I'm sick and tired of people BM'ing and playing out every. single. card. Then pausing, oh and then roping, then finally use their lethal.
I'm having a lot of fun with the new expansion. But this is so unnecessary and annoying. It's not even like someone is AFK, not they deliberately stall the game and their lethal. F' you and your BM wanker.
Seriously has the game been in a worse state? We are at a point where you don't even play minions or interact with the board at all. It's not even Hearthstone anymore. Get fucked Blizzard.
OH-kay, just after I say that quest warlock is the lesser of two evils, I start running into a bunch of a more tempo focused variant. Yeah, quest warlock fucking sucks.
Are you lucky? No? Ok you don’t get easy wins. Do you pay bli$$ard real money? No? Ok no easy wins. You play cards then the rng reacts to your cards. Everything is a perfect discover. Everything is a perfect top deck. Everything is run by bli$$ard. You win when you are allowed to win. Plain and fucking simple period. Hearthstone is not a serious game. And should be blasted for pretending to be one. It’s just a fucking endless joke that never ends at this point. It’s all the same otk wombo combo bs that never stops. Where my opp can fuck themselves and the game will proceed to unfuck for them. Because god forbid the game before where if you were bad you were just that bad. Where now we have to give free wins to plebs because fuck putting any time or thought into anything you do. You people who put time into this game. Fuck you. You have a brain? Fuck you. You’ve been playing this game for years? Fuck you we don’t fucking care. We care about our god the dollar and whatever gets us that. Thanks for playing and again to our great customers fuck you
Warlock quest is fucking broken and un-interactive. It completely obliterates control decks, and someone smashes aggro as well. Hope they nerf the living hell out of that shitdeck.
This is a card I feel people haven't been complaining about enough. I've always just called it the "free 8" and played against demon hunter as if I have 9-11 less hp (depending on whether they play felosophy). But yeah, it feels like I'm never really safe from lethal vs dh, they're just gonna kill my taunt, then slap my face for 9 on turn 6-7.
What's really sad is that, in the current patch, deathrattle/inquisitor dh is a control deck. Questlines are basically combo decks, and even if they're nerfed Ticketus and Jaraxxus are still around. Because of how fast questlines are to complete, games can be expected to end before turn 10. Which means - considering their power spike timings and their matchups vs aggro shaman/hunter - decks that would have previously been considered midrange like deathrattle dh and the new handbuff paly, now have to be considered borderline control decks.
Well, that was fun. In arena, managed to outplay some guy's incredibly strong start, overcoming a significant disadvantage to take the board and come out ahead. Opponent then proceeds to topdeck Lady Prestor on an empty hand, then draw a five mana Deathwing followed by two Runaway Blackwings. If he'd played correctly, I'd have lost before Lady Prestor ever hit the field.
I fucking hate that Illidari Inquisitor. This fucking overpowered 9 face charge damage is fucking broken and frustrating me. Blizzard fucking nerfed charge cards all over the game and letting this shit lord to stay there ? should be 9 mana 7-7 maybe even 7-5 or something fucking shitfaced card.
I swear to fucking Christ I’m going to stream just to show how rigged this piece of garbage is. 100 percent not 99 but 100 percent of my loses are to rng discovers or top decks! Every single fucking one! And I’m fucking tired of it!
Idiot people complain about quest warlock&quest mage, but they can't see that paladin is #1 again xD Exactly same situation as before. We'll get bad nerfs because of those stupid people complains, and paladin will reach 70%+ WR. Open eyes fucking idiots.
Gonna just throw out my displeasure that Doom Hammer gives you 8 friggin swings. I know it’s not the cancer that some of these new cards are, but god damn, I just went from 26 to 0 in two turns. Everyone is crying about these Quests not even realizing that they are getting Smorc’d by Pally and Ele aggro buffs.
Losing to OTK/ Quest combos = Bad
Losing to Aggro Smorc = Acceptable
Stay weird Hearthstone.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
Idiot people complain about quest warlock&quest mage, but they can't see that paladin is #1 again xD Exactly same situation as before.
