competitive games will always have shit talking elements, the only difference is that trash-talking element that has been apart of anything competitive forever is now considered a bad thing by some.
Meh emotes you get angry and when person emotes it is like pressing salt to an open wound. I wonder what would happen if game would have a chat system instead of some stupid emote which is the only proof that you are playing against another person not the machine.
But I agree about rng. In computing all rng is a huge pseudo and than there is heartstone rng which is not even able to produce that pseudo feeling.
Yet this rng wouldn't be too much issue if the ranked system would be good enough seriously Ranked system is so bad it takes a couple of days for meta to settle after each expansion.
It has a grindy nature you need decks that have steady win rate which requires minimal amount of rng. That causes stale and boring game seriously there is already not much strategy in game.
This game should only be played on the toilet. Thats all. If any1 thinks that hes winning due to some high level skill then youre just bad at other games and youre fooling yourself.
Its a fun game for 2 years but then one just HAVE to leave the dream of skill intensive match ups. Its too easy for adults. Only kids should be playing this or if youre a person that just enjoys beautiful animations when nothing else matters.
Some people will tell you "bla bla if youre shit talking about this game like this then youre prolly bad not thinking about your mistakes". This is bullshit. 90% of the games youve either lost or won because it was the will of the RNGod.
A major issue, in my opinion, is how Blizzard markets the game. They push the line that it’s a skill-testing competitive esport. So, when try hard players get screwed over by RNG, and lose to worse players, it feels really bad.
On top of that, the game is extremely expensive. If you have spent hundreds of dollars on your decks, but are still losing to bad RNG, it feels even worse.
The fact is, Hearthstone is not a real esport, it is really an extremely high variance game which is designed for casual fun. If you play perfectly, you will still lose 30%+ games. If you view the game as casual fun, and probably don’t spend money on it, it becomes much more enjoyable and less toxic. Don’t take Hearthstone too seriously.
I’ve learnt to do this over the years of playing. Otherwise you just become so pissed off at the game. The amount of games I’ve lost to absolute bullshit is unreal, especially as I’ve spent a lot of money down the years. losing to RNG and generally bad players used to burn. Now I just move on to the next game. Yet sometimes it still gets to me, pocket galaxy right now is a joke, a combo card that needs to no thought, play it on 4-5 reap benefits. At least patron warrior etc needed some thinking
If you've watched the tournament this weekend then undoubtedly you've seen several instances of players taunting and BMing their opponents in RL. Toxicity is everywhere in this game.
If you're feeling toxic that's a "you" issue. Making out that an external factor, let alone a video game is "causing" people to be toxic is blatantly naive. If this were true you'd see it across the playbase, instead you see pockets of it from people who don't have control of their emotions and reactions to outside stimuli.
Noting that you can leave at any stage..what is the point of voicing this type of babble? If you don't like what Blizzard have made....don't play? Literally, nobody is forcing you.
getting disconnected is 99% a lost when you got back to the game.
it should be a green/red dot nest to the ID to show opponent if you are disconnected or on line. if you are not an asshole, than you can wait for him to come back (just waste time go rope. or blizzard in that case give a 5 minute break (total for the whole match) while somebody is offline.
it is true that losing for an rng miracle is frustrating, there should be a rematch system. in order to not cheat the ladder you can only have a rematch only until a 2 consecutive wins from one of the players. that will really low down the salt in this game.
yeah it's absolutely not toxic you are projecting, anyone complaining is projecting. Everything about is just a choice, and if you let it make you mad and you continue to do it with the wealth of options of things to do with your time then it's one hundred percent on you.
i gotta disagree, the rng aspect just made me a better person. understanding that some times, no matter how good u play, u lose, make something clear... u dont control everything, shit happens sometimes, and u have no guilty whatsoever. focus on the decisions not on the results
If you've watched the tournament this weekend then undoubtedly you've seen several instances of players taunting and BMing their opponents in RL. Toxicity is everywhere in this game.
Please, don't act as if you were not part of the problem. Every human, including myself, is toxic to some extent and you're not an alien :P. That doesn't mean we cannot do good or have nice things at the same time. ;) There are a lot of people out there who dedicate their lives at the service of others, such as reliable doctors, non-corrupt policemen, firemen in general, etc., but we are not perfect and it's something we have to learn to deal with every single day of our lives, that's all. :)
I love how some people on this thread blatantly blame all people of being toxic while excluding themselves from the problem, as if they were some kind of alien from a distant planet (probably from K-Pax XD) and not human. XD XD XD
Hearthstone provides a toxic atmosphere that serves as the basis for much of the aggravation that is present, particularly in the thread in which players are allowed to voice their displeasure. It is quite fascinating that these behaviors are accepted instead of contesting Blizzard for creating this negative environment to begin with.
Consider the emote system. It is highly unlikely Blizzard implemented such a system with the idea that players would use it in good faith by promoting sportsmanship. Instead, the exact opposite has occurred. For a game that is advertised as being fun, it has much work to do to succeed with that standard.
Another layer of aggravation is the RNG element that provides even more frustration. There are too many instances where RNG decides the winner of a match. What Blizzard has done is manufacture a game that serves to annoy much more than to please. Even more perplexing is they have earned a considerable profit doing so.
Questions: How does one explain such a conundrum? What is Hearthstone at it's core? Is it simply a game or is it an addiction with terrible side effects?
Blackjack with stupid mechanics instead of hookers.
Oh I dunno, I think the most toxic thing I've found about Hearthstone currently happens outside of the game and that is the circle jerk that is Reddit.
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ZhalZhak#2315 @ EU/NA
I joke a lot, if you take anything I say seriously, well, shame on you :p
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competitive games will always have shit talking elements, the only difference is that trash-talking element that has been apart of anything competitive forever is now considered a bad thing by some.
Meh emotes you get angry and when person emotes it is like pressing salt to an open wound. I wonder what would happen if game would have a chat system instead of some stupid emote which is the only proof that you are playing against another person not the machine.
But I agree about rng. In computing all rng is a huge pseudo and than there is heartstone rng which is not even able to produce that pseudo feeling.
Yet this rng wouldn't be too much issue if the ranked system would be good enough seriously Ranked system is so bad it takes a couple of days for meta to settle after each expansion.
It has a grindy nature you need decks that have steady win rate which requires minimal amount of rng. That causes stale and boring game seriously there is already not much strategy in game.
Just fkn change ranked mode already it is shit.
The first thing I do when I enter a game is muting the opponent.
This game should only be played on the toilet. Thats all. If any1 thinks that hes winning due to some high level skill then youre just bad at other games and youre fooling yourself.
Its a fun game for 2 years but then one just HAVE to leave the dream of skill intensive match ups. Its too easy for adults. Only kids should be playing this or if youre a person that just enjoys beautiful animations when nothing else matters.
Some people will tell you "bla bla if youre shit talking about this game like this then youre prolly bad not thinking about your mistakes". This is bullshit. 90% of the games youve either lost or won because it was the will of the RNGod.
Play that Nogrnfogger (or whatever the name) card and you will likely get a "Sorry" emote before he dies.
I enjoy.
I’ve learnt to do this over the years of playing. Otherwise you just become so pissed off at the game. The amount of games I’ve lost to absolute bullshit is unreal, especially as I’ve spent a lot of money down the years. losing to RNG and generally bad players used to burn. Now I just move on to the next game. Yet sometimes it still gets to me, pocket galaxy right now is a joke, a combo card that needs to no thought, play it on 4-5 reap benefits. At least patron warrior etc needed some thinking
People like negativity.
Every single game has angry players. Even Monopoly. People just don't like to lose. There's nothing wrong with Hearthstone
If you've watched the tournament this weekend then undoubtedly you've seen several instances of players taunting and BMing their opponents in RL. Toxicity is everywhere in this game.
If you're feeling toxic that's a "you" issue. Making out that an external factor, let alone a video game is "causing" people to be toxic is blatantly naive. If this were true you'd see it across the playbase, instead you see pockets of it from people who don't have control of their emotions and reactions to outside stimuli.
Noting that you can leave at any stage..what is the point of voicing this type of babble? If you don't like what Blizzard have made....don't play? Literally, nobody is forcing you.
Hearthstone is simply gambling just like in a casino. You invest a lot and lose all the time except for a few lucky peeps.
If you play well it's not about luck. If it was solely luck, you wouldn't have players who regularly do incredibly well
Luck and RNG are not a big deal for me.
but 2 things are quite frustrating for me.
getting disconnected is 99% a lost when you got back to the game.
it should be a green/red dot nest to the ID to show opponent if you are disconnected or on line. if you are not an asshole, than you can wait for him to come back (just waste time go rope. or blizzard in that case give a 5 minute break (total for the whole match) while somebody is offline.
it is true that losing for an rng miracle is frustrating, there should be a rematch system. in order to not cheat the ladder you can only have a rematch only until a 2 consecutive wins from one of the players. that will really low down the salt in this game.
yeah it's absolutely not toxic you are projecting, anyone complaining is projecting. Everything about is just a choice, and if you let it make you mad and you continue to do it with the wealth of options of things to do with your time then it's one hundred percent on you.
qq moar
i gotta disagree, the rng aspect just made me a better person. understanding that some times, no matter how good u play, u lose, make something clear... u dont control everything, shit happens sometimes, and u have no guilty whatsoever. focus on the decisions not on the results
Please, don't act as if you were not part of the problem. Every human, including myself, is toxic to some extent and you're not an alien :P. That doesn't mean we cannot do good or have nice things at the same time. ;) There are a lot of people out there who dedicate their lives at the service of others, such as reliable doctors, non-corrupt policemen, firemen in general, etc., but we are not perfect and it's something we have to learn to deal with every single day of our lives, that's all. :)
I love how some people on this thread blatantly blame all people of being toxic while excluding themselves from the problem, as if they were some kind of alien from a distant planet (probably from K-Pax XD) and not human. XD XD XD
Blackjack with stupid mechanics instead of hookers.
Fun > Meta
Oh I dunno, I think the most toxic thing I've found about Hearthstone currently happens outside of the game and that is the circle jerk that is Reddit.
ZhalZhak#2315 @ EU/NA
I joke a lot, if you take anything I say seriously, well, shame on you :p