I just want to play low tier trash decks in wild. I am low tier. Why is every second opponent a high-aggro pirate warrior that gets to finish his quest by turn 4, spawn 2-5 minions every turn with little chance of interruption in any way? I just hate this quest so much.
To all you fuckwits continuing to play fucking boring as fuck OTK decks - fuck you.
Jaina, I'm looking at you and all the c**** who wank off to quest mage. It is fucking boring as shit and toxic to play against.
And the wankers joining in this massive wankfest with quest hunter, garotte rogue and quest DH - fuck you too.
I am here to bang. I am naked, wet and ready to interact - I don't want to watch you masterbate and be bored out of my fucking brain whilst you draw your entire deck. I am left unsatisfied and frustrated and it is your fucking fault.
So play a deck I can actually engage with or fuck off.
To all you fuckwits continuing to play fucking boring as fuck OTK decks - fuck you.
Jaina, I'm looking at you and all the c**** who wank off to quest mage. It is fucking boring as shit and toxic to play against.
And the wankers joining in this massive wankfest with quest hunter, garotte rogue and quest DH - fuck you too.
I am here to bang. I am naked, wet and ready to interact - I don't want to watch you masterbate and be bored out of my fucking brain whilst you draw your entire deck. I am left unsatisfied and frustrated and it is your fucking fault.
So play a deck I can actually engage with or fuck off.
A stern reminder by the dear cancerous community of players that there is no place for non-combo decks in the meta. Took a libram paladin to complete my paladin quest, faced, in order: anacondra druid, otk demon hunter, and otk mage. Druid got on my turn 5 a board with 3 anacondras, a tirion, 2 treants, everything buffed by +2/+1. I would have instawon the game if i got broom or city tax to pair with lord barov. But no, let the enemy have the nuts. Game 2 went well, I pressured him and left him low. Only to be OTKd from hand, from full health, the following turn. Same with mage. Managed to pressure well and get them to 8 hp, while I was on full health thanks to my abundant healing. Guess what? I got bm'd (opponent played a lot of unnecessary cards), then proceded to kill me anyway for around 5-6 mana. From 30 health. Thank you for the cancer, the original game designers of hearthstone must be rolling in their graves if they saw this crap.
To all you fuckwits continuing to play fucking boring as fuck OTK decks - fuck you.
Jaina, I'm looking at you and all the c**** who wank off to quest mage. It is fucking boring as shit and toxic to play against.
And the wankers joining in this massive wankfest with quest hunter, garotte rogue and quest DH - fuck you too.
I am here to bang. I am naked, wet and ready to interact - I don't want to watch you masterbate and be bored out of my fucking brain whilst you draw your entire deck. I am left unsatisfied and frustrated and it is your fucking fault.
So play a deck I can actually engage with or fuck off.
best salt post evar
For once, I have to agree with you. This is beautiful.
And it really articulates how I feel about a lot of decks too.
Tell me Bli$$ard why do I have to earn my wins. Scratch and claw for everyone one. But for some reason anytime I play people with avatars you have to play with real money they are just given free wins? When they need that one card they get it? Or with they need to win a 50/50 or hell even 1/7 they always just some how get it every time? They draw perfect and if not the rng is always there to save there useless asses? I’d really like to know why that’s the case. And for the shill fags who say SAUCE!? Or do you have a study to back up your claim? Sure my study is fuck you. Get your nose out of the corrupt peoples assholes and think for yourself. OH BUT YOU SUBJECTIVE VIEWPOINT DOESNT COUNT! ITS BIASED! EXCEPT OURS BECAUSE WE SIDE WITH THE CORRECT VIEWPOINT! CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Go to hell you fucking cucks. And to those who aren’t brain dead retarded or lap dogs. You think Bli$$ard is bad now. Wait til after these court cases when it’s filled with diversity lol
Is the wild community actually retarded? I decided to queue Questline Paladin for fun, you know, to try something else than the usual warlock, hunter, warrior shit that everyone is spamming. Every single game I'm emoted and they act like they're so superior. Yeah, you're playing a brainless T1 deck while I'm playing an experimental deck
How the actual fuck do you have DAY 1 of your big new flashy duels hero that you're giving a ton of advertising space and NOT have his first treasure work right?! It's the first thing you test, surely?
Built a deck entirely around drawing it at the start of game as it says.
Start of Game: nothing happens. Weapon remains undrawn.
Fucking indie company.
Oh also I somehow drew the coin on turn 8 in one game and only then realised I never got it as I normally should have!?
OK, Blizzard. You made it. I have nearly zero interest in playing the ladder one day after the release of new cards both in standard and wild. There is no new stuff I want to try. Oh, and I am already bored of Merceneraies so if it is a ploy to make me play it - it failed.
How the actual fuck do you have DAY 1 of your big new flashy duels hero that you're giving a ton of advertising space and NOT have his first treasure work right?! It's the first thing you test, surely?
Built a deck entirely around drawing it at the start of game as it says.
Start of Game: nothing happens. Weapon remains undrawn.
Fucking indie company.
Oh also I somehow drew the coin on turn 8 in one game and only then realised I never got it as I normally should have!?
