40$ / 4 months... 10$/month... that's really not much considering HS is the one game I play almost daily (yet I don't play it much, so I don't want to waste time on quests that I don't find entertaining... I want to build decks, try things out, play what I find fun - a preorder, esp. with 70 packs, enables that).
Also, as long as I play HS like this, my Steam pile of shame is not growing, so that's something :P
You see one of these posts (if not many) pop up every reveal season... I'll let history speak for itself :
- Back during Un'goro's reveal, I remember people going nuts over two legendaries : The Voraxx and Spiritsinger Umbra. Many called them broken. There was also a certain hunter quest that made aggro hater QQ for days before it even came out. Those same people spat on "trash legendaries" such as Sunkeeper Tarim (which they called a cheap Eadric knock-off), Lyra the sunshard ("Priests spells suck anyways!") and some epics like Living Mana ("LoL! Mass Dispell GG!!")... oh, also, people prayed the RNG gods they would not end up with the suckiest quest of all, the rogue one...
Don't forget an incredibly broken Lakkari Sacrifice quest which will make discardlock a top tier deck.
So agree with you. Some people just like to complain and dismiss the whole set before its release, even when they were wrong time after time after time in the past.
You see one of these posts (if not many) pop up every reveal season... I'll let history speak for itself :
- Back during Un'goro's reveal, I remember people going nuts over two legendaries : The Voraxx and Spiritsinger Umbra. Many called them broken. There was also a certain hunter quest that made aggro hater QQ for days before it even came out. Those same people spat on "trash legendaries" such as Sunkeeper Tarim (which they called a cheap Eadric knock-off), Lyra the sunshard ("Priests spells suck anyways!") and some epics like Living Mana ("LoL! Mass Dispell GG!!")... oh, also, people prayed the RNG gods they would not end up with the suckiest quest of all, the rogue one...
Don't forget an incredibly broken Lakkari Sacrifice quest which will make discardlock a top tier deck.
So agree with you. Some people just like to complain and dismiss the whole set before its release, even when they were wrong time after time after time in the past.
Yeah it has been proven over time that until you see them in the meta nobody can predict how they are gonna fare. Also people are comparing late year card power with early year card power, which have a lot less competion and way more impact than your average set.
Witchwood will be released April 9th or 10th i think. The quest for packs ends april 9th
The past 3 expansions have all been released on a Thursday. The 40-50 card 'dump' happened on the Monday of the same week as well. There is no way they will release on a Monday or Wednesday due to the Tavern Brawl. April 9 will likely be the dump for Witchwood and the smart money is on a Thursday release for the US. Blizzard will give players more time (2-3 days) to preorder and theorycraft their decks before launching Witchwood.
I am personally 'protesting' the current state of the game by waiting until after the card dump to preorder. I do want the good deal and the card back, but I want to send Blizzard a message that their current design philosophy is just not good enough. I know they look at what time periods people are preordering at, not just the total. If more players do this, we can send them a message that something is not right. Maybe they will start listening to the suggestions of the community and communicating with us more often.
No regrets at all. Even if you don't get anything you want, 70 packs for $50 is still cheap dust, which you can use to craft whatever you end up wanting to play.
And honestly, just having all the commons and most of the rares makes it worth the money -you'll have a lot of options to play around with as the old sets rotate out.
You see one of these posts (if not many) pop up every reveal season... I'll let history speak for itself :
- Back during Un'goro's reveal, I remember people going nuts over two legendaries : The Voraxx and Spiritsinger Umbra. Many called them broken. There was also a certain hunter quest that made aggro hater QQ for days before it even came out. Those same people spat on "trash legendaries" such as Sunkeeper Tarim (which they called a cheap Eadric knock-off), Lyra the sunshard ("Priests spells suck anyways!") and some epics like Living Mana ("LoL! Mass Dispell GG!!")... oh, also, people prayed the RNG gods they would not end up with the suckiest quest of all, the rogue one...
- During KFT's reveal, I remember how people kept saying "I have the worst luck so of course I'm gonna pull Keleseth from my packs! Man that card sucks, what an impossible condition to meet!". They also said the Druid DK was trash. Yup. But man was the pally DK OP!! Also... Shadowreaper who?
- Then came the Kobolds and Catacombs reveal. "Hunters with no minions? Is that a bad joke?" Or "LOL! Warlocks are getting a 5 mana 2/2 that has NO immediate impact on the board! Fail!". People called Corridor Creeper "horrible". Nobody even seemed to remember Spiteful Summoner was even part of the reveal, and Rin was "Never ever gonna see play with such a slow win condition"...
But yeah, no... 65 cards or so to go and so many cards rotating out, sure, let's call it underwhelming and a waste of money. Until next time. :P
I almost always do my best to remember to take that perspective too, but I think there is a problem in how many mediocre cards are scattered all throughout this expansion so far (though we still need to see the remaining reveals).
It also isn't hard to see that certain class cards (most of the rogue reveals) do not solve problems that certain classes struggle with and have been struggling with for awhile. Wanted and a weak tempo rush minion isn't going to change the fact that rogues still lack taunts, heals, and powerhouse long term control/value cards.
