Everything is viable for salt thread here. If you are aggro player and you have problem to swallow red pill just go to another sub.
I am around since 2014 and I don't remember meta with more than 1 control deck amongst plenty of aggro. Odd Warrior this year? Was it even tier 1? Renolock few years ago? Thats about it. Paladin aggro, Rogue aggro, Mage aggro, sometimes cameo from Zoolock. Thats tier 1 basically since forever. Sad.
I see there is a lot of kiddos without any argument who have mushroooom powwaaaaa in their skill deck. I suggest one thing:
Lets make a bet for account access. If there will not be any annoying and completely broken common card used by aggro decks only PLUS if there will be no aggro deck in top3 decks, I will will give you my account with plenty of legendaries and legend cardback.
Dude, your original "argument" is just a complaint with no reasoning behind it. Not this thread's fault you don't understand the very basic concept that control beats aggro.
What's weird to me is that playing control vs. aggro is super easy. It's control vs. control matchups that take the skill (assuming there is no OTK of course). Playing aggro is actually far more difficult than people let on as you must take the absolute best path to victory with no mistakes regarding what early drops you play, which you trade and when to go face or you just won't reach lethal before your opponent stabilizes.... well, unless you're odd paladin. That shit is broken.
What's weird to me is that playing control vs. aggro is super easy. It's control vs. control matchups that take the skill (assuming there is no OTK of course). Playing aggro is actually far more difficult than people let on as you must take the absolute best path to victory with no mistakes regarding what early drops you play, which you trade and when to go face or you just won't reach lethal before your opponent stabilizes.... well, unless you're odd paladin. That shit is broken.
When I have a gun and you have a butterknife, it's super easy.. or super reliant on luck/stupidity of the opponent.
When both people have a gun, it's a thrilling fight for land control and catching the opponent off guard.
When both have a butterknife, it's a thrilling rush to overpower and hunt for weak spots.
Same goes with card games. Different archeypes are meant to counter each other so it's mostly a matter of following the game plan unless RNG messes with things (which is why we HAVE RNG in the first place). Now if you are on the other side, most of the time it's fighting tilt and thinking of the next match, but always watching for that opportunity caused by RNG or an opponent misstep that gives you the opening.
When the archetypes don't counter each other, and RNG isn't screwing things up, then it's more about other factors, such as your skill. So yeah, aggro mirrors become VERY touch and go with one mistake ending the match, while control mirrors become very strategic where you have to plan out your moves far in advance.
So yeah, games where you have the advantage is just about not screwing up. What brings skill into things is finding those rare times when you can turn a loss into a win, or when both sides are equal.
Funny thing is that the BEST play fights against skill matches. That is, if you are REALLY good, you'll make sure as many matches are "mindless follow the script and win" advantage matches as possible and avoid the difficult situations.
Or to put it another way: Bad fighters bring a butterknife to a gun fight. Average players bring a gun to a gun fight. Good players win gun vs gun fights. The best players bring guns to butterknife fights.
Even if that were true, which is always a silly argument due to the lack of revealed cards so far, control is bland anyway. The vast majority of competitive control decks almost universally fall in the laps of warlock, priest, mage, & warrior anyway when control could instead be made more interesting by having underdog classes have consistent control flair for a change.
If aggro does end up crushing new unsurprising warlock/priest/mage/warrior decks I won't cry any baby tears.
Card Draw and Deck building are two things that affect a match more often than skill or archetype.
The reason Hearthstone is so easy to play is websites like these take out those two factors from the equation. Someone builds a deck and then refines it to a good win rate against the most common decks in the meta and then posts the guide and match ups.
All you have to do is go here and copy/paste your flavor. Then practice makes perfect.
There are good Hearthstone players out there, mostly because they've been playing since forever and know the different interactions between the core cards and how the game usually plays out. They know how to smell an Aggro deck before the game even starts. They know what classes are going to bring aggro, or secrets, or just plain OTK/Control/Mid-range decks.
What you draw and Mulligan in the first few turns usually determines the winner in most cases. Skill is replaced by luck rather quickly. People will go on and on about how much skill it takes to play a Control deck vs. playing a brain dead aggro deck. It really makes no difference whatsoever. The average person will still play aggro because they don't want to sit through a 20-30 minute game trying to get lucky or outplay their opponent. They want to play a 5 minute game where they mulligan, draw, and then beat their opponent with the broken cards that give you a 5 attack minion, or Windfury, or 3 minions across the board on Turn 2.
It's the Tortoise and the Hare. Sure you can be the turtle that always wins the race, but it's more fun to be the Hare, who wins on turn 5.
And HS will give you this every expansion, to keep your greedy $A$ control decks in check.
Control decks are literally built to crush aggro...?
Can you count control tier 1 decks in last 5 years on more than 1 hand?
That isn’t relevant to my point, which was that control decks are anti-aggro decks. They are, and they succeed in being so. Board clears, single target removals, life gain, taunts and any other reactive cards hose aggro. I can’t say as I’ve ever queued a control deck into a turn 1 aggressive minion and thought “uh oh lads, we’re gonna lose.”
Everything is viable for salt thread here. If you are aggro player and you have problem to swallow red pill just go to another sub.
I am around since 2014 and I don't remember meta with more than 1 control deck amongst plenty of aggro. Odd Warrior this year? Was it even tier 1? Renolock few years ago? Thats about it. Paladin aggro, Rogue aggro, Mage aggro, sometimes cameo from Zoolock. Thats tier 1 basically since forever. Sad.
Seems that you have been playing for five years, but are still totally clueless. Nice username by the way.
"Being the All-knowing god that I am, I without Boldness assure You that come the next expansion, Rather sooner than later will filthy, non-whale plebians infiltrate Hearthstone - the game I so verily Adore - and in a most Gruesome manner diminish the just so tiny, yet unique feeling of success I Experience when playing my big IQ 60 turn-control-naturally-not-netdecks."
I’ll take this one. The popular Mech C’Thun decks currently are rotating out. The Druid specific OTK decks are losing a handful of shell/defensive items that enabled their drag. Odd/Even are gone. I’m going to definitely assume this was all intentional by the HS team to, as a secondary objective, bring back control. Control hasn’t been a factor in hearthstone much at all in the year of the Raven save Warrior. Fungalmancer didn’t kill late game dude? Aggro always persists, it shapes the game. Remember how different Witchwood was? I’m expecting an even crazier meta with all the recent changes since December. This belongs in the salt thread if you just hate viable common cards.
Not even control, just like freaking Midrange or literally anything that's not trying to win with a Combo, complete Quests, play broken Heroes or zoo minions. Most of which are basically just combo decks that take advantage of the format SOMEHOW NOT BEING EVEN FASTER LIKE HOW DARE STANDARD NOT ENABLE TURN 4 KILLS.
Current Standard makes me ooze with rage and sarcasm.
My guess is that all this will change is that it will cause Midrange to become the new Control, which will run a few select big cards and maybe be a little greedy and run one or two more if the class has really good board clears. Control will only ever be a thing again when Combo wins straight-up don't exist.
Aggro can be dealt with, but damn I hope OTK will have a bad time this year or that we atleast get some proper tools like Dirty Rat.
Well we already do have tools in standard for OTKs, it is just people don't accept any tech card that doesn't instantly win match-ups (further perpetuating the whole 'coin flip' match-up). For example, Mojomaster, for lack of a perfect comparison, is pretty much a longer lasting/staggered Loatheb effect in that it prevents massive value combos/game-enders for occurring for 1+ number of turns.
Mojomaster, when planned for well in advance and used intelligently instantly wins Mecha'Thun Druid & Priest match-ups, often wins Mecha'Thun match-ups (depending on their remaining removal/threats), often wins both forms of pally otks, and takes wins against various non-mentioned wild otk strategies. However, the average player is quite frankly very picky and pretty moronic in general because they don't understand that resetting the mana limit against otk decks barely starting to take fatigue, and continuing to force the hand of the OTK player to fight just to survive for 4 additional turns taking fatigue damage, is actually quite an effective strategy. Oftentimes the uninformed/skilled player just dismisses it as not good enough or not a good card because it naturally doesn't have a use against aggressive decks.
The same people that complain about mojomaster being an effective counter are most likely the same players who complained about Dirty Rat missing and losing them games in standard when they timed the rat poorly without really getting a good enough read on their opponent's hand.
Aggro can be dealt with, but damn I hope OTK will have a bad time this year or that we atleast get some proper tools like Dirty Rat.
Well we already do have tools in standard for OTKs, it is just people don't accept any tech card that doesn't instantly win match-ups (further perpetuating the whole 'coin flip' match-up). For example, Mojomaster, for lack of a perfect comparison, is pretty much a longer lasting/staggered Loatheb effect in that it prevents massive value combos/game-enders for occurring for 1+ number of turns.
Mojomaster, when planned for well in advance and used intelligently instantly wins Mecha'Thun Druid & Priest match-ups, often wins Mecha'Thun match-ups (depending on their remaining removal/threats), often wins both forms of pally otks, and takes wins against various non-mentioned wild otk strategies. However, the average player is quite frankly very picky and pretty moronic in general because they don't understand that resetting the mana limit against otk decks barely starting to take fatigue, and continuing to force the hand of the OTK player to fight just to survive for 4 additional turns taking fatigue damage, is actually quite an effective strategy. Oftentimes the uninformed/skilled player just dismisses it as not good enough or not a good card because it naturally doesn't have a use against aggressive decks.
The same people that complain about mojomaster being an effective counter are most likely the same players who complained about Dirty Rat missing and losing them games in standard when they timed the rat poorly without really getting a good enough read on their opponent's hand.
Yeah I think I speak for most people when I say I at least want my combo disruption to not be a legendary minion... I can understand epic, but Jesus 1600 dust just to be a dead one-of over half the time you’re playing? Just doesn’t feel right. I’m not a budget player, but those people are working hard enough just to have some viable decks. Now we have to start crafting legendaries as techs?! That’s where I draw the line.
rafaam is a 7 mana 7/8 taunt, it has it's quite potent vs aggro, lich king was a lot of times good enough against aggro matchups statwise.
hagatha true, too slow against fast metas but if shaman gets more healing and AOE (already has one new AOE)it can clear the board and then play it.
there are always some slow decks in the meta, so at least one/two late game cards need to be printed.
Also.. playing aggro!= being casual just saying.
Rafaam is shit against aggro. It is not good against aggro because the 1 stat more and the taunt. Rafaam is bad against aggro because:
1) It is too slow 7 mana. Against a good aggro in turn 7 you are dead
2) You don't want (if you are control) to change your boards clears with random expensive shit against aggro.
3) So It is a dead card in hand most of the time
Rafaam it is good if you are control and you are fighting against control. When you are maybe at turn 14/15 and you have your hand full of unuseful board clears you can use Rafaam to search better cards.
Control decks are literally built to crush aggro...?
Everything is viable for salt thread here. If you are aggro player and you have problem to swallow red pill just go to another sub.
I am around since 2014 and I don't remember meta with more than 1 control deck amongst plenty of aggro. Odd Warrior this year? Was it even tier 1? Renolock few years ago? Thats about it. Paladin aggro, Rogue aggro, Mage aggro, sometimes cameo from Zoolock. Thats tier 1 basically since forever. Sad.
Can you count control tier 1 decks in last 5 years on more than 1 hand?
I see there is a lot of kiddos without any argument who have mushroooom powwaaaaa in their skill deck. I suggest one thing:
Lets make a bet for account access. If there will not be any annoying and completely broken common card used by aggro decks only PLUS if there will be no aggro deck in top3 decks, I will will give you my account with plenty of legendaries and legend cardback.
Dude, your original "argument" is just a complaint with no reasoning behind it. Not this thread's fault you don't understand the very basic concept that control beats aggro.
What's weird to me is that playing control vs. aggro is super easy. It's control vs. control matchups that take the skill (assuming there is no OTK of course). Playing aggro is actually far more difficult than people let on as you must take the absolute best path to victory with no mistakes regarding what early drops you play, which you trade and when to go face or you just won't reach lethal before your opponent stabilizes.... well, unless you're odd paladin. That shit is broken.
Never will everyone ever be happy
You sound very salty. They need to keep the average game time under 10 minutes otherwise people will just play other games.
Rusty Recycler
Ironic. It could recycle others, but not itself.
When I have a gun and you have a butterknife, it's super easy.. or super reliant on luck/stupidity of the opponent.
When both people have a gun, it's a thrilling fight for land control and catching the opponent off guard.
When both have a butterknife, it's a thrilling rush to overpower and hunt for weak spots.
Same goes with card games. Different archeypes are meant to counter each other so it's mostly a matter of following the game plan unless RNG messes with things (which is why we HAVE RNG in the first place). Now if you are on the other side, most of the time it's fighting tilt and thinking of the next match, but always watching for that opportunity caused by RNG or an opponent misstep that gives you the opening.
When the archetypes don't counter each other, and RNG isn't screwing things up, then it's more about other factors, such as your skill. So yeah, aggro mirrors become VERY touch and go with one mistake ending the match, while control mirrors become very strategic where you have to plan out your moves far in advance.
So yeah, games where you have the advantage is just about not screwing up. What brings skill into things is finding those rare times when you can turn a loss into a win, or when both sides are equal.
Funny thing is that the BEST play fights against skill matches. That is, if you are REALLY good, you'll make sure as many matches are "mindless follow the script and win" advantage matches as possible and avoid the difficult situations.
Or to put it another way: Bad fighters bring a butterknife to a gun fight. Average players bring a gun to a gun fight. Good players win gun vs gun fights. The best players bring guns to butterknife fights.
One does not simply walk into Mordor,
unless they want to be the best they can be.
Even if that were true, which is always a silly argument due to the lack of revealed cards so far, control is bland anyway. The vast majority of competitive control decks almost universally fall in the laps of warlock, priest, mage, & warrior anyway when control could instead be made more interesting by having underdog classes have consistent control flair for a change.
