Do you consider the unnecessary plays after you have lethal on board as BM? It happened to me recently, I've been playing against a Priest, and he had lethal on board, I knew it, so I "Well Played!" him, and passed my turn to let him finish me off (sometimes I do this instead of conceding right away). Instead he started playing Princess Talanji, and doing all sorts of stupid things, which really pissed me off, so I conceded myself immideately.
Is it just me, or do you also find this unnecessary "muscle flex" annoying? What's the purpose of it, just to show off how much ahead in the game you were?
Sometimes it's just the quest "play X cards from Y class" or something similar, sometimes people just check their luck if they have sone cards with random effects and sometimes it's just BM flexing.
Personally it doesn't bother me since I tend to concede when the opponent has a very clear lethal, but in any case it's not on par with emote spamming and ropping
I usually don't do that kind of stuff because I know I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end (like you were), but sometimes when I have a daily quest in the likes of "play X class cards", I try to play as many cards as I can, even though I would already have lethal on board, and hope my opponent isn't too pissed...
I feel like that is the textbook definition of BM.
Personally, the only time I am ok with BM is when my opponent is playing a really janky combo deck and managed to set it up properly against me. I let them combo off and do whatever sort of shenanigans they want.
But, if someone is just playing a regular deck and starts to do a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't lead to them winning, then I concede immediately.
If your opponent has lethal on board and you're being a dick by not conceding, no.
If your opponent has lethal in hand and is being a dick rather than just finishing it, yes.
So you actually consider not conceding to a board lethal a BM?
Personally I do a bit. I mean both cases are wasting the other player's time. Neither wastes a lot of time, and neither really bothers me a lot, but yeah I feel both are mild forms of BM. I find other things like intentional roping and emote spamming far worse forms of BMing.
I got quests to complete and you didn't concede right away despite seeing lethal so nope. If you were gonna concede at all just do it, otherwise accept you gave them power over ending the game and they're free to use it as they wish.
Closest to "BMing" in this game is emote spams honestly. Anything else has alternate explanations (tho it ofc depends on the player, making this topic even moor subjective than it already is)
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Hi i'm Tyler and I play hearthstone and watch anime.
Sometimes i make cards. I'd like to do that for a career one day if ever possible.
It's annoying, but at least it gives you time to decide if it's worth waiting for what's essentially them "tickling their own fancy" until they run out of cards, mana, or time. It's exactly as you said: just a flex to show off how many ways they could kill you.
I usually don't waste time on these unless it's showing I had lethal from hand in more than one way, like using a top deck on another minion before using a burn spell I already had in hand. I never spend great lengths of time aside from situations when opponents are just the worst (emote spamming, purposeful roping, BM when they think they have lethal next turn, etc.). It's then that I take a little extra time to give back what I was so graciously given.
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Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Well it's kinda douchy but who cares. But i do consider aggro players breathing bm...Those mongrels waste precious oxygen and resources by existing! Truly unexceptable! :P
I always put that sort of thing down to quests or just wanting to pull some sort of move or combo off.
I did have a game earlier in brawl though where the person I played kept spamming well played and greetings at the start of one of their turns. Then they kept hovering a card out and pointing it at my face, putting it back in hand, spamming emotes before hovering again and repeating the process. Let the rope come up and get all the way down before killing me with a spell.
I wasn't bothered because I was doing something else while laying anyway so they just wasted their own time but it did strike me as just such a pointless, dick move.
I can only assume they do these sorts of things even when they don't quite have lethal, in the hope someone concedes, assuming they had it.
Not conceding a board lethal isn't a BM but Its annoying. Everyone wants to get games done as soon as possible to get the next one started, so be polite and concede.
There's quest and xp reasons to extend a game even if you have lethal. Also sometimes there's just a cool thing going on and you want to see it play out., like playing out a hand in poker even if the hand is over.
Finally, by not conceding, you asked for it. You knew it was over, and by staying, you asked for a show. Take it like a true player.
On the other hand, it is bad form to have lethal in hand and dither, and play other stuff for no other reason than to make your opponent think he has a chance.
I don't think it's BM if lethal is on the board and your opponent is free to concede. It's slightly more BM if you are simply screwing around and wasting an entire turn until rope before producing your lethal which forces the opponent to wait it out. Still not the end of the world, but not really a very polite thing to do. If you're working on finishing a quest, drop the cards fast and get it over with. I don't have any beef when opponents do that.
@OP: Playing out your cards before lethal, i dont consider it BM, it is kinda annoying, sure, but that is to be expected most of the times when you pass turn waiting to get slaughtered. Often times ppl just want to play their cool cards that they didnt have time to do so during the game, cause it wasnt the best play atm, but it is a cool play they didnt get to make. Or they just play out cards to spend all mana in a turn cause they r used to it. Many different reasons.
If your opponent has lethal on board and you're being a dick by not conceding, no.
If your opponent has lethal in hand and is being a dick rather than just finishing it, yes.
Not conceding to lethal is also not BM and anyone who says otherwise is frankly stupid, just cause you see it, doesnt mean your opponent does. Iv had many games where i saw lethal, but my opponent didnt. More so if the game is fast paced and you present him with a very obvious favourable trade, that can make your opponent take it without much thinking making him lose the lethal. Obviously this will not happen very often, but it happens often enough, if you make those play consciously. If you are annoyed by your opponent letting you make the final swing, that is a you problem.
