Except that they do and you are full of shit, or just actually flatout lying.
LITERALLY gave an example in opening post.
Opponent 5/2 minion, 5/7 minion
Attacks with 5/2 minion.
Freezing trap (which i played AFTER explosive) activates and 5/2 starts to go back in hand.
Explosive trap activates,
5/7 goes face.
If secrets worked in order i played them trap would have killed 5/2 and activated freezing on the next attack.
Yeah that's how secrets have always worked. Even if we assume you don't have any minions so that the 5/2 definitely attacked face, this still would have happened.
Furthermore, even if Explosive Trap's animation went off first and "killed" the minion, the minion would still stay on the field for Freezing Trap to activate and bounce the "dead" minion back to your opponent's hand.
This is because when both traps are on the field and a minion attacks your face, the trap's status is now changed to activated and has a designated target for it. And since Hearthstone does not have a continuous state based check to see if the minion is dead like Magic does, stuff like this happens.
So, in the future, don't play Freezing and Explosive Trap together. But if you can figure out the interactions between other secrets, you can pull off some good effects like Explosive and Wandering Monster.
Except that they do and you are full of shit, or just actually flatout lying.
LITERALLY gave an example in opening post.
Opponent 5/2 minion, 5/7 minion
Attacks with 5/2 minion.
Freezing trap (which i played AFTER explosive) activates and 5/2 starts to go back in hand.
Explosive trap activates,
5/7 goes face.
If secrets worked in order i played them trap would have killed 5/2 and activated freezing on the next attack.
Yeah that's how secrets have always worked. Even if we assume you don't have any minions so that the 5/2 definitely attacked face, this still would have happened.
Furthermore, even if Explosive Trap's animation went off first and "killed" the minion, the minion would still stay on the field for Freezing Trap to activate and bounce the "dead" minion back to your opponent's hand.
This is because when both traps are on the field and a minion attacks your face, the trap's status is now changed to activated and has a designated target for it. And since Hearthstone does not have a continuous state based check to see if the minion is dead like Magic does, stuff like this happens.
So, in the future, don't play Freezing and Explosive Trap together. But if you can figure out the interactions between other secrets, you can pull off some good effects like Explosive and Wandering Monster.
That doesnt make any sense to activate on a card that's already dead. I'd feel that was a bad interaction as well. I usually don't play freezing with anything but wandering(if playing aggressively) but this was possibly last play of the game(If traps went off in order of play I could have avoided all damage.)
Misdirection>Freezing>Explosive-wandering seem to be priority order
Not exactly horrible, just possibly awkward. I cant think of mage secrets that are weird to play at same time. Pal has a couple with the 2/1 defender that can be kind of weird.
Freezing and explosive have always been working this way.
It doesn't matter if explosive was played first, it will trigger first but before it deals the damage to everything, the freeze will proc and THEN deal damage to everything.
Although if you play freeze first and then explosive, the freeze will proc and the explosive won't. Freezing traps works as soon as anything attacks, the explosive is after something attacks your hero so if you play freezing first, your minion never gets to attack the hero. However, if you play explosive first the game sees that explosive needs to trigger and then reads that freezing needs to trigger as well since it's as soon as anything attacks.
Same with wondering monster, if you play wondering and then freeze, you will have a random 3 drop and then freeze whatever attacked your hero. If you freeze first, the minion will only get back to hand and you won't get a 3 drop.
There seems to be a little misinformation floating around here.
First and foremost, the OP must be mistaken about the order the secrets were played in((EDIT: I just watched the replay, which I hadn't before, and yeah, the imp very clearly attacked the wolf, not face)), because according to this video, an Explosive Trap played first will trigger before a Freezing Trap that was played subsequently, and the Freezing Trap will not trigger if the Explosive Trap kills the activating minion. (Note that in the video, the Explosive trap is at the top, indicating that it was, in fact, first on the field.)
Here is a video showing that if Freezing Trap is played first, both traps will trigger. This is because Explosive Trap does not require a target; it affects all enemy minions. The trigger (attacking face) was fulfilled, so since Explosive does not need a target, both Secrets end up being activated. (Attacking face is not the same thing as successfully hitting face.)
