Hello! As the title suggests, this is a compendium of the most apparent cycles that I found in Hearthstone. Is this thread ultimately useless and fluff? Probably. But gosh darn it, it's the internet, and I'm gonna exercise my right of speech! Also, it's neat for me and the 1% of people who find this vaguely interesting (including my boyfriend. HOI PRISM! <3)
What is a cycle?
A cycle is a series of cards that have a clear relationship with each other and share a common theme, whether mechanically or thematically (This definition is ripped straight out of Magic: The Gathering's wiki site). A rather famous cycle, for example, is the Rager cycle. In Hearthstone, cycles are usually portrayed as having similar wording in their card names and/or card text, and cycles often consist of one card per rarity or class, whether they be all 9 classes (e.g. Spellstones) or just a couple (Odd/Even Battlecry cards).
What is considered to be a cycle?
What can be considered as a cycle is very subjective. For example, you could say that Fire Elemental, Water Elemental, Earth Elemental, and Air Elemental are all part of a cycle. However, for purposes of this thread, I'm going to try to find cycles that have been intuitively implicated to be intentional and have a shared mechanical theme rather than just a shared flavourful theme. Plus, cycles tend to have very similar wording (though there are exceptions and I'll list the ones I think are significant enough).
I will also not list some redundant cycles (e.g. the class legendary minions per set) and mega-cycle pairs because most of these mega-cycle pairs are just fun reiterations of earlier cards, and boy do Whispers of the Old Gods have lots of these. Additionally, I'll add noncollectable cards if necessary to cycles, but I will not add cycles composed of exclusively uncollectible cards (e.g. Animal Companions) because there's WAAAY too many of these, and I don't wanna make the thread bigger than it already is.
Regardless, let me know if I missed any cycles you think should (or shouldn't) be on the list!
What are some cycle-related terminology (neeerd)?
Mega-Cycle: A cycles that spans across multiple expansions.
Tight Cycle: A cycle consisting of very, VERY similar wording and theme (e.g. Spirits from Rastakhan's Rumble)
Horizontal Cycle: A cycle that includes one card per class (e.g. Legendary Spells from The Boomsday Project expansion). Hearthstone has lots of these.
Vertical Cycle: A cycle composed of one card per rarity. This, funny enough, is rare in Hearthstone.
Pair: A cycle containing only 2 cards.
Unanimously known as the worst card in the entirety of Hearthstone by the Hearthstone community, Magma Rager is the classic 3 mana 5/1 has been parodied multiple times in later sets in both collectible content and solo adventure content. Eventually, this formed a cycle dedicated to the most classic joke card in all of Hearthstone (or should I say Basic?).
Giants are 8/8 minions that suitably have the naming structure of "______ Giant". They tend to have an incredibly expensive cost with card text denoting a way to reduce its cost. You can find the Classic giants near your local Warlock.
Weapon Oozes
Weapon Oozes are small minions that in some way cause weapon durability reduction. Also, they have an icky animation >w>.
This cycle comprises of cards that hearken back to the infamous Annoy-o-Tron. This is probably the closest a Hearthstone card has ever gotten from having its flavour and gameplay functionality connected. (I still hear its "Hello"s...).
0-Attack cards that have the naming structure of "_____ Egg". They usually have a Deathrattle that spawns a minion larger than the Mana Cost would normally allow, but this effect can vary. Also part of a complete and nutritious breakfast.
Battlecry Healers
1, 2, 3, 4! A healer for each mana Cost floor! 5, 6, 7, 8! Targets any character as a Battlecry, mate! 9, 10, 11, 12! I need healing.
Spell Damage Kobolds
Kobolds with Spell Damage! Like the name says! Ironically, none are found in Kobolds and Catacombs.
Druid of the...
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Wisp Puns
Druid spells that can spawn a lot of Wisps and are named by a guy who refuses to be fired from Team 5. Clearly Druid's secret wisp-on.
Shadow Words
Cheap destruction spells that only destroy minions with a certain amount of Attack; noticeably, none of these cards affect 4-Attack minions or your moral compass.
Power Words
Buff cards! Priest edition.
Buff cards! Paladin edition.
Mad Goblins
"Mad" goblins that give an effect split randomly between all other characters. Under much consideration, Flame Imp was not included in this cycle despite having a similar effect.
Elemental Shocks
Shaman spells that deal damage equal to its Cost (without Spell Power) and have an extra little effect. The Basic and Classic Shocks in particular are 1-Cost cards that deal 1 damage to a target and give a negative effect to it. Lava Shock shockingly breaks this pattern.
The Cutest Wittle 1/1 Race Minion
Who's an adorable cheap minion with a 1/1 statline with an intended use for Racial decks? You are! Yes you are!
The Chicken Cycle
1-Cost Chickens usually with a very bad but powerful effect if the stars align. Also Leeroy Jenkins's favourite cycle.
Hunter Traps
2 Mana Hunter Secrets with the word "Trap" in their name. Presumably catches a lot of fish aliens.
Hunter Shots
Damage dealing Hunter spells with the word "Shot" in their name. Rogue has a more affordable option in Witchwood.
Troll Berserkers
Trolls that gain +3 Attack attack when damaged or whenever they're damaged. Again, ironically none are found in Rastakhan's Rumble...
Minions that give Bananas! And Potassium! And random appeeling comedic slips!
Injured Cards
Poor minions that damage themselves when played into the battlefield. Unfortunately, Priests only healed the Injured Blademaster in the meta due to his attention-seeking nature making everything all about HIMSELF. Hmph!
Ragnaros Cards
Cards that in some way refer to the iconic Ragnaros the Firelord, which used to be the most powerful Classic card. Cards in this cycle are defined by doing 8 of something to a random character, Ragnaroking, and rolling.
Ogre Cards
Miss them? Well, they'll miss you. These cards have a 100% chance to hit 50% of the time!
Yogg-Saron Cards
Legendary minions with an effect that often goes along the line of "Battlecry: Play a ______ for each ______ you've played this game (targets chosen randomly)". Also, they have a sparkly border during its effect! Shiiiiny!
