In today's episode of HOW.TO.SPOT.A.BAD!? we give you the following clue: they complain about the amount of legendary cards although only 2-3 legendary cards per set are actually viable and others are just trash!
Player complains about the economy of the game as a consumer of said game ===========> BAD! Obviously the only reason to want legendaries is to shove them up your ass for an easy rocket ride to Legend. This clearly has to do with "skill" (whatever that means in HS) and not economy.
But your second paragraph makes plenty of sense, and nullifies most of OP's points anyway. You should just erase the dumb first part.
Re-read my post.
I don't say that complaining about economy means that you're bad. I'm saying that complaining about there being too many legendary cards, although almost all of them are unplayable garbage, is a sign of a bad player. Bads live in this constant delusion that legendary = good. If most of them were actually good I'd not say anything.
That is all very true, but I feel like it is also very dependent on you acutually opening at least a few things you want/need. I always preorder and save up a good amount of gold but in the end it comes down very hard to pack luck imo. I basically opend everything I wanted in Boomsday and had so much leftover dust i literally didnt know what to do with; but in Rastakhan I opend only the worst of the sh*ttiest epics & Legendaries (Gurubashi Offering 6(!) f+cking times) and I am still not where I want to be with my collection in this set.
I feel like the economy of HS is okay..ish - a bit too luck based if you ask me, cause if i spend 150 bucks on a game a year i would like to not have to grind hard just so i can actually get what i paid for.
In today's episode of HOW.TO.SPOT.A.BAD!? we give you the following clue: they complain about the amount of legendary cards although only 2-3 legendary cards per set are actually viable and others are just trash!
Player complains about the economy of the game as a consumer of said game ===========> BAD! Obviously the only reason to want legendaries is to shove them up your ass for an easy rocket ride to Legend. This clearly has to do with "skill" (whatever that means in HS) and not economy.
But your second paragraph makes plenty of sense, and nullifies most of OP's points anyway. You should just erase the dumb first part.
Re-read my post.
I don't say that complaining about economy means that you're bad. I'm saying that complaining about there being too much legendary cards, although almost all of them are unplayable garbage, is a sign of a bad player. Bads live in this constant delusion that legendary = good. If most of them were actually good I'd not say anything.
Hmm... Touché. Although it seemed to me the complaint about the pool of legendaries was about their disruption of the pack-openings, upon re-reading OP's post, I noticed I misinterpreted it. Sorry about that.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health. - Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Regarding the economy of the game ,I think the real problem is Epic cards .
You already get a guaranteed legendary every expansion + 1 in first 10 packs ,and since you can include 1 copy of a legendary and the no-duplicate rule exists for them ,I don't think they are problematic as crafting targets .
Rares and commons are plentyful and they never were a problem .
But Epics ,well it felt really bad crafting 2xDoomsayer for my BSM and then getting 2 of him in packs ,I crafted 2 Meteors as well and then got 1 in Un'goro packs ,and currently missing 2xVoodoo doll ,1xArcane Tyrant and Arcane keysmith .
Funny thing but true : I have more Legendaries than Epics (51 legendaries vs 43 epics I guess) ,mainly because I disenchant lots of useless epics .
Most basic solution I can think of is reducing pity timers (30 for L (to make it less-RNG dependent and more consistent) ,5 for epic ) ,that or make a no more than 2 copies rule for epics .
That is very true, but I feel like it is also very dependent on you acutually opening at least a few things you want/need. I always preorder and save up a good amount of gold but in the end it comes down very hard to pack luck imo. I basically opend everything I wanted in Boomsday and had so much leftover dust i literally didnt know what to do with; but in Rastakhan I only opend only the worst of the sh*ttiest epics & Legendaries (Gurubashi Offering 6(!) f+cking times) and I am still not where I want to be with my collection in this set.
I feel like the economy of HS is okay..ish - a bit too luck based if you ask me, cause if i spend 150 bucks on a game a year i would like to not have to grind hard just so i can actually get what i paid for.
I think this is a fair point. I really comes down to luck when you open packs or bundles. Sometimes you get 8 legendaries out of 80 packs and sometimes you get 3 bad ones and 7 times the same shitty Epics. It would be only fair to extend the no duplicate rule to Epics imo.
In today's episode of HOW.TO.SPOT.A.BAD!? we give you the following clue: they complain about the amount of legendary cards although only 2-3 legendary cards per set are actually viable and others are just trash!
Player complains about the economy of the game as a consumer of said game ===========> BAD! Obviously the only reason to want legendaries is to shove them up your ass for an easy rocket ride to Legend. This clearly has to do with "skill" (whatever that means in HS) and not economy.
But your second paragraph makes plenty of sense, and nullifies most of OP's points anyway. You should just erase the dumb first part.
Pretty sure people have made Legend with F2P decks. So your argument is idiotic.
