Struggling to find the will to play this game anymore. It feels like everyone I play on ladder is the sweatiest try-hard who’s playing a meta deck like they’re in the final of an e-Sports competition. They’ll top-deck an answer to every threat I put down and BM and rope if they can’t.
I’ve hit Legend with various decks, but every game feels like a struggle. Win or lose it’s just not fun.
why the fuck are people playing c'thun druid in D1-2. The deck has a sub 50% winrate over 27k games, but its the only thing I have literally no chance of beating. its like they enjoy losing to every paladin, rogue and hunter on the ladder just to beat ping mage..
Why does it feel like people are hacking in this game? Several times now ive faced this cancerous Spell damage mage which you have no chance againt, my latest game their rope ended but they kept playing cards for like 30s+ after robe was gone, fkn bullshit man.
i faced 5 priests in a row, no kidding 5. all sorts of them, big priests, deathrattle...and they all take 10 hours for one turn. srsly? playing against priest is just straight up the worst experience you can have.
Why does it feel like people are hacking in this game? Several times now ive faced this cancerous Spell damage mage which you have no chance againt, my latest game their rope ended but they kept playing cards for like 30s+ after robe was gone, fkn bullshit man.
Because sometimes they are. It's a known thing, they edit the client to speed up the animations. Not everyone playing Ignite Mage uses the hack, but some do and it's pretty noticeable.
Matches are so polarizing these days, it doesn't matter what you play, there is a popular deck out there that hard counters you and there is nothing you can do to change that. Mulligan? Doesn't matter, everyone is just a rogue in disguise, anyway.
But then you get that random person on ladder playing a different deck that nobody else is playing, good for you! I'm glad you're being creative.
But for the love of fuck, don't spam GG after you put yourself in a winning position. I was thinking you were cool for being unique, but it turns out you're just a bottom dwelling assclown, too.
Every goddamn mode rng clown fiesta rigged piece of garbage. Every battlegrounds game is exactly the same. Always PERFECT amount to knock me out. Always always always
Pirate Warrior was bad enough before. But fuck man...every time i somehow start to control the game Mr. Smite just ends it...
Its so motherfucking much dmg on turn 6. On turn 5 you have the mandatory Cap'n Rokara..when you manage to deal with it on turn 6 you have a weapon, fucking 2*2 dmg from cannon and a random pirate that gets charge from Mr. Smite.
Even if its a shitty weapon and a shitty minion thats around 14 dmg. Really just fuck that shit.
Lol, so I’ve given up on playing ranked. Just casual now for the quests since I am no longer spending money on the game.
I would like an explanation on how when I decide to play a spell mage, the MMR decide to pit me against opponents built specifically to counter it? I’m not talking known meta power decks that are just generally better against mage. I’m talking build specific, this deck has zero chance of winning against anything other than a spell mage?
I know I plan to shift to AI based play soon, but damn! I’d at least like to have some fun doing my dailies if I’m forced to play real opponents. Now Blizzard doesn’t even want to make that an enjoyable experience.
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Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
Every game win or lose is no fun, no point of playing fun deck to die to aggro or barely squeeze win
Don't test me, child!
That's the weird thing about this game. It's absolutely no fun at all win or lose...and a toxic experience in general for both players.
I thought games are supposed to be fun - if so this one is terrible.
Struggling to find the will to play this game anymore. It feels like everyone I play on ladder is the sweatiest try-hard who’s playing a meta deck like they’re in the final of an e-Sports competition. They’ll top-deck an answer to every threat I put down and BM and rope if they can’t.
I’ve hit Legend with various decks, but every game feels like a struggle. Win or lose it’s just not fun.
why the fuck are people playing c'thun druid in D1-2. The deck has a sub 50% winrate over 27k games, but its the only thing I have literally no chance of beating. its like they enjoy losing to every paladin, rogue and hunter on the ladder just to beat ping mage..
Gorehowl and Mr Smite from Juggernaut ?!?!? Fcking pathetic piece of shit game!!!!!
Why does it feel like people are hacking in this game? Several times now ive faced this cancerous Spell damage mage which you have no chance againt, my latest game their rope ended but they kept playing cards for like 30s+ after robe was gone, fkn bullshit man.
i decided to rank up in wild
i faced 5 priests in a row, no kidding 5. all sorts of them, big priests, deathrattle...and they all take 10 hours for one turn. srsly? playing against priest is just straight up the worst experience you can have.
i mean just look at this streamer person who plays priest only since day 1 of hearthstone. he is a pathedic, salty little troll.
I feel you brother...
Because sometimes they are. It's a known thing, they edit the client to speed up the animations.
Not everyone playing Ignite Mage uses the hack, but some do and it's pretty noticeable.
I decided to try some ranked with my pew pew priest.
I played 5 games, 4 of those against quest warrior.
See ya next expansion ranked...
Matches are so polarizing these days, it doesn't matter what you play, there is a popular deck out there that hard counters you and there is nothing you can do to change that. Mulligan? Doesn't matter, everyone is just a rogue in disguise, anyway.
But then you get that random person on ladder playing a different deck that nobody else is playing, good for you! I'm glad you're being creative.
But for the love of fuck, don't spam GG after you put yourself in a winning position. I was thinking you were cool for being unique, but it turns out you're just a bottom dwelling assclown, too.
A real shame.
Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue Fuck rogue
Every goddamn mode rng clown fiesta rigged piece of garbage. Every battlegrounds game is exactly the same. Always PERFECT amount to knock me out. Always always always
fuck Mr. Smite, fucking shit card. WTF
Pirate Warrior was bad enough before. But fuck man...every time i somehow start to control the game Mr. Smite just ends it...
Its so motherfucking much dmg on turn 6. On turn 5 you have the mandatory Cap'n Rokara..when you manage to deal with it on turn 6 you have a weapon, fucking 2*2 dmg from cannon and a random pirate that gets charge from Mr. Smite.
Even if its a shitty weapon and a shitty minion thats around 14 dmg. Really just fuck that shit.
Rogue. Like, why did they need stealth-stealth- into board clear? So interactive.
Lol, so I’ve given up on playing ranked. Just casual now for the quests since I am no longer spending money on the game.
I would like an explanation on how when I decide to play a spell mage, the MMR decide to pit me against opponents built specifically to counter it? I’m not talking known meta power decks that are just generally better against mage. I’m talking build specific, this deck has zero chance of winning against anything other than a spell mage?
I know I plan to shift to AI based play soon, but damn! I’d at least like to have some fun doing my dailies if I’m forced to play real opponents. Now Blizzard doesn’t even want to make that an enjoyable experience.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
Me: Plays mage in duels.
Opponent Mind Tether Priest: Steals my Wildfire.
Why do I even try this game.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Why does damn near every class have such strong and prevalent mana discount right now?
Just add a quest card; U cant play cards but destroy ur enemy in 5 turns, I have the feel that hunters/warriors will play it, they do it already....