Vanilla 2 Mana Beasts
I think you can see why I don't wanna post EVERY card pair...especially the mega-cycles...there's too many of em...
Dwarfs with Guns
No, this is not a euphemism >w>. These are dwarfs that have the simple Battlecry of "Deal X damage." Stop judging
Basic Shadow Words
The original cards that made every Priest scream whenever they see a Ysera. For real though, they're cheap Assassinate spells that only destroy minions with certain Attack.
Pandaren Brewmasters that return a friendly minion to your hand. See, this is what The Caverns Below flavour text meant by The Taverns Below. "Say what's in this drink?~"
2/3 minions that give adjacent minions Taunt. It's how you find your Classic Giants.
Dragon Aspects
Legendary Dragons that depict the original five Dragon Aspects. Two of them are 9 mana 8/8 minions (one female, one male), and the two other dragons are 9 mana 4/12s (one female, one male); all 4 of these fellas have 16 stat points in total. The only exception is Deathwing. Cause he's Deathwing. (Must've been eating too many Death Wings).
7 mana 5/5 Epic Druid minions that have a Choose One effect. They also rhyme and have bushy beards!
New 1-Cost RNG Spells
Introduced as some of the first new Classic cards, these cards are Common 1-Cost spells that give you a random card. And they will still always give you Glacial Mysteries. Even Call of the Void.
Self-Damage Demons
Demons that deal damage to your hero equal to their attack. Like my insecurity and anxiety!
Racial Reward Cards
Cards that used to be rewarded for collecting all cards of a certain race! They also used to come with a dental plan, as shown by their excellent mouth modelling.
Special Token Reward Cards
Legendary minions that generate a random special token. ALSO CONTAINS CAPS LOCK FOR SOME REASON.
Thaddius Spawners
Two of these spawn Thaddius when they both die. If Feugen was wearing a top hat and Stalagg was wearing a monocle, then you summon Chaddius.
Mechs with an even cost that summon a random minion. This is one of Hearthstone's only verticle cycles...and it doesn't even complete the cycle. REALLY COOL FOR MY OCD BLIZZARD.
Troggs that gain Attack whenever your opponent casts a spell! Also, the first series of cards that the pros rated 5 stars even though it saw no play whatsoever. I, a more intellectual creature, rated Hobgoblin as 5 stars.
Death Cost Reduction Cards
Cards that cost (1) less for every minion that died this turn. I too would sacrifice Silver Hand Recruits to listen to Nefarion's sexy voice.
Empty Hand Hunter Cards
A cycle that includes not only Hunter cards that have a bonus if you hand is empty but also the OG 4 mana 7/7.
The -Bane Sisters
3 mana 3/4 sisters that do something neat when you cast a spell on them! They also have this whole light-dark thing...their spiritual book is very helpful! Remember, the light and the dark is all about you.
Hunter TGT Legendaries
Alone, they're pretty bad 4/2 Beasts. But together, Dreadscale and his sidekick Acidmaw make a Twisted Team! Though, I hear Acidmaw is easily neutralized by Basic cards.
Non-Legendary Inspire Class Cards
Our first 9-class horizontal cycle (not including class legendaries)! This cycle is composed of inspiring non-Legendary cards from each class! In fact, each class only contains one Inspire card in TGT! Except for Priests. Because how else would Acidmaw see play?
Upgraded Hero Powers
Speaking of Inspire, an inspiring set of better versions of hero powers that could be obtained via Justicar Trueheart! You might be wondering why I only included this uncollectible cycle. The answer is rational and simple one: Because I said so.
Joust Cards
Cards that reveal a minion from each deck and if you get a higher cost minion, you get a prize! (I hope it's funnel cakes)
League of Explorers
These Legendary cards are the Explorer's League, and they are in need of explorers. They seek adventure across land and sea! Won't you come and join them?
Murloc Pop Songs
Murloc spells in the respective Murloc classes! They're also named after catchy Murloc songs, but we all know that I Am Murloc reigns supreme over these newfangled hippy songs! Why back in my day...
Old Gods
10 Mana Legendary Neutral Minions with effects beyond your mortal comprehension. They depict the Old Gods...although...I'm pretty sure if we just kindly called them "Elder Gods", they'd be much nicer!
C'thun Buff Cards
Cards that buff C'thun wherever it is! In your hand, deck, board, basement, demonic circle, and local library!
10-Attack C'thun Cards
Minions that grant a benefit if your C'thun has at least 10-Attack and also a free coffee on the 2147483648th Attack!
Forbidden Cards
The Forbidden cards. Powerful spells and minions that expend all your mana and do something based on how much mana you spent. No creature within the realm of sanity should-OMG LOOK AT THE CUTIE LITTLE SLIMES IN FORBBIDEN RITUAL'S ARTWORK AAAAA I WANNA CAST IT.
Karazhan Portals
These Portally good Portals of Portaliness perform an action with a specific number and summon a minion with a Cost of that same number. Now you're thinking with Portals!
Menagerie Cards
Minions that synergize with a Beast, Dragon, and Murloc! Midrange, Control, and Aggro...animals, all of them!
Rare Discover Tri-Class Cards
Nine tri-class cards were introduced in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Three of these allowed you to Discover with each option being from a different class within the Crime Family. So now you can Purify your Dreadsteed!
Common Crime Family Mechanic Cards
The other three of these cards represented the basic mechanics of the three Crime Families: handbuffing, Jade Golems, and Potions! Of course, the actual mechanics were Patched, the False Idols, and the deck that struck rich.
Legendary Crime Lords
The leaders of Crime Families that can make you an offer you can't refuse. Unless it's Don Han'Cho (sorry buddy :c).
The Kabal Legendaries
Not only are they the only Crime Family with a Legendary cycle, but they also have the most fabulous pink outfits too! Oh, and their battlecries only work if your deck has no duplicates but have you seen Solia's nail polish like oh my old gods.
Spells from the Kabal classes that can be generated by Kabal Chemist! But she always miscalculates Hess's Law and makes the potions freezing cold though. :/
Hog Motorcyclists
A gang of pigs that will only gain Charge under specific conditions. And yet again we have ANOTHER INCOMPLETE VERTICAL CYCLE BLIZZ WHY U DO DIS TO MEEE.
Conditional Self-Buffers
Understated minions that become much more powerful under certain circumstances. Just gotta give em some encouragement! Look at how sad they are! Look at that poor squid! Go squid go! :D
Our first non-minion class legendary cycle! These consist of 1-Cost Legendary spells that start in your hand and give you a 5 mana card as a reward once you complete their requirements. The exception is Sulfuras, whose lack of a 2 mana Cost is found within DIE, INSECT!. If the reward is a minion, the card is usually an 8/8 unless it's Galvadon, The Last Kaleidosaur who has Stealth and whole lot more.
Tar Elementals
Summoned with a wubbly bubbly animation, these minions have increased attack during your opponent's turn in case you're against aggro and you wanna give 'em a sticky situation.
Adorable wittle dinos that shuffle in an overstated minion into your deck if you dare disturb the mother's child...BUT I WANNA PET IT.
Class Legendary Elementals
Elementals: My favourite Hearthstone race! They were featured in Mage, Shaman, and Priest, so naturally a Legendary Elemental was given to each class. It was just elementary.
Class Legendary Dinosaurs
RAWWWWWR RAWR RAWR RAAAAH. (They're big class legendary beasts. Belonging to dino classes. What more info do you need?)
Neutral Legendaries with a special Battlecry that would only activate if there were no minions in your deck that have the same cost as it. Yeesh. They're clearly spotlight-hogging divas. Nerf this!
Death Knight Card Generators
Neutral Legendaries that produce powerful token cards known as Death Knight cards, including the literal Death Metal that is Frostmourne and that one card that makes Combo decks concede: Death Grip. Best. Cards. Ever!
Death Knights
A formidable 9-class horizontal cycle. This cycle consists of a new card type called a "Hero Card" which supplies some Armor, has a useful Battlecry, and transforms your hero power into a more potent one. They also have edgy monologues as their flavour text. It's just a phase. Don't worry it'll pass in the next rotation.
Opponent's Turn Deathrattle Cards
Deathrattle-holding cards that only activate if it's your opponent's turn. Because there's nothing passive aggressive about wanting to die at the enemy hands but not yours because they trust the enemy more than you. Noooo...
Recursive Cards
Spells that recast itself if something happens. Spells that recast itself if something happens. See this is so recursive, this joke is probably done before.
Scarabs and Spiders Cards
This cycle includes cards that spawn Scarabs or Spiders, which was a theme for Druid this expansion. It's not a bug. Well, it is.
Legendary Weapons
The last non-minion 9-class legendary horizontal cycle of the Year of the Mammoth (that was a mouthful)! This cycle is composed of weapons for each class! Interestingly, the Kabal classes all received 0/3 weapons. However, despite being a non-weapon class, Druids get a 1-Attack weapon. Stick to the plan.
Rare Class Spells crafted by the Azari devil Can be upgraded by three levels Each named after precious stone With flavour text in a poetic tone
Unidentified Cards
Unidentified objects which can transform into one of 4 unique tokens when drawn. Also makes you hold up the object in mid-air while a song goes "Na na na na na na...da da da daaaa!"
Rogue Secrets
2 Mana Secrets in Rogue that are all about timing, cunning, and hoping your opponent puts that Stubborn Gastropod Zombeast next to that Charged Devilsaur (you know you want to!).
Spell Hunter Cards
Cards that only work if your deck has no minions. Also, the decck archetype everyone made fun of when it was revealed. Well, who's laughing now? (not me and my odd mage ;w;)
Warlock Self-Damage Cards
Cheap cards with 2-Attack that deal 2 damage to your face! Instead of burning you with fire like Flame Imp does, they burn you mentally with insults and study-work overload. Yay.
Armor-Limiting Taunt Minions
These are minions found within the Armor classes that cannot attack unless you have a certain amount of Armor. Also, they're fist models.
Odd/Even Start of Game Cards
An odd way to even the match by providing an improved hero power throughout the game if your deck only contains odd or even cards.
Odd/Even Battlecry Cards
Some even stranger oddities that are beasts with better effects if your deck only contains odd or even cards.
Stat-swapping Worgens
Worgens that swap their Attack and Health each turn they are in your hand. They also change their art and opinion towards Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Death Dependent Hunter Cards
Hunter cards that have a benefit if a minion died this turn. Also features some Emerald Drakes in the artwork. What is it with Hunters and Emerald anyways? Is Rexxar a May baby? Maybe.
Self-Damage Dependent Warlock Cards
Warlock cards that have a benefit if your hero hurt itself this turn. Yeesh, what is it with these hurtful cards? Can't wee have a card that does something if we give the enemy a fuzzy wuzzy warm hug?
Random Shaman Spell Generators
In the Witchwood, which wood would witch woods? The witch would with Witchwood witchcraft.
The Monster Hunters
Characters present in the solo adventure, and Hagatha would've gotten away with her schemes if it wasn't for these meddling hunters...and rogues, mages, and warriors.
Legendary Scientists
Magic is merely phenomena undefined by science! And in this expansion, there is definitely some science goin on. Each class represents a certain field of science with a Legendary minion (and hero) acting as the head scientist of that field. (But no scientist will ever be Legendary as Stephen Hawking...)
Legendary Spells
The class identities within this expansion are further depicted by Legendary spells, each pertaining to their field of science and usually refers to the aforementioned head scientist. I for one can't wait til we get the Neil DeGreese Tyson Legendary spell.
Omega Cards
Cards that have a special effect if you have 10 Mana Crystals, empty or full. They also have an Omega symbol on their art. As Cogito_Ergo_Sum, I prefer Sigma Cards.
Common class spells that benefit both players. There is unfortunately no Poultryizer Project nor Funnel Cake Project to project.
Left/Right-Most Card Interactions
Cards that deal with left-most and right-most cards in your hand. To the left, to the left, that's right!
