Serious thread. Also long ass story, I'm sad I didn't have any record material of this.
I'm not normally a person who gets pissed off easily. Some games I play include Dark Souls, Tekken and Final Fantasy (single player, I know). When I lose in those games I'm like "damn well I'll try to be better next time". Don't get me wrong this is what I think in Hearthstone as well but when I lose in this game I get MASSIVELY toxic. I'm that type of person who adds a guy only to call him's stupid I know.
But yes I will now tell you what happened in my last game to give you some insight.
Game was intense. He got off Greater Emerald Spellstone turn 4 with The Coin but I countered with taunts and Consecration. I played around his face secrets cause I didn't need to hit him, OTK would kill him and I had a good board etc. so why risk of him getting some good minion off Wandering Monster.
We get to the point he plays Deathstalker Rexxar and starts building Zombeasts. Every minion he plays has poisonous which was the worst possible thing for me and my Spikeridged Steed minions. I wasted almost all of my removal on his poisonous Zombeasts.
My deck has 8 cards left. I have 8 cards in hand. 2nd Holy Wrath is in the deck and if I draw it I know I will 100% win. My opponent plays Zombeast that has King Mukla and makes my hand become full. I mill the second Holy Wrath out of 7 other cards. I do still know if I get him to stay under 25 health it's all ok.
Now he starts getting lifesteal minions off every Zombeast. And he heals back up to 30hp. Then he plays Zul'jin to get 5 armor more and board full/secret chirtmas tree and at the same time clearing my board.
My deck was ran out at this point and I had no Time Out left. My only chance on winning was pressuring the board with 5 copies of Shirvallah, the Tiger.
In the end I have 4 Shirvallah, the Tiger on board with divine shields lost and he has Zombeast poisonous Ironbeak Owl on board. He kills one tiger with the minion and one tiger with Deadly Shot. I have 2 tigers left and I attack face (he has 10hp). Misdirection triggers and my tiger attacks the other tiger resulting me with no board and hand empty. I emote Well Played and concede.
This has got to be one of the best games I have played in a while but I can't seem to enjoy it from the fact I get so pissed off over a loss. The salt gets worse cause it's Brawliseum so my run ended and who knows how high I could have climbed. It annoys me to be a whiny little kid over a stupid card game but RNG and all just gets the best of me.
Eh, I think everyone feels the rage from time to time... for me when I'm in "throw my phone out the window" mode I like to remember hilarious/lucky wins.
One of my favorites is when I was playing Shudderwock (I know...) against a DK Rexxar, I was dead to rights with nothing left to play and just playing out the string because I didn't feel like conceding, he created a bittertide zombeast and threw it on an empty board... 1 volcano later, the victory was mine.
Another time, I was losing in an arena match vs. an emote heavy mage and he played a deck of wonders just to "win more", he was at only 7 hp but I was topdecking with nothing good left in my deck... his next turn he topdecks 2 deck of wonder soulfires, both hit his face, and I get the most hilarious win I've ever experienced in Hearthstone.
It's human nature to focus on negative experiences over positive, it's actually an evolutionary behavior based on improving odds for survival; but you gotta just laugh at the craziness of things every once in a while!
Every single person I've met in life who was a bad loser/table flipper was a younger sibling. Competing with their older brothers led to a hyper comeptitive psyche that literally could not process losing at anything through anything but rage....if this is your case to, well maybe you can take that on now and change.
Every single person I've met in life who was a bad loser/table flipper was a younger sibling. Competing with their older brothers led to a hyper comeptitive psyche that literally could not process losing at anything through anything but rage....if this is your case to, well maybe you can take that on now and change.
Lmao I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and all older than me. I was an angry child when losing on board games lol but I have gotten past that phase. Except this game.
Eh, I think everyone feels the rage from time to time... for me when I'm in "throw my phone out the window" mode I like to remember hilarious/lucky wins.
One of my favorites is when I was playing Shudderwock (I know...) against a DK Rexxar, I was dead to rights with nothing left to play and just playing out the string because I didn't feel like conceding, he created a bittertide zombeast and threw it on an empty board... 1 volcano later, the victory was mine.
Another time, I was losing in an arena match vs. an emote heavy mage and he played a deck of wonders just to "win more", he was at only 7 hp but I was topdecking with nothing good left in my deck... his next turn he topdecks 2 deck of wonder soulfires, both hit his face, and I get the most hilarious win I've ever experienced in Hearthstone.
It's human nature to focus on negative experiences over positive, it's actually an evolutionary behavior based on improving odds for survival; but you gotta just laugh at the craziness of things every once in a while!
Ok that Soulfire game was hilarious! Gets me to remember some of those type of games I have faced.
I may be the most qualified to post in this thread...So there are two pieces to this I'll touch on, game play and psychology.
Game play - For me, it helps reduce saltiness when I actively think about their hand and next turns, instead of being emotionally reactive ("How could he have THAT EXACT CARD on curve, what the fuck???" vs "His/her best play next turn is this exact card, can I afford to not play around it or do I need to force them into a different line?") If you aren't familiar with the current meta decks, open up a site like Vicious Syndicate while you're playing. There's no shame in reading off a decklist. Second thing on the topic of game play is to accept that sometimes they're going to have the perfect draw the entire game and there will be literally nothing you could have done to win that game. It happens. It happens to pros. Even folks who regularly hit top 100 legend will LOSE at least 40% of their games. Think about that when you get frustrated over a single loss.
Psychology - I may be at rock bottom here. I don't know. Hopefully there isn't more "down" to go. I've recognized that I have a problem and now I need to fix it. That problem is that the emotional outbursts have shifted from being directed outward (at the game, at other players) to being directed inward in a very toxic stream of self negativity. I don't like being angry at myself. I'm not suicidal even though those words seep out. I don't actually hate myself or want to die, even if those words seep out. This isn't me. I also like posting here and contributing to card discussions (so.....being banned because I couldn't control myself and spammed the salt in card reveal season). So, in this regard, just be aware that being emotionally reactive and salty about the happens, but if you don't learn to control it, it can lead to a dark place you don't want to be.
Hope any of this helps.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
Take a step back, have a drink, smoke, punch a bag, whatever, a learn from your mistakes. That way you never lose. You either win, or you learn. Take pride in the fact that you get emotionally invested in a competitive scenario, use the anger to fuel improvement.
Practical: Personally (and I do this for everything I get pissed off with), I hold in the emotion, do the above, and go boxing almost daily, and then recall EVERY SINGLE THING that pissed me off, and run through it as I destroy the bag/sparring opponent. It screws up my elbows, shins and wrists, but boy, does it feel great :D
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I wasn't planning on going for a run today. But those cops came out of nowhere.
I just play to collect, not to win. That might seem too simple and short, but it helps. I win a lot, but since that’s not what I care about, I take those games the same as the losses. Fun to win, fun to lose, now give me more cards.
Every single person I've met in life who was a bad loser/table flipper was a younger sibling. Competing with their older brothers led to a hyper comeptitive psyche that literally could not process losing at anything through anything but rage....if this is your case to, well maybe you can take that on now and change.
Lmao I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and all older than me. I was an angry child when losing on board games lol but I have gotten past that phase. Except this game.
Hearthstone for whatever reason bring that crap back to the surface in you then. But if you know where the feelings come from maybe you can deal with them right? It's not hearthstone that is making you mad, or it's mechanics, or it's RNG, thats all a distraction. It is the "Loss" itself. My advice would be to try and remind yourself how pointless it is to get mad at a game you are playing to relax and have fun. Win or lose it really doesn't matter. Don't beat yourself up after losing a game, and don't obsess over mistakes you might have made (someone above said you should focus on improving, IMO the last thing you should do when raging, or trying to control rage). Just relax and roll on to the next one. the more anyone does anything over time the better they get at it anyway right?
@op: why do you keep playing this game if it makes you feel that way? Wouldn't you be better off with positive emotions instead? Unless you want to prove to yourself that you can change your inner core without the help of a psychologist (i.e. being within like 0.001% of the world's population), then I don't see the point.
Besides, there are far better games out there in which you actually have control over everything you do. So, if you have free time to spend and want to stay positive, do try something else. They don't need to be single player games, they just don't need to be HS and/or similar (in which outsmarting your opponent is a matter of luck due to the draws or rock-paper-scissors lazy design).
I usually don't like to lose (and I am the eldest brother, so not sure there is any relation to being the older/younger sibling) and can be pretty salty at times. The first thing I do when I realize I am in a salty mood is squelching opponents and pretending I am playing the AI (it's easier for me to lose against a non-human).
Second thing is doing push ups and sit ups in between games. Exercise helps calming me down. And it is healthy.
First off all don't beat yourself up too much over getting pissed and salty, it literally happens to all of us.
I know that feel when you get obliderated by dumb rng, it's the sad fate of hearthstone in many cases. I got my 3rd loss thanks to my opponent getting Spirit of the Lynx out of wandering monster and me having no answer at the moment, resulting in some buffed up wolves.
My best advice is to take a break, get distracted by something relaxing, a hot shower for example, a book, some fun tv series, or maybe just some relaxing music.
As cheesy as this sounds, it's also a good idea to just impale yourself with the mentality that "it's just a game", i know it reaaally sounds dumb or maybe even condescending but it's not supposed to be i swear. I can tell you from experience that this mentality has gotten me to get over a lot of games where I lose.
Simply mentally prepare yourself. Just think to yourself "does this really impact my life in any real way"? keep self reflecting on the 'why' and you will eventually learn to accept it, or even better, be immune to it as you just don't care or realized it's not important.
Just keep yourself in high spirits, and don't sweat over things that don't hurt your real life. Hope this helped!
Wonderful replies! The push up thing actually sounds like a good plan lol. I forgot to add to my post that I normally play meme/non meta decks. If I olay some zoolock only to get my daily quest done theres no biggie if a few losses there. I think I need to get the thought "i can play what i want and still try to win" out of my head and face the reality card games are like these. I have just gotten used to doing the most anti meta thing in every game. In Tekken 7 for example I main Kuma and Yoshimitsu. In Dark Souls I always pick deprived class and go for fashion souls not caring how bad my weapons etc. are because in those type of games no matter how trash your build or character is or if you play with guitar hero guitar blindfolded upside down, you can still win if you are skilled enough. Card games just aren't the same.
Try to have fun in the intensity of the matchup, knowing you played best you could and accepting the loss as it is, because after all it is just a game. Try to remember that your opponent could just as easily have been in the same spot you are, and sometimes will be. Deathstalker Rexxar is so broken though, there's nothing you can do about it.
I may be the most qualified to post in this thread...So there are two pieces to this I'll touch on, game play and psychology.
Game play - For me, it helps reduce saltiness when I actively think about their hand and next turns, instead of being emotionally reactive ("How could he have THAT EXACT CARD on curve, what the fuck???" vs "His/her best play next turn is this exact card, can I afford to not play around it or do I need to force them into a different line?") If you aren't familiar with the current meta decks, open up a site like Vicious Syndicate while you're playing. There's no shame in reading off a decklist. Second thing on the topic of game play is to accept that sometimes they're going to have the perfect draw the entire game and there will be literally nothing you could have done to win that game. It happens. It happens to pros. Even folks who regularly hit top 100 legend will LOSE at least 40% of their games. Think about that when you get frustrated over a single loss.
Psychology - I may be at rock bottom here. I don't know. Hopefully there isn't more "down" to go. I've recognized that I have a problem and now I need to fix it. That problem is that the emotional outbursts have shifted from being directed outward (at the game, at other players) to being directed inward in a very toxic stream of self negativity. I don't like being angry at myself. I'm not suicidal even though those words seep out. I don't actually hate myself or want to die, even if those words seep out. This isn't me. I also like posting here and contributing to card discussions (so.....being banned because I couldn't control myself and spammed the salt in card reveal season). So, in this regard, just be aware that being emotionally reactive and salty about the happens, but if you don't learn to control it, it can lead to a dark place you don't want to be.
Hope any of this helps.
Great advice, appreciate it a lot! Oof getting banned on card reveal must suck.
Brother, I feel your rage and felt the same for a long time. I unexpectedly found an incredibly effective way to get over it, in 2 simple steps:
1 - I squelch my opponent, ALWAYS. Because there's nothing more salt triggering than that "WELL PLAYED" when they're about to finish you off after an incredibly lucky (for them) game
2 - I humanized my opponent. It happened when I was watching a Twitch stream from Educated Collins. He's a genuine, fun and generally incredibly nice guy. He plays arena (the most salt triggering thing in the world to me) and his chill approach is at the same time soothing and interesting. So I decided that every opponent IS Educated Collins. Every game I face him. Humanizing my opponent helped me understand that luck comes and goes, for everyone, not just my opponent.
So my advice is, pick a person you really consider a good human, a nice guy. And now imagine that you're facing that person.
I am the same kind of person, these most notable moments I can think of (keep in mind this is rank 20):
- Playing Shudderwock VS Lady In White priest. RNG didn't seem to give me my Hex or Volcano and my opponent was stupidly lucky enough to play around MCT every time. (I mean it's rank 20). When he played his Lady in White on curve (of course) I knew I was in a bad spot. I had drawn every combo piece but due to overloading to kill off big threats I couldn't play my Shudderwock till very late. The turn before I was finally able to Shudderwock he had a 13 attack Witchwood grizzly and a Cobalt Scalebane on board and I had a Primordial Drake on board and I had 16 hp left. So his Grizzly gets buffed to 16 attack and my turn starts. I copy my Drake with a spellstone I got from Hagatha and hoped for the best.. And ofcourse he got a hex and a Earth Shock from the 2 crystalline oracles he played at the beginning of the game. Thus killing me before I could play my combo.
- Playing Shudderwock against Evolve shaman: he topdecked everything he had to topdeck, Thrall, lightbringer and to finish it off one turn before I could play my full combo when he had no way to kill me, Bloodlust.. Sums up your typical game.
- Playing Shudderwock against questlock. I knew what I was playing against because I play it alot myself but my rng isn't as good as my opponents was. He plays lakarri felhound and discards jeklik and clutchmother zavas. I mean normally you'd play the new dire troll to have somewhat of a safe discard early game. But after that everything snowballed. He played Doomguard and ofcourse he discards a firefly and clutchother zavas. So I got snowballed out of the game, because when I play Discolock myself I don't seem to have that good rng and most of the time discard stuff I would want to play on.curve.
The only way I can get over the frustration is to just go play another game. Or play a match against a friend, but I never reqeue after a match like this, whenever you get triggered or angry you will play less good and forget to really think out your plays.
Respect the other player, respect yourself, and respect the game and the RNG that comes with it. RNG is going to fuck you over sometimes, thats why its RNG. Think of all the times you've topdecked the card you need. I used to get a bit tilted and annoyed by losing so i changed my outlook on the game.
Respect the opponent. When I lose a game, I emote "well played" even if my opponent did a BM emote or something. It isn't just for them, it's for yourself. Try it, it feels pretty good. If they do a play you didn't even consider or know they could do or just play around your deck perfectly, then instead of being angered just appreciate their skill/wit and try to learn from it. They're a person who enjoys the game just like you.
Respect yourself. If you watch sports, esports, or even competitive hearthstone, think about the participants you like and what you want to see. Do you like the people who act salty as hell and make excuses when they lose or those who laugh it off and shake the opponents hand? Which do you want to be? If you don't win, then you learn. Could I have played differently to change the results? If not, then there is no reason to be salty. If so, then would it be beneficial to go that route in the future? You're more likely to improve after a loss than a win.
Respect the game/RNG. If your opponent won more because they drew the nuts instead of good plays, then just accept that it happens because there have been times you've done the same to your opponent. Sometimes the silliest RNG will lose you the game and that is fine. A single game doesn't determine your quality as a player. RNG is what makes every game different.
Serious thread. Also long ass story, I'm sad I didn't have any record material of this.
I'm not normally a person who gets pissed off easily. Some games I play include Dark Souls, Tekken and Final Fantasy (single player, I know). When I lose in those games I'm like "damn well I'll try to be better next time". Don't get me wrong this is what I think in Hearthstone as well but when I lose in this game I get MASSIVELY toxic. I'm that type of person who adds a guy only to call him's stupid I know.
But yes I will now tell you what happened in my last game to give you some insight.
This weeks Brawliseum:
My deck: Kripparrians Holy Wrath Shirvallah, the Tiger OTK
Opponent: Spell Hunter with Zul'jin
Deck score was 2/2
Game was intense. He got off Greater Emerald Spellstone turn 4 with The Coin but I countered with taunts and Consecration. I played around his face secrets cause I didn't need to hit him, OTK would kill him and I had a good board etc. so why risk of him getting some good minion off Wandering Monster.
We get to the point he plays Deathstalker Rexxar and starts building Zombeasts. Every minion he plays has poisonous which was the worst possible thing for me and my Spikeridged Steed minions. I wasted almost all of my removal on his poisonous Zombeasts.
My deck has 8 cards left. I have 8 cards in hand. 2nd Holy Wrath is in the deck and if I draw it I know I will 100% win. My opponent plays Zombeast that has King Mukla and makes my hand become full. I mill the second Holy Wrath out of 7 other cards. I do still know if I get him to stay under 25 health it's all ok.
Now he starts getting lifesteal minions off every Zombeast. And he heals back up to 30hp. Then he plays Zul'jin to get 5 armor more and board full/secret chirtmas tree and at the same time clearing my board.
My deck was ran out at this point and I had no Time Out left. My only chance on winning was pressuring the board with 5 copies of Shirvallah, the Tiger.
In the end I have 4 Shirvallah, the Tiger on board with divine shields lost and he has Zombeast poisonous Ironbeak Owl on board. He kills one tiger with the minion and one tiger with Deadly Shot. I have 2 tigers left and I attack face (he has 10hp). Misdirection triggers and my tiger attacks the other tiger resulting me with no board and hand empty. I emote Well Played and concede.
This has got to be one of the best games I have played in a while but I can't seem to enjoy it from the fact I get so pissed off over a loss. The salt gets worse cause it's Brawliseum so my run ended and who knows how high I could have climbed. It annoys me to be a whiny little kid over a stupid card game but RNG and all just gets the best of me.
Me? Gongaga.
Eh, I think everyone feels the rage from time to time... for me when I'm in "throw my phone out the window" mode I like to remember hilarious/lucky wins.
One of my favorites is when I was playing Shudderwock (I know...) against a DK Rexxar, I was dead to rights with nothing left to play and just playing out the string because I didn't feel like conceding, he created a bittertide zombeast and threw it on an empty board... 1 volcano later, the victory was mine.
Another time, I was losing in an arena match vs. an emote heavy mage and he played a deck of wonders just to "win more", he was at only 7 hp but I was topdecking with nothing good left in my deck... his next turn he topdecks 2 deck of wonder soulfires, both hit his face, and I get the most hilarious win I've ever experienced in Hearthstone.
It's human nature to focus on negative experiences over positive, it's actually an evolutionary behavior based on improving odds for survival; but you gotta just laugh at the craziness of things every once in a while!
I wouldn’t be so sad about that loss .
I always try to think about what I could have done better. ( maybe playing around getting milled? ) Or what tech card to eventually include.
LOL sorry for the fat letters.
When i get salty, i listen to some old Chicago songs and focus harder on the game . Usually that works. If not it’s time for a break.
Every single person I've met in life who was a bad loser/table flipper was a younger sibling. Competing with their older brothers led to a hyper comeptitive psyche that literally could not process losing at anything through anything but rage....if this is your case to, well maybe you can take that on now and change.
Lmao I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and all older than me. I was an angry child when losing on board games lol but I have gotten past that phase. Except this game.
Me? Gongaga.
Ok that Soulfire game was hilarious! Gets me to remember some of those type of games I have faced.
Me? Gongaga.
I may be the most qualified to post in this thread...So there are two pieces to this I'll touch on, game play and psychology.
Game play - For me, it helps reduce saltiness when I actively think about their hand and next turns, instead of being emotionally reactive ("How could he have THAT EXACT CARD on curve, what the fuck???" vs "His/her best play next turn is this exact card, can I afford to not play around it or do I need to force them into a different line?") If you aren't familiar with the current meta decks, open up a site like Vicious Syndicate while you're playing. There's no shame in reading off a decklist. Second thing on the topic of game play is to accept that sometimes they're going to have the perfect draw the entire game and there will be literally nothing you could have done to win that game. It happens. It happens to pros. Even folks who regularly hit top 100 legend will LOSE at least 40% of their games. Think about that when you get frustrated over a single loss.
Psychology - I may be at rock bottom here. I don't know. Hopefully there isn't more "down" to go. I've recognized that I have a problem and now I need to fix it. That problem is that the emotional outbursts have shifted from being directed outward (at the game, at other players) to being directed inward in a very toxic stream of self negativity. I don't like being angry at myself. I'm not suicidal even though those words seep out. I don't actually hate myself or want to die, even if those words seep out. This isn't me. I also like posting here and contributing to card discussions (so.....being banned because I couldn't control myself and spammed the salt in card reveal season). So, in this regard, just be aware that being emotionally reactive and salty about the happens, but if you don't learn to control it, it can lead to a dark place you don't want to be.
Hope any of this helps.
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Take a step back, have a drink, smoke, punch a bag, whatever, a learn from your mistakes. That way you never lose. You either win, or you learn. Take pride in the fact that you get emotionally invested in a competitive scenario, use the anger to fuel improvement.
Practical: Personally (and I do this for everything I get pissed off with), I hold in the emotion, do the above, and go boxing almost daily, and then recall EVERY SINGLE THING that pissed me off, and run through it as I destroy the bag/sparring opponent. It screws up my elbows, shins and wrists, but boy, does it feel great :D
I wasn't planning on going for a run today. But those cops came out of nowhere.
I just play to collect, not to win. That might seem too simple and short, but it helps. I win a lot, but since that’s not what I care about, I take those games the same as the losses. Fun to win, fun to lose, now give me more cards.
Hearthstone for whatever reason bring that crap back to the surface in you then. But if you know where the feelings come from maybe you can deal with them right? It's not hearthstone that is making you mad, or it's mechanics, or it's RNG, thats all a distraction. It is the "Loss" itself. My advice would be to try and remind yourself how pointless it is to get mad at a game you are playing to relax and have fun. Win or lose it really doesn't matter. Don't beat yourself up after losing a game, and don't obsess over mistakes you might have made (someone above said you should focus on improving, IMO the last thing you should do when raging, or trying to control rage). Just relax and roll on to the next one. the more anyone does anything over time the better they get at it anyway right?
@op: why do you keep playing this game if it makes you feel that way? Wouldn't you be better off with positive emotions instead? Unless you want to prove to yourself that you can change your inner core without the help of a psychologist (i.e. being within like 0.001% of the world's population), then I don't see the point.
Besides, there are far better games out there in which you actually have control over everything you do. So, if you have free time to spend and want to stay positive, do try something else. They don't need to be single player games, they just don't need to be HS and/or similar (in which outsmarting your opponent is a matter of luck due to the draws or rock-paper-scissors lazy design).
I usually don't like to lose (and I am the eldest brother, so not sure there is any relation to being the older/younger sibling) and can be pretty salty at times. The first thing I do when I realize I am in a salty mood is squelching opponents and pretending I am playing the AI (it's easier for me to lose against a non-human).
Second thing is doing push ups and sit ups in between games. Exercise helps calming me down. And it is healthy.
Dude, I seriously thought I was the only fucking weirdo on the planet to do this. Peace out, brother!
I wasn't planning on going for a run today. But those cops came out of nowhere.
Hey man.
First off all don't beat yourself up too much over getting pissed and salty, it literally happens to all of us.
I know that feel when you get obliderated by dumb rng, it's the sad fate of hearthstone in many cases. I got my 3rd loss thanks to my opponent getting Spirit of the Lynx out of wandering monster and me having no answer at the moment, resulting in some buffed up wolves.
My best advice is to take a break, get distracted by something relaxing, a hot shower for example, a book, some fun tv series, or maybe just some relaxing music.
As cheesy as this sounds, it's also a good idea to just impale yourself with the mentality that "it's just a game", i know it reaaally sounds dumb or maybe even condescending but it's not supposed to be i swear. I can tell you from experience that this mentality has gotten me to get over a lot of games where I lose.
Simply mentally prepare yourself. Just think to yourself "does this really impact my life in any real way"? keep self reflecting on the 'why' and you will eventually learn to accept it, or even better, be immune to it as you just don't care or realized it's not important.
Just keep yourself in high spirits, and don't sweat over things that don't hurt your real life. Hope this helped!
Why u hav to be mad? is only card gaem.
Wonderful replies! The push up thing actually sounds like a good plan lol. I forgot to add to my post that I normally play meme/non meta decks. If I olay some zoolock only to get my daily quest done theres no biggie if a few losses there. I think I need to get the thought "i can play what i want and still try to win" out of my head and face the reality card games are like these. I have just gotten used to doing the most anti meta thing in every game. In Tekken 7 for example I main Kuma and Yoshimitsu. In Dark Souls I always pick deprived class and go for fashion souls not caring how bad my weapons etc. are because in those type of games no matter how trash your build or character is or if you play with guitar hero guitar blindfolded upside down, you can still win if you are skilled enough. Card games just aren't the same.
Me? Gongaga.
Try to have fun in the intensity of the matchup, knowing you played best you could and accepting the loss as it is, because after all it is just a game. Try to remember that your opponent could just as easily have been in the same spot you are, and sometimes will be. Deathstalker Rexxar is so broken though, there's nothing you can do about it.
It's not rng if you call - Amaz
Great advice, appreciate it a lot! Oof getting banned on card reveal must suck.
Me? Gongaga.
Brother, I feel your rage and felt the same for a long time. I unexpectedly found an incredibly effective way to get over it, in 2 simple steps:
1 - I squelch my opponent, ALWAYS. Because there's nothing more salt triggering than that "WELL PLAYED" when they're about to finish you off after an incredibly lucky (for them) game
2 - I humanized my opponent. It happened when I was watching a Twitch stream from Educated Collins. He's a genuine, fun and generally incredibly nice guy. He plays arena (the most salt triggering thing in the world to me) and his chill approach is at the same time soothing and interesting.
So I decided that every opponent IS Educated Collins. Every game I face him. Humanizing my opponent helped me understand that luck comes and goes, for everyone, not just my opponent.
So my advice is, pick a person you really consider a good human, a nice guy. And now imagine that you're facing that person.
Hope this helps!
I am the same kind of person, these most notable moments I can think of (keep in mind this is rank 20):
- Playing Shudderwock VS Lady In White priest. RNG didn't seem to give me my Hex or Volcano and my opponent was stupidly lucky enough to play around MCT every time. (I mean it's rank 20). When he played his Lady in White on curve (of course) I knew I was in a bad spot. I had drawn every combo piece but due to overloading to kill off big threats I couldn't play my Shudderwock till very late. The turn before I was finally able to Shudderwock he had a 13 attack Witchwood grizzly and a Cobalt Scalebane on board and I had a Primordial Drake on board and I had 16 hp left. So his Grizzly gets buffed to 16 attack and my turn starts. I copy my Drake with a spellstone I got from Hagatha and hoped for the best.. And ofcourse he got a hex and a Earth Shock from the 2 crystalline oracles he played at the beginning of the game. Thus killing me before I could play my combo.
- Playing Shudderwock against Evolve shaman: he topdecked everything he had to topdeck, Thrall, lightbringer and to finish it off one turn before I could play my full combo when he had no way to kill me, Bloodlust.. Sums up your typical game.
- Playing Shudderwock against questlock. I knew what I was playing against because I play it alot myself but my rng isn't as good as my opponents was. He plays lakarri felhound and discards jeklik and clutchmother zavas. I mean normally you'd play the new dire troll to have somewhat of a safe discard early game. But after that everything snowballed. He played Doomguard and ofcourse he discards a firefly and clutchother zavas. So I got snowballed out of the game, because when I play Discolock myself I don't seem to have that good rng and most of the time discard stuff I would want to play on.curve.
The only way I can get over the frustration is to just go play another game. Or play a match against a friend, but I never reqeue after a match like this, whenever you get triggered or angry you will play less good and forget to really think out your plays.
- Williamo's card gallery -
Respect the other player, respect yourself, and respect the game and the RNG that comes with it. RNG is going to fuck you over sometimes, thats why its RNG. Think of all the times you've topdecked the card you need. I used to get a bit tilted and annoyed by losing so i changed my outlook on the game.
Respect the opponent. When I lose a game, I emote "well played" even if my opponent did a BM emote or something. It isn't just for them, it's for yourself. Try it, it feels pretty good. If they do a play you didn't even consider or know they could do or just play around your deck perfectly, then instead of being angered just appreciate their skill/wit and try to learn from it. They're a person who enjoys the game just like you.
Respect yourself. If you watch sports, esports, or even competitive hearthstone, think about the participants you like and what you want to see. Do you like the people who act salty as hell and make excuses when they lose or those who laugh it off and shake the opponents hand? Which do you want to be? If you don't win, then you learn. Could I have played differently to change the results? If not, then there is no reason to be salty. If so, then would it be beneficial to go that route in the future? You're more likely to improve after a loss than a win.
Respect the game/RNG. If your opponent won more because they drew the nuts instead of good plays, then just accept that it happens because there have been times you've done the same to your opponent. Sometimes the silliest RNG will lose you the game and that is fine. A single game doesn't determine your quality as a player. RNG is what makes every game different.