Imagine playing different decks in a format with so many useful cards in the pool. Clearly there's no mode where you can explore what this game has to offer. Not even in casual because people are competitive everywhere. No problem, losers, I will just uninstall the game and start doing productive shit so I can laugh at you living with your mom in your 30s while earning the minimum wage. Can't wait to hear someone bragging they got top legend with the most broken deck in the format while failing the real life. I will enjoy my time laughing at these people just like they enjoy emoting whenever they get Tavish on 5 and think they succeded something in their pathetic life.
Finally found something even less worthy of being considered human than quest mage...
Quest mage with Gadgetzan Auctioneer if you happen to Mutanus the quest reward they of course rushed in with no strategy whatsoever.
Seriously, we already had priest as the obnoxious terrible class, why make an obnoxious terrible class even a blind-deaf armadillo wiwth its paws severed could pilot to legend?
Nerf fucking apprentice already my fucking god how many more years bli$$ard!? Year after year degenerate otk degenerate otk I’m sick of the helmet solitaire players in this game let along that stupid fucking card that is always at the center of this shit
I roll into bronze 10 this month just wanting to try out a fun deck I made - nope... first game is odd quest hunter. And second game.
I don't understand how people are expected to contest this. Unless you have unlimited healing in your deck, the only option is to try and race them... and how can you race that? You don't.
The only smart play is not to play. This is ridiculous.
Exactly. Beyond the mountain of things broken or retarded in this game from a fun or strategy game design perspective.....
Card draw and manacheating is certainly at the top of the list. This game is now in an eternally unfixable hot garbage state. The best move for us is to simply un-install this clownfiesta trash and move on to something else worthwhile of our time.
Only heavily mouthbreathing chinbeards and the most retarded ADD children would find this game any fun in this state.
Garrote rogue really makes standard feels bad. I already hate playing wild because of facing the same decks, now garrote rogue is everywhere I play. Time to play mercenaries I guess.
everyone 2nd game there is a clown roping on quest mage/aggro druid (the 2 deck that exists in standard), its actually insane how fucking retarded inbred subhumans you can be while playing the same deck for 200+ game
Player base sucks... it's just incredible how a fun game can be taken to the ground by the players and the incompetence of the developers to properly balancing it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Uninstalled and never looking back. This game is pure fucking scum trash. Wild is beyond fixing at this point as the questlines have taken over. Nothing but brain dead kiddie shit.
Standard is still that frustrating and uninteractive garbage like when I left it a month ago. Came back with renewed hopes but after a few hours I've seen enough.
It's astounding that this terrible gaming experience is intended - it's truly a shame.
I feel the same after leaving for a year and a half. Left during AoO and came back to this shit. But they've managed not to fuck up duels as much as constructed and that's been fun.
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So we have pirate warrior, questline hunter and evenlock. Play anything else and you lose. So much diversity in wild. Great mode!
It's fine as long as they don't Tavish you on 5. But what do my opponents do? You guessed right, Tavish always on 5.
Imagine playing different decks in a format with so many useful cards in the pool. Clearly there's no mode where you can explore what this game has to offer. Not even in casual because people are competitive everywhere. No problem, losers, I will just uninstall the game and start doing productive shit so I can laugh at you living with your mom in your 30s while earning the minimum wage. Can't wait to hear someone bragging they got top legend with the most broken deck in the format while failing the real life. I will enjoy my time laughing at these people just like they enjoy emoting whenever they get Tavish on 5 and think they succeded something in their pathetic life.
Reno decks are inconsistent KAPPPPPAAAA
Finally found something even less worthy of being considered human than quest mage...
Quest mage with Gadgetzan Auctioneer if you happen to Mutanus the quest reward they of course rushed in with no strategy whatsoever.
Seriously, we already had priest as the obnoxious terrible class, why make an obnoxious terrible class even a blind-deaf armadillo wiwth its paws severed could pilot to legend?
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
I´m tired of pretending boar priest it´s fun, it´s not, just as dumb as other non-interactive bullshit
Nerf fucking apprentice already my fucking god how many more years bli$$ard!? Year after year degenerate otk degenerate otk I’m sick of the helmet solitaire players in this game let along that stupid fucking card that is always at the center of this shit
Remind me never to fucking touch wild ever again.
I roll into bronze 10 this month just wanting to try out a fun deck I made - nope... first game is odd quest hunter. And second game.
I don't understand how people are expected to contest this. Unless you have unlimited healing in your deck, the only option is to try and race them... and how can you race that? You don't.
The only smart play is not to play. This is ridiculous.
If your turn takes so long that it runs 25 seconds into my turn, suck my ten inch dick.
Well, this Paladin named Jin wished my mother cancer for beating him with an off meta, non net deck Priest deck.
aggro druid players are orphans
I don't care if it's lower in popularity, that bullshit is still bullshit.
Exactly. Beyond the mountain of things broken or retarded in this game from a fun or strategy game design perspective.....
Card draw and manacheating is certainly at the top of the list. This game is now in an eternally unfixable hot garbage state. The best move for us is to simply un-install this clownfiesta trash and move on to something else worthwhile of our time.
Only heavily mouthbreathing chinbeards and the most retarded ADD children would find this game any fun in this state.
Garrote rogue really makes standard feels bad. I already hate playing wild because of facing the same decks, now garrote rogue is everywhere I play. Time to play mercenaries I guess.
everyone 2nd game there is a clown roping on quest mage/aggro druid (the 2 deck that exists in standard), its actually insane how fucking retarded inbred subhumans you can be while playing the same deck for 200+ game
Nope just don't play at all. Mercenaries is a money trap to substitute the lack of maintenance for the other formats
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Player base sucks... it's just incredible how a fun game can be taken to the ground by the players and the incompetence of the developers to properly balancing it.
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Uninstalled and never looking back. This game is pure fucking scum trash. Wild is beyond fixing at this point as the questlines have taken over. Nothing but brain dead kiddie shit.
Hearthstone fanboys are bottom tier pond scum.
I feel the same after leaving for a year and a half. Left during AoO and came back to this shit. But they've managed not to fuck up duels as much as constructed and that's been fun.