This thread is NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU WISH to be nerfed.
This thread is NOT ABOUT SALT.
This thread is about GUESSING which cards will be targeted with nerfs with the next patch by the devs, Standard and Wild - even if you do not like the idea.
Point System: each correct guess awards +1 points, each wrong guess makes -1 points.
You can edit your own guess until the patch details are announced.
The actual nerf for each card does not give any points, but it may add more glory if the guess is correct. Feel free to add them to your guesses.
"No nerf" is a valid guess.
I will return here after the next patch is released, and check who got the best guess, naming the highest number of nerfed cards. If no nerf patch is released before the next expansion, "no nerf" guesses are the winners.
NO SALT OR TOXIC ANSWERS ALLOWED: stick to guessing cards.
I've never thought about a Sap nerf: it's just a strong card, but every class has some
Brawl is ok: Warrior's problems lie in other cards (Boom's rush is 80% of the problem)
While I see why you want to nerf Savage Roar, changing it to 5 mana is terribly awful: you would just straight up kill the card and probably even the whole archetype. Token Druid is even fading in popularity week after week.
Waggle Pick can be indirectly nerfed with Raiding Party, which would also hit Dread Corsair and therefore the huge turn 3 draw 3 turn 4 weapon + 2 3/3 with Taunt play
Omega Devastator: take away Rush and it's just a powerful tempo swing (might be wrong tho)
Sap (to 3 mana) [new cards will most likely dodge the nerf bat] Raiding Party (to 4 mana) Preparation (cost reduction decreased to 2 mana) Omega Devastator (Mech tag removed) Brawl (6 mana) [I don't think it should be nerfed, but it might be a valid candidate]
Barnes (to 5 mana) No nerf to Bloodbloom YET, because the devs would want to gather more data
I've never thought about a Sap nerf: it's just a strong card, but every class has some
Brawl is ok: Warrior's problems lie in other cards (Boom's rush is 80% of the problem)
While I see why you want to nerf Savage Roar, changing it to 5 mana is terribly awful: you would just straight up kill the card and probably even the whole archetype. Token Druid is even fading in popularity week after week.
Waggle Pick can be indirectly nerfed with Raiding Party, which would also hit Dread Corsair and therefore the huge turn 3 draw 3 turn 4 weapon + 2 3/3 with Taunt play
Omega Devastator: take away Rush and it's just a powerful tempo swing (might be wrong tho)
Archivist Elysiana may fade in popularity if Warrior gets hit, but it's a reasonable suggestion
Ofcourse you may I genuinly enjoy seeing different perspectives of what to nerf! I didn't give my reasoning behind them in my initials posts as I tried to keep it small , but I will go into them a bit deeper into my reasoning behind them, especially the 3 classic cards.
Sap, My reasoning behind this is because it is simply too good at what it does, it is one of the best single target removals in the game, and it is in the basic set. Which team 5 has mentioned they wanted to adres especially after the last batch of nerfs it made me realise that all strong basic and classic cards essentially have a target on their back, and just as you say it is a strong card and that's why I think just like other strong classic and basic cards, like equality, flametongue totem were are in danger of getting nerfed.
Brawl is one of the best AoEs in the game. I like to compare it to twistingnether which is slightly better and costs 8 mana. Now is Brawl really 3 mana worse? And the second card I like to compare it to is Psychic Scream, also one of the best AoE's in game and cost 7 mana. And again it is a classic card, so it will always be in the game.
Savage Roar, the reason why I said 5 mana is because that would bring it's cost to the same level as bloodlust which has a similar effect. In a same way Hex was bumped to 4 to be in line with Polymorph
Waggle pick and Omega Devastator are cards I can definitely being seen been dealt with differently I picked Waggle pick because of the face damage it represents, but wouldn't be surprised if raiding party got hit instead, and Omega Devastator mana bump because Team 5 always mentioned trying to keep things simple, and they might want to avoid doing something about the rush
Ok, guys, how do you picture Dr. Boom, Mad Genius w/o rush? This question is not directed only to you, MProdigy, but to all people here who suggest this. This is Dr. Boom's battlecry, it' defines the card the way it is, so if the devs remove it, what should they do to replace it? It would be a total change to his design, which is super unlikely to happen.
Ok, guys, how do you picture Dr. Boom, Mad Genius w/o rush? This question is not directed only to you, MProdigy, but to all people here who suggest this. This is Dr. Boom's battlecry, it' defines the card the way it is, so if the devs remove it, what should they do to replace it? It would be a total change to his design, which is super unlikely to happen.
