Fuck Druid. I dislike all the sounds and animations, the general theme and all the gameplan it ever had. Also the choose one mechanic always was and always will be overpowered.
Fuck Druid. I dislike all the sounds and animations, the general theme and all the gameplan it ever had. Also the choose one mechanic always was and always will be overpowered.
Hhhhhhhhh .. WOW ! I like it .. HATE WITH PASSION !!!
Fuck priest, hate them since I started playing the game in 2014. Reasons: draws your good cards before you via steal mechanics, bursts you from full health via inner fire combo, machine gun dk, velen mindblast bullshit, big Rez bullshit. Just a class full of shit.
Love the mechanics and I have always been a huge fan of fast close combat and close range glass cannons, and rogues/assassins tend to embody both types in most games. In Hearthstone, rogues are fragile and explosive, relying on tempo and combos most of the time, which is perfect for me.
Class I hate the most: Priest.
Used to be shaman for a time, but not so long ago the priest class took the place as my most hated class again. Hate the mechanics and the hypocritical theme the class is built around (it is too much for me, really...). Also, most annoying class to face in any format by far.
I must say I am a bit sad how Rogue became more and more a tempo class (I highly dislike odd Rogue as it is just a boring-play-a-green-card-deck), but I still love the versatility and combos that can be pulled off. Was a big fan of the different miracle Rogues 2016 and 2017. And of course mill Rogue being still my most favourite deck that ever existed.
Most dislike class: Hunter
I just think it is sad how boring this class always felt. The hero power limits the design space so much that it's either full face or high role gambling decks. Yes, other classes have these decks too, but Hunter is forced into either roles. And therefore I don't hate Hunter, I just don't like to play it, because it feels so limited.
Favour Warlock because it had some of my favourite concepts (Handlock/Evenlock) and had some of the most interesting and bonkers cards printed (Jaraxxus, Rin etc). Year of the Raven where both Even and Cube Warlock were playable and strong was a good time for the class. Ever since rotation it has had no identity beyond zoo unfortunately, so I have little to no interest in playing it now.
Dislike Paladin, I just find it super boring. I've played a lot of Paladin decks and literally never found them to be exciting. The class doesn't really seem to ever know what its about.
I've always loved hunter since day 1. I've enjoyed seeing the class in it's ups and downs, and I think it's the most fun to play with and against when it's a tier 2 deck. Right now it's too powerful and the only justification for that is the presence of incredible control warrior builds and mage running Pocket Galaxy.
I don't hate any class, but I've always loathed combo decks, particularly combo deck (priest is the worst combo to face).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Since the beginning my favorite class has been mage (was my main also in WoW). Doesn’t matter if it was strong or at the bottom of trash tier, I always enjoyed this class the most. I also pour like 90% of my resources into mage decks.
I don’t particularly hate any classes but there are few that I play very very little if at all. These are Warrior, Shaman, Druid and Paladin. Usually I don’t like the decks and playstyles much of these classes, or even the whole general idea and character.
Being the "jack of all trades, master of none" class, I always have the most fun brewing decks for this class. The evolve mechanic is very fun and I like how overload forces you to think turns ahead.
Dislike the most: Priest
Whenever Priest is good, it's usually very degenerate. Killing you out of nowhere with burst damage or with a divine spirit combo.
I like the heros (Jaina and Medivh), the spells, the value, the various options to clear the board or a single target. Reno Mage was my favourite deck and now I can have fun with highlander mage again :)
Dislike: Hunter
I think this hero should be removed from the game, why? It's just a brainless hero with brainless hero power and brainless cards. I hate aggro and decks that only go face and hunter is the most suitable hero for this garbage brainless decks for brainless players.
Druid cards are beautiful, fun to play, versatile, lot of deck creation possible, love the choose one mechanics from day one, lot of type of deck possible too (aggro, midrange, control)
Just sad that they nerf every druid card that i like to the ground, especially ancient of lore and keeper of the groove, i was so sad i had to stop the game for 4 years and now i'm back.
hey buddy who told you to copy that comment off my brain and post it here XD
i agree with you also hunter never ever worked as a control deck ever it doesn't have to be tier 1/2 but at least for playing memes and dumb combos which annoys all his face decks are dumb
Fave: Rogue, not really sure why but somehow they always get the most fun cards imo. The burgle stuff makes every game different. But also the deathrattle archetype has always been one of my favorite with the raptor's , kobold illusionist and stuff like that.
