Fair decks still dont work in this meta. If your opponent is not dead by turn 8 you are going to die. in the last eight games i didnt play against a single quest deck that didnt finish their quest on 7 and win on 8. not a single one. 2 mages, 3 DH and then another mage. only two games i won were vs pirate warrior. a deck that has no mana cheat and no insta win quest, that didnt even finish before turn 8.
is there nobody that wants HS backl to a state where games last more than literally 7 turns?
Playing Battlegrounds and die in a fight where I have 10% chance to lose and 1.8% chance to be lethaled.
Get lethaled.
Take a break from the game.
Decide to play again and die in a fight where I have 97% chance of victory and 0.8% of being lethaled.
Get lethaled.
Lmao i cant bro
Can relate. Every week the top 4 in bg’s 5 times quest. First four times ez. But every single fucking week without fail. 5th place, 5th place, 5th place, 5th place. Going on 10 fucking games now. And it’ll either be shit hero choices, shit battle rng, shit drafting choices. It’s always fucking something. Snipe 1 in 7 so anything I have with avenge never gets a fucking single unit of value ever. I’m so tired of Bli$$ards egalitarianism god complex that’s in reality just a fucking money laundering scam. Bull fucking shit if players are good fucking reward them! Stop dragging down people with a fucking brain to the level of retards! Oh pay your rng tax or get fucked pleb. This use to be a competitive game. Don’t tell me this shit isnt rigged with everything they’ve hinted at. How my luck “suddenly” takes a turn for the worse when I play people who in bg’s can emote. Or anyone else in any other mode who have skins that you have to buy to obtain. When Pavel won worlds especially the way he won worlds. The writing really was on the wall.
Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.
This fucking Rogue deck has got to be nerfed or deleted. Every game they draw their entire deck by turn 6 or 7 and kill you. You can be at 30 health, it doesn't matter. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous. The amount of mana cheating and card draw they get is absurd.
I don't know what dipshit on Team 5 has such a hard-on for this class (e.g. Edwin Van Cleef lasting forever). But this has to change.
Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.
Try reno evenlock, seems to be performing exceedingly well against everything
Mage has a secret and two cost reducers in play. I burn face, leaving them at 2 with the hunter HP unused. I have 6 mana left. Play Zeph. get given FOUR burn spells and no secret hate.
Seriously, Zeph? what the everloving? You're supposed to give secret hate as a priority against potential ice blocks when there's lethal, right? You heap of tripe.
One of my biggest crafting regrets, so many bad options given.
Rigged ass fucking game! Wow my massive win streaks always suddenly turn into massive losing streak where my opponents turn into god and oh you have lethal!? Oh well too bad my solitaire deck will give me 12 free damage out of nowhere with one card! Super amazingly skilled players! Suck my dick Bli$$ard get sued into oblivion already
I just lost a game to that bullshit card Zephrys. My opponent got hex three times, rendering my res priest useless. Fucking uninspiring, easy winning, dumb garbage card. Fuck Zephrys. Been a while since I ALT+F4 that hard.
Good thing I can laugh at my own saltiness.
I could almost feel bad for you... if it weren't for the fact that you were playing Big Priest. Well deserved in my opinion.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
The moment I decide to play some midrange, my opponents suddenly switch from Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors to fucking Togwaggle Druids and Big priests. The, when I switch to my Renolock full of disruption, all I see are the same Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors from before. Fuck this shit.
The moment I decide to play some midrange, my opponents suddenly switch from Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors to fucking Togwaggle Druids and Big priests. The, when I switch to my Renolock full of disruption, all I see are the same Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors from before. Fuck this shit.
that is because the matchmaker is rigged......what is hilarious is that people still try to deny it.
Fancy playing hyper-aggro? Came up against decks with tech to shut me down about two minutes in. Switched to control and faced hyper-aggro that drew the nuts against me, whilst I’m desperately trying to find my tech to stay alive past turn 5. Then my other opponents seemed to have an answer to every single one of my threats.
Then there’s Ignite Mage that lets you sit and watch for 5 minutes whilst they play solitaire and blow you up.
Fucking infuriating. Guess I should be thankful QL Warlock is dead though.
I feel like I'm on a hot garbage losing streak to all kinds of decks. Quest mage, aggro druid, pirate warrior, celestial druid, garrote rogue.... no matter what deck I play it seems like I just lose.
I guess maybe I'm the problem. I am actually shit.
Oh, but quest mage is low tier, they say... well, what does that make me? This game isn't making me happy anymore...
Fair decks still dont work in this meta. If your opponent is not dead by turn 8 you are going to die. in the last eight games i didnt play against a single quest deck that didnt finish their quest on 7 and win on 8. not a single one. 2 mages, 3 DH and then another mage. only two games i won were vs pirate warrior. a deck that has no mana cheat and no insta win quest, that didnt even finish before turn 8.
is there nobody that wants HS backl to a state where games last more than literally 7 turns?
Playing Battlegrounds and die in a fight where I have 10% chance to lose and 1.8% chance to be lethaled.
Get lethaled.
Take a break from the game.
Decide to play again and die in a fight where I have 97% chance of victory and 0.8% of being lethaled.
Get lethaled.
Lmao i cant bro
Can relate. Every week the top 4 in bg’s 5 times quest. First four times ez. But every single fucking week without fail. 5th place, 5th place, 5th place, 5th place. Going on 10 fucking games now. And it’ll either be shit hero choices, shit battle rng, shit drafting choices. It’s always fucking something. Snipe 1 in 7 so anything I have with avenge never gets a fucking single unit of value ever. I’m so tired of Bli$$ards egalitarianism god complex that’s in reality just a fucking money laundering scam. Bull fucking shit if players are good fucking reward them! Stop dragging down people with a fucking brain to the level of retards! Oh pay your rng tax or get fucked pleb. This use to be a competitive game. Don’t tell me this shit isnt rigged with everything they’ve hinted at. How my luck “suddenly” takes a turn for the worse when I play people who in bg’s can emote. Or anyone else in any other mode who have skins that you have to buy to obtain. When Pavel won worlds especially the way he won worlds. The writing really was on the wall.
Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.
This fucking Rogue deck has got to be nerfed or deleted. Every game they draw their entire deck by turn 6 or 7 and kill you. You can be at 30 health, it doesn't matter. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous. The amount of mana cheating and card draw they get is absurd.
I don't know what dipshit on Team 5 has such a hard-on for this class (e.g. Edwin Van Cleef lasting forever). But this has to change.
Try reno evenlock, seems to be performing exceedingly well against everything
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Mage has a secret and two cost reducers in play. I burn face, leaving them at 2 with the hunter HP unused. I have 6 mana left. Play Zeph. get given FOUR burn spells and no secret hate.
Seriously, Zeph? what the everloving? You're supposed to give secret hate as a priority against potential ice blocks when there's lethal, right? You heap of tripe.
One of my biggest crafting regrets, so many bad options given.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Rigged ass fucking game! Wow my massive win streaks always suddenly turn into massive losing streak where my opponents turn into god and oh you have lethal!? Oh well too bad my solitaire deck will give me 12 free damage out of nowhere with one card! Super amazingly skilled players! Suck my dick Bli$$ard get sued into oblivion already
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
I could almost feel bad for you... if it weren't for the fact that you were playing Big Priest. Well deserved in my opinion.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
That moment when you are actually losing in value to a hyper aggro deck. Well done developers.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
The moment I decide to play some midrange, my opponents suddenly switch from Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors to fucking Togwaggle Druids and Big priests. The, when I switch to my Renolock full of disruption, all I see are the same Questline Hunters and Pirate Warriors from before. Fuck this shit.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
I miss the days when people played minions on this game... and less than 10 cards in a single turn.
Is there a way to fix the player base? So many people playing the same crap that is fashionable. Makes the game stale fast...
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
that is because the matchmaker is rigged......what is hilarious is that people still try to deny it.
Exactly the same issue today in Wild.
Fancy playing hyper-aggro? Came up against decks with tech to shut me down about two minutes in. Switched to control and faced hyper-aggro that drew the nuts against me, whilst I’m desperately trying to find my tech to stay alive past turn 5. Then my other opponents seemed to have an answer to every single one of my threats.
Then there’s Ignite Mage that lets you sit and watch for 5 minutes whilst they play solitaire and blow you up.
Fucking infuriating. Guess I should be thankful QL Warlock is dead though.
Is anyone actually having fun these days?
I feel like I'm on a hot garbage losing streak to all kinds of decks. Quest mage, aggro druid, pirate warrior, celestial druid, garrote rogue.... no matter what deck I play it seems like I just lose.
I guess maybe I'm the problem. I am actually shit.
Oh, but quest mage is low tier, they say... well, what does that make me? This game isn't making me happy anymore...
Queued 4 games. 2 pirate warriors and 2 questline hunters. How is it better than the Seed meta? That we have 2 classes instead of one? Fuck this game.