"The first mech you play each turn has Rush" and change the 1/1 hero power into "1/1s with Rush"
I've never thought about a Sap nerf: it's just a strong card, but every class has some
Brawl is ok: Warrior's problems lie in other cards (Boom's rush is 80% of the problem)
While I see why you want to nerf Savage Roar, changing it to 5 mana is terribly awful: you would just straight up kill the card and probably even the whole archetype. Token Druid is even fading in popularity week after week.
Waggle Pick can be indirectly nerfed with Raiding Party, which would also hit Dread Corsair and therefore the huge turn 3 draw 3 turn 4 weapon + 2 3/3 with Taunt play
Omega Devastator: take away Rush and it's just a powerful tempo swing (might be wrong tho)
Archivist Elysiana may fade in popularity if Warrior gets hit, but it's a reasonable suggestion
Ofcourse you may I genuinly enjoy seeing different perspectives of what to nerf! I didn't give my reasoning behind them in my initials posts as I tried to keep it small , but I will go into them a bit deeper into my reasoning behind them, especially the 3 classic cards.
Sap, My reasoning behind this is because it is simply too good at what it does, it is one of the best single target removals in the game, and it is in the basic set. Which team 5 has mentioned they wanted to adres especially after the last batch of nerfs it made me realise that all strong basic and classic cards essentially have a target on their back, and just as you say it is a strong card and that's why I think just like other strong classic and basic cards, like equality, flametongue totem were are in danger of getting nerfed.
Brawl is one of the best AoEs in the game. I like to compare it to twistingnether which is slightly better and costs 8 mana. Now is Brawl really 3 mana worse? And the second card I like to compare it to is Psychic Scream, also one of the best AoE's in game and cost 7 mana. And again it is a classic card, so it will always be in the game.
Savage Roar, the reason why I said 5 mana is because that would bring it's cost to the same level as bloodlust which has a similar effect. In a same way Hex was bumped to 4 to be in line with Polymorph
Waggle pick and Omega Devastator are cards I can definitely being seen been dealt with differently I picked Waggle pick because of the face damage it represents, but wouldn't be surprised if raiding party got hit instead, and Omega Devastator mana bump because Team 5 always mentioned trying to keep things simple, and they might want to avoid doing something about the rush
Despite your argument being more than valid, I think that Savage Roar bumped to 5 mana may result excessive: it's true, Bloodlust costs 5, but you also have to consider that Shaman has access to considerable burst damage (Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, even Totemic Smash), while Druid has just Swipe and (lol) Moonfire.
Moreover, RoS cards are just 1 month old and that's why I think we won't see them nerfed any time soon: we'll have to play them in the next 2 years, so that's why it's more reasonable to target Classic/Basic or Year of the Raven cards.
Ok, guys, how do you picture Dr. Boom, Mad Genius w/o rush? This question is not directed only to you, MProdigy, but to all people here who suggest this. This is Dr. Boom's battlecry, it' defines the card the way it is, so if the devs remove it, what should they do to replace it? It would be a total change to his design, which is super unlikely to happen.
"The first mech you play each turn has Rush" and change the 1/1 hero power into "1/1s with Rush"
I'm inclined to agree with this change, because it preserves the soul of the card, but I don't think this is necessary. I know this thread is all about our predictions and not that much about nerf discussions, but I honestly think Dr. Boom is a fair hero card (I don't have him, so this comment is not biased), because his battlecry comes in late. Unlike Jaina, he doesn't summon a mech when played and there is no Reckless Flurry in standard to utilize the remaining 3 mana.
I think people hate control warrior just because it has many reactive and sustain tools ensuring them to survive that long, while the other classes (with the exception of shaman and paladin) lost them and were forced to change their strategy to a more proactive one (hence the rush mechs annoy them). In the first two weeks of the RoS expansion I played a lot of Shufflelock and Handlock and the only card I often lose to was Omega Devastator.
My guess about incoming nerfs:
EDIT: updated the point system at #1.
Seems fun! Mine are mostly based on the recent policy of lowering the classic sets influence
As added bonus:
Archivist Elysiana will not be allowed in tournements anymore.
remember warriors 3 mana AOE that was spending all armor and deal damage to all board? Seems unfair if shieldslam would spend armor too
Oh right, for a moment I forgot that Wild could be somehow nerfed too.
Before writing my guesses, I want to remember that Blizzard usually prefers to nerf a common/rare card rather than a legendary.
With that in mind, here's what I think
I have lots of other things I'd like to see changed, but I think these are the most probable
You mean Reckless Flurry. The card is not Classic tho, and it costs more than Slam. Hence why I came up with this one.
