i think they should just add a hero power to the pool which is something along the lines of "stuck gear: your hero power is stuck, pay two mana and two health to swap to another random hero power"
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"Knowledge, or verbal facility, is no proof that you know what you're talking about." -Terence Mckenna
i think they should just add a hero power to the pool which is something along the lines of "stuck gear: your hero power is stuck, pay two mana and two health to swap to another random hero power"
This is so cool, if you came up with this than you are a genious, but i am not sure whether that nerf is really needed, just the idea is so cool and btw i think it is enough just to pay two mana
A non-tier 1 deck losing to a tier 1 deck doesn't mean a card is a problem. Eventually you need decks that do better than others & those that do worse. Would you call a top tier deck that would replace warrior as a problem down the road when you would start losing to that deck? How about the top tier deck that replaces that one?
Boom is an rng-dependent hero card. Rng-based cards are, on average, worse than ones with consistent effects. If I had the option to strip all hero cards of their class tags and decide which one I wanted to give to my favorite class it would NOT be Boom. It would probably be something like Gul'Dan, Jaina, or Rexxar.
But please, cry your baby tears about how "infinite value" ruins the game for control players that have no push as far as burst potential goes when closing games.
Is your argument honestly that Boom isn't as broken as arguably the two most broken infinite value cards in the entire tis in Rexxar and Jaina, and that therefore makes him completly okay?
Boom's infinite value isnt even close or consistent to the other two.
Way to obviously avoid the point, Boom is strong now and shifting the meta, just like previous Hero cards. You even admit Boom is infinite value, which is the issue EVERYONE has with Boom's balance. I don't see why you tried to troll when you obviously agree with the general point.
I don't like these powerful cards that have almost zero downside (though I guess the random nature of it is kinda bad ... save for the fact that they are all really good abilities).
I get the blasted microbots what feels like twice as much as any of the other powers. While my opponents get the discover mech or armour ones with great frequency!
Blizzard is very good at balancing the game. Boom is the most OP hero card in standard so it should cost only 7 mana and the other two 10 and 8. And it should give you 7 armor. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
do not try to fix something which is not broken.
Dead but dreaming
I'd say I'd anything for the battlecry have it summon boom bots instead, it fits flavor wise better...but hey that's just me
remove rush.
shield slam should remove the the dmg done in armor.
that would be a start.
i think they should just add a hero power to the pool which is something along the lines of "stuck gear: your hero power is stuck, pay two mana and two health to swap to another random hero power"
"Knowledge, or verbal facility, is no proof that you know what you're talking about." -Terence Mckenna
This is so cool, if you came up with this than you are a genious, but i am not sure whether that nerf is really needed, just the idea is so cool and btw i think it is enough just to pay two mana
Way to obviously avoid the point, Boom is strong now and shifting the meta, just like previous Hero cards. You even admit Boom is infinite value, which is the issue EVERYONE has with Boom's balance. I don't see why you tried to troll when you obviously agree with the general point.
If you thought you knew what you think I know, then you'd know I knew you knew I know.
Make the hero power cost 3?
I don't like these powerful cards that have almost zero downside (though I guess the random nature of it is kinda bad ... save for the fact that they are all really good abilities).
perhaps some hero powers such as Rexxar's and Dr. Boom's could have a turn limit? "for the next x rounds, replace your hero power with..."
Honestly I think they should've just HoF'd the remaining heroes with Genn and Baku.
I get the blasted microbots what feels like twice as much as any of the other powers. While my opponents get the discover mech or armour ones with great frequency!
Took the words right out of my mouth
How about no? It’s a hero card that isn’t gonna be around forever. It’s a random power too. It’s fine.
how about they change it to mechs you play get rush and not every mech or even the 1st mech each turn you play gets rush
nobody force you to read it but stil you dooo and you react so your message is just meaning please give me atention pff so sad
hahah you calling dr boom not broken XD are you even playing the game then ?
Easyest nerf would be from 7mana to 9mana dr. Boom.
I second this. Plus the rush aura will help you control the minions in the field in your favor
Blizzard is very good at balancing the game. Boom is the most OP hero card in standard so it should cost only 7 mana and the other two 10 and 8. And it should give you 7 armor. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.