I really liked hearthstone and I even invested quite some money in it. Reached legend once but ever since ww i struggle to play hs. It's like the magic is gone or something. I don't really find decks I enjoy playing. And often when I lose I get really pissed and just close the game. I hoped it would get better with the new expension but I'm still not feeling it.
On the other hand I invested so much time and money that I really want to love it but struggle to even grind to 5 nowadays.
Guess taking a break would be a good way but then again I'd lose out on so much gold and when a new possibly exciting expension hits I'd have even less motivation to get back into.
I really liked hearthstone and I even invested quite some money in it. Reached legend once but ever since ww i struggle to play hs. It's like the magic is gone or something. I don't really find decks I enjoy playing. And often when I lose I get really pissed and just close the game. I hoped it would get better with the new expension but I'm still not feeling it.
On the other hand I invested so much time and money that I really want to love it but struggle to even grind to 5 nowadays.
Guess taking a break would be a good way but then again I'd lose out on so much gold and when a new possibly exciting expension hits I'd have even less motivation to get back into.
Just give a break, return in next expansion or rotation.
Have you purchased any of the Adventures? They have all rotated to Wild, but they could be an enjoyable single-player experience while you take a break from playing against people. If you already have them, my suggestion would be to fight through the Heroic battles and earn the card backs.
Other than that, walking away from Hearthstone for a few days/weeks/months could be helpful. If you decide later that you don't want to come back, own that decision and stick by it. The "I spent a lot money on it" defense should not chain you down to an experience you're not enjoying anymore; at some point, you need to accept the fact that you're not having fun anymore, cut your losses and walk away. I did that with League of Legends, and I spent a shit-ton of money on that salt-factory :/
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
I think most people games are just a distraction and if you don't feel like you need one maybe it's because you have better things to take care of and you should grant them the time they deserve.
Don't worry, hearthstone isn't going anywhere and losing some gold is not gonna be the end of the world. You can always come back :D .
Consider making new account and playing with Whizbang. I found it so fresh to play from rank 25 to 15 with random decks. Actually it helped me to have fun when I got back to main one.
As with the above. If you don't enjoy the game anymore then stop. It is a game, for enjoyment. Not a job.
Maybe after a month or 3 you will come back to the game, maybe not. The key thing to keep in perspective is that Hearthstone is only a game, not an investment. Any money spent should be seen in the same way as money spent on drinks in a bar.
You probably should take a break. It doesn't have to be permanent or really long even.
As far as some suggestions on things to avoid when playing I can only speak for myself, not for what you do or don't like in game.
In general, I've noticed that unless you're consistently hitting legend for tourney points or rank 5 for the epic that many people just get burnt out on ladder grinding. Hearthstone ranked ladder grind is nothing like gear progression or the achievement system in WoW. The grind honestly does more harm than good when looked at in a rewards vs burn-out perspective. It's extremely repetitive (even if YOU are using new interesting decks most of your opponents are not and you can't affect that) and it has nothing novel about it (which a game like WoW can at least toss in some obscure lore tidbits for random achievements or at least new cosmetics when upgrading gear). Hearthstone has stars. Yep stars and +5 dust. If you have done a lot of ladder grinding this grind could be a potential reason why you're burning out. Perhaps play more casual, switch from standard to wild (or vice versa), or get into arena.
Another thing that could be killing that allure of playing the game now is the decks you play. Again I'm going to compare HS to WoW. In WoW you have never ending ways to customize your characters and make you care more about their pixels. In HS you have the bare minimum in the form of "Do you play a deck most people play or do you play an underdog/meme/homebrew deck?" That really isn't a lot, but the option is there. If most of what you've played have been very common copy pasta decks/builds it may be time to meme it up. It's a generalization & assumption but I think there is some truth in that if you are using something that you don't just copy from someone then you are more likely to care about your deck and take more enjoyment out of it. Copy pasta net decks (of both good and bad decks) suggest you may not be a great deckbuilder, but it also suggests you are more in getting the 'great' rewards mentioned in the previous paragraph, which leads to faster burnout. So if you haven't strayed into the more unique decks in HS I'd recommend doing so to help with future feelings of burn-out.
Just my two cents. Hopefully you find what works best for you.
I was in the very same situation at the beginning of September.
A 2-week break took it's job and now I can enjoy the game again. Of course I lost much gold, but if you can't find the fun, it doesn't worth it. Now I had the motivation to climb, moreover I could reach Rank 4 from 8 with a wtf Warlock deck, which contains Dr. Morrigan and Malygos. For me this is what HS is all about.
The game is dying dude. Most of the original devs left Blizzard. The current devs have absolutely zero inclination to add anything actually new to it, other than more expansions and money sinks. And you're basically doing the same shit over and over.
It's a wonder how you just now lost motivation, and not like a year ago.
I agree with what others said before me (especially with Lyra).
Meh, tbh every act becomes boring/annoying if it's turned into a routine. Some people take a break; right now I only do my dailies and try to go to rank 5 every month, but since I also got bored of hs and the new expansion comes in 2 months, I decided to play WoW (Wotlk) on a warmane server. And I have fun there - in the past I always main'd dps feral druid, but now I'm giving other classes and professions a try. HS is just a card game with simple mechanics, whereas in WoW you can explore a lot more things (lore, character development, different combat play-styles etc). It will be fun to explore a whole new world, if you haven't done it by now.
[edit] For me the grind for a better gear feels more amusing there. There is real action, there is real involvement in the battle. Like Lyra said, the grind in hs feels monotonous even if you play different decks.
The problem is the game has become cursed with ludicrous decks. Decks that don't make the game fun to play. Decks that make it so you know you're SOL by turn 1 or 2. The game needs good balance with reasonable decks.
Just like every other year and of course it's dying to every other card game...HAHAHA!
Between Magic: Arena and the upcoming Artifact, Hearthstone doesn't stand a chance ; )
^^This. People really need to start changing the record, hearing the same thing over and over again gets boring. lol
Do you even realize how ironic your metaphor of "changing the record" is with regards to Hearthstone lol?
This game is the very definition of a 45 rpm single. Two sides, two songs and nothing else. And that's IF you're lucky, as most singles almost always just have an instrumental track on Side B.
Honestly, yours is a very good metaphor to describe the current state of the game lol. Even if you didn't intend for it to be that. XD
Just like every other year and of course it's dying to every other card game...HAHAHA!
Between Magic: Arena and the upcoming Artifact, Hearthstone doesn't stand a chance ; )
^^This. People really need to start changing the record, hearing the same thing over and over again gets boring. lol
Do you even realize how ironic your metaphor of "changing the record" is with regards to Hearthstone lol?
This game is the very definition of a 45 rpm single. Two sides, two songs and nothing else. And that's IF you're lucky, as most singles almost always just have an instrumental track on Side B.
Honestly, yours is a very good metaphor to describe the current state of the game lol. Even if you didn't intend for it to be that. XD
lol, whatever dude, you got called out by 2 people for your first comment so of course you had to try and reply back with some smart comment but that's cool, good day.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
I wish I could help, but I've been feeling the same way lately. Games feel like a giant coin flip. The opponent seems to run a deck that completely answers everything I can do or they have no answers and I steamroll them. gain a star, lose a star. Win 3 in a row, loss 3 in a row..
I addition I'm tried of playing against zoo. The power level is off the charts and many games seem unwinnable. Zoo seems to be about 40% of the matches on ladder.
Hi guys,
how do you cope with such a situation?
I really liked hearthstone and I even invested quite some money in it. Reached legend once but ever since ww i struggle to play hs. It's like the magic is gone or something. I don't really find decks I enjoy playing. And often when I lose I get really pissed and just close the game. I hoped it would get better with the new expension but I'm still not feeling it.
On the other hand I invested so much time and money that I really want to love it but struggle to even grind to 5 nowadays.
Guess taking a break would be a good way but then again I'd lose out on so much gold and when a new possibly exciting expension hits I'd have even less motivation to get back into.
Have you tried playing arena ? That’s what I’ve mostly been doing recently because I am bored with anything else.
Just give a break, return in next expansion or rotation.
Have you purchased any of the Adventures? They have all rotated to Wild, but they could be an enjoyable single-player experience while you take a break from playing against people. If you already have them, my suggestion would be to fight through the Heroic battles and earn the card backs.
Other than that, walking away from Hearthstone for a few days/weeks/months could be helpful. If you decide later that you don't want to come back, own that decision and stick by it. The "I spent a lot money on it" defense should not chain you down to an experience you're not enjoying anymore; at some point, you need to accept the fact that you're not having fun anymore, cut your losses and walk away. I did that with League of Legends, and I spent a shit-ton of money on that salt-factory :/
Behold, foolish interlopers! I am commanding this mortal to spread the will of the Scourge throughout the interwebs, encouraging you to seek out me, Archlich Kel'Thuzad! Now coming to you as the tenth class of Hearthstone!
I am a finalist in this Class Creation Competition, so if you could give it a look I would be greatly appreciative <3
How is real life doing ?
I think most people games are just a distraction and if you don't feel like you need one maybe it's because you have better things to take care of and you should grant them the time they deserve.
Don't worry, hearthstone isn't going anywhere and losing some gold is not gonna be the end of the world. You can always come back :D .
Consider making new account and playing with Whizbang. I found it so fresh to play from rank 25 to 15 with random decks. Actually it helped me to have fun when I got back to main one.
Just install MtG Arena, forget about Hearthstone and stop suffering, my friend. :D
As with the above. If you don't enjoy the game anymore then stop. It is a game, for enjoyment. Not a job.
Maybe after a month or 3 you will come back to the game, maybe not. The key thing to keep in perspective is that Hearthstone is only a game, not an investment. Any money spent should be seen in the same way as money spent on drinks in a bar.
You probably should take a break. It doesn't have to be permanent or really long even.
As far as some suggestions on things to avoid when playing I can only speak for myself, not for what you do or don't like in game.
In general, I've noticed that unless you're consistently hitting legend for tourney points or rank 5 for the epic that many people just get burnt out on ladder grinding. Hearthstone ranked ladder grind is nothing like gear progression or the achievement system in WoW. The grind honestly does more harm than good when looked at in a rewards vs burn-out perspective. It's extremely repetitive (even if YOU are using new interesting decks most of your opponents are not and you can't affect that) and it has nothing novel about it (which a game like WoW can at least toss in some obscure lore tidbits for random achievements or at least new cosmetics when upgrading gear). Hearthstone has stars. Yep stars and +5 dust. If you have done a lot of ladder grinding this grind could be a potential reason why you're burning out. Perhaps play more casual, switch from standard to wild (or vice versa), or get into arena.
Another thing that could be killing that allure of playing the game now is the decks you play. Again I'm going to compare HS to WoW. In WoW you have never ending ways to customize your characters and make you care more about their pixels. In HS you have the bare minimum in the form of "Do you play a deck most people play or do you play an underdog/meme/homebrew deck?" That really isn't a lot, but the option is there. If most of what you've played have been very common copy pasta decks/builds it may be time to meme it up. It's a generalization & assumption but I think there is some truth in that if you are using something that you don't just copy from someone then you are more likely to care about your deck and take more enjoyment out of it. Copy pasta net decks (of both good and bad decks) suggest you may not be a great deckbuilder, but it also suggests you are more in getting the 'great' rewards mentioned in the previous paragraph, which leads to faster burnout. So if you haven't strayed into the more unique decks in HS I'd recommend doing so to help with future feelings of burn-out.
Just my two cents. Hopefully you find what works best for you.
I was in the very same situation at the beginning of September.
A 2-week break took it's job and now I can enjoy the game again. Of course I lost much gold, but if you can't find the fun, it doesn't worth it. Now I had the motivation to climb, moreover I could reach Rank 4 from 8 with a wtf Warlock deck, which contains Dr. Morrigan and Malygos. For me this is what HS is all about.
The game is dying dude. Most of the original devs left Blizzard. The current devs have absolutely zero inclination to add anything actually new to it, other than more expansions and money sinks. And you're basically doing the same shit over and over.
It's a wonder how you just now lost motivation, and not like a year ago.
I agree with what others said before me (especially with Lyra).
Meh, tbh every act becomes boring/annoying if it's turned into a routine. Some people take a break; right now I only do my dailies and try to go to rank 5 every month, but since I also got bored of hs and the new expansion comes in 2 months, I decided to play WoW (Wotlk) on a warmane server. And I have fun there - in the past I always main'd dps feral druid, but now I'm giving other classes and professions a try. HS is just a card game with simple mechanics, whereas in WoW you can explore a lot more things (lore, character development, different combat play-styles etc). It will be fun to explore a whole new world, if you haven't done it by now.
[edit] For me the grind for a better gear feels more amusing there. There is real action, there is real involvement in the battle. Like Lyra said, the grind in hs feels monotonous even if you play different decks.
Just like every other year and of course it's dying to every other card game...HAHAHA!
Between Magic: Arena and the upcoming Artifact, Hearthstone doesn't stand a chance ; )
"There is no spoon"
^^This. People really need to start changing the record, hearing the same thing over and over again gets boring. lol
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
I feel you op. Atm I'm just doing dailies and playing other games. Take a break and try something new for a change.
Golden heroes: Warlock, Druid, Mage, Hunter
The problem is the game has become cursed with ludicrous decks. Decks that don't make the game fun to play. Decks that make it so you know you're SOL by turn 1 or 2. The game needs good balance with reasonable decks.
Do you even realize how ironic your metaphor of "changing the record" is with regards to Hearthstone lol?
This game is the very definition of a 45 rpm single. Two sides, two songs and nothing else. And that's IF you're lucky, as most singles almost always just have an instrumental track on Side B.
Honestly, yours is a very good metaphor to describe the current state of the game lol. Even if you didn't intend for it to be that. XD
lol, whatever dude, you got called out by 2 people for your first comment so of course you had to try and reply back with some smart comment but that's cool, good day.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
I wish I could help, but I've been feeling the same way lately. Games feel like a giant coin flip. The opponent seems to run a deck that completely answers everything I can do or they have no answers and I steamroll them. gain a star, lose a star. Win 3 in a row, loss 3 in a row..
I addition I'm tried of playing against zoo. The power level is off the charts and many games seem unwinnable. Zoo seems to be about 40% of the matches on ladder.