Anyway, that's my guess about what the devs will hit. Not necessarily a fair suggestion or a wish of mine. :)
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius from 7 to 9 mana
Magic Carpet from 1/6 to 1/3 (similar to Acolyte of Pain)
EVIL Miscreant from 1/6 to 1/3 (similar to Acolyte of Pain)
Preparation from 0 mana to 1 mana
Barnes from 4 to 7 mana
Shield Slam cost armor</pre>
I was in charge!! - Patches the Pirate
May I reply to your suggestions?
They need to leave classic alone. My guess is raiding part > 4 mana and remove rush from dr boom.
Here are my guesses:
Sap (to 3 mana) [new cards will most likely dodge the nerf bat]
Raiding Party (to 4 mana)
Preparation (cost reduction decreased to 2 mana)
Omega Devastator (Mech tag removed)
Brawl (6 mana) [I don't think it should be nerfed, but it might be a valid candidate]
Barnes (to 5 mana)
No nerf to Bloodbloom YET, because the devs would want to gather more data
Archivist Elysiana - Mana cost raised to 9, only 1 copy of each card is added to your deck
EVIL Miscreant - Mana cost raised to 5
Raiding Party - Mana cost raised to 5
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius - Rush for all mechs removed
Magic Carpet - 1/6 reduced to 1/4
Barnes - Mana cost raised to 6
Bloodbloom - Mana cost raised to 4
barnes to 6 or 7 mana
prep reduce by 2
elysiana banned from tourneys
raiding party to 4
Ofcourse you may I genuinly enjoy seeing different perspectives of what to nerf! I didn't give my reasoning behind them in my initials posts as I tried to keep it small , but I will go into them a bit deeper into my reasoning behind them, especially the 3 classic cards.
Ok, guys, how do you picture Dr. Boom, Mad Genius w/o rush? This question is not directed only to you, MProdigy, but to all people here who suggest this. This is Dr. Boom's battlecry, it' defines the card the way it is, so if the devs remove it, what should they do to replace it? It would be a total change to his design, which is super unlikely to happen.
by the way, why do you think they'll make nerf in like 2 weeks? other way i dont see sense in this thread, cause meta anyways will change
My Bingo:
Preparation: The next spell you cast this turn costs (2) less.
Raiding Party: Up to 4 mana.
Shield Block: Up to 4 mana. (?) (Bonus: If you are going to say that they won't nerf a basic card, remember Execute.)
Omega Assembly: Up to 2 mana.
Bloodbloom: Up to 3 mana, but maybe not in this nerf round.
Barnes: It will dodge the bullet. Again. Mainly because "is only a thread in a class and any control deck can beat that deck".
Zilliax: Up to 6 mana. (?)
Always look on the random side of life.
"The first mech you play each turn has Rush" and change the 1/1 hero power into "1/1s with Rush"
Despite your argument being more than valid, I think that Savage Roar bumped to 5 mana may result excessive: it's true, Bloodlust costs 5, but you also have to consider that Shaman has access to considerable burst damage (Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, even Totemic Smash), while Druid has just Swipe and (lol) Moonfire.
Moreover, RoS cards are just 1 month old and that's why I think we won't see them nerfed any time soon: we'll have to play them in the next 2 years, so that's why it's more reasonable to target Classic/Basic or Year of the Raven cards.
Barnes to 6 mana
Bloodbloom to 4 mana
Edwin VanCleef +2/+1 for each card u play this turn
Preparation to 1 mana
Raiding Party to 4 mana
Waggle Pick to 3/3 weapon so u cant play free dread corsair with it and effect requires more setup
EVIL Miscreant to 4 mana
Omega Devastator to a 1/5 so its worse before turn 10 and with rush aura cant remove 2 things when he hit the board
Archivist Elysiana to 9 mana so u cant use hero power or use banker/brewmaster on her
I'm inclined to agree with this change, because it preserves the soul of the card, but I don't think this is necessary. I know this thread is all about our predictions and not that much about nerf discussions, but I honestly think Dr. Boom is a fair hero card (I don't have him, so this comment is not biased), because his battlecry comes in late. Unlike Jaina, he doesn't summon a mech when played and there is no Reckless Flurry in standard to utilize the remaining 3 mana.
I think people hate control warrior just because it has many reactive and sustain tools ensuring them to survive that long, while the other classes (with the exception of shaman and paladin) lost them and were forced to change their strategy to a more proactive one (hence the rush mechs annoy them). In the first two weeks of the RoS expansion I played a lot of Shufflelock and Handlock and the only card I often lose to was Omega Devastator.
Let me politely reiterate we are not suggesting nerfs here. ;)
In this Bingo, your reasoning matters exclusively towards what could be the devs' plan.
What you think is the best nerf is irrelevant here. There's no argument to be made. :)