I really, really missed this kind of comments, my dear Hearthpwners. Always so nice and gentle with others, you really are an example to follow, a perfect example of human warmth. XD
Hey, it's not fair to just blame Hpwners that roundly! xD Getting aimlessly shit-talked by TardisGreen before he runs away from the thread is basic procedure to Hearthpwn by this point.
From what I've seen in these last months, you have made a beautiful relationship with him, hehe. XD
There is inflation of cards, What's the point of "printing" so many expansions and legendary cards and not providing reasonable access to most players? The game is so expensive right now. this force majority of players to stick with same decks since they don't have enough variety in their collection to create or experience with anything competitive besides few strong decks the already crafted. it
- They significantly increased the average time per game so the daily gold collection dropped dramatically overall.
That's due to the Year of the Mammoth pushing everything into the slow end, which is rotating out. It'll be MUCH harder to maintain a hearty late game without death knights and so many strong late game cards.
Also remember, or know if you weren't around, that the slower game was a response to the complaints about the game going too fast. If Blizzard had ignored us and kept going their old path we would still be in Aggro/Curvestone as we were before rotations started.
We do need to have a faster run, and we're getting that now I think, though not as fast as the past. Budget decks that are strong are showing back up again.
- Wild is completely inaccessible to most players. (competitive decks, creativeness)
Wild is meant for the long of tooth. That's why you can't even SEE a hint of it when you first start. You get to start going in there once your collection gets old enough to push into it, which is about 2 years or so.
The point isn't to make everything accessible easily to everyone. It's to make sure there's enough content for everyone. Thus why we have Standard and Wild.
- The rotation is also bad, why rotate per year and not per expansion gradually? I understand that it helps new players to start from scratch on each rotation but this is just bad for the most of the community. it's to dramatic and also not balanced as one expansion lives 8 months more than the other.
Save that for next year. Your #1 problem is being caused by Frozen throne and Kobolds. The LAST thing we need is both staying longer. Come back next year and we'll talk.
It's a game that's going to die out.. one reason is the game economy. Just compare HS with Magic. Magic got such a nice and simple econmy structure. w.e. blizz screwed it up :)
It’s gonna die out in the same way any other game dies out eventually. Nothing lasts forever. When people have been saying the games dying out constantly for years when nothing actually confirms that it’s just ridiculous.
- Yes, match time is doubled (from avg 5 to 10 minutes now, this is a fact you can check hs replay), and obviously much less gold per day for the daily frind.
- Brawl packs exist since 2015.. it has very minor impact on game economy anyway
- Quests ez to complete? why this matters.. we talk here about players that play a lot, not on casuals.
1. This game is for casuals, it has always been. I mean, Blizzard from the beginning exactly aimed for that. Critisize their approach if you will, but don't tell us, Blizzard changed that a certain point. The daily grind is a compromise.
On your points:
- Blizzard doesn't decide what deck you play. The majority asked for less aggro and more control/combo.
- You said, Blizz hadn't made major changes since beta. Tavern brawl was a major change, so don't talk yourself out of your void arguments and acknowledge your faulty perception.
- Change 1: Quests have been gradually added to the game at different points of time. They encompass quests which are much easier to complete; instead of "win x games with class x", it mostly is "play x cards x times". Change 2: Hard to complete quests have either been removed or changed/streamlined to be completed more easily. Change 3: Blizzard increased to amount of gold quests give in average by more than 10 gold.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the eco system is good or fair. It is f2p and especially beginner unfriendly. It's just that most of your 'arguments' is pure salt and anger. You are not looking to improve anything (or see anything improved), you are looking for attention.
Well the game isn't going to get cheaper, so you have a decision to make.
Either stop playing, this is a very viable option and there are plenty of cheaper options to spend your recreational time.
Or you accept it and either continue as a f2p player who probably will have access to a handful of decks per expansion or you invest in your hobby and buy some card packs. I do the latter and set myself a limit on how much to spend each month. Sometimes it's nothing but sometimes I'll spend 40 quid in a month. I have all the cards I want in standard to experiment and play around with. I mean in the grand scheme of spending money I could easily and have spent over 150 quid on 1 night out so 40 quid in a month for countless hours and days of fun isn't that much in my opinion.
Well the game isn't going to get cheaper, so you have a decision to make.
Either stop playing, this is a very viable option and there are plenty of cheaper options to spend your recreational time.
Or you accept it and either continue as a f2p player who probably will have access to a handful of decks per expansion or you invest in your hobby and buy some card packs. I do the latter and set myself a limit on how much to spend each month. Sometimes it's nothing but sometimes I'll spend 40 quid in a month. I have all the cards I want in standard to experiment and play around with. I mean in the grand scheme of spending money I could easily and have spent over 150 quid on 1 night out so 40 quid in a month for countless hours and days of fun isn't that much in my opinion.
