At my in-law’s house for vacation this week, stuck with their shitty internet service. Update has been downloading on my iPad for 13 HOURS at this point. JFC.
I’m so fucking tired of Hearthstone. There are decks that I love to play with. Legendary cards that I love to use. But if they didn’t release w the most recent expansion then they’re basically useless. Every expansion fucks up my decks. I’m slaying one minute, and getting absolutely destroyed the next. You either drop 100$ and adapt, or you get slain for a month and then adapt.
Yea this might be my last expansion. It’s frustrating spending $80 for the expansion and $20 for the battle pass and saving 8k to 9k gold every expansion to still not have every card. It’s beyond frustrating and starting to become too expensive. All my friends have dropped the game looks like im finally right behind them smh
Is it just me or are the traded cards always put on top? Shouldn't they be shuffled in?
Lol, the trade mechanic.
Why are you spending 1 mana on exchanging a card when you should be spending it SMORCING THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR OPPONENT'S FACE?!
God, I hate this game sometimes. I just want to have fun and play cards, but it's just this race and no amount of "control" cards can slow it down.
Either get in the fast lane or get off the highway, I guess?
Yeah, I just dusted all my cards, crafted new ones, dusted again until I had 0 cards and zero dust. I nevr want to touch this game again, it's pointless since the developers clearly have no clue what they are doing. It will never be anywhere near good again. And i'm too stupid to understand that when a new expansion are arriving so I'm spending money again and again. Never again. Worst developers I've ever seen.
new expansion is so much fun. will the game end on turn 4, on turn 5 or on turn 6? you never know! sometimes it even takes 7 turns, but i feel like this is very rare nowadays. finally we can enjoy the game it was meant to be played: 3 minutes or less while not having to interact with your opponent at all. it's just who draws his crazy broken win condition faster.
Ok, after another day of standard HS (i tried it out again cause it looked promising) i can say for certain that this is the most atrocious expansion they have made in the games history. Like, what were they thinking at all? 75% of the decks is solitaire combo bullshit that just kills you from hand when they scrape their shit together. What in the hell is the fun in watching someone play their own game, match after match after match.... imho anyone that thinks this is a good expansion is not right in the head, or they just enjoy watching people play a solo game for hours on end.
The new Quest Mage is pure shitfest. Fucking finish the quest on turn 6 and snowball your opponent in one turn. Good job Blizzard for yet another bullshit you've come up with again...
I'm done for today. Met 4 those cunts in a row, obviously lost against all of them.
Mage is just stupid right now. They finish their quest by turn 6 every time. My last game I died from 30 health against a mage with 8 mana. Cmon, this is not fun. 0 cost cram session together with incanters flow drawing 4 cards is not balanced. Spell damage +3 for rest of the game, did the devs not know how powerful this is going to be? :/
I'm so sick of losing to players who are literally actual garbage players playing broken decks and winning because they high roll.
Tried out Celestial Druid, lost to a hunter who had the foresight to got lucky enough to grab Nagrand Slam and hit me with it. In his fucking QUEST DECK.
Then I dealt with eight hundred shitty quest mage players.
A bunch of DH OTK players (how has this not been nerfed in the past fucking YEAR???)
Then the handbuff paladins, which is an insanely overtuned deck. (Oh hey Runthakk at 5/8 ON CURVE)
There's so much broken shit right now and it's going to take them weeks, and they'll probably be overcautious and just nerf Auctioneer or something.
Mage is just stupid right now. They finish their quest by turn 6 every time. My last game I died from 30 health against a mage with 8 mana. Cmon, this is not fun. 0 cost cram session together with incanters flow drawing 4 cards is not balanced. Spell damage +3 for rest of the game, did the devs not know how powerful this is going to be? :/
That's funny since most people here and elsewhere called the mage quest garbage and said it needed at least spell damage +5 to be viable.
I've calmed down a bit and given some thought to how I feel about questlines. Note, this is all the opinion of a control player and comes from just 2 days with the expansion (plus the theory streams). Also note this is only about questlines and their associated decks, there are strong smorc decks that don't rely on questlines:
Traditionally, quests have been weak to aggro because they give up their turn 1 and a card in their starting mulligan, then proceed to focus on doing the quest instead of survival/tempo things. That's still kind of true, but the requirements for the questlines don't feel as steep, and the step-rewards really help make up for those costs. Some of the step-rewards are powerful to the point that quest druid and warrior are basically aggro decks themselves.
Quest Warlock and Mage still play like combo decks, making them good vs control but pretty weak to aggro. However, both classes also have absurd amounts of card draw and both questlines allow that card draw to contribute to their quests, so their "combos" feel like they come out way too early. I feel warlock is the lesser of the two evils because it has a much harder time vs aggro than mage, but they both hard-counter any attempt to play control.
Quest priest feels the most like a traditional quest-combo deck and of the 3, it's the one I'm least frustrated with, but I'm still not a huge fan of single "win the game" cards. Otks can be fine, shirvallah otk had some interesting interactions, mechathun otk was pretty cool imo, even the other two incarnations of C'thun had buildup, but the priest one just requires 1 card which feels kinda shitty.
Honestly, I was expecting quest hunter and pally to be oppressive considering the hunter's similarities to Raza + Shadowreaper and the power of Baku pally. I don't own either of those questlines and both decks disappeared pretty quickly, so I can't say why they failed but I guess they were a little too slow. The quest rewards for these two are still pretty obscene, so if we somehow end up in a less aggressive meta, these two will probably become pretty relevant.
Rogue and Shaman questlines feel like their respective Galakronds to me: Rogue is just rogue but has even more cheap high-value cards than usual with a big value payoff at the end. Shaman is just shaman but with more swing turns. Rogue questline is by far the stronger of the two, the constant value generation tied to minions with vilespine-2.0 and randomly generated sap-2.0 getting rid of any pesky taunts that may slow them down, quest rogue tries to just shut you out entirely. They're probably the most "singleplayer" of the questlines, at least mage and warlock have the decency to kill you with their quest rewards.
Last, and arguably least (also the only one I unpacked because rng hates me) is DH questline. This one is weird, I would expect it to be good with Il'gynoth but I guess that deck already has to spend a lot of mana on controlling the board and staying alive so they can't afford to spend 5 mana on the reward. I've seen it played with that new boar minion, but ultimately, it's been largely unsuccessful.
That's all the questlines, but some other notes: As I said earlier Mage, Warlock and Priest can't handle aggro well. Quest Mage also has only 1 frost spell that doesn't require a minion to target, in certain scenarios, you might be able to use this to buy yourself a turn, but don't rely on it. They can still burn you down and generate their own minions with studies and apexis blast. Spell-burn decks like shadow priest, quest hunter and - ironically - quest warlock and mage, can best take advantage of quest mage requiring a minion to target. Since all quest rewards are battlecry minions, Mutanus and Vol'jin can potentially destroy them and Illucia, Stelina and Glide can screw with them, though smart players may realize this and try to play the reward on the turn they complete the quest. Edit, while I'm listing questline weaknesses, popping divine shield doesn't count as "damage" for hunter quest.
Abadi-abadi-That's all folks. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, now go out there and play some aggrostone while I find a corner to cry in.
At my in-law’s house for vacation this week, stuck with their shitty internet service. Update has been downloading on my iPad for 13 HOURS at this point. JFC.
I’m so fucking tired of Hearthstone. There are decks that I love to play with. Legendary cards that I love to use. But if they didn’t release w the most recent expansion then they’re basically useless. Every expansion fucks up my decks. I’m slaying one minute, and getting absolutely destroyed the next. You either drop 100$ and adapt, or you get slain for a month and then adapt.
Quest warlock, mage and druid, nothing else. I played like 20-30 games and only against this 3 decks. Are U guys clones?
Is it just me or are the traded cards always put on top? Shouldn't they be shuffled in?
Yea this might be my last expansion. It’s frustrating spending $80 for the expansion and $20 for the battle pass and saving 8k to 9k gold every expansion to still not have every card. It’s beyond frustrating and starting to become too expensive. All my friends have dropped the game looks like im finally right behind them smh
Lol, the trade mechanic.
Why are you spending 1 mana on exchanging a card when you should be spending it SMORCING THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR OPPONENT'S FACE?!
God, I hate this game sometimes. I just want to have fun and play cards, but it's just this race and no amount of "control" cards can slow it down.
Either get in the fast lane or get off the highway, I guess?
Yeah, I just dusted all my cards, crafted new ones, dusted again until I had 0 cards and zero dust. I nevr want to touch this game again, it's pointless since the developers clearly have no clue what they are doing. It will never be anywhere near good again. And i'm too stupid to understand that when a new expansion are arriving so I'm spending money again and again. Never again. Worst developers I've ever seen.
Oh boy, another quest mage, I wonder if I'll survive to turn 8.
Probably not.
Does it matter that I have 2 breadbakers and 2 death's head cultists in my deck?

Not to quest mage.
edit: Yuuup, there's that turn 6 quest reward.
Seems reasonable to me.
It's satisfying to get a mutanus to hit an opponent's quest reward, but these questlines feel way too oppressive right now.
new expansion is so much fun. will the game end on turn 4, on turn 5 or on turn 6? you never know! sometimes it even takes 7 turns, but i feel like this is very rare nowadays. finally we can enjoy the game it was meant to be played: 3 minutes or less while not having to interact with your opponent at all. it's just who draws his crazy broken win condition faster.
Why is every quest deck straight up gay solo play? I want to play hearthstone, not watch you beat off.
Anyone else sick and tired of all the bugs?
Like how many times do i have to restart the game to play a game of bgs tonight?
Good lord fix your game.
Ok, after another day of standard HS (i tried it out again cause it looked promising) i can say for certain that this is the most atrocious expansion they have made in the games history. Like, what were they thinking at all? 75% of the decks is solitaire combo bullshit that just kills you from hand when they scrape their shit together.
What in the hell is the fun in watching someone play their own game, match after match after match.... imho anyone that thinks this is a good expansion is not right in the head, or they just enjoy watching people play a solo game for hours on end.
The new Quest Mage is pure shitfest. Fucking finish the quest on turn 6 and snowball your opponent in one turn. Good job Blizzard for yet another bullshit you've come up with again...
I'm done for today. Met 4 those cunts in a row, obviously lost against all of them.
Mage is just stupid right now. They finish their quest by turn 6 every time. My last game I died from 30 health against a mage with 8 mana. Cmon, this is not fun. 0 cost cram session together with incanters flow drawing 4 cards is not balanced. Spell damage +3 for rest of the game, did the devs not know how powerful this is going to be? :/
I'm so sick of losing to players who are literally actual garbage players playing broken decks and winning because they high roll.
Tried out Celestial Druid, lost to a hunter who had the foresight to got lucky enough to grab Nagrand Slam and hit me with it. In his fucking QUEST DECK.
Then I dealt with eight hundred shitty quest mage players.
A bunch of DH OTK players (how has this not been nerfed in the past fucking YEAR???)
Then the handbuff paladins, which is an insanely overtuned deck. (Oh hey Runthakk at 5/8 ON CURVE)
There's so much broken shit right now and it's going to take them weeks, and they'll probably be overcautious and just nerf Auctioneer or something.
That's funny since most people here and elsewhere called the mage quest garbage and said it needed at least spell damage +5 to be viable.
Wow really, haha thats crazy. I was terrified when I heard about it but I found another broken deck that eat those mages for breakfast. Quest druid.
I've calmed down a bit and given some thought to how I feel about questlines.
Note, this is all the opinion of a control player and comes from just 2 days with the expansion (plus the theory streams). Also note this is only about questlines and their associated decks, there are strong
smorcdecksthat don't rely on questlines:Traditionally, quests have been weak to aggro because they give up their turn 1 and a card in their starting mulligan, then proceed to focus on doing the quest instead of survival/tempo things.
That's still kind of true, but the requirements for the questlines don't feel as steep, and the step-rewards really help make up for those costs. Some of the step-rewards are powerful to the point that quest druid and warrior are basically aggro decks themselves.
Quest Warlock and Mage still play like combo decks, making them good vs control but pretty weak to aggro. However, both classes also have absurd amounts of card draw and both questlines allow that card draw to contribute to their quests, so their "combos" feel like they come out way too early. I feel warlock is the lesser of the two evils because it has a much harder time vs aggro than mage, but they both hard-counter any attempt to play control.
Quest priest feels the most like a traditional quest-combo deck and of the 3, it's the one I'm least frustrated with, but I'm still not a huge fan of single "win the game" cards. Otks can be fine, shirvallah otk had some interesting interactions, mechathun otk was pretty cool imo, even the other two incarnations of C'thun had buildup, but the priest one just requires 1 card which feels kinda shitty.
Honestly, I was expecting quest hunter and pally to be oppressive considering the hunter's similarities to Raza + Shadowreaper and the power of Baku pally. I don't own either of those questlines and both decks disappeared pretty quickly, so I can't say why they failed but I guess they were a little too slow. The quest rewards for these two are still pretty obscene, so if we somehow end up in a less aggressive meta, these two will probably become pretty relevant.
Rogue and Shaman questlines feel like their respective Galakronds to me: Rogue is just rogue but has even more cheap high-value cards than usual with a big value payoff at the end. Shaman is just shaman but with more swing turns. Rogue questline is by far the stronger of the two, the constant value generation tied to minions with vilespine-2.0 and randomly generated sap-2.0 getting rid of any pesky taunts that may slow them down, quest rogue tries to just shut you out entirely. They're probably the most "singleplayer" of the questlines, at least mage and warlock have the decency to kill you with their quest rewards.
Last, and arguably least (also the only one I unpacked because rng hates me) is DH questline. This one is weird, I would expect it to be good with Il'gynoth but I guess that deck already has to spend a lot of mana on controlling the board and staying alive so they can't afford to spend 5 mana on the reward. I've seen it played with that new boar minion, but ultimately, it's been largely unsuccessful.
That's all the questlines, but some other notes: As I said earlier Mage, Warlock and Priest can't handle aggro well. Quest Mage also has only 1 frost spell that doesn't require a minion to target, in certain scenarios, you might be able to use this to buy yourself a turn, but don't rely on it. They can still burn you down and generate their own minions with studies and apexis blast. Spell-burn decks like shadow priest, quest hunter and - ironically - quest warlock and mage, can best take advantage of quest mage requiring a minion to target.
Since all quest rewards are battlecry minions, Mutanus and Vol'jin can potentially destroy them and Illucia, Stelina and Glide can screw with them, though smart players may realize this and try to play the reward on the turn they complete the quest.
Edit, while I'm listing questline weaknesses, popping divine shield doesn't count as "damage" for hunter quest.
Abadi-abadi-That's all folks. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, now go out there and play some aggrostone while I find a corner to cry in.