Class Loas
Each class represents a troll team supported by a troll god called a Loa (talk about team spirit). Thus, each class has a Legendary Beast representing that class's Loa except for Priest, which has Bwonsamdi. They have the naming structure of "Loa's name, Loa's species". Which Loa do you follow? (hint: it's the big friggin Dragonhawk! GO DRAGONHAWKS! I mean, ahem, your choice.)
A bit of team spirit! There is also a 9-class horizontal cycle in which each class contains a 0/3 Rare Minion that has Stealth for 1 turn and a passive effect. This effect synergizes well with its respective Loa. That's the spirit!
Troll Champions
The other Legendary class minions (and a hero) each represent a Warcraft lore character (save for Rogue) that has some tie to the Loa. Also, they have one of the best accents in Warcraft lore (but Draenei accents are still da best for unbiased reasons).
4-related Tauren Spells
A card pair that heals for 4 and deals 4 damage respectively. It also features Tauren in similar art! The former's a lightweight, but the latter's on fire!
With every villain scheming, their maniacal smiles beaming! With every turn, their power grows, Until cast as powerful blows Their victory, at last, there and gleaming!
The E.V.I.L. Founders
They're evil villains from Hearthstone's history! One from each year! They also have the same Attack and Health as their previous reincarnations, with Lazul and Hagatha being an exception because they're a Hag (but still her Health and Armor are the same!). Some of them even bring back the mechanics of Legendaries from the sets the villains came from.
Ever get that feeling of deja vu? Well, considering that these villain cards call back to the mechanics of the sets these villains featured in, you should! Ever get that feeling of deja v-hold on I'm getting a call. Back to it I guess.
Lackey Generators
There's a single Lackey generator for each evil class (and neutral)! Cool right? Although I chose not to include uncollectible cycles, it's worth noting that each of the first 5 Lackeys correspond to one of the five villains in the set and usually are flavourfully themed to said villain (e.g. Rafaam's Ethereal Lackey uses Discover, which came from LoE)
Common Twinspells
Every class has a twin of twinspells, which are spells that add a copy of the spell to your hand without "Twinspell"! One of them is common, while the other is rare. And they all feature the Eye of the Kirin Tor as well!
Rare Twinspells
Every class has a twin of twinspells, which are spells that add a copy of the spell to your hand without ""! One of them is common, while the other is rare. And they all feature the Eye of the Kirin Tor as well!
Portal Demons
Demons that shuffle Portals into a deck that summon a Demon when drawn! Where do they keep getting these demons...
i think you might be confusing cycles with themes in some of these lists.
Could you be more specific on which ones? I know a lot of these are iffy, so I'm tryin to include ALL of the ones I can think of at first. Which ones do you think shouldn't be cycles?
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Not even including Shellshifter. Elves are so racist.
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Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
i think you might be confusing cycles with themes in some of these lists.
Could you be more specific on which ones? I know a lot of these are iffy, so I'm tryin to include ALL of the ones I can think of at first. Which ones do you think shouldn't be cycles?
well a cycle is a type of card or effect that is repeated over several cards, usually over different classes, in the same set. but i think something like the scientists, or troll champions might not be qualified as a cycle. it seems like more of a theme because there is no repeated effect, or wording. or at least thats what i think, i may be wrong.
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Rejoice, for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Not even including Shellshifter. Elves are so racist.
AAAAA my bad! Thank you for pointing that out tho <3.
I feel like I won't be including that unless they complete that cycle with Therazine (The Earth one). We'll see though. A lot of these cycles are very iffy, so I'm trying to get popular opinion to see which ones can be considered a cycle.
So far I slightly regret putting thematic cycles. We'll see tho.
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Not even including Shellshifter. Elves are so racist.
AAAAA my bad! Thank you for pointing that out tho <3.
Some that were missing: There is a whole tortollan cycle going on in Un'Goro, and Shellshifter should probably be in that as well. Some love them, some hate them... You should probably add "knights" as a cycle for TgT, going by card-art.
Since you added the gadgetzan potions and highlander legendaries, why not include all the hand buff cards and all the jade golem generating cards?
Because they are VERY different from each other, cycles tend to include cards that are very similar in wording (whether in name or card text). "Summon a Jade Golem" ain't gonna cut it if all the cards that spawn it are a variation of minions and spells, and Handbuff cards vary from when they are activated, how many minions are buffed, and what X is in the +X/+X buff. They don't match or vary systematically in rarity nor are they mentioned as a set like Potions are.
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Not even including Shellshifter. Elves are so racist.
AAAAA my bad! Thank you for pointing that out tho <3.
Some that were missing: There is a whole tortollan cycle going on in Un'Goro, and Shellshifter should probably be in that as well. Some love them, some hate them... You should probably add "knights" as a cycle for TgT, going by card-art.
But, a very important mega-cycle is a big sin to miss... ouch!
I'll try to only include cycles that have a mechanical theme as they're usually what is referred to as "cycles". The only thematic cycles I'll add I think are the ones that are of Legendary status either literally or flavourfully speaking, are in a similar class(es), or systematically vary by class or rarity (e.g. one per class). Regardless the chicken cycle is cute :3. I'll add that.
Given you are including thematic cycles (such as Legendary scientists from Boomsday), shouldn't you also include the chess cards in Kharazan? They are Ivory Knight, Onyx Bishop and Protect the King!
I wouldn't consider most of these cycles - a cycle is represented by cards that share a mechanic. One example are the Guildmages from MTG - You can pay one of two mana costs to activate an ability. Another would be XXY cards, since they all cost two mana of one color and 1 mana of another. You could also consider the Mares from M19 a cycle, because they all share the mechanic of being unblockable by another color.
Some examples of what are NOT cycles, based on your list, would be: Dreadscale & Acidmaw, League of Explorers, Murloc Songs, Old Gods, Scarab & Spider cards, Monster Hunters
Some examples of what ARE cycles, based on your list, would be: Troggs, Death Cost Reduction cards, Joust cards, Forbidden Cards, Portals, Princes
I applaud the absolute madness that making this thread has required. Not sure if it should be in Card Discussion though instead of General.
