Sometime ago someone from blizzard ask to the community why we leave hearthstone or why we comeback if we already leave, something like that...
I have an answer, cut the crap you give in the packs, im fucking tired of receiving bullshit after bullshit in the packs, 7 or 8 packs in a row receiving 4 common and 1 rare, and its happen soooooo often... start to improve the bullshit you give
Sometimes i have 80 or 90 gold and try to achieve some victories to get the 100 for the pack, i spent time and the reward its everytime that bs packs... you want to know whats push me out of the game??? that BS push me out
To be fair they already improve a lot the packs, I can remember the time when I spend hard earned 1.600 dust in a legendary only to open the same legendary one or two weeks later.
They've been Ok for me recently. I have gotten a strangely large amount of epics, and the legendaries have been coming in faster than ever just off free packs, the odd gold packs and a couple of small 8 pack bundles here and there. I even got a golden legendary the other day.
I know the pain of getting basic packs though, time and time again.
Your luck will change though, always does. It just might be harder to see when you're just opening 1 pack at a time.
I suggest opening only 1 set until you hit a legendary, then move to another set and rince and repeat. Has worked out well for me. This month I've had about 5 legendaries and 20 epics.
Not flexing or owt, just trying to show you that it's not always bad.
Sometime ago someone from blizzard ask to the community why we leave hearthstone or why we comeback if we already leave, something like that...
I have an answer, cut the crap you give in the packs, im fucking tired of receiving bullshit after bullshit in the packs, 7 or 8 packs in a row receiving 4 common and 1 rare, and its happen soooooo often... start to improve the bullshit you give
Sometimes i have 80 or 90 gold and try to achieve some victories to get the 100 for the pack, i spent time and the reward its everytime that bs packs... you want to know whats push me out of the game??? that BS push me out
Golden heroes: Warlock, Druid, Mage, Hunter
Someone has never played a collectible card game before :D
I could understand if you complained of pack fillers...
But rarity frequency should stay as it is.
Otherwise it's not rare/epic/legendary anymore.
Buy packs with real money. jk
One day this game will stop existing. I can't wait.
ahhhh yes a useless salt thread
get gud at opening packs stupid noob
Play arena nub
Skidaddle skidoodle your Milhouse manastorm is now a noodle
To be fair they already improve a lot the packs, I can remember the time when I spend hard earned 1.600 dust in a legendary only to open the same legendary one or two weeks later.
They've been Ok for me recently. I have gotten a strangely large amount of epics, and the legendaries have been coming in faster than ever just off free packs, the odd gold packs and a couple of small 8 pack bundles here and there. I even got a golden legendary the other day.
I know the pain of getting basic packs though, time and time again.
Your luck will change though, always does. It just might be harder to see when you're just opening 1 pack at a time.
I suggest opening only 1 set until you hit a legendary, then move to another set and rince and repeat. Has worked out well for me. This month I've had about 5 legendaries and 20 epics.
Not flexing or owt, just trying to show you that it's not always bad.
Big man dropping the r-word. Go cry somewhere else.
"There is no spoon"
If you want to start a constructive discussion about changing the rarity formula in packs, this is not the way to do it. Locked.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide: