So.. the mage nerfs didn't do shit.. Two times spell reduction, still a 2-mana lunacy. 4 mana lunacy doesn't change shit. They'll still get 2x Nagrand Slam / Survival of the Fittest.
for the FOURTH time today, Draconic Studies gives my opponent Alexstrasza the Life-Binder in arena. That is so stupid. I don't mind that my opponent naturally had 4 legendaries in his deck, but the 5th is the one that kills me and ends my run? Great job balancing arena idiots..
I was hoping after the nerfs Mages would cease to exist but NOPE like I said if Deck of Lunacy cost 6 mana the deck would still be viable due to Refreshing Spring Water and Incanter's Flow. And to add more salt to the wound and just as I feared people are starting to catch on and pick up Control Warlock due to the Pen Flinger nerf and now it is nigh unstoppable. Aggro decks lost alot of burst damage so Warlocks are able to comfortably stay healthy throughout the entire match all the while infinitely spawning 6/6's, and due to Tickatus you auto win vs control and combo. The deck effectively beats almost an entire archetype trifecta. Aggro? loads of healing and AoE for pretty much any board situation (May I remind you of Hysteria and Cascading Diaster, the most broken removal in the game) Control? Tickatus. Combo? Tickatus. Midrange? Only Clown Druid can beat it comfortably. I would wager this is the best Control has ever gotten and the most broken it will ever be.
sick of this mulligan shit, you put a card away you want like turn 6 or so onward, but because you run 2 of most things the 2nd copy immediately shows up again,,,, obviously. because why say i DONT want this specific thing anyway? might as well dont even bother
it happens so many times it became like a cruel running gag, thanks actiblizz
in other news, the nerfs brought back aggro all over the place again, because why the fuck not....
Fuck paly and fuck mage.They did NOTHING to these brain deck decks.These garbage ass shitbags who play them are the lowest human life and shitstone loves them.These creators are the most unreliable piece of money grabbing fkers on this planet.They are 2nd only to politicians.
sick of this mulligan shit, you put a card away you want like turn 6 or so onward, but because you run 2 of most things the 2nd copy immediately shows up again,,,, obviously. because why say i DONT want this specific thing anyway? might as well dont even bother
it happens so many times it became like a cruel running gag, thanks actiblizz
in other news, the nerfs brought back aggro all over the place again, because why the fuck not....
I would be very curious about winrates if they change it to not be able to draw the card you discarded in mulligan phase.
I've faced final boss before Legend FOUR times today. I'm at a 13/6 winrate today, but FOUR of those six losses have been on Diamond 1, 3 stars. I mean, what the actual F?
Edit: my god it happened again. I am now 14/7 with 5 losses on the final boss. I am going out of my mind here.
Edit 2: it finally happened: after a 16/7 winrate over today I am finally Legend
Losing to topdecks is the most frustrating thing to me in this game. I just love when I am coming back in the game after facing god draws and my opponent just topdecks lethal the moment he is about to die. The funny thing is, when I am in that position I can't topdeck for shit instantly drawing my 1-cost or 2-cost cards. You can say that losing to a topdeck can happen sometimes and I agree with that but when you lose most of your games due to this it stops being acceptable.
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Fun and interactive deck. Removal on anything you play while healing every turn and destroying your deck.
How did this sh!t avoid nerfing?
So.. the mage nerfs didn't do shit..
Two times spell reduction, still a 2-mana lunacy. 4 mana lunacy doesn't change shit. They'll still get 2x Nagrand Slam / Survival of the Fittest.
Ah...the feeling you get when you are about to kill a Paladin and they use their high-skill play, 6 mana/heal 8/divine shield taunt 8/8
I can't understand why that s****** exists, won't miss librams once they rotate, they can go to hell with Rez Priest.
Turns out, celestial alignment is much stronger when it doesn't discount most of your opponents cards!
Why tf does Oh My Yogg exist?
Oh man... should have played around that.
1 win from legend... lose 6 games in a row :((
for the FOURTH time today, Draconic Studies gives my opponent Alexstrasza the Life-Binder in arena. That is so stupid. I don't mind that my opponent naturally had 4 legendaries in his deck, but the 5th is the one that kills me and ends my run? Great job balancing arena idiots..
I was hoping after the nerfs Mages would cease to exist but NOPE like I said if Deck of Lunacy cost 6 mana the deck would still be viable due to Refreshing Spring Water and Incanter's Flow. And to add more salt to the wound and just as I feared people are starting to catch on and pick up Control Warlock due to the Pen Flinger nerf and now it is nigh unstoppable. Aggro decks lost alot of burst damage so Warlocks are able to comfortably stay healthy throughout the entire match all the while infinitely spawning 6/6's, and due to Tickatus you auto win vs control and combo. The deck effectively beats almost an entire archetype trifecta. Aggro? loads of healing and AoE for pretty much any board situation (May I remind you of Hysteria and Cascading Diaster, the most broken removal in the game) Control? Tickatus. Combo? Tickatus. Midrange? Only Clown Druid can beat it comfortably. I would wager this is the best Control has ever gotten and the most broken it will ever be.
finally offered a second legendary in arena, and really? this trash???
sick of this mulligan shit, you put a card away you want like turn 6 or so onward, but because you run 2 of most things the 2nd copy immediately shows up again,,,, obviously. because why say i DONT want this specific thing anyway? might as well dont even bother
it happens so many times it became like a cruel running gag, thanks actiblizz
in other news, the nerfs brought back aggro all over the place again, because why the fuck not....
Fuck all decks that rely on randomness as a win condition or a core element of their function. And fuck the designers for making that shit viable.
Fuck paly and fuck mage.They did NOTHING to these brain deck decks.These garbage ass shitbags who play them are the lowest human life and shitstone loves them.These creators are the most unreliable piece of money grabbing fkers on this planet.They are 2nd only to politicians.
I would be very curious about winrates if they change it to not be able to draw the card you discarded in mulligan phase.
Nerf to aggro I suppose
Don't you dare insult our lord and saviour Mayor like that.
Hunterstone is back! Yeah! facing nothing else than face retarded hunters now! GG blizzard.. yet again, u fail so bad balancing the game!
I've faced final boss before Legend FOUR times today. I'm at a 13/6 winrate today, but FOUR of those six losses have been on Diamond 1, 3 stars. I mean, what the actual F?
Edit: my god it happened again. I am now 14/7 with 5 losses on the final boss. I am going out of my mind here.
Edit 2: it finally happened: after a 16/7 winrate over today I am finally Legend
Haha wanna have some fun with this shit game? NO WAY
How the fucking fuck im supposed to beat warlock with Jaraxxus in arena? BEST MODE EVER
rigged dogshit mmr game
Best card in HS? Mastercard.
Losing to topdecks is the most frustrating thing to me in this game. I just love when I am coming back in the game after facing god draws and my opponent just topdecks lethal the moment he is about to die. The funny thing is, when I am in that position I can't topdeck for shit instantly drawing my 1-cost or 2-cost cards. You can say that losing to a topdeck can happen sometimes and I agree with that but when you lose most of your games due to this it stops being acceptable.