Couple of quick notes from me:
Piloted Reaper would like to join the Shredder group but a) I'm not sure if you rather keep those cycles expansion specific b) the summoned minion is not truly random like with shredders. Your call.
Unidentified cards are missing a subheading.
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Hello! As the title suggests, this is a compendium of the most apparent cycles that I found in Hearthstone. Is this thread ultimately useless and fluff? Probably. But gosh darn it, it's the internet, and I'm gonna exercise my right of speech! Also, it's neat for me and the 1% of people who find this vaguely interesting (including my boyfriend. HOI PRISM! <3)
What is a cycle?
A cycle is a series of cards that have a clear relationship with each other and share a common theme, whether mechanically or thematically (This definition is ripped straight out of Magic: The Gathering's wiki site). A rather famous cycle, for example, is the Rager cycle. In Hearthstone, cycles are usually portrayed as having similar wording in their card names and/or card text, and cycles often consist of one card per rarity or class, whether they be all 9 classes (e.g. Spellstones) or just a couple (Odd/Even Battlecry cards).
What is considered to be a cycle?
What can be considered as a cycle is very subjective. For example, you could say that Fire Elemental, Water Elemental, Earth Elemental, and Air Elemental are all part of a cycle. However, for purposes of this thread, I'm going to try to find cycles that have been intuitively implicated to be intentional and have a shared mechanical theme rather than just a shared flavourful theme. Plus, cycles tend to have very similar wording (though there are exceptions and I'll list the ones I think are significant enough).
I will also not list some redundant cycles (e.g. the class legendary minions per set) and mega-cycle pairs because most of these mega-cycle pairs are just fun reiterations of earlier cards, and boy do Whispers of the Old Gods have lots of these. Additionally, I'll add noncollectable cards if necessary to cycles, but I will not add cycles composed of exclusively uncollectible cards (e.g. Animal Companions) because there's WAAAY too many of these, and I don't wanna make the thread bigger than it already is.
Regardless, let me know if I missed any cycles you think should (or shouldn't) be on the list!
What are some cycle-related terminology (neeerd)?

Unanimously known as the worst card in the entirety of Hearthstone by the Hearthstone community, Magma Rager is the classic 3 mana 5/1 has been parodied multiple times in later sets in both collectible content and solo adventure content. Eventually, this formed a cycle dedicated to the most classic joke card in all of Hearthstone (or should I say Basic?).
Giants are 8/8 minions that suitably have the naming structure of "______ Giant". They tend to have an incredibly expensive cost with card text denoting a way to reduce its cost. You can find the Classic giants near your local Warlock.
Weapon Oozes
Weapon Oozes are small minions that in some way cause weapon durability reduction. Also, they have an icky animation >w>.
This cycle comprises of cards that hearken back to the infamous Annoy-o-Tron. This is probably the closest a Hearthstone card has ever gotten from having its flavour and gameplay functionality connected. (I still hear its "Hello"s...).
0-Attack cards that have the naming structure of "_____ Egg". They usually have a Deathrattle that spawns a minion larger than the Mana Cost would normally allow, but this effect can vary. Also part of a complete and nutritious breakfast.
Battlecry Healers
1, 2, 3, 4! A healer for each mana Cost floor! 5, 6, 7, 8! Targets any character as a Battlecry, mate! 9, 10, 11, 12! I need healing.
Spell Damage Kobolds
Kobolds with Spell Damage! Like the name says! Ironically, none are found in Kobolds and Catacombs.
Druid of the...
Druid elves with a Choose One effect that allows them to transform into a Beast with different stats and effects. We don't talk about Druid of the Fang ever since he split off and started that oil rig...
Wisp Puns
Druid spells that can spawn a lot of Wisps and are named by a guy who refuses to be fired from Team 5. Clearly Druid's secret wisp-on.
Shadow Words
Cheap destruction spells that only destroy minions with a certain amount of Attack; noticeably, none of these cards affect 4-Attack minions or your moral compass.
Power Words
Buff cards! Priest edition.
Buff cards! Paladin edition.
Mad Goblins
"Mad" goblins that give an effect split randomly between all other characters. Under much consideration, Flame Imp was not included in this cycle despite having a similar effect.
Elemental Shocks
Shaman spells that deal damage equal to its Cost (without Spell Power) and have an extra little effect. The Basic and Classic Shocks in particular are 1-Cost cards that deal 1 damage to a target and give a negative effect to it. Lava Shock shockingly breaks this pattern.
The Cutest Wittle 1/1 Race Minion
Who's an adorable cheap minion with a 1/1 statline with an intended use for Racial decks? You are! Yes you are!
The Chicken Cycle
1-Cost Chickens usually with a very bad but powerful effect if the stars align. Also Leeroy Jenkins's favourite cycle.
Hunter Traps
2 Mana Hunter Secrets with the word "Trap" in their name. Presumably catches a lot of fish aliens.
Hunter Shots
Damage dealing Hunter spells with the word "Shot" in their name. Rogue has a more affordable option in Witchwood.
Troll Berserkers
Trolls that gain +3 Attack attack when damaged or whenever they're damaged. Again, ironically none are found in Rastakhan's Rumble...
RNG 1-Cost Minions
The name says it all. To your opponent, a Pyroblast. To you, a Glacial Mysteries.
Banana Cards
Minions that give Bananas! And Potassium! And random appeeling comedic slips!
Injured Cards
Poor minions that damage themselves when played into the battlefield. Unfortunately, Priests only healed the Injured Blademaster in the meta due to his attention-seeking nature making everything all about HIMSELF. Hmph!
Ragnaros Cards
Cards that in some way refer to the iconic Ragnaros the Firelord, which used to be the most powerful Classic card. Cards in this cycle are defined by doing 8 of something to a random character, Ragnaroking, and rolling.
Ogre Cards
Miss them? Well, they'll miss you. These cards have a 100% chance to hit 50% of the time!
Yogg-Saron Cards
Legendary minions with an effect that often goes along the line of "Battlecry: Play a ______ for each ______ you've played this game (targets chosen randomly)". Also, they have a sparkly border during its effect! Shiiiiny!
Vanilla 2 Mana Beasts
I think you can see why I don't wanna post EVERY card pair...especially the mega-cycles...there's too many of em...
Dwarfs with Guns
No, this is not a euphemism >w>. These are dwarfs that have the simple Battlecry of "Deal X damage." Stop judging
Basic Shadow Words
The original cards that made every Priest scream whenever they see a Ysera. For real though, they're cheap Assassinate spells that only destroy minions with certain Attack.

Pandaren Brewmasters that return a friendly minion to your hand. See, this is what The Caverns Below flavour text meant by The Taverns Below. "Say what's in this drink?~"
2/3 minions that give adjacent minions Taunt. It's how you find your Classic Giants.
Dragon Aspects
Legendary Dragons that depict the original five Dragon Aspects. Two of them are 9 mana 8/8 minions (one female, one male), and the two other dragons are 9 mana 4/12s (one female, one male); all 4 of these fellas have 16 stat points in total. The only exception is Deathwing. Cause he's Deathwing. (Must've been eating too many Death Wings).
7 mana 5/5 Epic Druid minions that have a Choose One effect. They also rhyme and have bushy beards!
New 1-Cost RNG Spells
Introduced as some of the first new Classic cards, these cards are Common 1-Cost spells that give you a random card. And they will still always give you Glacial Mysteries. Even Call of the Void.
Self-Damage Demons
Demons that deal damage to your hero equal to their attack. Like my insecurity and anxiety!
Racial Reward Cards
Cards that used to be rewarded for collecting all cards of a certain race! They also used to come with a dental plan, as shown by their excellent mouth modelling.
Special Token Reward Cards
Legendary minions that generate a random special token. ALSO CONTAINS CAPS LOCK FOR SOME REASON.
Thaddius Spawners
Two of these spawn Thaddius when they both die. If Feugen was wearing a top hat and Stalagg was wearing a monocle, then you summon Chaddius.
Mechs with an even cost that summon a random minion. This is one of Hearthstone's only verticle cycles...and it doesn't even complete the cycle. REALLY COOL FOR MY OCD BLIZZARD.
Troggs that gain Attack whenever your opponent casts a spell! Also, the first series of cards that the pros rated 5 stars even though it saw no play whatsoever. I, a more intellectual creature, rated Hobgoblin as 5 stars.
Death Cost Reduction Cards
Cards that cost (1) less for every minion that died this turn.
I too would sacrifice Silver Hand Recruits to listen to Nefarion's sexy voice.Empty Hand Hunter Cards
A cycle that includes not only Hunter cards that have a bonus if you hand is empty but also the OG 4 mana 7/7.
The -Bane Sisters
3 mana 3/4 sisters that do something neat when you cast a spell on them! They also have this whole light-dark thing...their spiritual book is very helpful! Remember, the light and the dark is all about you.
Hunter TGT Legendaries
Alone, they're pretty bad 4/2 Beasts. But together, Dreadscale and his sidekick Acidmaw make a Twisted Team! Though, I hear Acidmaw is easily neutralized by Basic cards.
Non-Legendary Inspire Class Cards
Our first 9-class horizontal cycle (not including class legendaries)! This cycle is composed of inspiring non-Legendary cards from each class! In fact, each class only contains one Inspire card in TGT! Except for Priests. Because how else would Acidmaw see play?
Upgraded Hero Powers
Speaking of Inspire, an inspiring set of better versions of hero powers that could be obtained via Justicar Trueheart! You might be wondering why I only included this uncollectible cycle. The answer is rational and simple one: Because I said so.
Joust Cards
Cards that reveal a minion from each deck and if you get a higher cost minion, you get a prize! (I hope it's funnel cakes)
League of Explorers
These Legendary cards are the Explorer's League, and they are in need of explorers. They seek adventure across land and sea! Won't you come and join them?
Murloc Pop Songs
Murloc spells in the respective Murloc classes! They're also named after catchy Murloc songs, but we all know that I Am Murloc reigns supreme over these newfangled hippy songs! Why back in my day...
Old Gods
10 Mana Legendary Neutral Minions with effects beyond your mortal comprehension. They depict the Old Gods...although...I'm pretty sure if we just kindly called them "Elder Gods", they'd be much nicer!
C'thun Buff Cards
Cards that buff C'thun wherever it is! In your hand, deck, board, basement, demonic circle, and local library!
10-Attack C'thun Cards
Minions that grant a benefit if your C'thun has at least 10-Attack and also a free coffee on the 2147483648th Attack!
Forbidden Cards
The Forbidden cards. Powerful spells and minions that expend all your mana and do something based on how much mana you spent. No creature within the realm of sanity should-OMG LOOK AT THE CUTIE LITTLE SLIMES IN FORBBIDEN RITUAL'S ARTWORK AAAAA I WANNA CAST IT.
Karazhan Portals
These Portally good Portals of Portaliness perform an action with a specific number and summon a minion with a Cost of that same number. Now you're thinking with Portals!
Menagerie Cards
Minions that synergize with a Beast, Dragon, and Murloc! Midrange, Control, and Aggro...animals, all of them!
Rare Discover Tri-Class Cards
Nine tri-class cards were introduced in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Three of these allowed you to Discover with each option being from a different class within the Crime Family. So now you can Purify your Dreadsteed!
Common Crime Family Mechanic Cards
The other three of these cards represented the basic mechanics of the three Crime Families: handbuffing, Jade Golems, and Potions! Of course, the actual mechanics were Patched, the False Idols, and the deck that struck rich.
Legendary Crime Lords
The leaders of Crime Families that can make you an offer you can't refuse. Unless it's Don Han'Cho (sorry buddy :c).
The Kabal Legendaries
Not only are they the only Crime Family with a Legendary cycle, but they also have the most fabulous pink outfits too! Oh, and their battlecries only work if your deck has no duplicates but have you seen Solia's nail polish like oh my old gods.
Spells from the Kabal classes that can be generated by Kabal Chemist! But she always miscalculates Hess's Law and makes the potions freezing cold though. :/
Hog Motorcyclists
A gang of pigs that will only gain Charge under specific conditions. And yet again we have ANOTHER INCOMPLETE VERTICAL CYCLE BLIZZ WHY U DO DIS TO MEEE.