This game must go cheaper or it will be gone. the game Economy must be fixed immediately.
the game is in rapid decline, Blizzard must act now but instead they did nothing I guess it's because the failure of competition (mainly Artifact)
The game has improved in terms of economy,now we are seeing better "events" with Dust + Gold which imo are the best since you can use the Dust to craft exactly what you want.
However there is ONE thing that was also mentioned : NO DUPLICATE epics , yes i am starting to feel that this will be needed with the amount of crucial epics that we use and need,seeing that you got an epic which should still be a moment that you feel good about and seeing that is just a duplicate really actually makes collecting epics through packs really hard,probably harder than Legendaries for obvious reason.
I can see that this would change a lot the economy but it is just my wish as a player mostly here,while not praising that the company needs more money as per usual quote.
Probably they will at least think about this at some point, because man opening an epic should still be an epic moment and not just a feelsbadman that you got a duplicate epic.
I still have some flashbacks of some expansions like Ungoro and Kobolds where the epic quality was just too high and was soo bad when you got duplicates....
Just buying the pre-order every expansion and doing dailies can get you pretty much everything you need. $150/year isn't much if HS is your main hobby
Finally. Some sense.
Why would you pay $150/year for "DLC" while you can spend these money to buy some newly released "full" games somewhere in Steam? People nowadays are so eager to pay multiple times for same stuff omg.
Just buying the pre-order every expansion and doing dailies can get you pretty much everything you need. $150/year isn't much if HS is your main hobby
Finally. Some sense.
Why would you pay $150/year for "DLC" while you can spend these money to buy some newly released "full" games somewhere in Steam? People nowadays are so eager to pay multiple times for same stuff omg.
Because "full" games are more commonly savagely disappointing these days so so 50 quid on some new cards every 4 months really isn't that bad. I find strategy games more egregious with their new race packs for like 15 odd quid that add one new playthrough and maybe some cool units or mechanics.
I would prefer they made it slightly easier to get the Epics. As it is now I have all legendaries of many sets but I'm missing a ton of Epics, even in Classic after playing for almost 3 years.
Just buying the pre-order every expansion and doing dailies can get you pretty much everything you need. $150/year isn't much if HS is your main hobby
Finally. Some sense.
Why would you pay $150/year for "DLC" while you can spend these money to buy some newly released "full" games somewhere in Steam? People nowadays are so eager to pay multiple times for same stuff omg.
Re-read my post.
I don't say that complaining about economy means that you're bad. I'm saying that complaining about there being too many legendary cards, although almost all of them are unplayable garbage, is a sign of a bad player. Bads live in this constant delusion that legendary = good. If most of them were actually good I'd not say anything.
Seems like people always forget about the "no duplicate legendaries" rule that was introduced a couple years ago.
That is all very true, but I feel like it is also very dependent on you acutually opening at least a few things you want/need.
I always preorder and save up a good amount of gold but in the end it comes down very hard to pack luck imo. I basically opend everything I wanted in Boomsday and had so much leftover dust i literally didnt know what to do with; but in Rastakhan I opend only the worst of the sh*ttiest epics & Legendaries (Gurubashi Offering 6(!) f+cking times) and I am still not where I want to be with my collection in this set.
I feel like the economy of HS is okay..ish - a bit too luck based if you ask me, cause if i spend 150 bucks on a game a year i would like to not have to grind hard just so i can actually get what i paid for.
Hmm... Touché. Although it seemed to me the complaint about the pool of legendaries was about their disruption of the pack-openings, upon re-reading OP's post, I noticed I misinterpreted it. Sorry about that.
Start of Year: Provoke the failure of 3 expansions, force nerfs on otherwise balanced cards, bring deckbuilding to an all-time low and get rotated one year earlier for being such a threat to the game's health.
- Genn and Baku's historical entry on the White Book of Shit Design, shortly before retiring unpunished
Regarding the economy of the game ,I think the real problem is Epic cards .
You already get a guaranteed legendary every expansion + 1 in first 10 packs ,and since you can include 1 copy of a legendary and the no-duplicate rule exists for them ,I don't think they are problematic as crafting targets .
Rares and commons are plentyful and they never were a problem .
But Epics ,well it felt really bad crafting 2xDoomsayer for my BSM and then getting 2 of him in packs ,I crafted 2 Meteors as well and then got 1 in Un'goro packs ,and currently missing 2xVoodoo doll ,1xArcane Tyrant and Arcane keysmith .
Funny thing but true : I have more Legendaries than Epics (51 legendaries vs 43 epics I guess) ,mainly because I disenchant lots of useless epics .
Most basic solution I can think of is reducing pity timers (30 for L (to make it less-RNG dependent and more consistent) ,5 for epic ) ,that or make a no more than 2 copies rule for epics .
