Hello. Just wondered if anyone knows what golden legendary will a golden classic pack give (if you are lucky to pull one from it) if you have all normal Legendaries except one (you are forcing to open golden one)
Does the golden pack give you a legendary you are missing? (even if you are missing a simple one)? or will it give you a duplicate one at random?
I understand that this knowledge is so damn rare, but maybe somebody knows it. (such as Gandalf the White, or maybe Stephen Hawking) Thanks in advance
I know about that rule, mate. But the case might be different about golden packs. Thinking so, because some other spots don't apply to it, such as pitty timer, for example.
I opened two golden packs during my HS career. The first one contained the regular four commons and a rare. The one from Dalaran Heist gave me three commons, a rare and The Beast. But my brother opened a common, two rares, an epic and Cairne Bloodhoof - what a lucky boy!
Previous golden packs were regular 300 dust for me. I hope if I will get golden legendary it will not be Hogger, The Beast or Malygos I already have in gold.
Damm I must have been lucky because I got a golden Harrison Jones
it's guaranteed legendary in first 10 golden packs, probability is high
Ahhh I see that makes sense didn't realise the golden classic has a separate timer to the classic normal packs, was my 1st golden pack so I'll take it :)
thanks for the link, "independent chance" interesting how high it is. got my golden legendary in second pack (opened 3)
I believe I have opened the maximum of tops 5 golden packs and got my golden legendary already! I can't rule out a speical golden pack pity timer which might have snuck its way into the code...
Just wondered if anyone knows what golden legendary will a golden classic pack give (if you are lucky to pull one from it) if you have all normal Legendaries except one (you are forcing to open golden one)
Does the golden pack give you a legendary you are missing? (even if you are missing a simple one)? or will it give you a duplicate one at random?
I understand that this knowledge is so damn rare, but maybe somebody knows it. (such as Gandalf the White, or maybe Stephen Hawking)
Thanks in advance
Anyone? ))
There is no more dups
I know about that rule, mate. But the case might be different about golden packs.
Thinking so, because some other spots don't apply to it, such as pitty timer, for example.
You will get the one you miss.
Yes, you will get the missing one, I saw Kibler do that with regular packs to get a specific golden legendary
yes, i found the one legendary i was missing in there. cant be coincidence
Wait does the golden classic pack give you a legendary guaranteed?
Only if you're a lucky bastard. Like my girlfriend. She's opened two Golden Packs in her Hearthstone career and both times got a legendary.
I've opened 2 and never got more than the standards 4 commons and a rare.
it gives you 300 dust instead of 40
If you have every golden legendary except one, you can force it. (Kripp did it with the lich king)
Damm I must have been lucky because I got a golden Harrison Jones
I opened two golden packs during my HS career. The first one contained the regular four commons and a rare. The one from Dalaran Heist gave me three commons, a rare and The Beast. But my brother opened a common, two rares, an epic and Cairne Bloodhoof - what a lucky boy!
Previous golden packs were regular 300 dust for me. I hope if I will get golden legendary it will not be Hogger, The Beast or Malygos I already have in gold.
it's guaranteed legendary in first 10 golden packs, probability is high
Ahhh I see that makes sense didn't realise the golden classic has a separate timer to the classic normal packs, was my 1st golden pack so I'll take it :)
https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/21098853/ - read the small text at the end of the article. It's not a guaranteed legendary in first 10 golden packs.
thanks for the link, "independent chance" interesting how high it is. got my golden legendary in second pack (opened 3)
I believe I have opened the maximum of tops 5 golden packs and got my golden legendary already! I can't rule out a speical golden pack pity timer which might have snuck its way into the code...
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide: