Blizzard you never learn, your own mistakes will be your undoing. I played buff priest, with Rally it is actually pretty good deck. But... against pirate warrior drops canon, was able to trade with spellburst 3/2 guy. He drops another one right after... okay I lost I can't hold any board against this.
Next game, secret mage, lackey -> secret. I drop 1/2 spellburst guy, he trades and drops flak mage. I play acolyte and he trades + plays another flak mage. Why in the bloody hell they have to have all counter deck cards in their hands? And it was GG, you can't never stick any minions against that + 5/5 on board for 2 mana, why not.
This why certain archetypes will be locked behind these cards like buff priest.
Also I would wish secrets would exist in all classes. It is basically in some way "instant effect" or rather manipulating opponent's turn while he plays. But not in a broken way as secret mage.
EDIT: This also happened in casual BTW, thanks to good community playing tier 1 decks there.
Be me. Winstreak. One game away from Diamond 5. Up against a druid, option to keep two Prize Plunderers, decide to take it it will crap on those annoying Dryads if it is Token. Get some card draw, I now have minions I can play too, looks very good. My shitty laptop overheats and shuts down. Infinite Sadness, I am now three games away from Diamond 5. Tomorrow my deck gets nerfed. FML.
Fucking mind boggling how I get killed Mozaki Mage on turn 8 at 43 health. Only 1 Sorcerer's apprentice needed, didn't draw any cards until they were actually doing the combo. Fucking disgusted by this and the deck. Who's bright idea was it to print Mana Biscuit at the same time Sorcer's apprentice and Mozaki is in standard? At least they did the smart thing and take Sorcerer's Bitch out of the core set, but this deck's existence is a huge mistake
Just had a soul DH do 26 dmg in 1 turn to me ( with his face ), just as I'm 1 win away from my promo from gold to plat. Feels bad man
Don't feel bad. It is programmed in. You bounce off of the next tier until the game decides you get to move on. That way you keep playing longer and they hope you spend real money to get the cards you don't have for the next net deck that the streamers promote. It has nothing to do with your deck, your opponent's deck, or luck. It is a business and it is all calculated out.
LoL you crazy dude, if you are good enough and can read the meta pretty good you can get from bronze to Diamond 5 in about 2h maybe 3h if you are unlucky.
I am diamond 3 right now. And I've bounced off of diamond 1 at least 5 times.
Blizzard you never learn, your own mistakes will be your undoing. I played buff priest, with Rally it is actually pretty good deck. But... against pirate warrior drops canon, was able to trade with spellburst 3/2 guy. He drops another one right after... okay I lost I can't hold any board against this.
Next game, secret mage, lackey -> secret. I drop 1/2 spellburst guy, he trades and drops flak mage. I play acolyte and he trades + plays another flak mage. Why in the bloody hell they have to have all counter deck cards in their hands? And it was GG, you can't never stick any minions against that + 5/5 on board for 2 mana, why not.
This why certain archetypes will be locked behind these cards like buff priest.
Also I would wish secrets would exist in all classes. It is basically in some way "instant effect" or rather manipulating opponent's turn while he plays. But not in a broken way as secret mage.
EDIT: This also happened in casual BTW, thanks to good community playing tier 1 decks there.
Cannons are pure bullshit, very badly designed cards, they even removed them from BGs, same goes for Flakmage and probably the new Murloc legendary, it's ridiculous for aggro archetypes to have this kind of free damage, it totally prevents trading and board interaction.
Fucking mind boggling how I get killed Mozaki Mage on turn 8 at 43 health. Only 1 Sorcerer's apprentice needed, didn't draw any cards until they were actually doing the combo. Fucking disgusted by this and the deck. Who's bright idea was it to print Mana Biscuit at the same time Sorcer's apprentice and Mozaki is in standard? At least they did the smart thing and take Sorcerer's Bitch out of the core set, but this deck's existence is a huge mistake
And people still say that Apprentice is not op because it matches the "class identity". Truth is, Mage players are always whining about balancing and nerfs, even though there is almost always a tier 1 Mage deck and ALWAYS a tier 2 one.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Cool, just lost my first four games of Classic in a row due to my opponents drawing like gods. Nice to know that HS could produce just as many nongames back in the day as it does now.
Back in the day they hadn't tweaked the ZTG programming and matchmaking system like it is today. Back then you actually had close games and had to think about what cards to play. Then someone said the game was too intimidating for new players so they made the decision to remove thought and strategy from the game and make it run on autopilot.
Cool, just lost my first four games of Classic in a row due to my opponents drawing like gods. Nice to know that HS could produce just as many nongames back in the day as it does now.