Hey guys,
Do you consider the unnecessary plays after you have lethal on board as BM? It happened to me recently, I've been playing against a Priest, and he had lethal on board, I knew it, so I "Well Played!" him, and passed my turn to let him finish me off (sometimes I do this instead of conceding right away). Instead he started playing Princess Talanji, and doing all sorts of stupid things, which really pissed me off, so I conceded myself immideately.
Is it just me, or do you also find this unnecessary "muscle flex" annoying? What's the purpose of it, just to show off how much ahead in the game you were?
If your opponent has lethal on board and you're being a dick by not conceding, no.
If your opponent has lethal in hand and is being a dick rather than just finishing it, yes.
Not really? If I get a cool play I want to play it. I don't think that's BM per se.
So you actually consider not conceding to a board lethal a BM?
I would say it is justified if he have to complete a quest - cast x spells. summon x 5 mana cost minions etc.
Sometimes it's just the quest "play X cards from Y class" or something similar, sometimes people just check their luck if they have sone cards with random effects and sometimes it's just BM flexing.
Personally it doesn't bother me since I tend to concede when the opponent has a very clear lethal, but in any case it's not on par with emote spamming and ropping
It all depends on the game.
I usually don't do that kind of stuff because I know I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end (like you were), but sometimes when I have a daily quest in the likes of "play X class cards", I try to play as many cards as I can, even though I would already have lethal on board, and hope my opponent isn't too pissed...
I feel like that is the textbook definition of BM.
Personally, the only time I am ok with BM is when my opponent is playing a really janky combo deck and managed to set it up properly against me. I let them combo off and do whatever sort of shenanigans they want.
But, if someone is just playing a regular deck and starts to do a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't lead to them winning, then I concede immediately.
Personally I do a bit. I mean both cases are wasting the other player's time. Neither wastes a lot of time, and neither really bothers me a lot, but yeah I feel both are mild forms of BM. I find other things like intentional roping and emote spamming far worse forms of BMing.
Yes. You're wasting your opponent's time as much as they are wasting yours in the latter circumstance.
I got quests to complete and you didn't concede right away despite seeing lethal so nope. If you were gonna concede at all just do it, otherwise accept you gave them power over ending the game and they're free to use it as they wish.
Closest to "BMing" in this game is emote spams honestly. Anything else has alternate explanations (tho it ofc depends on the player, making this topic even moor subjective than it already is)
Hi i'm Tyler and I play hearthstone and watch anime.
Sometimes i make cards. I'd like to do that for a career one day if ever possible.
It's annoying, but at least it gives you time to decide if it's worth waiting for what's essentially them "tickling their own fancy" until they run out of cards, mana, or time. It's exactly as you said: just a flex to show off how many ways they could kill you.
I usually don't waste time on these unless it's showing I had lethal from hand in more than one way, like using a top deck on another minion before using a burn spell I already had in hand. I never spend great lengths of time aside from situations when opponents are just the worst (emote spamming, purposeful roping, BM when they think they have lethal next turn, etc.). It's then that I take a little extra time to give back what I was so graciously given.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Sometimes players just want to finish their play-specific-cards quest. BM is spam greatings while doing lethal.
Well it's kinda douchy but who cares. But i do consider aggro players breathing bm...Those mongrels waste precious oxygen and resources by existing! Truly unexceptable! :P
I always put that sort of thing down to quests or just wanting to pull some sort of move or combo off.
I did have a game earlier in brawl though where the person I played kept spamming well played and greetings at the start of one of their turns. Then they kept hovering a card out and pointing it at my face, putting it back in hand, spamming emotes before hovering again and repeating the process. Let the rope come up and get all the way down before killing me with a spell.
I wasn't bothered because I was doing something else while laying anyway so they just wasted their own time but it did strike me as just such a pointless, dick move.
I can only assume they do these sorts of things even when they don't quite have lethal, in the hope someone concedes, assuming they had it.
Not conceding a board lethal isn't a BM but Its annoying. Everyone wants to get games done as soon as possible to get the next one started, so be polite and concede.
so instead of asking just concede and move on once you know.
There's quest and xp reasons to extend a game even if you have lethal. Also sometimes there's just a cool thing going on and you want to see it play out., like playing out a hand in poker even if the hand is over.
Finally, by not conceding, you asked for it. You knew it was over, and by staying, you asked for a show. Take it like a true player.
On the other hand, it is bad form to have lethal in hand and dither, and play other stuff for no other reason than to make your opponent think he has a chance.
I don't think it's BM if lethal is on the board and your opponent is free to concede. It's slightly more BM if you are simply screwing around and wasting an entire turn until rope before producing your lethal which forces the opponent to wait it out. Still not the end of the world, but not really a very polite thing to do. If you're working on finishing a quest, drop the cards fast and get it over with. I don't have any beef when opponents do that.
@OP: Playing out your cards before lethal, i dont consider it BM, it is kinda annoying, sure, but that is to be expected most of the times when you pass turn waiting to get slaughtered. Often times ppl just want to play their cool cards that they didnt have time to do so during the game, cause it wasnt the best play atm, but it is a cool play they didnt get to make. Or they just play out cards to spend all mana in a turn cause they r used to it. Many different reasons.
Not conceding to lethal is also not BM and anyone who says otherwise is frankly stupid, just cause you see it, doesnt mean your opponent does. Iv had many games where i saw lethal, but my opponent didnt. More so if the game is fast paced and you present him with a very obvious favourable trade, that can make your opponent take it without much thinking making him lose the lethal. Obviously this will not happen very often, but it happens often enough, if you make those play consciously. If you are annoyed by your opponent letting you make the final swing, that is a you problem.
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