Except that they do and you are full of shit, or just actually flatout lying.
Pretty much.
Freezing Trap triggers as soon as a character attacks. Explosive Trap as soon as a character attacks your hero.
In order for the latter to happen, the former always needs to happen first.
It's not that hard to understand if you've finished, like, primary school or something.
Just the remark that not "a character" (which includes heroes) has to attack, but that a minion needs to attack. Here the Doubling Imp obviously attacked the Wolf because otherwise the explosive trap would've gone off first. Secrets do trigger in order of play.
This was incredibly dumb. If he attacked my wolf then explosive trap wouldn't have activated. I know replays are not as easy to understand but pay closer attention.
Also, in what scenario would someone with his life-lead NOT attack my face! Wow.
This was incredibly dumb. If he attacked my wolf then explosive trap wouldn't have activated. I know replays are not as easy to understand but pay closer attention.
Also, in what scenario would someone with his life-lead NOT attack my face! Wow.
Anyhow basically, you are the only person who has been insulting in this thread and ironically the only one that could benefit from some Kindergarten classes. Being dumb and an asshole go together well.
If you play explosive trap, the 2 health minion does not connect with the face anyway. So he uses the minion to get rid of your wolf. That seems like the correct play to me. Since he can also test for freezing trap, it is a good choice from him. And with his life lead, it also seems reasonable that he will get the damage in eventually.
Edit: And you can see that the explosive trap did not activate when he attacked with the imp. The explosive trap activated when the Doomguard attacked. I guess I payed closer attention to your replay than you did...
And the last sentence probably wasn't aimed at me since I do not think I insulted anyone. Maybe you meant the post I cited...
It does look like the wolf is highlighted in the replay.
Edit2 (my answer addressed the issue that teh imp has a negative health): I guess that comes from a bug from the HSreplay and the fact that it is originally a 2/2 minion and had a +3/+3 buff on it. And in hand it just shows a -3 for the health. it cannot be the damage of explosive trap since that would've reduced it to 0 and not to -1.
Edit: I just tested the interaction. First played Explosive Trap and then Freezing Trap. If the minion attacks face, explosive trap goes off and freezing trap does not when the minion is killed.
For example If I play explosive trap then freezing, why the fuck would freezing activate before explosive.
Also notable how misdirection doesnt work well with other secrets.
Misdirection will target another minion then get knocked back in hand.
Misdirection will also fail if played with wandering monster.
Fun > Meta
Ay what the fuck... fucks me off bro
next level here ! https://soundcloud.com/becauseyeye
Did he attack your minion?. If yeah then there's your reason why. If he want face then Explosive Trap should trigger first.
Except that they do and you are full of shit, or just actually flatout lying.
They do play in order.
Pretty much.
Freezing Trap triggers as soon as a character attacks. Explosive Trap as soon as a character attacks your hero.
In order for the latter to happen, the former always needs to happen first.
It's not that hard to understand if you've finished, like, primary school or something.
edit: eh nvm false alarm, nothing to see here
LITERALLY gave an example in opening post.
Opponent 5/2 minion, 5/7 minion
Attacks with 5/2 minion.
Freezing trap (which i played AFTER explosive) activates and 5/2 starts to go back in hand.
Explosive trap activates,
5/7 goes face.
If secrets worked in order i played them trap would have killed 5/2 and activated freezing on the next attack.
Fun > Meta
Yeah that's how secrets have always worked. Even if we assume you don't have any minions so that the 5/2 definitely attacked face, this still would have happened.
Furthermore, even if Explosive Trap's animation went off first and "killed" the minion, the minion would still stay on the field for Freezing Trap to activate and bounce the "dead" minion back to your opponent's hand.
This is because when both traps are on the field and a minion attacks your face, the trap's status is now changed to activated and has a designated target for it. And since Hearthstone does not have a continuous state based check to see if the minion is dead like Magic does, stuff like this happens.
So, in the future, don't play Freezing and Explosive Trap together. But if you can figure out the interactions between other secrets, you can pull off some good effects like Explosive and Wandering Monster.