Every class lacks something, that's how the game is designed:
Priests have no weapons and lack early game
Hunter has no card draw and no real board clear
Rogue has no taunts, no big minions and no real board clear
Mage has no big minions and no minion synergy
Warlock loses life easily
Druid has no agro and no real board clear
Paladin has no big minions and no good board clear
Shaman has no early game and no good board clear
Warrior in current meta seems to have nothing except weapons and a few taunt minions
A class being designed a certain way does not mean previous expansions have never broken that mold before, nor does it mean the class should always have that weakness.
In control oriented mage decks a lack of minions has typically been a weakness of control mage builds. Yet Frost Lich Jaina became a thing.
Prior to PW warriors had no aggro deck, yet as we all know they were given all sorts of weapon buffs and weapon synergy minions to have made the playstyle very possible and very effective.
Warlocks lose life easily and yet in their current iterations they have between 22-30 points of healing (not including the armor and healing from Gul'Dan), making the life loss they typically suffer from being a non-issue in control match-ups.
Priests and shamans did once have good early game in the form of Dragon Priest and Trogg/Golem. I'd even argue that shaman still has good early game in the form of flametongue, mana tide, murloc totem, etc.
Druid once had the strongest aggro options in the game.
They above leave plenty of room for why rogues could, at least temporarily, be given big control minions, taunts, and/or heals.
I decided to preorder God of War instead. Guess I'm tired of dumping $50-$100 every 3 months on packs just so I can play a little of everything as a casual player. I have 5k gold and 10k dust saved, that'll run out this expansion and I'll see what the future brings.
$50 entry fee, even if it is 70packs, after spending hundreds of dollars in the past is too much for me at this point.
Hopefully the new meta is fun, not really liking cubes tbh.
If you plan on playing regardless and playing a top deck, why would you regret it? There’s going to be multiple very good and necessary cards in the set even if people haven’t figured them out yet. *cough* corridor creeper *coigh*
Ive never heard anyone say “I bought more packs than I needed.”
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I didn't invest a single $ in my HS packs LUL.
I ended up preordering today after really hesitating. I hope I'm not wrong.
Speaking of rushing,,, how much time is there left to decide?
Going offline for half a week or so, would really like to know <.<
Question everything.
70 packs for that prive is the best purchase I’ve made in Hearthstone yet. As the Crown Prince of Valuetown I fully endorse a deal such as this! Heh!
Unless you’re planning to just quit after the release hits, you’ll be losing out considerably without it.
(Blizz-Dogg, you can pay me later for the propz y’all!)
Witchwood will be released April 9th or 10th i think. The quest for packs ends april 9th
No regrets at all.
40$ / 4 months... 10$/month... that's really not much considering HS is the one game I play almost daily (yet I don't play it much, so I don't want to waste time on quests that I don't find entertaining... I want to build decks, try things out, play what I find fun - a preorder, esp. with 70 packs, enables that).
Also, as long as I play HS like this, my Steam pile of shame is not growing, so that's something :P
Don't forget an incredibly broken Lakkari Sacrifice quest which will make discardlock a top tier deck.
So agree with you. Some people just like to complain and dismiss the whole set before its release, even when they were wrong time after time after time in the past.
Its looking really bad guys. So far all the legendaries except Baku/Genn and Lady in White have been anything worth a buzz.
I am personally 'protesting' the current state of the game by waiting until after the card dump to preorder. I do want the good deal and the card back, but I want to send Blizzard a message that their current design philosophy is just not good enough. I know they look at what time periods people are preordering at, not just the total. If more players do this, we can send them a message that something is not right. Maybe they will start listening to the suggestions of the community and communicating with us more often.
No regrets at all. Even if you don't get anything you want, 70 packs for $50 is still cheap dust, which you can use to craft whatever you end up wanting to play.
And honestly, just having all the commons and most of the rares makes it worth the money -you'll have a lot of options to play around with as the old sets rotate out.
They above leave plenty of room for why rogues could, at least temporarily, be given big control minions, taunts, and/or heals.
I always spend at least $50 on packs after release, even if the set looks stupid to me in the hype phase.
I have never regretted a Hearthstone pre-order, but I have regretted not pre-ordering.
So no.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I never regret buying the preorder deal. The cards will get better over time, when new sets get released.
Yea every single card revealed this far has been pretty lackluster or 'meh' at best
I feel absolutely no excitement for the new set, only a new meta that hopefully consists of a class that isn't Cabal
Let's negotiate. You concede, and I'll let you live
I decided to preorder God of War instead. Guess I'm tired of dumping $50-$100 every 3 months on packs just so I can play a little of everything as a casual player. I have 5k gold and 10k dust saved, that'll run out this expansion and I'll see what the future brings.
$50 entry fee, even if it is 70packs, after spending hundreds of dollars in the past is too much for me at this point.
Hopefully the new meta is fun, not really liking cubes tbh.
Well you can still buy it 3 or 4 times before the expansion launch! Go for it!
Top deck is cheat
If you plan on playing regardless and playing a top deck, why would you regret it? There’s going to be multiple very good and necessary cards in the set even if people haven’t figured them out yet. *cough* corridor creeper *coigh*
Ive never heard anyone say “I bought more packs than I needed.”