If aggro does end up crushing new unsurprising warlock/priest/mage/warrior decks I won't cry any baby tears.
Card Draw and Deck building are two things that affect a match more often than skill or archetype.
The reason Hearthstone is so easy to play is websites like these take out those two factors from the equation. Someone builds a deck and then refines it to a good win rate against the most common decks in the meta and then posts the guide and match ups.
All you have to do is go here and copy/paste your flavor. Then practice makes perfect.
There are good Hearthstone players out there, mostly because they've been playing since forever and know the different interactions between the core cards and how the game usually plays out. They know how to smell an Aggro deck before the game even starts. They know what classes are going to bring aggro, or secrets, or just plain OTK/Control/Mid-range decks.
What you draw and Mulligan in the first few turns usually determines the winner in most cases. Skill is replaced by luck rather quickly. People will go on and on about how much skill it takes to play a Control deck vs. playing a brain dead aggro deck. It really makes no difference whatsoever. The average person will still play aggro because they don't want to sit through a 20-30 minute game trying to get lucky or outplay their opponent. They want to play a 5 minute game where they mulligan, draw, and then beat their opponent with the broken cards that give you a 5 attack minion, or Windfury, or 3 minions across the board on Turn 2.
It's the Tortoise and the Hare. Sure you can be the turtle that always wins the race, but it's more fun to be the Hare, who wins on turn 5.
And HS will give you this every expansion, to keep your greedy $A$ control decks in check.
That isn’t relevant to my point, which was that control decks are anti-aggro decks. They are, and they succeed in being so. Board clears, single target removals, life gain, taunts and any other reactive cards hose aggro. I can’t say as I’ve ever queued a control deck into a turn 1 aggressive minion and thought “uh oh lads, we’re gonna lose.”
Seems that you have been playing for five years, but are still totally clueless. Nice username by the way.
Lol see what u did there
Aggro can be dealt with, but damn I hope OTK will have a bad time this year or that we atleast get some proper tools like Dirty Rat.
Not even control, just like freaking Midrange or literally anything that's not trying to win with a Combo, complete Quests, play broken Heroes or zoo minions. Most of which are basically just combo decks that take advantage of the format SOMEHOW NOT BEING EVEN FASTER LIKE HOW DARE STANDARD NOT ENABLE TURN 4 KILLS.
Current Standard makes me ooze with rage and sarcasm.
My guess is that all this will change is that it will cause Midrange to become the new Control, which will run a few select big cards and maybe be a little greedy and run one or two more if the class has really good board clears. Control will only ever be a thing again when Combo wins straight-up don't exist.
Well we already do have tools in standard for OTKs, it is just people don't accept any tech card that doesn't instantly win match-ups (further perpetuating the whole 'coin flip' match-up). For example, Mojomaster, for lack of a perfect comparison, is pretty much a longer lasting/staggered Loatheb effect in that it prevents massive value combos/game-enders for occurring for 1+ number of turns.
Mojomaster, when planned for well in advance and used intelligently instantly wins Mecha'Thun Druid & Priest match-ups, often wins Mecha'Thun match-ups (depending on their remaining removal/threats), often wins both forms of pally otks, and takes wins against various non-mentioned wild otk strategies. However, the average player is quite frankly very picky and pretty moronic in general because they don't understand that resetting the mana limit against otk decks barely starting to take fatigue, and continuing to force the hand of the OTK player to fight just to survive for 4 additional turns taking fatigue damage, is actually quite an effective strategy. Oftentimes the uninformed/skilled player just dismisses it as not good enough or not a good card because it naturally doesn't have a use against aggressive decks.
The same people that complain about mojomaster being an effective counter are most likely the same players who complained about Dirty Rat missing and losing them games in standard when they timed the rat poorly without really getting a good enough read on their opponent's hand.
Yeah I think I speak for most people when I say I at least want my combo disruption to not be a legendary minion... I can understand epic, but Jesus 1600 dust just to be a dead one-of over half the time you’re playing? Just doesn’t feel right. I’m not a budget player, but those people are working hard enough just to have some viable decks. Now we have to start crafting legendaries as techs?! That’s where I draw the line.
You're right, The Lich King was always a bad card.
Rafaam is shit against aggro. It is not good against aggro because the 1 stat more and the taunt. Rafaam is bad against aggro because:
1) It is too slow 7 mana. Against a good aggro in turn 7 you are dead
2) You don't want (if you are control) to change your boards clears with random expensive shit against aggro.
3) So It is a dead card in hand most of the time
Rafaam it is good if you are control and you are fighting against control. When you are maybe at turn 14/15 and you have your hand full of unuseful board clears you can use Rafaam to search better cards.