Conditional Self-Buffers
Understated minions that become much more powerful under certain circumstances. Just gotta give em some encouragement! Look at how sad they are! Look at that poor squid! Go squid go! :D
Our first non-minion class legendary cycle! These consist of 1-Cost Legendary spells that start in your hand and give you a 5 mana card as a reward once you complete their requirements. The exception is Sulfuras, whose lack of a 2 mana Cost is found within DIE, INSECT!. If the reward is a minion, the card is usually an 8/8 unless it's Galvadon, The Last Kaleidosaur who has Stealth and whole lot more.
Tar Elementals
Summoned with a wubbly bubbly animation, these minions have increased attack during your opponent's turn in case you're against aggro and you wanna give 'em a sticky situation.
Adorable wittle dinos that shuffle in an overstated minion into your deck if you dare disturb the mother's child...BUT I WANNA PET IT.
Class Legendary Elementals
Elementals: My favourite Hearthstone race! They were featured in Mage, Shaman, and Priest, so naturally a Legendary Elemental was given to each class. It was just elementary.
Class Legendary Dinosaurs
RAWWWWWR RAWR RAWR RAAAAH. (They're big class legendary beasts. Belonging to dino classes. What more info do you need?)
Neutral Legendaries with a special Battlecry that would only activate if there were no minions in your deck that have the same cost as it. Yeesh. They're clearly spotlight-hogging divas. Nerf this!
Death Knight Card Generators
Neutral Legendaries that produce powerful token cards known as Death Knight cards, including the literal Death Metal that is Frostmourne and that one card that makes Combo decks concede: Death Grip. Best. Cards. Ever!
Death Knights
A formidable 9-class horizontal cycle. This cycle consists of a new card type called a "Hero Card" which supplies some Armor, has a useful Battlecry, and transforms your hero power into a more potent one. They also have edgy monologues as their flavour text. It's just a phase. Don't worry it'll pass in the next rotation.
Opponent's Turn Deathrattle Cards
Deathrattle-holding cards that only activate if it's your opponent's turn. Because there's nothing passive aggressive about wanting to die at the enemy hands but not yours because they trust the enemy more than you. Noooo...
Recursive Cards
Spells that recast itself if something happens.
Spells that recast itself if something happens.
See this is so recursive, this joke is probably done before.
Scarabs and Spiders Cards
This cycle includes cards that spawn Scarabs or Spiders, which was a theme for Druid this expansion. It's not a bug. Well, it is.
Legendary Weapons
The last non-minion 9-class legendary horizontal cycle of the Year of the Mammoth (that was a mouthful)! This cycle is composed of weapons for each class! Interestingly, the Kabal classes all received 0/3 weapons. However, despite being a non-weapon class, Druids get a 1-Attack weapon. Stick to the plan.
Rare Class Spells crafted by the Azari devil
Can be upgraded by three levels
Each named after precious stone
With flavour text in a poetic tone
Unidentified Cards
Unidentified objects which can transform into one of 4 unique tokens when drawn. Also makes you hold up the object in mid-air while a song goes "Na na na na na na...da da da daaaa!"
Rogue Secrets
2 Mana Secrets in Rogue that are all about timing, cunning, and hoping your opponent puts that Stubborn Gastropod Zombeast next to that Charged Devilsaur (you know you want to!).
Spell Hunter Cards
Cards that only work if your deck has no minions. Also, the decck archetype everyone made fun of when it was revealed. Well, who's laughing now? (not me and my odd mage ;w;)
Warlock Self-Damage Cards
Cheap cards with 2-Attack that deal 2 damage to your face! Instead of burning you with fire like Flame Imp does, they burn you mentally with insults and study-work overload. Yay.
Armor-Limiting Taunt Minions
These are minions found within the Armor classes that cannot attack unless you have a certain amount of Armor. Also, they're fist models.
Odd/Even Start of Game Cards
An odd way to even the match by providing an improved hero power throughout the game if your deck only contains odd or even cards.
Odd/Even Battlecry Cards
Some even stranger oddities that are beasts with better effects if your deck only contains odd or even cards.
Stat-swapping Worgens
Worgens that swap their Attack and Health each turn they are in your hand. They also change their art and opinion towards Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Death Dependent Hunter Cards
Hunter cards that have a benefit if a minion died this turn. Also features some Emerald Drakes in the artwork. What is it with Hunters and Emerald anyways? Is Rexxar a May baby? Maybe.
Self-Damage Dependent Warlock Cards
Warlock cards that have a benefit if your hero hurt itself this turn. Yeesh, what is it with these hurtful cards? Can't wee have a card that does something if we give the enemy a fuzzy wuzzy warm hug?
Random Shaman Spell Generators
In the Witchwood, which wood would witch woods? The witch would with Witchwood witchcraft.
The Monster Hunters
Characters present in the solo adventure, and Hagatha would've gotten away with her schemes if it wasn't for these meddling hunters...and rogues, mages, and warriors.
Legendary Scientists
Magic is merely phenomena undefined by science! And in this expansion, there is definitely some science goin on. Each class represents a certain field of science with a Legendary minion (and hero) acting as the head scientist of that field. (But no scientist will ever be Legendary as Stephen Hawking...)
Legendary Spells
The class identities within this expansion are further depicted by Legendary spells, each pertaining to their field of science and usually refers to the aforementioned head scientist. I for one can't wait til we get the Neil DeGreese Tyson Legendary spell.
Omega Cards
Cards that have a special effect if you have 10 Mana Crystals, empty or full. They also have an Omega symbol on their art. As Cogito_Ergo_Sum, I prefer Sigma Cards.
Common class spells that benefit both players. There is unfortunately no Poultryizer Project nor Funnel Cake Project to project.
Left/Right-Most Card Interactions
Cards that deal with left-most and right-most cards in your hand. To the left, to the left, that's right!