This happened to me in the Brawl the other day. The coin sound happened at the beginning of the game, but instead of giving me the coin it gently placed a random spell in my hand, instead of the coin.
I thought for a second if it was a part of the Brawl, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen before the patch.
I just want to play low tier trash decks in wild. I am low tier. Why is every second opponent a high-aggro pirate warrior that gets to finish his quest by turn 4, spawn 2-5 minions every turn with little chance of interruption in any way? I just hate this quest so much.
There should be a rule that you can't meet the same class like four times in a row. I'm sick of encountering only Questline Mages.
To all you fuckwits continuing to play fucking boring as fuck OTK decks - fuck you.
Jaina, I'm looking at you and all the c**** who wank off to quest mage. It is fucking boring as shit and toxic to play against.
And the wankers joining in this massive wankfest with quest hunter, garotte rogue and quest DH - fuck you too.
I am here to bang. I am naked, wet and ready to interact - I don't want to watch you masterbate and be bored out of my fucking brain whilst you draw your entire deck. I am left unsatisfied and frustrated and it is your fucking fault.
So play a deck I can actually engage with or fuck off.
best salt post evar
Whoever designed the Halloween brawl has to be hanged in public
I bet who designed this Tavern Brawl is a fucking nerd with no life whose only joy is to jerk off to dreadsteeds.
Start of the month reset is my least favorite part of Hearthstone. I much preferred when the high ranked players stayed up in their Ivory Towers.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
A stern reminder by the dear cancerous community of players that there is no place for non-combo decks in the meta. Took a libram paladin to complete my paladin quest, faced, in order: anacondra druid, otk demon hunter, and otk mage. Druid got on my turn 5 a board with 3 anacondras, a tirion, 2 treants, everything buffed by +2/+1. I would have instawon the game if i got broom or city tax to pair with lord barov. But no, let the enemy have the nuts. Game 2 went well, I pressured him and left him low. Only to be OTKd from hand, from full health, the following turn. Same with mage. Managed to pressure well and get them to 8 hp, while I was on full health thanks to my abundant healing. Guess what? I got bm'd (opponent played a lot of unnecessary cards), then proceded to kill me anyway for around 5-6 mana. From 30 health. Thank you for the cancer, the original game designers of hearthstone must be rolling in their graves if they saw this crap.
For once, I have to agree with you. This is beautiful.
And it really articulates how I feel about a lot of decks too.
Thanks, Plattypus.
Seriously. Fuck quest mage.
Tell me Bli$$ard why do I have to earn my wins. Scratch and claw for everyone one. But for some reason anytime I play people with avatars you have to play with real money they are just given free wins? When they need that one card they get it? Or with they need to win a 50/50 or hell even 1/7 they always just some how get it every time? They draw perfect and if not the rng is always there to save there useless asses? I’d really like to know why that’s the case. And for the shill fags who say SAUCE!? Or do you have a study to back up your claim? Sure my study is fuck you. Get your nose out of the corrupt peoples assholes and think for yourself. OH BUT YOU SUBJECTIVE VIEWPOINT DOESNT COUNT! ITS BIASED! EXCEPT OURS BECAUSE WE SIDE WITH THE CORRECT VIEWPOINT! CONSPIRACY THEORIST! Go to hell you fucking cucks. And to those who aren’t brain dead retarded or lap dogs. You think Bli$$ard is bad now. Wait til after these court cases when it’s filled with diversity lol
Is the wild community actually retarded? I decided to queue Questline Paladin for fun, you know, to try something else than the usual warlock, hunter, warrior shit that everyone is spamming. Every single game I'm emoted and they act like they're so superior. Yeah, you're playing a brainless T1 deck while I'm playing an experimental deck
How the actual fuck do you have DAY 1 of your big new flashy duels hero that you're giving a ton of advertising space and NOT have his first treasure work right?! It's the first thing you test, surely?
Built a deck entirely around drawing it at the start of game as it says.
Start of Game: nothing happens. Weapon remains undrawn.
Fucking indie company.
Oh also I somehow drew the coin on turn 8 in one game and only then realised I never got it as I normally should have!?
how come every time i face mage they have double fire sale in opening hand when im running Robes of Protection?
OK, Blizzard. You made it. I have nearly zero interest in playing the ladder one day after the release of new cards both in standard and wild. There is no new stuff I want to try. Oh, and I am already bored of Merceneraies so if it is a ploy to make me play it - it failed.
Go back to Wild after a week or so of playing Mercenaries, now that the mini set is out.
Queue into nothing but Pirate Quest Warriors and Odd Quest Hunters.
Yeah, I’ll give it a miss, ta.
This happened to me in the Brawl the other day. The coin sound happened at the beginning of the game, but instead of giving me the coin it gently placed a random spell in my hand, instead of the coin.
I thought for a second if it was a part of the Brawl, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen before the patch.
So many bugs... sheesh.
A quest listing 5 classes to complete, including mage. No progress after 2 mage games. Can't you do anything right blizzard?
Can they get rid of Evolve Shaman already? The most annoying RNG-based, game-cheating deck ever. Christ.