Log into hearthstone. Play bg’s. Predict every fight and swing perfectly cuz it’s laughably predictable now. Get 5th place. Log out. No point in playing hearthstone in anyway shape or form anymore aside from habit. You pay your rng tax? No? Ok no tops for you! Have fun with with your trash worst possible choices, worst fight rng and everything inbetween on the other modes as well. And this is seen by the masses as a good game lol
Fucking Celestial Alignment decks. Why do they create such cards. Druids always get only retarded decks. Not only that it sucks to play gainst such stupid decks...also, how am i supposed to get 1000 wins with druid, when they only get such 0 gameplay fun decks. I have on all classes 1000 -3000 wins. But druid around 200. Since HS vanilla druids only get the retarded bullshit. Half of their themes failed concepts and then they are stuck with punk shit decks.
Just lost to a spell mage who got Alura off Apexis Blast, spellburst into Refreshing Spring Water for another 4 mana and another 4-cost Apexis Blast for lethal. Just utter bullshit.
Just played against 6th odd warrior in two days who only ropes and hero powers... common man, i just want to enjoy playing a game. These selfish people should burn in hell.
Battlegrounds is so disgustingly rigged. Once you hit your predetermined MMR bracket the rolls just ebb out. Terrible rolls, predetermined fights that you are determined to lose, terrible tier discoveries you name it.
Its so sad you can detect this system by "cheating" it. Concede a lot of games and suddenly your "luck" increases.
I want to punch a blizzard employee in the face for this. Thank fuck I stopped spending money.
I kinda get bad sportsmanship when you lose (I don't practice this myself), but why oh why - when you have lethal in your hand you first wait 40-50 seconds, then first play cards that don't matter and then use the final card that gets the kill... Can somebody please explain me what's the thought behind such plays? I won't judge. Just genuinely interested what makes somebody think playing like this is OK.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I kinda get bad sportsmanship when you lose (I don't practice this myself), but why oh why - when you have lethal in your hand you first wait 40-50 seconds, then first play cards that don't matter and then use the final card that gets the kill... Can somebody please explain me what's the thought behind such plays? I won't judge. Just genuinely interested what makes somebody think playing like this is OK.
I won't defend BMing, just a thought on the issue: Sometimes you don't see the lethal until you've already played different stuff. Definitely happens, especially when you're in an elaborate thought process about what could happen (like the 40-50 seconds suggest). Sometimes you just don't see the forest through all the trees. (Is that an actual saying in English? In my native language it is.)
The only other instances where I would play non-lethal cards first, is when either it's something memeish and cool, or if I want to show that I would have probably won without the topdecked burn damage anyway. But in those cases I try to do it fast and definitely wouldn't wait half a minute.
Why is Priest allowed to cheat 20 mana in hero power in one turn?
Also screw this retarded "tech" cards that do nothing. Priest plays Zephrys discovers Tirion and Seances Zeph. Of course me playing shit ton of tech against big priests, taunt druids, combo decks like Rat and Deathlord, plays Rat - sure it pulls Tirion from his 2 minion stupid hand. "PlaY diRtY RaT" yeah useless tech so you can win easier because I don't play actual card.
Make Dirty Rat discover from hand!!!!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
1. Person playing battlecry elementals (cool, unusual deck) that runs Hex, against my rez priest (I agree that it's an awful deck to play against, but honestly I don't enjoy many wild priest decks). Honestly, it's pretty triggering to see someone run a card like Hex these days when Devolving Missiles exists. 2. Person playing what I can only assume was all-legendary mage (cool, unusual deck). Proceeds to get turn 2 Arugal (ugh, super card advantage) into turn 4 coin Loatheb to basically shut me out due to, y'know, rez priest having almost all spells. Nice specific card to draw there. 3. Completely standard murlocs, because why not have an entirely standard deck in wild.
And to top it off, person number 5 - who ended up being pretty easy - seemed to just type 'secret' into their hunter deck search bar, and select everything. Because that's a good way to build a deck. Ironically they never played a Frost Trap against me, despite the fact that it would've ruined my turn 5 Colossus of the Moon.
Edit: zomg, swapped over to Battlegrounds to get progress towards that weekly. Gotta love the hamsters that stay on tier 1 when they really shouldn't. A Y'Shaarj staying on tier 1 on turn 2 because... woo, gotta get that sweet sweet 2 mana 1 drop, instead of pushing tavern tiers to get actual good minions. But what do I know. >.>
Paladins everywhere on diamond. The only time I've gotten legend was with pally so I wanted to have fun, climb and try to make legend with a different class. So I try deathrattle demon hunter, primordial druid, rush warrior, and control warrior (don't have Rinling's rifle so havent tried face hunter); all steam rolled by paladins. The moral of the story is if you want to play in diamond and win on consistent basis, there is only one class. If you can't beat them, join them.
Everytime I play Soul DH against Control Warlock, they draw all their Taunts perfectly on time, then I discover Glide from Illidari Studies to reshuffle Y'Shaarj, the Defiler back into their deck and they proceed skillfully topdecking him back.
Managed to get Quel'delar as hunter and at 9 I'm already hoping to get to 12 wins for once.
Then warlock topdecks Gluttinous Ooze ruining half my swings, then proceeds to beat the crap out of me because I can't draw a deathrattle even if I paid for it.
Mage will more than likely be the reason I end up taking a break from standard for awhile. The RSW “nerf” was laughable at best. All you can do is sit back & watch as they draw their entire deck by turn 8 or 9, then emote as they mindlessly throw everything at face. The deck is essentially “how many masks of cthuns can you discover.” The deck could more than likely be piloted by a garage door opener. There‘s a reason why it’s the most played deck across all ranks right now. And that is because you can alt/tab in between turns & still win the majority of your games. I miss the days when there were actual decisions to be made with most decks.
*Draw* *Draw* *Draw* *Mask of Cthun* *Fireball* *Fireball*.....”Well Played” “My magic will tear you apart.”
This game is rigged get it boys finally!!! I have never ever seen anyone maindecking Subdue, but in my game, my opponent was! So basically I was playing mine Reno Druid and run N'Zoth so of course I run Deathlord. Paladin plays Shotbot I coin out with hesitation my Deathlord. Surprise! He runs Subdue in main and he was not Reno, just random cards.
Yeah sure "Not rigged" lol ok.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
This game is rigged get it boys finally!!! I have never ever seen anyone maindecking Subdue, but in my game, my opponent was! So basically I was playing mine Reno Druid and run N'Zoth so of course I run Deathlord. Paladin plays Shotbot I coin out with hesitation my Deathlord. Surprise! He runs Subdue in main and he was not Reno, just random cards.
Playing Corrupt Priest against Libram Paladin. Have a pretty heavy hand, with Yogg and two clowns, work my way through spells to get to 10 and corrupt my clowns. Feeling like I've got a good chance.
He plays a secret with a Taelan (no DS) and two Northwatch Commandos on board. I've hit one OMY already, so decide to risk a Soul Mirror, figuring I've got a chance for Flamestrike, Expendable Performers, Mask of Cthun, hell even a commencement or Cycle of Hatred wouldn't be awful. But no, I get Celestial Alignment, totally destroying my plan.
Next turn, I draw Xanesh. Back on the plan!
Two turns later, I play Yogg into Puzzle Box into... Celestial Alignment.
Log into hearthstone. Play bg’s. Predict every fight and swing perfectly cuz it’s laughably predictable now. Get 5th place. Log out. No point in playing hearthstone in anyway shape or form anymore aside from habit. You pay your rng tax? No? Ok no tops for you! Have fun with with your trash worst possible choices, worst fight rng and everything inbetween on the other modes as well. And this is seen by the masses as a good game lol
D1 last 15 games ..... paladin or hunter. FUUUUUUU*K. Yeah, when i play like sh*t, just take one of those to get higher....
Why does all paladins have the secret weapon at turn 2?
Fucking Celestial Alignment decks. Why do they create such cards. Druids always get only retarded decks. Not only that it sucks to play gainst such stupid decks...also, how am i supposed to get 1000 wins with druid, when they only get such 0 gameplay fun decks. I have on all classes 1000 -3000 wins. But druid around 200. Since HS vanilla druids only get the retarded bullshit. Half of their themes failed concepts and then they are stuck with punk shit decks.
Just lost to a spell mage who got Alura off Apexis Blast, spellburst into Refreshing Spring Water for another 4 mana and another 4-cost Apexis Blast for lethal. Just utter bullshit.
I cant play this anymore, the paladin match up is just impossible with mage right now, never out of steam, always op tempo, absolutely disgusting.
Just played against 6th odd warrior in two days who only ropes and hero powers... common man, i just want to enjoy playing a game. These selfish people should burn in hell.
Battlegrounds is so disgustingly rigged. Once you hit your predetermined MMR bracket the rolls just ebb out. Terrible rolls, predetermined fights that you are determined to lose, terrible tier discoveries you name it.
Its so sad you can detect this system by "cheating" it. Concede a lot of games and suddenly your "luck" increases.
I want to punch a blizzard employee in the face for this. Thank fuck I stopped spending money.
I kinda get bad sportsmanship when you lose (I don't practice this myself), but why oh why - when you have lethal in your hand you first wait 40-50 seconds, then first play cards that don't matter and then use the final card that gets the kill... Can somebody please explain me what's the thought behind such plays? I won't judge. Just genuinely interested what makes somebody think playing like this is OK.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ * Record holder for fastest rank 50 - legend f2p run (15:12 hours) * ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I won't defend BMing, just a thought on the issue: Sometimes you don't see the lethal until you've already played different stuff. Definitely happens, especially when you're in an elaborate thought process about what could happen (like the 40-50 seconds suggest). Sometimes you just don't see the forest through all the trees. (Is that an actual saying in English? In my native language it is.)
The only other instances where I would play non-lethal cards first, is when either it's something memeish and cool, or if I want to show that I would have probably won without the topdecked burn damage anyway. But in those cases I try to do it fast and definitely wouldn't wait half a minute.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
Just played a Priest playing twice scorpion into draconic studies into skeletal dragon
I won just because I was playing warlock, but that's just obscene.
This game rng is beyond absurd
Why is Priest allowed to cheat 20 mana in hero power in one turn?
Also screw this retarded "tech" cards that do nothing. Priest plays Zephrys discovers Tirion and Seances Zeph. Of course me playing shit ton of tech against big priests, taunt druids, combo decks like Rat and Deathlord, plays Rat - sure it pulls Tirion from his 2 minion stupid hand. "PlaY diRtY RaT" yeah useless tech so you can win easier because I don't play actual card.
Make Dirty Rat discover from hand!!!!
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Last 3 wild matches:
1. Person playing battlecry elementals (cool, unusual deck) that runs Hex, against my rez priest (I agree that it's an awful deck to play against, but honestly I don't enjoy many wild priest decks). Honestly, it's pretty triggering to see someone run a card like Hex these days when Devolving Missiles exists.
2. Person playing what I can only assume was all-legendary mage (cool, unusual deck). Proceeds to get turn 2 Arugal (ugh, super card advantage) into turn 4 coin Loatheb to basically shut me out due to, y'know, rez priest having almost all spells. Nice specific card to draw there.
3. Completely standard murlocs, because why not have an entirely standard deck in wild.
And to top it off, person number 5 - who ended up being pretty easy - seemed to just type 'secret' into their hunter deck search bar, and select everything. Because that's a good way to build a deck. Ironically they never played a Frost Trap against me, despite the fact that it would've ruined my turn 5 Colossus of the Moon.
Edit: zomg, swapped over to Battlegrounds to get progress towards that weekly. Gotta love the hamsters that stay on tier 1 when they really shouldn't. A Y'Shaarj staying on tier 1 on turn 2 because... woo, gotta get that sweet sweet 2 mana 1 drop, instead of pushing tavern tiers to get actual good minions. But what do I know. >.>
Paladins everywhere on diamond. The only time I've gotten legend was with pally so I wanted to have fun, climb and try to make legend with a different class. So I try deathrattle demon hunter, primordial druid, rush warrior, and control warrior (don't have Rinling's rifle so havent tried face hunter); all steam rolled by paladins. The moral of the story is if you want to play in diamond and win on consistent basis, there is only one class. If you can't beat them, join them.
Winning > trying something different.
Everytime I play Soul DH against Control Warlock, they draw all their Taunts perfectly on time, then I discover Glide from Illidari Studies to reshuffle Y'Shaarj, the Defiler back into their deck and they proceed skillfully topdecking him back.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
Managed to get Quel'delar as hunter and at 9 I'm already hoping to get to 12 wins for once.
Then warlock topdecks Gluttinous Ooze ruining half my swings, then proceeds to beat the crap out of me because I can't draw a deathrattle even if I paid for it.
Well, thanks for nothing I guess.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Mage will more than likely be the reason I end up taking a break from standard for awhile. The RSW “nerf” was laughable at best. All you can do is sit back & watch as they draw their entire deck by turn 8 or 9, then emote as they mindlessly throw everything at face. The deck is essentially “how many masks of cthuns can you discover.” The deck could more than likely be piloted by a garage door opener. There‘s a reason why it’s the most played deck across all ranks right now. And that is because you can alt/tab in between turns & still win the majority of your games. I miss the days when there were actual decisions to be made with most decks.
*Draw* *Draw* *Draw* *Mask of Cthun* *Fireball* *Fireball*.....”Well Played” “My magic will tear you apart.”
This game is rigged get it boys finally!!! I have never ever seen anyone maindecking Subdue, but in my game, my opponent was! So basically I was playing mine Reno Druid and run N'Zoth so of course I run Deathlord. Paladin plays Shotbot I coin out with hesitation my Deathlord. Surprise! He runs Subdue in main and he was not Reno, just random cards.
Yeah sure "Not rigged" lol ok.
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
You should all know this game is rigged by now.
Playing Corrupt Priest against Libram Paladin. Have a pretty heavy hand, with Yogg and two clowns, work my way through spells to get to 10 and corrupt my clowns. Feeling like I've got a good chance.
He plays a secret with a Taelan (no DS) and two Northwatch Commandos on board. I've hit one OMY already, so decide to risk a Soul Mirror, figuring I've got a chance for Flamestrike, Expendable Performers, Mask of Cthun, hell even a commencement or Cycle of Hatred wouldn't be awful. But no, I get Celestial Alignment, totally destroying my plan.
Next turn, I draw Xanesh. Back on the plan!
Two turns later, I play Yogg into Puzzle Box into... Celestial Alignment.
Just F.