Whenever I create post pointing out to tier 1 consisted only of aggro, this is what I got:
- usual "salt thread" annoying post
- i have no clue about HS and I must be Rank 20, because there is Warrior! (I am rank 5, legend a lot of times, Warrior is nor tier 1 according to hsreplay, metastats etc.)
- that I won't be missed after quitting etc.
I wouldn't mark any post as "discussion" and when I am reading recent topics, it is hard to find any discussion actually. Is community getting down with quality like HS, basically following quality curve?
Well, i guess it also depends on the tone you used for your discussion.
Like if you were spiteful, accidentally or not, you'd get acid replies in answer. Harsh but fair.
It must also be added that many posts are indeed salty or stupid, and deserve a harsh treatment, with no need to argue, because the OP didn't even try to build an argument. So there's nothing to do but pointing out saltiness.
On the other hand, part of this community is indeed toxic, with people replying with no real argument, just to bash you down. Or even with an argument, but with the main goal of bashing you down, and defend what they conceive as a faction.
So yeah, some toxicity is there.
Ultimately tho, i am pretty sure it is a widespread phenomenon of the whole internet, wherever web communities are. Not just this website.
Well, i guess it also depends on the tone you used for your discussion.
Like if you were spiteful, accidentally or not, you'd get acid replies in answer. Harsh but fair.
It must also be added that many posts are indeed salty or stupid, and deserve a harsh treatment, with no need to argue, because the OP didn't even try to build an argument. So there's nothing to do but pointing out saltiness.
On the other hand, part of this community is indeed toxic, with people replying with no real argument, just to bash you down. Or even with an argument, but with the main goal of bashing you down, and defend what they conceive as a faction.
So yeah, some toxicity is there.
Ultimately tho, i am pretty sure it is a widespread phenomenon of the whole internet, wherever web communities are. Not just this website.
Had you made your post in a constructive manner, i dont see why you couldnt start a discussion about it. But you just made a QQ post with zero content value and zero evidence to back your claims. What possible responce could you expect to an opening post like that?
I will leave this topic open for now in hopes you learn from your past mistakes.
You were being hyperbolic and during a time when we spent the last YEAR with the meta being a late game control/combo fest. It wasn't a request for discussion, didn't ask any questions and didn't seem interested in counter opinions.
Even if it did, all of that goes out of the window when this gets said:
Time to uninstall. I am not playing even for daily quests anymore anyway because game got really boring.
If you are done playing then..well, you're done playing. If you uninstalled then you are definitely done playing. So what sort of discussion are you after? A mass of folks joining in to declare that they are done with the game? Those people are busy playing games they like and posting in forums about THAT game to talk about something they like.
If you had meant to spark a discussion about the meta the tone needs to be brought down to a more reasonable level. Saying "it's all aggro aggro aggro" might be more in touch with your feelings but it doesn't invite those who might feel differently. Knowing what highly annoys the community helps too. This community is rather sick of the "I'm quiting, goodbye!" posts so plopping that in is going to highly annoy your readers. So if you wanted a discussion from us, overdoing the emotions to make it hard to debate and the annoying the community isn't going to help you.
If you werent' interested in folks who disagree with you or get annoyed by how you present things then.well.. what's the point? If you just wanted to post about how you felt about the meta then we have a thread for that. Yes we go "rant thread" like it's a trash bin but one of the big purposes of it is to let you post how you feel and how you like without folks like me writing 10 page essays about how wrong your opinion is, your writing style is, and your general concept of anything is.
Though again if you are sick of the game and uninstalled it, why ARE you here, beyond simply wanting to find enjoyment bashing things you dislike. Which puts the question of "why are you HERE which is mostly of people who generally still want to play the game and aren't that interested bashing games they don't play."
Too easy to dismiss the OP because of past 'transgressions', while what he is trying to say is fundamentally correct. Too easy to demand 'evidence', while after 5 years it slapping us daily in the face. Easy to hide behind 'why are you here'- retoric, while keeping unbalances and other unethicalities unchecked, even defend them.
