (wild,reno,otk,highlander)
My current hunter deck (wild,reno,highlander)
"The game is dead"
Every salty hearthstone player
just wild
Arena when I feel like thinking a lot. Spend time doing the card selection and evaluate all options each turn.
Ranked standard when I want to grind a lot. I play a lot more on autopilot. No real objective there, except for reaching the highest rank with the least effort (in quality).
Ranked Wild for questing at ranks 20-16.
"because democracy basically means government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded. So let us say: government by the retarded, for the retarded, of the retarded." - Osho Rajneesh
Lately i am enjoying more wild than standard, but standard is on a great meta too.. but i do think that wild is just a better mode atm.. arena is nice too, but its the mode ive been playing the least..
Yeah, a toast!
Wild is the real Hearthstone, all clasess have powerfull decks, more variety, more funny combos.
Arena is rng fiesta.
Standard... is the "diet coke" version of hearthstone, only 2-3 classes on the TOP making yo face the same decks over and over again.
1) Wild
2) Arena
3) Singleplayer
4) Brawl
5) Myself
6) Standard
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
Arena for strategy. Standard for quests and for fun. I don't ever play wild, but I don't have a good reason.
Wild>solo content>arena>standard>brawls