I think this is a fair point. I really comes down to luck when you open packs or bundles. Sometimes you get 8 legendaries out of 80 packs and sometimes you get 3 bad ones and 7 times the same shitty Epics. It would be only fair to extend the no duplicate rule to Epics imo.
From what I've seen in these last months, you have made a beautiful relationship with him, hehe. XD
That's due to the Year of the Mammoth pushing everything into the slow end, which is rotating out. It'll be MUCH harder to maintain a hearty late game without death knights and so many strong late game cards.
Also remember, or know if you weren't around, that the slower game was a response to the complaints about the game going too fast. If Blizzard had ignored us and kept going their old path we would still be in Aggro/Curvestone as we were before rotations started.
We do need to have a faster run, and we're getting that now I think, though not as fast as the past. Budget decks that are strong are showing back up again.
Wild is meant for the long of tooth. That's why you can't even SEE a hint of it when you first start. You get to start going in there once your collection gets old enough to push into it, which is about 2 years or so.
The point isn't to make everything accessible easily to everyone. It's to make sure there's enough content for everyone. Thus why we have Standard and Wild.
Save that for next year. Your #1 problem is being caused by Frozen throne and Kobolds. The LAST thing we need is both staying longer. Come back next year and we'll talk.
One does not simply walk into Mordor,
unless they want to be the best they can be.
Finally. Some sense.
4/3/19 RIP Keith Flint. 😔
It’s gonna die out in the same way any other game dies out eventually. Nothing lasts forever. When people have been saying the games dying out constantly for years when nothing actually confirms that it’s just ridiculous.
1. This game is for casuals, it has always been. I mean, Blizzard from the beginning exactly aimed for that. Critisize their approach if you will, but don't tell us, Blizzard changed that a certain point. The daily grind is a compromise.
On your points:
- Blizzard doesn't decide what deck you play. The majority asked for less aggro and more control/combo.
- You said, Blizz hadn't made major changes since beta. Tavern brawl was a major change, so don't talk yourself out of your void arguments and acknowledge your faulty perception.
- Change 1: Quests have been gradually added to the game at different points of time. They encompass quests which are much easier to complete; instead of "win x games with class x", it mostly is "play x cards x times". Change 2: Hard to complete quests have either been removed or changed/streamlined to be completed more easily. Change 3: Blizzard increased to amount of gold quests give in average by more than 10 gold.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the eco system is good or fair. It is f2p and especially beginner unfriendly. It's just that most of your 'arguments' is pure salt and anger. You are not looking to improve anything (or see anything improved), you are looking for attention.
Well the game isn't going to get cheaper, so you have a decision to make.
Either stop playing, this is a very viable option and there are plenty of cheaper options to spend your recreational time.
Or you accept it and either continue as a f2p player who probably will have access to a handful of decks per expansion or you invest in your hobby and buy some card packs. I do the latter and set myself a limit on how much to spend each month. Sometimes it's nothing but sometimes I'll spend 40 quid in a month. I have all the cards I want in standard to experiment and play around with. I mean in the grand scheme of spending money I could easily and have spent over 150 quid on 1 night out so 40 quid in a month for countless hours and days of fun isn't that much in my opinion.
This game must go cheaper or it will be gone. the game Economy must be fixed immediately.
the game is in rapid decline, Blizzard must act now but instead they did nothing I guess it's because the failure of competition (mainly Artifact)
Probably only Valve fanboys thought that Artifact may compete HS.
The game has improved in terms of economy,now we are seeing better "events" with Dust + Gold which imo are the best since you can use the Dust to craft exactly what you want.
However there is ONE thing that was also mentioned : NO DUPLICATE epics , yes i am starting to feel that this will be needed with the amount of crucial epics that we use and need,seeing that you got an epic which should still be a moment that you feel good about and seeing that is just a duplicate really actually makes collecting epics through packs really hard,probably harder than Legendaries for obvious reason.
I can see that this would change a lot the economy but it is just my wish as a player mostly here,while not praising that the company needs more money as per usual quote.
Probably they will at least think about this at some point, because man opening an epic should still be an epic moment and not just a feelsbadman that you got a duplicate epic.
I still have some flashbacks of some expansions like Ungoro and Kobolds where the epic quality was just too high and was soo bad when you got duplicates....
Why would you pay $150/year for "DLC" while you can spend these money to buy some newly released "full" games somewhere in Steam? People nowadays are so eager to pay multiple times for same stuff omg.
Because "full" games are more commonly savagely disappointing these days so so 50 quid on some new cards every 4 months really isn't that bad. I find strategy games more egregious with their new race packs for like 15 odd quid that add one new playthrough and maybe some cool units or mechanics.
I would prefer they made it slightly easier to get the Epics. As it is now I have all legendaries of many sets but I'm missing a ton of Epics, even in Classic after playing for almost 3 years.
Why not both?
Why not buy your own game development company then?