That doesnt make any sense to activate on a card that's already dead. I'd feel that was a bad interaction as well. I usually don't play freezing with anything but wandering(if playing aggressively) but this was possibly last play of the game(If traps went off in order of play I could have avoided all damage.)
Misdirection>Freezing>Explosive-wandering seem to be priority order
Not exactly horrible, just possibly awkward. I cant think of mage secrets that are weird to play at same time. Pal has a couple with the 2/1 defender that can be kind of weird.
Fun > Meta
have more sense if explosive kill your minion then freeze have no effect
Freezing and explosive have always been working this way.
It doesn't matter if explosive was played first, it will trigger first but before it deals the damage to everything, the freeze will proc and THEN deal damage to everything.
Although if you play freeze first and then explosive, the freeze will proc and the explosive won't. Freezing traps works as soon as anything attacks, the explosive is after something attacks your hero so if you play freezing first, your minion never gets to attack the hero. However, if you play explosive first the game sees that explosive needs to trigger and then reads that freezing needs to trigger as well since it's as soon as anything attacks.
Same with wondering monster, if you play wondering and then freeze, you will have a random 3 drop and then freeze whatever attacked your hero. If you freeze first, the minion will only get back to hand and you won't get a 3 drop.
Bruh , who will play Freezing Trap first and then Explosive Trap
There seems to be a little misinformation floating around here.
First and foremost,
the OP must be mistaken about the order the secrets were played in((EDIT: I just watched the replay, which I hadn't before, and yeah, the imp very clearly attacked the wolf, not face)), because according to this video, an Explosive Trap played first will trigger before a Freezing Trap that was played subsequently, and the Freezing Trap will not trigger if the Explosive Trap kills the activating minion. (Note that in the video, the Explosive trap is at the top, indicating that it was, in fact, first on the field.)Here is a video showing that if Freezing Trap is played first, both traps will trigger. This is because Explosive Trap does not require a target; it affects all enemy minions. The trigger (attacking face) was fulfilled, so since Explosive does not need a target, both Secrets end up being activated. (Attacking face is not the same thing as successfully hitting face.)
All of these interactions are documented in the Advanced Rulebook, as well as on the individual card pages of the Hearthstone Wiki.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
That's what I expected! But not what happened.
Question: Did you play both secrets on same turn or different turns?
This vid confirmed what nayrSlayer said which is awfully fucking stupid. A dead card is dead. Being dead is no longer active on battlefield.
Fun > Meta
Just the remark that not "a character" (which includes heroes) has to attack, but that a minion needs to attack. Here the Doubling Imp obviously attacked the Wolf because otherwise the explosive trap would've gone off first. Secrets do trigger in order of play.
"Only one Secret can take effect at a time, and multiple activated Secrets will always take effect in the order in which they were played. "
This was incredibly dumb. If he attacked my wolf then explosive trap wouldn't have activated. I know replays are not as easy to understand but pay closer attention.
Also, in what scenario would someone with his life-lead NOT attack my face! Wow.
Fun > Meta
If you play explosive trap, the 2 health minion does not connect with the face anyway. So he uses the minion to get rid of your wolf. That seems like the correct play to me. Since he can also test for freezing trap, it is a good choice from him. And with his life lead, it also seems reasonable that he will get the damage in eventually.
Edit: And you can see that the explosive trap did not activate when he attacked with the imp. The explosive trap activated when the Doomguard attacked. I guess I payed closer attention to your replay than you did...
And the last sentence probably wasn't aimed at me since I do not think I insulted anyone. Maybe you meant the post I cited...
It does look like the wolf is highlighted in the replay.
Fun > Meta
Edit2 (my answer addressed the issue that teh imp has a negative health): I guess that comes from a bug from the HSreplay and the fact that it is originally a 2/2 minion and had a +3/+3 buff on it. And in hand it just shows a -3 for the health. it cannot be the damage of explosive trap since that would've reduced it to 0 and not to -1.
Edit: I just tested the interaction. First played Explosive Trap and then Freezing Trap. If the minion attacks face, explosive trap goes off and freezing trap does not when the minion is killed.