Worst to play with: Shaman, Everything about this class feels random to me. From totem rolls to lightning storms. It's always hoping for the best outcome.
Worst to play against: Mage, because it's usually not very interactive and regardless of the board state they can freeze it or just throw spells to the face. (Not hating tho, just annoying to me)
Mage and druid are my favorite classes. I absolutely hate hunter's largely boring play styles (Oblivitron hunter aside, that deck is fun) and Rogue's tendency to RNG that one card they need just pisses me off to no end.
Since the beginning of HS I always played with that class. I have the golden Jaina with 1000+ wins, golden Anduin with around 600 and golden Maiev with also around 600 wins while I don't have other golden heroes. Mage always finds its spot in the meta that isn't loser. The most fun I had with Mage was when WotOG expansion launched. I know lot of people currently have Luna's Pocket Galaxy problem (including me) so I hope they find the solution for it that won't make it unplayable.
Dislike: Warrior
Warrior is just broken and frustrating to play against or just bad. Seems Blizzard can't find balance in this one.
Love shaman, while overload is boring af, his class has some of the coolest cards and such incredibly awesome legendaries.
Druid on the other hand, has been so freaking boring throughout the entire game for me. all their mechanics seem to narrow down to either some combo or hyper token plays. Nothing about him speaks to me and overal the class just seems really uninnovative.
Favourite class is Rogue, they consisently get the most interesting cards to play, not just powerful cards. Never had a least favourite until Un'Goro/Knights, where Druid was ridiculous, and I'm still triggered by that cause every time I face a Druid I groan. Also I despise Token Druid with a passion, not a broken deck just unfun to play in almost any scenario.
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If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
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Regardless of the meta, I would like to know which class is the people's favorite? and which is the most hated?
Feel free to put your reasoning in the comments.. I'd like to know the whys
Fuck Druid. I dislike all the sounds and animations, the general theme and all the gameplan it ever had. Also the choose one mechanic always was and always will be overpowered.
Hhhhhhhhh .. WOW ! I like it .. HATE WITH PASSION !!!
Fuck priest, hate them since I started playing the game in 2014. Reasons: draws your good cards before you via steal mechanics, bursts you from full health via inner fire combo, machine gun dk, velen mindblast bullshit, big Rez bullshit. Just a class full of shit.
Favorite class: Rogue.
Love the mechanics and I have always been a huge fan of fast close combat and close range glass cannons, and rogues/assassins tend to embody both types in most games. In Hearthstone, rogues are fragile and explosive, relying on tempo and combos most of the time, which is perfect for me.
Class I hate the most: Priest.
Used to be shaman for a time, but not so long ago the priest class took the place as my most hated class again. Hate the mechanics and the hypocritical theme the class is built around (it is too much for me, really...). Also, most annoying class to face in any format by far.
By far most favourite: Rogue
I must say I am a bit sad how Rogue became more and more a tempo class (I highly dislike odd Rogue as it is just a boring-play-a-green-card-deck), but I still love the versatility and combos that can be pulled off. Was a big fan of the different miracle Rogues 2016 and 2017. And of course mill Rogue being still my most favourite deck that ever existed.
Most dislike class: Hunter
I just think it is sad how boring this class always felt. The hero power limits the design space so much that it's either full face or high role gambling decks. Yes, other classes have these decks too, but Hunter is forced into either roles. And therefore I don't hate Hunter, I just don't like to play it, because it feels so limited.
Favour Warlock because it had some of my favourite concepts (Handlock/Evenlock) and had some of the most interesting and bonkers cards printed (Jaraxxus, Rin etc). Year of the Raven where both Even and Cube Warlock were playable and strong was a good time for the class. Ever since rotation it has had no identity beyond zoo unfortunately, so I have little to no interest in playing it now.
Dislike Paladin, I just find it super boring. I've played a lot of Paladin decks and literally never found them to be exciting. The class doesn't really seem to ever know what its about.
I've always loved hunter since day 1. I've enjoyed seeing the class in it's ups and downs, and I think it's the most fun to play with and against when it's a tier 2 deck. Right now it's too powerful and the only justification for that is the presence of incredible control warrior builds and mage running Pocket Galaxy.
I don't hate any class, but I've always loathed combo decks, particularly combo deck (priest is the worst combo to face).
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Since the beginning my favorite class has been mage (was my main also in WoW). Doesn’t matter if it was strong or at the bottom of trash tier, I always enjoyed this class the most. I also pour like 90% of my resources into mage decks.
I don’t particularly hate any classes but there are few that I play very very little if at all. These are Warrior, Shaman, Druid and Paladin. Usually I don’t like the decks and playstyles much of these classes, or even the whole general idea and character.
Favorite class: Shaman
Being the "jack of all trades, master of none" class, I always have the most fun brewing decks for this class. The evolve mechanic is very fun and I like how overload forces you to think turns ahead.
Dislike the most: Priest
Whenever Priest is good, it's usually very degenerate. Killing you out of nowhere with burst damage or with a divine spirit combo.
For me it’s very different between constructed and arena.
Fave - Paladin, love the core set, love the fact that it can be sometimes more aggro than hunter and in other meta more control than warrior.
Hate- Druid, fuck jades, fuck mana cheating, stupid stars align, Aviana before nerf, just a disgusting class, also UI.
Fave-Mage, mage, mage! Am mainly arena player, love my control mage decks since 2014, F for flamestrike!
Hate- Warrior, it’s either garbage or broken, Blizzard can’t balance this class for shit in arena.
Favourite: Mage
I like the heros (Jaina and Medivh), the spells, the value, the various options to clear the board or a single target. Reno Mage was my favourite deck and now I can have fun with highlander mage again :)
Dislike: Hunter
I think this hero should be removed from the game, why? It's just a brainless hero with brainless hero power and brainless cards. I hate aggro and decks that only go face and hunter is the most suitable hero for this garbage brainless decks for brainless players.
I'm sorry for my bad english :D
Favorite class Druid
Druid cards are beautiful, fun to play, versatile, lot of deck creation possible, love the choose one mechanics from day one, lot of type of deck possible too (aggro, midrange, control)
Just sad that they nerf every druid card that i like to the ground, especially ancient of lore and keeper of the groove, i was so sad i had to stop the game for 4 years and now i'm back.
Most hated class : Priest
Never liked them and never will
hey buddy who told you to copy that comment off my brain and post it here XD
i agree with you also hunter never ever worked as a control deck ever it doesn't have to be tier 1/2 but at least for playing memes and dumb combos which annoys all his face decks are dumb
Fave: Rogue, not really sure why but somehow they always get the most fun cards imo. The burgle stuff makes every game different. But also the deathrattle archetype has always been one of my favorite with the raptor's , kobold illusionist and stuff like that.
Worst to play with: Shaman, Everything about this class feels random to me. From totem rolls to lightning storms. It's always hoping for the best outcome.
Worst to play against: Mage, because it's usually not very interactive and regardless of the board state they can freeze it or just throw spells to the face. (Not hating tho, just annoying to me)
Mage and druid are my favorite classes. I absolutely hate hunter's largely boring play styles (Oblivitron hunter aside, that deck is fun) and Rogue's tendency to RNG that one card they need just pisses me off to no end.
Favorite: Mage
Since the beginning of HS I always played with that class. I have the golden Jaina with 1000+ wins, golden Anduin with around 600 and golden Maiev with also around 600 wins while I don't have other golden heroes. Mage always finds its spot in the meta that isn't loser. The most fun I had with Mage was when WotOG expansion launched. I know lot of people currently have Luna's Pocket Galaxy problem (including me) so I hope they find the solution for it that won't make it unplayable.
Dislike: Warrior
Warrior is just broken and frustrating to play against or just bad. Seems Blizzard can't find balance in this one.
Love shaman, while overload is boring af, his class has some of the coolest cards and such incredibly awesome legendaries.
Druid on the other hand, has been so freaking boring throughout the entire game for me. all their mechanics seem to narrow down to either some combo or hyper token plays. Nothing about him speaks to me and overal the class just seems really uninnovative.
Why u hav to be mad? is only card gaem.
Fav class: Mage. Every mode. Especially Arena.
Least: Rogue. Developed a hate for Rogue during Mill and aggro times (Kingsbane). I play it in Arena because its so strong.
Favourite class is Rogue, they consisently get the most interesting cards to play, not just powerful cards. Never had a least favourite until Un'Goro/Knights, where Druid was ridiculous, and I'm still triggered by that cause every time I face a Druid I groan. Also I despise Token Druid with a passion, not a broken deck just unfun to play in almost any scenario.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.