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We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Too easy to dismiss the OP because of past 'transgressions', while what he is trying to say is fundamentally correct. Too easy to demand 'evidence', while after 5 years it slapping us daily in the face. Easy to hide behind 'why are you here'- retoric, while keeping unbalances and other unethicalities unchecked, even defend them.
It is easy to dismiss him. Whether or not there's a topic that warrants real discussion here, I have no interest in engaging a person acting in bad faith. There are literally hundreds of threads saying the same things, and they are often better written and less whiny. Why would I waste the time?
It is easy to demand evidence, because I know where to go to get contrary evidence (it takes all of 15 seconds). He makes the claim that tier 1 consists of "only aggro" at a time when we know one of the strongest decks is Control Warrior in all it's various forms. When someone is willing to shape a narrative around such obviously flawed premises, it is an insult to the intelligence of the readers.
It is not hiding to ask why someone would take the time to write such a post. There is nothing constructive going on there, so you can't "hide" behind the idea that he is trying to provide criticism in the hope of change. Personally, I would appreciate an earnest answer regarding why someone finds that an entertaining use of time. Who are you to decide which questions warrant answers?
Most importantly of all, the balance of a card game is not a problem of ethics. Can we all exercise a tad bit of perspective here?
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Wherever you go, there are trolls. They exist more now in more culture due to the anonymity of the internet. Just shrug it off. It's not like their bitterness and antagonism can hurt you
this happens in every environment, when most people know there is something wrong but only a few of them dare to point it out. the remaning people can't handle their dubts and feel the urge to attack those who undermine their frail opinions. salt is all you're going to get, unless you write "omfg, this game is sooo great"
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NINE Packs opened with 2 legendaries inside insofar
Too easy to dismiss the OP because of past 'transgressions', while what he is trying to say is fundamentally correct. Too easy to demand 'evidence', while after 5 years it slapping us daily in the face. Easy to hide behind 'why are you here'- retoric, while keeping unbalances and other unethicalities unchecked, even defend them.
It is easy to dismiss him. Whether or not there's a topic that warrants real discussion here, I have no interest in engaging a person acting in bad faith. There are literally hundreds of threads saying the same things, and they are often better written and less whiny. Why would I waste the time?
It is easy to demand evidence, because I know where to go to get contrary evidence (it takes all of 15 seconds). He makes the claim that tier 1 consists of "only aggro" at a time when we know one of the strongest decks is Control Warrior in all it's various forms. When someone is willing to shape a narrative around such obviously flawed premises, it is an insult to the intelligence of the readers.
It is not hiding to ask why someone would take the time to write such a post. There is nothing constructive going on there, so you can't "hide" behind the idea that he is trying to provide criticism in the hope of change. Personally, I would appreciate an earnest answer regarding why someone finds that an entertaining use of time. Who are you to decide which questions warrant answers?
Most importantly of all, the balance of a card game is not a problem of ethics. Can we all exercise a tad bit of perspective here?
Looking at your avatar your moral outlook in life is for everybody to see. Subsequent your social Darwinism is well noted. Although the OP is somewhat confused, deride him doesn't make you the smart one.To the contrary, as the content of he's trying to say is indisputably correct.
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We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
What a load of rubbish. There is plenty of examples here on Hearthpwn that if you take your time to create a decent thread the vast majority of the replies is in a good tone.
Your post was nothing but salt: "I don't like aggro decks, so bye HS". What do you expect? If you want a discussion about it you should at the very least ask a question in the end - but you didn't.
Next time you want to discuss something use your previous thread as an example of: "how not to start a discussion", and be a bit critical of yourself rather than blaming the community for not liking a bad thread.
In the game or in Hearthpwn I honestly don't feel more toxicity than usual. I remember some GvG and TGT times on this forum it was bloody TOXIC man. I was a part of it, every one even the nicest person, sometimes people get toxic on the internet it's just the way it is.
Also the "salt thread" trolls are kind of the soul of Hearthpwn. You know they exist, you know they will post everywhere they can, every single thread where they can make a point with the salt thread, they are so predictable that it's funny. Also like toxicity, I have said it myself a couple times, sent someone to the salt thread.. The temptation of trolling is high on the internet. Some are addicted to it.