Back in the day they hadn't tweaked the ZTG programming and matchmaking system like it is today. Back then you actually had close games and had to think about what cards to play. Then someone said the game was too intimidating for new players so they made the decision to remove thought and strategy from the game and make it run on autopilot.
explain "ZTG" for the uninitiated; please & thanks!
Cool, just lost my first four games of Classic in a row due to my opponents drawing like gods. Nice to know that HS could produce just as many nongames back in the day as it does now.
Back in the day they hadn't tweaked the ZTG programming and matchmaking system like it is today. Back then you actually had close games and had to think about what cards to play. Then someone said the game was too intimidating for new players so they made the decision to remove thought and strategy from the game and make it run on autopilot.
explain "ZTG" for the uninitiated; please & thanks!
Zephrys grants the wishing player a card from a selection of three cards, from the Basic and Classic sets, to help turn the tide of battle in the player's favor. The selection of cards is based on what is best for the current game state for the player, as determined by an internal algorithm.
Zephrys' algorithm will consider both players' board state, your available mana after playing Zephrys, your available mana for the next turn, both players' health totals (health and armor), both players' classes, both players' deck sizes, and how many cards are in your hand and in your opponent's hand. Zephrys also considers the number of Secrets the opponent has, and the opponent's weapon if they have one equipped. Zephrys also considers both players' Basic and Upgraded Hero Powers, but not most other hero powers.
In a nutshell the programming reads the board and determines the best possible cards to offer. The same algorithm controls every aspect of the game.
I just hate pen flinger. It's so annoying. It's not OP or anything, just annoying. And I have to listen to its stupid voiceline a million times. At least for shudderwock I can kill them before they play it and make me listen to it 400 thousand times.
I came here to salt. And i am considering deleting hearthstone for real this time. The game has become unplayable. So i will tell you what happened pretty much whole last week while i was playing hearthstone because wow didn't get a new patch yet.
I come into hearthstone to play my highlander priest. I only play priest. I have ress priest, gala priest, highlander priest and meme zoo priest. So i go to ranked and play highlander.
I run into warrior. Pirate warrior. He pulls his shittly little minions, i clear them with pyromancer, dragons breath holy nova.. he's taking a little damage from me... fast forward i am on 10 mana. My board is like this: Alextrasza, 5/6 deathrattle dragon, 5/5 rush dragon, cobalt spellkin, wandmaker. 25 health with tons of more cards in my hand. His board is empty and he has around 20 hp. So with a buff like power infusion he's dead next turn right? No.. haha, no :)
You see he play a shitty little 1/4 rush windfury murloc. I look at it and i already have an ill feeling of what is going to happen but i tell to myself no... no way... Now he gives it charge +2, he gives it some ungodly buff that i couldn't even read the name of in the moment of mental breakdown, he makes it 13 attack. charge+ windfury. But that's not all. He summons that 3/3 card which copies damaged minions... he clears my board first for extra humiliation with one murloc and then kills me with the second.
Game 2: Warlock
So i que again and run into warlock. Warlocks are usually pretty easy for me since they are slow. i outclear them in board and they have no face damage. So..hmm.. what could happen that a no hand damage class could shit on me?
Well... we get to turn 8 nice and easy. He plays ticketus demon. Burns my zephyrus, galakrond, plague of death and 2 bad cards... My eye is already twitching but i continue playing. Then he casts ressurect 0 mana card and... yes :) He burns 5 more of my core cards, slowly pushing me into fatigue. I lose that game too.
Game 3: Rogue
Rogue throws a lot of small worm minions on board so i usually control them pretty well. But not this one. He equips 1/4 weapon that increases attack every time he hits with it. He puts posion on it, clears my 2/4 taunt with spells and just hits me repeatedly by 2 of those buffed weapons until i die being unable to outheal his incoming 10 damage per turn. (+ honorable mention from another rogue who killed me with pyroblast and 2 fireballs. i wish i was making this up)
Game 4: Mage
Shitter secret mage comes in with his toilet paper of a deck, which usually makes me laugh, but even this spineless ameba had a good starting hand and had to win eventually. He plays secretkeeper on 1. I have in hand gala, soulmirror, cobalt and another big card. He on 2 plays that 2/3 card that reduces the secrets to 1 mana... and coins a secret :) i still have no clears so i pass... he plays another secret keeper.. i'll end this story here but if you want spoilers it was over by turn 6.
Game 5,6 and 7:
Big druids. We know them. The guys who usually beg for a coin while sitting in front of a drink store with a beer in hand, catcalling anything that resembles female, including animal species and reeking from 20 yards away. Smelly, uncultured outcasts of society who are looked down upon by everyone else. When they go home after a long day of unproductive life waste they log into their battlenet account to play big druid decks. And i somehow always run into these unpleasant miscreations.
I can feel it. Smell the grease of that 2 week unwashed hair as he plays that embiggen, as he gets that 10 mana in 3 turns. As i have to throw plague of death on his shitty 2 minions because they are both 12+ attack only for him to fill the board again, stroking his bruised ego in a card game, playing big druid. In game he is big druid, but in real life.. he is so small.
Between all of these abomination decks, there are noteworthy token druids, evolve shamans, face hunters, yogg saron players... but the post would be too long. My conclusion? Almost every single class is a mage now. Every class has 20+ damage in hand. Can you play around it? No. Can you stop it? No. You can control the board, be at full health, only to get lethal from hand. I miss playing my handlock years ago when game was slower and made more sense. Where board meant something and not everyone had lethal hand damage or gimmicky combos.
Will i uninstall? Probably. Will the next wow patch come out? Maybe in a year. Is blizzard a company that's falling apart? Yes. thank you Bobby Cocktick for all you've done.
I came here to salt. And i am considering deleting hearthstone for real this time. The game has become unplayable. So i will tell you what happened pretty much whole last week while i was playing hearthstone because wow didn't get a new patch yet.
I come into hearthstone to play my highlander priest. I only play priest. I have ress priest, gala priest, highlander priest and meme zoo priest. So i go to ranked and play highlander.
I run into warrior. Pirate warrior. He pulls his shittly little minions, i clear them with pyromancer, dragons breath holy nova.. he's taking a little damage from me... fast forward i am on 10 mana. My board is like this: Alextrasza, 5/6 deathrattle dragon, 5/5 rush dragon, cobalt spellkin, wandmaker. 25 health with tons of more cards in my hand. His board is empty and he has around 20 hp. So with a buff like power infusion he's dead next turn right? No.. haha, no :)
You see he play a shitty little 1/4 rush windfury murloc. I look at it and i already have an ill feeling of what is going to happen but i tell to myself no... no way... Now he gives it charge +2, he gives it some ungodly buff that i couldn't even read the name of in the moment of mental breakdown, he makes it 13 attack. charge+ windfury. But that's not all. He summons that 3/3 card which copies damaged minions... he clears my board first for extra humiliation with one murloc and then kills me with the second.
Game 2: Warlock
So i que again and run into warlock. Warlocks are usually pretty easy for me since they are slow. i outclear them in board and they have no face damage. So..hmm.. what could happen that a no hand damage class could shit on me?
Well... we get to turn 8 nice and easy. He plays ticketus demon. Burns my zephyrus, galakrond, plague of death and 2 bad cards... My eye is already twitching but i continue playing. Then he casts ressurect 0 mana card and... yes :) He burns 5 more of my core cards, slowly pushing me into fatigue. I lose that game too.
Game 3: Rogue
Rogue throws a lot of small worm minions on board so i usually control them pretty well. But not this one. He equips 1/4 weapon that increases attack every time he hits with it. He puts posion on it, clears my 2/4 taunt with spells and just hits me repeatedly by 2 of those buffed weapons until i die being unable to outheal his incoming 10 damage per turn. (+ honorable mention from another rogue who killed me with pyroblast and 2 fireballs. i wish i was making this up)
Game 4: Mage
Shitter secret mage comes in with his toilet paper of a deck, which usually makes me laugh, but even this spineless ameba had a good starting hand and had to win eventually. He plays secretkeeper on 1. I have in hand gala, soulmirror, cobalt and another big card. He on 2 plays that 2/3 card that reduces the secrets to 1 mana... and coins a secret :) i still have no clears so i pass... he plays another secret keeper.. i'll end this story here but if you want spoilers it was over by turn 6.
Game 5,6 and 7:
Big druids. We know them. The guys who usually beg for a coin while sitting in front of a drink store with a beer in hand, catcalling anything that resembles female, including animal species and reeking from 20 yards away. Smelly, uncultured outcasts of society who are looked down upon by everyone else. When they go home after a long day of unproductive life waste they log into their battlenet account to play big druid decks. And i somehow always run into these unpleasant miscreations.
I can feel it. Smell the grease of that 2 week unwashed hair as he plays that embiggen, as he gets that 10 mana in 3 turns. As i have to throw plague of death on his shitty 2 minions because they are both 12+ attack only for him to fill the board again, stroking his bruised ego in a card game, playing big druid. In game he is big druid, but in real life.. he is so small.
Between all of these abomination decks, there are noteworthy token druids, evolve shamans, face hunters, yogg saron players... but the post would be too long. My conclusion? Almost every single class is a mage now. Every class has 20+ damage in hand. Can you play around it? No. Can you stop it? No. You can control the board, be at full health, only to get lethal from hand. I miss playing my handlock years ago when game was slower and made more sense. Where board meant something and not everyone had lethal hand damage or gimmicky combos.
Will i uninstall? Probably. Will the next wow patch come out? Maybe in a year. Is blizzard a company that's falling apart? Yes. thank you Bobby Cocktick for all you've done.
That fucking weapon removal has gotten out of hand. Just lost with Pure Paladin against Soul DH, because he stole my Libram of Judgment. Weapon removal in Soul DH! Wtf???
Blizzard you never learn, your own mistakes will be your undoing. I played buff priest, with Rally it is actually pretty good deck. But... against pirate warrior drops canon, was able to trade with spellburst 3/2 guy. He drops another one right after... okay I lost I can't hold any board against this.
Next game, secret mage, lackey -> secret. I drop 1/2 spellburst guy, he trades and drops flak mage. I play acolyte and he trades + plays another flak mage. Why in the bloody hell they have to have all counter deck cards in their hands? And it was GG, you can't never stick any minions against that + 5/5 on board for 2 mana, why not.
This why certain archetypes will be locked behind these cards like buff priest.
Also I would wish secrets would exist in all classes. It is basically in some way "instant effect" or rather manipulating opponent's turn while he plays. But not in a broken way as secret mage.
EDIT: This also happened in casual BTW, thanks to good community playing tier 1 decks there.
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Be me. Winstreak. One game away from Diamond 5. Up against a druid, option to keep two Prize Plunderers, decide to take it it will crap on those annoying Dryads if it is Token. Get some card draw, I now have minions I can play too, looks very good. My shitty laptop overheats and shuts down. Infinite Sadness, I am now three games away from Diamond 5. Tomorrow my deck gets nerfed. FML.
Fucking mind boggling how I get killed Mozaki Mage on turn 8 at 43 health. Only 1 Sorcerer's apprentice needed, didn't draw any cards until they were actually doing the combo. Fucking disgusted by this and the deck. Who's bright idea was it to print Mana Biscuit at the same time Sorcer's apprentice and Mozaki is in standard? At least they did the smart thing and take Sorcerer's Bitch out of the core set, but this deck's existence is a huge mistake
I am diamond 3 right now. And I've bounced off of diamond 1 at least 5 times.
Why is it allowed for a particular class to have a 0 mana hero power that refreshes itself?
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Cannons are pure bullshit, very badly designed cards, they even removed them from BGs, same goes for Flakmage and probably the new Murloc legendary, it's ridiculous for aggro archetypes to have this kind of free damage, it totally prevents trading and board interaction.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
And people still say that Apprentice is not op because it matches the "class identity". Truth is, Mage players are always whining about balancing and nerfs, even though there is almost always a tier 1 Mage deck and ALWAYS a tier 2 one.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
"Well Played" no it wasn't. You didn't play well and you stomped me. Maybe in their mind they mean well but you're still a cunt.
Back in the day they hadn't tweaked the ZTG programming and matchmaking system like it is today. Back then you actually had close games and had to think about what cards to play. Then someone said the game was too intimidating for new players so they made the decision to remove thought and strategy from the game and make it run on autopilot.
explain "ZTG" for the uninitiated; please & thanks!
Well shit, OTK Worgen Warrior is fucking busted in Standard right now. Thank the lord this won't be around for long.
Cool, just lost my first four games of Classic in a row due to my opponents drawing like gods. Nice to know that HS could produce just as many nongames back in the day as it does now.
Back in the day they hadn't tweaked the ZTG programming and matchmaking system like it is today. Back then you actually had close games and had to think about what cards to play. Then someone said the game was too intimidating for new players so they made the decision to remove thought and strategy from the game and make it run on autopilot.
explain "ZTG" for the uninitiated; please & thanks!
Zephrys the Great is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Saviors of Uldum set.
Zephrys grants the wishing player a card from a selection of three cards, from the Basic and Classic sets, to help turn the tide of battle in the player's favor. The selection of cards is based on what is best for the current game state for the player, as determined by an internal algorithm.
In a nutshell the programming reads the board and determines the best possible cards to offer. The same algorithm controls every aspect of the game.
10-1 with decent Highlander mage coming into today, tonight 0-6 thus far. Fuck me right?
