Was recently finishing up some heroic bosses while waiting for the meta to change and was wondering why new decks aren't made for old adventures. I get the amount of people playing them is near zero at this point but I can see it being fun to see how new cards interact with old boss mechanics or finding decks that are just beyond easy for what was originally a very hard boss (aka Chromaggus).
Has anyone tried tinkering around with this or am I just living in the past?
It's probably that most people already got all these bosses and there's no real point to do it again
I haven't done heroic Balckrock and League of Explorers and so far I really haven't had the drive to actually try it (also my WIld cardpool is rather lacking and I don't wanna craft meme cards to beat some trashy bosses) so I personally would actually like to see someone find decks to cheese these encounters.
Back when One Night in Karazhan came out and I was really bored with many of the encounters, I went back and messed around with some older bosses and had a lot of fun trying to cheese them out. Since at the time of their releases, the best way to beat most encounters on heroic was to exploit the AI with Kel'Thuzad and a taunt minion, I tried some different cards to make the encounters easier. I haven't given it another shot in a while, but I imagine it could be fun to try it out.
I'll see if I can come up with something for Chromaggus at first, but what are the other bosses that you want to see new decks for? Obviously, I'll focus on beating heroic, since most regular encounters are easy.
EDIT: So I was just theorycrafting some stuff for Chromaggus and realized that Priest is likely the best way to go because of Silence and stuff like Psychic Scream and Lightbomb. Unfortunately, I don't have a majority of these cards to say if they will work or not, but I imagine that if you use a Wild Control Priest build with Silences and Alexstrasza, you can do well.
Got LoE ez with guides on this site + sometimes used OTK decks like with that Murloc bulsht which spams board every turn, freeze OTK mage with thaurisan also there was this 1 damage a time boss, 40 fireballs took him down.
Tried to beat naxx with meta decks, done easily, sindragosa heroic is so easy ATM, heroic LOE was easy to begin with,so is karazhan except the final boss, might try BRM since that one was quite harsh..
a note about KOFT, many decks that used to be good against the lich king got nerfed (mainly murlocs) wonder how hard it is RN
They were designed for past expansions and a moment in time for Hearthstone. Wouldn't make any sense to spend time making decks for old adventures.
While you're not wrong, there are plenty of new players coming to Hearthstone every year. If these new players want a leg-up in wild, without spending too much money, the adventures are where it is at!
As a new player with a limited card pool, playing the normal adventures can be a bit of a challenge. It's been almost a year since I started playing, and I've just embarked on conquering heroic adventures. So far I've completed LoE and Naxxramus. There's been a few encounters that have been quite challenging, looked up decks, only to find it still challenging, and I've made up my own/updated the decks that were decent in that moment of time that has passed.
Here's an updated deck for obliterating Kel'Thuzad on heroic:
It's not much, but the tweak makes it far superior than any other deck I've seen using a similar setup. Test Subject is great, and means you don't need to reset if turn 8 sees Twisting Nether undo all your work.
Sapphiron was also a pain in the neck. Here's what I used:
Basically just a twisted version of big priest to abuse Malygos for face damage. Will probably use this setup if I encounter another boss that's not too aggressive and constantly destroys/board wipes.
Oh, and I also wasn't around for any murloc nerfs (all before my time), but I've defeated the Lich King with all classes. Hunter was the hardest for me, and this is what I used:
Not so much new, but this was when I had a relatively small pool. I was opening 10 of each old set and used my, almost useless, Acidmaw legendary for the win. I guess the odd thing here is that no newer player would have that card (and certainly should NOT craft it), and anyone who has it in their collection has probably already dealt with the Lich King.
Slowly going through Black Rock Mountain now. Will be very slow, as I start a new job tomorrow, but if I find any new way to defeat bosses that's more efficient and reliable than the old ways, I'll certainly share.
Your post actually got me to try Heroic Blackrock.
Outside of Maloriak everything was stupidly easy. Power creep is real my dude. Grinding out these vanilla decks with Frostlich Jaina is basically an easier version of constructed since they don't paly around anything
The most hilarious part was beating final boss Nefarian with Mecha'thun. "Oh you have a multi-phase boss fight requiring different tactics? Too bad, I have a robotic deathgod and way too much boardclear you oversized Odd Paladin"
I just finished LoE heroic (the card back for it looks awesome!). Most bosses can be defeated by Mill Rogue, Exodia Mage or Odd Paladin. It was fun though!
I've wondered this before myself. I guess there aren't enough of us with a few left to finish.
A few months ago I was finally able to cheese Prince Malchezaar, my final Heroic encounter left in ONiK, with Sacrificial Pact. FINALLY got my 'Blue Portal' card back. I'd get close, but those 6/6's would crush me no matter what.
Was recently finishing up some heroic bosses while waiting for the meta to change and was wondering why new decks aren't made for old adventures. I get the amount of people playing them is near zero at this point but I can see it being fun to see how new cards interact with old boss mechanics or finding decks that are just beyond easy for what was originally a very hard boss (aka Chromaggus).
Has anyone tried tinkering around with this or am I just living in the past?
They were designed for past expansions and a moment in time for Hearthstone. Wouldn't make any sense to spend time making decks for old adventures.
It's probably that most people already got all these bosses and there's no real point to do it again
I haven't done heroic Balckrock and League of Explorers and so far I really haven't had the drive to actually try it (also my WIld cardpool is rather lacking and I don't wanna craft meme cards to beat some trashy bosses) so I personally would actually like to see someone find decks to cheese these encounters.
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
Odd warrior has let me pass some of Black Rock . It would be nice if someone posted some new decks
Back when One Night in Karazhan came out and I was really bored with many of the encounters, I went back and messed around with some older bosses and had a lot of fun trying to cheese them out. Since at the time of their releases, the best way to beat most encounters on heroic was to exploit the AI with Kel'Thuzad and a taunt minion, I tried some different cards to make the encounters easier. I haven't given it another shot in a while, but I imagine it could be fun to try it out.
I'll see if I can come up with something for Chromaggus at first, but what are the other bosses that you want to see new decks for? Obviously, I'll focus on beating heroic, since most regular encounters are easy.
EDIT: So I was just theorycrafting some stuff for Chromaggus and realized that Priest is likely the best way to go because of Silence and stuff like Psychic Scream and Lightbomb. Unfortunately, I don't have a majority of these cards to say if they will work or not, but I imagine that if you use a Wild Control Priest build with Silences and Alexstrasza, you can do well.
I finished LoE a few weeks ago. Remember Big Spell Mage helped me against some bosses.
Put your signature here.
Or not...
Got LoE ez with guides on this site + sometimes used OTK decks like with that Murloc bulsht which spams board every turn, freeze OTK mage with thaurisan also there was this 1 damage a time boss, 40 fireballs took him down.
The goal of all life is death.
Tried to beat naxx with meta decks, done easily, sindragosa heroic is so easy ATM, heroic LOE was easy to begin with,so is karazhan except the final boss, might try BRM since that one was quite harsh..
a note about KOFT, many decks that used to be good against the lich king got nerfed (mainly murlocs) wonder how hard it is RN
While you're not wrong, there are plenty of new players coming to Hearthstone every year. If these new players want a leg-up in wild, without spending too much money, the adventures are where it is at!
As a new player with a limited card pool, playing the normal adventures can be a bit of a challenge. It's been almost a year since I started playing, and I've just embarked on conquering heroic adventures. So far I've completed LoE and Naxxramus. There's been a few encounters that have been quite challenging, looked up decks, only to find it still challenging, and I've made up my own/updated the decks that were decent in that moment of time that has passed.
Here's an updated deck for obliterating Kel'Thuzad on heroic:
It's not much, but the tweak makes it far superior than any other deck I've seen using a similar setup. Test Subject is great, and means you don't need to reset if turn 8 sees Twisting Nether undo all your work.
Sapphiron was also a pain in the neck. Here's what I used:
Basically just a twisted version of big priest to abuse Malygos for face damage. Will probably use this setup if I encounter another boss that's not too aggressive and constantly destroys/board wipes.
Oh, and I also wasn't around for any murloc nerfs (all before my time), but I've defeated the Lich King with all classes. Hunter was the hardest for me, and this is what I used:
Not so much new, but this was when I had a relatively small pool. I was opening 10 of each old set and used my, almost useless, Acidmaw legendary for the win. I guess the odd thing here is that no newer player would have that card (and certainly should NOT craft it), and anyone who has it in their collection has probably already dealt with the Lich King.
Slowly going through Black Rock Mountain now. Will be very slow, as I start a new job tomorrow, but if I find any new way to defeat bosses that's more efficient and reliable than the old ways, I'll certainly share.
u can just high roll all the heroic hard bosses with Barnes on turn 4 with Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound and Gang Up to follow it up
Your post actually got me to try Heroic Blackrock.
Outside of Maloriak everything was stupidly easy. Power creep is real my dude. Grinding out these vanilla decks with Frostlich Jaina is basically an easier version of constructed since they don't paly around anything
The most hilarious part was beating final boss Nefarian with Mecha'thun. "Oh you have a multi-phase boss fight requiring different tactics? Too bad, I have a robotic deathgod and way too much boardclear you oversized Odd Paladin"
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
What class for Mecha’thun?
"The quickest way to 'think outside the box' is to realize the truth: the only real box is the one you create by limiting your thoughts."
Bruce Garrabrandt
I used four horsemen cheese for lich king but I bet the equality nerf hit that deck hard.
I haven't thought of those in a while but it might be fun having a run at the old heroic bosses.
Any suggestions for dark iron arena in blackrock
I just finished LoE heroic (the card back for it looks awesome!). Most bosses can be defeated by Mill Rogue, Exodia Mage or Odd Paladin. It was fun though!
I've wondered this before myself. I guess there aren't enough of us with a few left to finish.
A few months ago I was finally able to cheese Prince Malchezaar, my final Heroic encounter left in ONiK, with Sacrificial Pact. FINALLY got my 'Blue Portal' card back. I'd get close, but those 6/6's would crush me no matter what.
waste of time, keep playing heroic adventures while im top25 legend playing against the best in the world