And I've never seen any real toxicity in game other than the very rare rope abuses and emote spams. Haven't seen any in months. Some people use a lot emote but there is a line between use and abuse that is almost never crossed.
Meh... This forum is what it always has been. There are some who actually want to discuss things, and others who appear to have little they'd rather do than be a jerk and antagonise others simply because they have no other input / value to add to the conversation.
*Shrug* That's kids for you, I guess. When they grow up, they (hopefully) learn to converse like adults...
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Whenever I create post pointing out to tier 1 consisted only of aggro, this is what I got:
- usual "salt thread" annoying post
- i have no clue about HS and I must be Rank 20, because there is Warrior! (I am rank 5, legend a lot of times, Warrior is nor tier 1 according to hsreplay, metastats etc.)
- that I won't be missed after quitting etc.
I wouldn't mark any post as "discussion" and when I am reading recent topics, it is hard to find any discussion actually. Is community getting down with quality like HS, basically following quality curve?
Well, i guess it also depends on the tone you used for your discussion.
Like if you were spiteful, accidentally or not, you'd get acid replies in answer. Harsh but fair.
It must also be added that many posts are indeed salty or stupid, and deserve a harsh treatment, with no need to argue, because the OP didn't even try to build an argument. So there's nothing to do but pointing out saltiness.
On the other hand, part of this community is indeed toxic, with people replying with no real argument, just to bash you down. Or even with an argument, but with the main goal of bashing you down, and defend what they conceive as a faction.
So yeah, some toxicity is there.
Ultimately tho, i am pretty sure it is a widespread phenomenon of the whole internet, wherever web communities are. Not just this website.
What, you said you'd uninstall and you didn't get the attention you wanted so you decided to make another thread?
Your previous thread (https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/general-discussion/234300-my-meta-prediction-fulfilled-once-again) got locked for a good reason. Begone already if you hate this game so much.
Smh, another annoying salty thread complaining about the salt thread.
You must be new to this site and not know about the salt thread, so go use it.
Go to the salt thread for these kind of posts. You will be welcomed within the ranks of the salty.
OP these are the general findings about HS and its community.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Pretty much what they said.
Had you made your post in a constructive manner, i dont see why you couldnt start a discussion about it. But you just made a QQ post with zero content value and zero evidence to back your claims. What possible responce could you expect to an opening post like that?
I will leave this topic open for now in hopes you learn from your past mistakes.
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You were being hyperbolic and during a time when we spent the last YEAR with the meta being a late game control/combo fest. It wasn't a request for discussion, didn't ask any questions and didn't seem interested in counter opinions.
Even if it did, all of that goes out of the window when this gets said:
If you are done playing then..well, you're done playing. If you uninstalled then you are definitely done playing. So what sort of discussion are you after? A mass of folks joining in to declare that they are done with the game? Those people are busy playing games they like and posting in forums about THAT game to talk about something they like.
If you had meant to spark a discussion about the meta the tone needs to be brought down to a more reasonable level. Saying "it's all aggro aggro aggro" might be more in touch with your feelings but it doesn't invite those who might feel differently. Knowing what highly annoys the community helps too. This community is rather sick of the "I'm quiting, goodbye!" posts so plopping that in is going to highly annoy your readers. So if you wanted a discussion from us, overdoing the emotions to make it hard to debate and the annoying the community isn't going to help you.
If you werent' interested in folks who disagree with you or get annoyed by how you present things then.well.. what's the point? If you just wanted to post about how you felt about the meta then we have a thread for that. Yes we go "rant thread" like it's a trash bin but one of the big purposes of it is to let you post how you feel and how you like without folks like me writing 10 page essays about how wrong your opinion is, your writing style is, and your general concept of anything is.
Though again if you are sick of the game and uninstalled it, why ARE you here, beyond simply wanting to find enjoyment bashing things you dislike. Which puts the question of "why are you HERE which is mostly of people who generally still want to play the game and aren't that interested bashing games they don't play."
One does not simply walk into Mordor,
unless they want to be the best they can be.
Too easy to dismiss the OP because of past 'transgressions', while what he is trying to say is fundamentally correct. Too easy to demand 'evidence', while after 5 years it slapping us daily in the face. Easy to hide behind 'why are you here'- retoric, while keeping unbalances and other unethicalities unchecked, even defend them.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
It is easy to dismiss him. Whether or not there's a topic that warrants real discussion here, I have no interest in engaging a person acting in bad faith. There are literally hundreds of threads saying the same things, and they are often better written and less whiny. Why would I waste the time?
It is easy to demand evidence, because I know where to go to get contrary evidence (it takes all of 15 seconds). He makes the claim that tier 1 consists of "only aggro" at a time when we know one of the strongest decks is Control Warrior in all it's various forms. When someone is willing to shape a narrative around such obviously flawed premises, it is an insult to the intelligence of the readers.
It is not hiding to ask why someone would take the time to write such a post. There is nothing constructive going on there, so you can't "hide" behind the idea that he is trying to provide criticism in the hope of change. Personally, I would appreciate an earnest answer regarding why someone finds that an entertaining use of time. Who are you to decide which questions warrant answers?
Most importantly of all, the balance of a card game is not a problem of ethics. Can we all exercise a tad bit of perspective here?
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
I've seen this kind of thread pop up every two months for the last four years.
Answer is still "no more than it already was."
please consider voting for my custom class in the fan creations competition :]
• TRIALS IN AUCHINDOUN - A Custom Hearthstone Adventure (4th Wing!) • New and Interesting Hearthstone Mechanics (by me!) •
Wherever you go, there are trolls. They exist more now in more culture due to the anonymity of the internet. Just shrug it off. It's not like their bitterness and antagonism can hurt you
this happens in every environment, when most people know there is something wrong but only a few of them dare to point it out. the remaning people can't handle their dubts and feel the urge to attack those who undermine their frail opinions. salt is all you're going to get, unless you write "omfg, this game is sooo great"
NINE Packs opened with 2 legendaries inside insofar
Looking at your avatar your moral outlook in life is for everybody to see. Subsequent your social Darwinism is well noted. Although the OP is somewhat confused, deride him doesn't make you the smart one.To the contrary, as the content of he's trying to say is indisputably correct.
We make our world significant through the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.
Absolutely yes. People who’ll say no will probably add some toxicity to their comments which will just prove that the question of the topic is true.
You’re exactly what OP was pointing out. Toxic forum member.
What a load of rubbish. There is plenty of examples here on Hearthpwn that if you take your time to create a decent thread the vast majority of the replies is in a good tone.
Your post was nothing but salt: "I don't like aggro decks, so bye HS". What do you expect? If you want a discussion about it you should at the very least ask a question in the end - but you didn't.
Next time you want to discuss something use your previous thread as an example of: "how not to start a discussion", and be a bit critical of yourself rather than blaming the community for not liking a bad thread.
In the game or in Hearthpwn I honestly don't feel more toxicity than usual. I remember some GvG and TGT times on this forum it was bloody TOXIC man. I was a part of it, every one even the nicest person, sometimes people get toxic on the internet it's just the way it is.
Also the "salt thread" trolls are kind of the soul of Hearthpwn. You know they exist, you know they will post everywhere they can, every single thread where they can make a point with the salt thread, they are so predictable that it's funny. Also like toxicity, I have said it myself a couple times, sent someone to the salt thread.. The temptation of trolling is high on the internet. Some are addicted to it.
And I've never seen any real toxicity in game other than the very rare rope abuses and emote spams. Haven't seen any in months. Some people use a lot emote but there is a line between use and abuse that is almost never crossed.
I love how you called him out
And you are contributing to that
This forum is what it always has been.
There are some who actually want to discuss things, and others who appear to have little they'd rather do than be a jerk and antagonise others simply because they have no other input / value to add to the conversation.
*Shrug* That's kids for you, I guess. When they grow up, they (hopefully) learn to converse like adults...