Quest Warlock and Mage are pretty damn powerful. Even if they weren't, it's no fun to play against them because it's almost impossible to stop them from doing their quest, so the game just feels like it's on a timer.
Part of the reason Paladin is #1 because it's aggressive and divine shields make their minions harder to remove with spells making it a good matchup vs Quest Warlock.
A big issue with nerfing Paladin though is that it's not just one or two cards that make it strong: The handbuffs go pretty nuts but those come from 3 different cards. Idk who thought it was a good idea to let Battleground Battlemaster exist, but they can still win pretty consistantly without it. The best way to nerf paladin would probably be through nerfing Cornelius and Varian - moreso Varian - but those two are neutral and I've enjoyed experimenting with Varian in other decks like a N'zoth warrior.
If I had to pick paladin cards, Goody Two Shields and Righteous Protector have felt a little too powerful since their inception, but therin lies the problem: Paladin's "flavour" is minions that are slightly more powerful than anyone else. This deck is basically "what happens when you take slightly overstatted minions and give them more stats?".
Gonna just throw out my displeasure that Doom Hammer gives you 8 friggin swings. ...
Losing to OTK/ Quest combos = Bad
Losing to Aggro Smorc = Acceptable
Doomhammer is pretty bullshit, but losing to it is partially on the player because it can be stopped. If you lose to aggro, it's a lot easier to accept. "Oh, I just had a bad mulligan", "I wish I could have drawn my cheap taunt", "Maybe I should run weapon removal". If you lose to a combo deck, especially before turn 10, it feels like there was nothing you could do. Because, there really isn't much you can do.
Your options are: 1) Abandon any hope of playing control. 2) Try running Mutanus/Vol'jin in hope that you will draw it and have enough mana for it before your opponent completes their quest, then hope that your opponent can't play their quest reward on the turn they get it, then pray to any god that will listen that the battlecry will randomly hit the quest reward. 3) Uninstall
I'm sick and tired of people BM'ing and playing out every. single. card. Then pausing, oh and then roping, then finally use their lethal.
I'm having a lot of fun with the new expansion. But this is so unnecessary and annoying. It's not even like someone is AFK, not they deliberately stall the game and their lethal. F' you and your BM wanker.
Seriously has the game been in a worse state? We are at a point where you don't even play minions or interact with the board at all. It's not even Hearthstone anymore. Get fucked Blizzard.
OH-kay, just after I say that quest warlock is the lesser of two evils, I start running into a bunch of a more tempo focused variant. Yeah, quest warlock fucking sucks.
Cards that need to be HOF'ed immediately:
Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Ice Barrier
Sooooooo sick of these 2 freaking cards that have been around in STANDARD since the dawn of HS.
Are you lucky? No? Ok you don’t get easy wins. Do you pay bli$$ard real money? No? Ok no easy wins. You play cards then the rng reacts to your cards. Everything is a perfect discover. Everything is a perfect top deck. Everything is run by bli$$ard. You win when you are allowed to win. Plain and fucking simple period. Hearthstone is not a serious game. And should be blasted for pretending to be one. It’s just a fucking endless joke that never ends at this point. It’s all the same otk wombo combo bs that never stops. Where my opp can fuck themselves and the game will proceed to unfuck for them. Because god forbid the game before where if you were bad you were just that bad. Where now we have to give free wins to plebs because fuck putting any time or thought into anything you do. You people who put time into this game. Fuck you. You have a brain? Fuck you. You’ve been playing this game for years? Fuck you we don’t fucking care. We care about our god the dollar and whatever gets us that. Thanks for playing and again to our great customers fuck you
Yep. Illidari Inqusitior is still BROKEN AS SHIT.
And so is Paladin... again. Sigh.
Nop it hasent blizzard are becoming more and more retarded.
Warlock quest is fucking broken and un-interactive. It completely obliterates control decks, and someone smashes aggro as well. Hope they nerf the living hell out of that shitdeck.
This is a card I feel people haven't been complaining about enough.
I've always just called it the "free 8" and played against demon hunter as if I have 9-11 less hp (depending on whether they play felosophy). But yeah, it feels like I'm never really safe from lethal vs dh, they're just gonna kill my taunt, then slap my face for 9 on turn 6-7.
What's really sad is that, in the current patch, deathrattle/inquisitor dh is a control deck.
Questlines are basically combo decks, and even if they're nerfed Ticketus and Jaraxxus are still around. Because of how fast questlines are to complete, games can be expected to end before turn 10. Which means - considering their power spike timings and their matchups vs aggro shaman/hunter - decks that would have previously been considered midrange like deathrattle dh and the new handbuff paly, now have to be considered borderline control decks.
Fucking Warlock just healed for a 50 fucking health points in the last game I played.
Fuck the retard discard facefucking mongol crap horseshit hoerejong kutlijers.
Zo, ben ik er weer vanaf
Fuck ques warlock and quest mage and fuck illidari inquisitor. What was blizzard thinking? Stupid company
Well, that was fun. In arena, managed to outplay some guy's incredibly strong start, overcoming a significant disadvantage to take the board and come out ahead. Opponent then proceeds to topdeck Lady Prestor on an empty hand, then draw a five mana Deathwing followed by two Runaway Blackwings. If he'd played correctly, I'd have lost before Lady Prestor ever hit the field.
I fucking hate that Illidari Inquisitor. This fucking overpowered 9 face charge damage is fucking broken and frustrating me. Blizzard fucking nerfed charge cards all over the game and letting this shit lord to stay there ? should be 9 mana 7-7 maybe even 7-5 or something fucking shitfaced card.
I swear to fucking Christ I’m going to stream just to show how rigged this piece of garbage is. 100 percent not 99 but 100 percent of my loses are to rng discovers or top decks! Every single fucking one! And I’m fucking tired of it!
Idiot people complain about quest warlock&quest mage, but they can't see that paladin is #1 again xD Exactly same situation as before.
We'll get bad nerfs because of those stupid people complains, and paladin will reach 70%+ WR.
Open eyes fucking idiots.
Gonna just throw out my displeasure that Doom Hammer gives you 8 friggin swings. I know it’s not the cancer that some of these new cards are, but god damn, I just went from 26 to 0 in two turns. Everyone is crying about these Quests not even realizing that they are getting Smorc’d by Pally and Ele aggro buffs.
Losing to OTK/ Quest combos = Bad
Losing to Aggro Smorc = Acceptable
Stay weird Hearthstone.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
Quest Warlock and Mage are pretty damn powerful.
Even if they weren't, it's no fun to play against them because it's almost impossible to stop them from doing their quest, so the game just feels like it's on a timer.
Part of the reason Paladin is #1 because it's aggressive and divine shields make their minions harder to remove with spells making it a good matchup vs Quest Warlock.
A big issue with nerfing Paladin though is that it's not just one or two cards that make it strong:
The handbuffs go pretty nuts but those come from 3 different cards. Idk who thought it was a good idea to let Battleground Battlemaster exist, but they can still win pretty consistantly without it. The best way to nerf paladin would probably be through nerfing Cornelius and Varian - moreso Varian - but those two are neutral and I've enjoyed experimenting with Varian in other decks like a N'zoth warrior.
If I had to pick paladin cards, Goody Two Shields and Righteous Protector have felt a little too powerful since their inception, but therin lies the problem: Paladin's "flavour" is minions that are slightly more powerful than anyone else. This deck is basically "what happens when you take slightly overstatted minions and give them more stats?".
Doomhammer is pretty bullshit, but losing to it is partially on the player because it can be stopped.
If you lose to aggro, it's a lot easier to accept. "Oh, I just had a bad mulligan", "I wish I could have drawn my cheap taunt", "Maybe I should run weapon removal".
If you lose to a combo deck, especially before turn 10, it feels like there was nothing you could do. Because, there really isn't much you can do.
Your options are:
1) Abandon any hope of playing control.
2) Try running Mutanus/Vol'jin in hope that you will draw it and have enough mana for it before your opponent completes their quest, then hope that your opponent can't play their quest reward on the turn they get it, then pray to any god that will listen that the battlecry will randomly hit the quest reward.
3) Uninstall