Class Loas
Each class represents a troll team supported by a troll god called a Loa (talk about team spirit). Thus, each class has a Legendary Beast representing that class's Loa except for Priest, which has Bwonsamdi. They have the naming structure of "Loa's name, Loa's species". Which Loa do you follow? (hint: it's the big friggin Dragonhawk! GO DRAGONHAWKS! I mean, ahem, your choice.)
A bit of team spirit! There is also a 9-class horizontal cycle in which each class contains a 0/3 Rare Minion that has Stealth for 1 turn and a passive effect. This effect synergizes well with its respective Loa. That's the spirit!
Troll Champions
The other Legendary class minions (and a hero) each represent a Warcraft lore character (save for Rogue) that has some tie to the Loa. Also, they have one of the best accents in Warcraft lore (but Draenei accents are still da best for unbiased reasons).
4-related Tauren Spells
A card pair that heals for 4 and deals 4 damage respectively. It also features Tauren in similar art! The former's a lightweight, but the latter's on fire!
With every villain scheming, their maniacal smiles beaming!
With every turn, their power grows,
Until cast as powerful blows
Their victory, at last, there and gleaming!
The E.V.I.L. Founders
They're evil villains from Hearthstone's history! One from each year! They also have the same Attack and Health as their previous reincarnations, with Lazul and Hagatha being an exception because they're a Hag (but still her Health and Armor are the same!). Some of them even bring back the mechanics of Legendaries from the sets the villains came from.
Ever get that feeling of deja vu? Well, considering that these villain cards call back to the mechanics of the sets these villains featured in, you should! Ever get that feeling of deja v-hold on I'm getting a call. Back to it I guess.
Lackey Generators
There's a single Lackey generator for each evil class (and neutral)! Cool right? Although I chose not to include uncollectible cycles, it's worth noting that each of the first 5 Lackeys correspond to one of the five villains in the set and usually are flavourfully themed to said villain (e.g. Rafaam's Ethereal Lackey uses Discover, which came from LoE)
Common Twinspells
Every class has a twin of twinspells, which are spells that add a copy of the spell to your hand without "Twinspell"! One of them is common, while the other is rare. And they all feature the Eye of the Kirin Tor as well!
Rare Twinspells
Every class has a twin of twinspells, which are spells that add a copy of the spell to your hand without ""! One of them is common, while the other is rare. And they all feature the Eye of the Kirin Tor as well!
Portal Demons
Demons that shuffle Portals into a deck that summon a Demon when drawn! Where do they keep getting these demons...
i think you might be confusing cycles with themes in some of these lists.
Rejoice, for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.
Could you be more specific on which ones? I know a lot of these are iffy, so I'm tryin to include ALL of the ones I can think of at first. Which ones do you think shouldn't be cycles?
By the way, you missed Corrosive Sludge in the Weapon Oozes cycle and Onyxia in the Dragon Aspects cycle
Not even including Shellshifter. Elves are so racist.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Onyxia is not a Dragon Aspect. 5 of the dragons are "Aspects", then the others are just there.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
well a cycle is a type of card or effect that is repeated over several cards, usually over different classes, in the same set. but i think something like the scientists, or troll champions might not be qualified as a cycle. it seems like more of a theme because there is no repeated effect, or wording. or at least thats what i think, i may be wrong.
Rejoice, for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.
What is this weird Sulfuras-variation that you have included in your list?
From the Ragnaros vs. Nefarion Brawl. :3
AAAAA my bad! Thank you for pointing that out tho <3.
Also missed Flark's Boomzooka
Check out my OTK chargfury shaman deck.
I think you missed Al'Akir the Windlord, Neptulon, Ragnaros the Firelord and Ragnaros, Lightlord in Elemental lord cycle. Sorry if I missed it while reading.
I feel like I won't be including that unless they complete that cycle with Therazine (The Earth one). We'll see though. A lot of these cycles are very iffy, so I'm trying to get popular opinion to see which ones can be considered a cycle.
So far I slightly regret putting thematic cycles. We'll see tho.
Since you added the gadgetzan potions and highlander legendaries, why not include all the hand buff cards and all the jade golem generating cards?
Some that were missing:
There is a whole tortollan cycle going on in Un'Goro, and Shellshifter should probably be in that as well. Some love them, some hate them... You should probably add "knights" as a cycle for TgT, going by card-art.
Also, these 2 unplayed beasts have a lot in common:
Emerald Reaver Emerald Hive Queen
But, a very important mega-cycle is a big sin to miss... ouch!
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Because they are VERY different from each other, cycles tend to include cards that are very similar in wording (whether in name or card text). "Summon a Jade Golem" ain't gonna cut it if all the cards that spawn it are a variation of minions and spells, and Handbuff cards vary from when they are activated, how many minions are buffed, and what X is in the +X/+X buff. They don't match or vary systematically in rarity nor are they mentioned as a set like Potions are.
I'll try to only include cycles that have a mechanical theme as they're usually what is referred to as "cycles". The only thematic cycles I'll add I think are the ones that are of Legendary status either literally or flavourfully speaking, are in a similar class(es), or systematically vary by class or rarity (e.g. one per class). Regardless the chicken cycle is cute :3. I'll add that.
Given you are including thematic cycles (such as Legendary scientists from Boomsday), shouldn't you also include the chess cards in Kharazan? They are Ivory Knight, Onyx Bishop and Protect the King!
I wouldn't consider most of these cycles - a cycle is represented by cards that share a mechanic. One example are the Guildmages from MTG - You can pay one of two mana costs to activate an ability. Another would be XXY cards, since they all cost two mana of one color and 1 mana of another. You could also consider the Mares from M19 a cycle, because they all share the mechanic of being unblockable by another color.
Some examples of what are NOT cycles, based on your list, would be:
Dreadscale & Acidmaw, League of Explorers, Murloc Songs, Old Gods, Scarab & Spider cards, Monster Hunters
Some examples of what ARE cycles, based on your list, would be:
Troggs, Death Cost Reduction cards, Joust cards, Forbidden Cards, Portals, Princes
Hope that gives you a good idea!
I applaud the absolute madness that making this thread has required. Not sure if it should be in Card Discussion though instead of General.
Couple of quick notes from me: