90 packs (saved 3.5k gold for the expansion and bought the regular pre-order). Got me 5 legendaries: Boommaster Flark, Myra Rotspring, Crystalsmith Kangor, Zerek Mastercloner & Myra's Unstable Element which made this my worst Expansion pack opening ever sadly enough. Doesn't help much for my excitement as I think this expansion is the worst one in a while.
I did get one pack with 2 legendaries and 2 epics in it (not that it matters much to me).
Got Floop & Golden Boomzooka as free legendaries.
Good thing I am sitting on 14k dust atm. Hopefully my predictions are wrong and the meta turns out to be a fun one.
Out of 120 packs, I got 6 Legendaries (1/20) and 26 Epics, including 2 golden ones (1/4,6). But when your epics contain 3x Holomancer and 5x (!!!) Goblin Prank, you don't fell too good about your draws
270 packs opened (incl both pre-orders) and a complete set of cards achieved which was nice.
After opening was only missing 9 epics and 5 legendaries and the dust I got easily covered those.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a shit on the table, and strut around like its victorious.
Yesterday i got 4 legendaries in 123 packs, today 5 in 50 packs with a golden one. From 1/30 to 1/20 legendary rate... still bad, but better than yesterdays depressing shitty opening.
Also got Myra Rotspring as a free legendary. For some reason the game pretty consistently gives me Rogue legendaries. I have Edwin, DK, Sonya, Tess, Kingsbane and now Myra and Myra's spell.
Pressing "Disenchant All" yielded 705 dusts. Pity counter for legendaries is at 20.
Started really neat because i got 2 legendaries from the first 7 packs (2., 7.), the 7. pack was a pretty good one with the golden legendary and an epic also (forgot to screenschot :/)
i got her golden as a preorder which made me a little sad at first but i held off on dischanting since u never know if deathrattle rogue becomes a thing
acc now that i remember if we got the deathrattle verison of shudderwock for rogue myra would've been ez top tier legend, since it can replicate its deathrattle and do the same thing
The most disappointing pack opening I have ever had. just 2 Legendaries in 60 packs ): And I'm not even that close to the pity timer so that might become 2 in 70. feelsbadman
153 packs:
common: 542
rare: 158
epic: 32
legendary: 8
g.common: 12
g.rare: 11
g.epic: 2
Averaged 1/12 legendaries over 180 packs + 2 free (golden DR Boom) and 2 gold crafts. So 19 total, not too shabby.
Super rough start hit the pitty timer twice at 10 and 50 but then opened 6 legs in 45 packs and it was all good luck after that. No Golden's though :(
No complaints, overall an above average unpacking.
Dr.morringan, floop'glorious gloop, hartbringer celestia, boomaster flark, stargazer luna (70 packs)
Got my 2nd golden after bitching about my bad luck in pack openings. It was Kangor's. Went all in Paladin last xpac and doing it again!
90 packs (saved 3.5k gold for the expansion and bought the regular pre-order). Got me 5 legendaries: Boommaster Flark, Myra Rotspring, Crystalsmith Kangor, Zerek Mastercloner & Myra's Unstable Element which made this my worst Expansion pack opening ever sadly enough. Doesn't help much for my excitement as I think this expansion is the worst one in a while.
I did get one pack with 2 legendaries and 2 epics in it (not that it matters much to me).
Got Floop & Golden Boomzooka as free legendaries.
Good thing I am sitting on 14k dust atm. Hopefully my predictions are wrong and the meta turns out to be a fun one.
Out of 120 packs, I got 6 Legendaries (1/20) and 26 Epics, including 2 golden ones (1/4,6).
But when your epics contain 3x Holomancer and 5x (!!!) Goblin Prank, you don't fell too good about your draws
opened 25 packs, got 3 legendaries:
Zerek's Cloning Gallery on the 4th pack
Crystalsmith Kangor on the 9th pack
and 1600 dust aka Harbinger Celestia on the 13th pack
also got Flobbidinous Floop on login and crafted a golden Whizbang the Wonderful
53 (3 free) packs and 4 leg LOL and 7 epic LOL 2
270 packs opened (incl both pre-orders) and a complete set of cards achieved which was nice.
After opening was only missing 9 epics and 5 legendaries and the dust I got easily covered those.
Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a shit on the table, and strut around like its victorious.
Yesterday i got 4 legendaries in 123 packs, today 5 in 50 packs with a golden one. From 1/30 to 1/20 legendary rate... still bad, but better than yesterdays depressing shitty opening.
All Skill, No Luck
Opened 97 packs. Got 4 legendaries. Packs with legendaries were 7th (The Boomship), 43th (Dr. Morrigan), 71th (The Storm Bringer) and 95th (Myra's Unstable Element). Pretty much the usual.
Also got Myra Rotspring as a free legendary. For some reason the game pretty consistently gives me Rogue legendaries. I have Edwin, DK, Sonya, Tess, Kingsbane and now Myra and Myra's spell.
Gorge you hatred, embrace your rage.
After opening 53 packs:
3 Legendaries: Floop's Glorious Gloop, golden Myra's Unstable Element, Myra Rotspring
Free legendary was Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
10 Epics
Pressing "Disenchant All" yielded 705 dusts. Pity counter for legendaries is at 20.
Started really neat because i got 2 legendaries from the first 7 packs (2., 7.), the 7. pack was a pretty good one with the golden legendary and an epic also (forgot to screenschot :/)
Got Myra Rotspring. ; _ ; shes so bad
I got 8 out of 120, 2 of those being free
Harbinger Celestia golden free
Dr. Morrigan free from pre order
Crystalsmith Kangor, Stargazer Luna , The Soularium, Whizbang the Wonderful packs 120 to 65.
I had a crappy pity timer... went from 65 to almost 20 left packs and was really pissed until I pulled this:
These are my results below...
My free legendary was Flobbidinous Floop and the golden legendary from my bundle was Myra's Unstable Element
My other 6 Legendary cards were
StarGazer Luna (Golden)
Zerek Master Cloner
Electra Stormbringer
Electra Stormsurge
The Solarium
I'm really happy overall!!
i got her golden as a preorder which made me a little sad at first but i held off on dischanting since u never know if deathrattle rogue becomes a thing
acc now that i remember if we got the deathrattle verison of shudderwock for rogue myra would've been ez top tier legend, since it can replicate its deathrattle and do the same thing
Got 5 normals and 1 golden legendarys in 41 packs...
I got 2 in 70... I feel ya
Opened 135 packs:
My three freebies were a golden Boommaster Flark, a golden Subject 9, and a Crystalsmith Kangor.
The rest were as follows:
Flark's Boom-Zooka
Kangor's Endless Army
Zerek's Cloning Gallery
Myra's Unstable Element
Electra Stormsurge
The Storm Bringer
Golden Dr. Morrigan
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Harbinger Celestia
Whizbang the Wonderful
all my pack openings were awful
pretty much deserved it.
Kaladin's RoS Set Review
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