I just hate pen flinger. It's so annoying. It's not OP or anything, just annoying. And I have to listen to its stupid voiceline a million times. At least for shudderwock I can kill them before they play it and make me listen to it 400 thousand times.
Same for me with the same deck. Got to two star diamond 1. Then the obligatory slide back to diamond 5.
With highlander decks it is very easy to stack the deck against you.
Just spent 130 euro on 6 legendaries that I wont use. Guess FML
I came here to salt. And i am considering deleting hearthstone for real this time. The game has become unplayable. So i will tell you what happened pretty much whole last week while i was playing hearthstone because wow didn't get a new patch yet.
I come into hearthstone to play my highlander priest. I only play priest. I have ress priest, gala priest, highlander priest and meme zoo priest. So i go to ranked and play highlander.
I run into warrior. Pirate warrior. He pulls his shittly little minions, i clear them with pyromancer, dragons breath holy nova.. he's taking a little damage from me... fast forward i am on 10 mana. My board is like this: Alextrasza, 5/6 deathrattle dragon, 5/5 rush dragon, cobalt spellkin, wandmaker. 25 health with tons of more cards in my hand. His board is empty and he has around 20 hp. So with a buff like power infusion he's dead next turn right? No.. haha, no :)
You see he play a shitty little 1/4 rush windfury murloc. I look at it and i already have an ill feeling of what is going to happen but i tell to myself no... no way... Now he gives it charge +2, he gives it some ungodly buff that i couldn't even read the name of in the moment of mental breakdown, he makes it 13 attack. charge+ windfury. But that's not all. He summons that 3/3 card which copies damaged minions... he clears my board first for extra humiliation with one murloc and then kills me with the second.
Game 2: Warlock
So i que again and run into warlock. Warlocks are usually pretty easy for me since they are slow. i outclear them in board and they have no face damage. So..hmm.. what could happen that a no hand damage class could shit on me?
Well... we get to turn 8 nice and easy. He plays ticketus demon. Burns my zephyrus, galakrond, plague of death and 2 bad cards... My eye is already twitching but i continue playing. Then he casts ressurect 0 mana card and... yes :) He burns 5 more of my core cards, slowly pushing me into fatigue. I lose that game too.
Game 3: Rogue
Rogue throws a lot of small worm minions on board so i usually control them pretty well. But not this one. He equips 1/4 weapon that increases attack every time he hits with it. He puts posion on it, clears my 2/4 taunt with spells and just hits me repeatedly by 2 of those buffed weapons until i die being unable to outheal his incoming 10 damage per turn. (+ honorable mention from another rogue who killed me with pyroblast and 2 fireballs. i wish i was making this up)
Game 4: Mage
Shitter secret mage comes in with his toilet paper of a deck, which usually makes me laugh, but even this spineless ameba had a good starting hand and had to win eventually. He plays secretkeeper on 1. I have in hand gala, soulmirror, cobalt and another big card. He on 2 plays that 2/3 card that reduces the secrets to 1 mana... and coins a secret :) i still have no clears so i pass... he plays another secret keeper.. i'll end this story here but if you want spoilers it was over by turn 6.
Game 5,6 and 7:
Big druids. We know them. The guys who usually beg for a coin while sitting in front of a drink store with a beer in hand, catcalling anything that resembles female, including animal species and reeking from 20 yards away. Smelly, uncultured outcasts of society who are looked down upon by everyone else. When they go home after a long day of unproductive life waste they log into their battlenet account to play big druid decks. And i somehow always run into these unpleasant miscreations.
I can feel it. Smell the grease of that 2 week unwashed hair as he plays that embiggen, as he gets that 10 mana in 3 turns. As i have to throw plague of death on his shitty 2 minions because they are both 12+ attack only for him to fill the board again, stroking his bruised ego in a card game, playing big druid. In game he is big druid, but in real life.. he is so small.
Between all of these abomination decks, there are noteworthy token druids, evolve shamans, face hunters, yogg saron players... but the post would be too long. My conclusion? Almost every single class is a mage now. Every class has 20+ damage in hand. Can you play around it? No. Can you stop it? No. You can control the board, be at full health, only to get lethal from hand. I miss playing my handlock years ago when game was slower and made more sense. Where board meant something and not everyone had lethal hand damage or gimmicky combos.
Will i uninstall? Probably. Will the next wow patch come out? Maybe in a year. Is blizzard a company that's falling apart? Yes. thank you Bobby Cocktick for all you've done.
Control doesnt have a chance in this meta.
That fucking weapon removal has gotten out of hand. Just lost with Pure Paladin against Soul DH, because he stole my Libram of Judgment. Weapon removal in Soul DH! Wtf???
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.