Also I AM SO TIRED of these ridiculous Demon Hunter bots that just sit there and hero power your face over and over and rope. What a waste of my damn time.
I have to say the RNG manipulation is insanely more obvious at diamond 5 and above. I will cruise to 1 winning mindless game after mindless game. Then when I am close to breaking through literally the opposite occurs. I run into perfect counter decks that draw cards on curve that you couldn't hand pick any better. That epic losing streak typically takes me not only back down to 5 but continues where I get to see "you can't lose stars at this rank" several times until the matchmaking system decides that I have lost a sufficient amount of games, flips the coin, and I start winning again drawing perfect cards on curve. That is of course until I hit diamond 1 and then the cycle repeats.
Just went from 1 to 5 again. Lost the last 3 games each in 5 rounds. At least it didn't take long.
The scene: me with 2 minions on board and 39 health. My opponent has no minions on board and 10 health. He plays Yogg and gets rod of roasting. Guess who lost?
The scene: me with 2 minions on board and 39 health. My opponent has no minions on board and 10 health. He plays Yogg and gets rod of roasting. Guess who lost?
They should add a green light and a red light at the bottom. If it lights green at the start of the game you will win; red you are going to lose. At least then you have the option of playing it out or resigning to save time.
Also I AM SO TIRED of these ridiculous Demon Hunter bots that just sit there and hero power your face over and over and rope. What a waste of my damn time.
You should see the Odd Warrior bots in wild, basically the same but it takes twice the time.
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I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
Holy shit dude, I guess I'm a Pure Paladin main until the expansion hits. I'm already bored to tears with this deck. Praying they nerf Tickatus in the next balance patch.
i usually avoid to use this thread but well sometimes the day is just well...that kind of day.
To the people that loves to play Tier 1 decks like Aggro Rogue, Token Druid, Secret Mage and Spell mage deck on the regular ladder a feat words: You guys suck. Like a lot. Emoting people that is obviusly playing a deck for quest or testing something and emoting to hell every time they do something or play an off meta stuff? Plz, do you even have the brain cells to play other deck? i think that is too much to ask to people like you.
How HISTERIA made it through playtest is BEYOND ME
So you are forced to play ONLY ONE minion at time to not get punished by this. PERFECT! thats exactly what control wants, you to not pressure him hard enough.
Dared to play a few minions? TOO BAD because I will clear your entire board with 1 card that costs THREE MANA HAHAHAHA.
WIN WIN. There is no way in hell this card is even remotely balanced, the only reason why it didn't completely broke the meta is because rogue can kill people with WEAPONS instead of minions and because Mozaki Mage still exists ,but as soon as Nitroboost get its nerf and the rotation hits, it's over, HS will be Warlock/Priest Stone
Just had a soul DH do 26 dmg in 1 turn to me ( with his face ), just as I'm 1 win away from my promo from gold to plat. Feels bad man
Don't feel bad. It is programmed in. You bounce off of the next tier until the game decides you get to move on. That way you keep playing longer and they hope you spend real money to get the cards you don't have for the next net deck that the streamers promote. It has nothing to do with your deck, your opponent's deck, or luck. It is a business and it is all calculated out.
I wanna play a meme Dragon Pally just for fun before Dragonrider Talritha rotates out and of course out of the first three matches I play two are against Big Priests. Can't wait for that toxic garbage to rotate.
After reaching Legend in Standard and Wild for the month, I thought I'd try to get some wins with priest, my lowest win class (147).
The goal was to get 3 wins with Highlander priest. 3hrs of play later, and after losing 4k rank at legend I achieved those 3 wins. Man I hate playing against and now playing as priest.
Just had a soul DH do 26 dmg in 1 turn to me ( with his face ), just as I'm 1 win away from my promo from gold to plat. Feels bad man
Don't feel bad. It is programmed in. You bounce off of the next tier until the game decides you get to move on. That way you keep playing longer and they hope you spend real money to get the cards you don't have for the next net deck that the streamers promote. It has nothing to do with your deck, your opponent's deck, or luck. It is a business and it is all calculated out.
LoL you crazy dude, if you are good enough and can read the meta pretty good you can get from bronze to Diamond 5 in about 2h maybe 3h if you are unlucky.
i usually avoid to use this thread but well sometimes the day is just well...that kind of day.
To the people that loves to play Tier 1 decks like Aggro Rogue, Token Druid, Secret Mage and Spell mage deck on the regular ladder a feat words: You guys suck. Like a lot. Emoting people that is obviusly playing a deck for quest or testing something and emoting to hell every time they do something or play an off meta stuff? Plz, do you even have the brain cells to play other deck? i think that is too much to ask to people like you.
I think you mean playing Ladder decks in casual? Because yeah that blows.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
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Also I AM SO TIRED of these ridiculous Demon Hunter bots that just sit there and hero power your face over and over and rope. What a waste of my damn time.
Just went from 1 to 5 again. Lost the last 3 games each in 5 rounds. At least it didn't take long.
The scene: me with 2 minions on board and 39 health. My opponent has no minions on board and 10 health. He plays Yogg and gets rod of roasting. Guess who lost?
They should add a green light and a red light at the bottom. If it lights green at the start of the game you will win; red you are going to lose. At least then you have the option of playing it out or resigning to save time.
You should see the Odd Warrior bots in wild, basically the same but it takes twice the time.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
After finally hiting legend I thought, at least now I can play at bottom ranks against not so optimized meta decks....
Sitting right now at 5700 rank legend and still EVERY SINGLE GAME is either against face rogue or libram pala
Wow. People are try hards no matter what, huh?
Holy shit dude, I guess I'm a Pure Paladin main until the expansion hits. I'm already bored to tears with this deck. Praying they nerf Tickatus in the next balance patch.
i usually avoid to use this thread but well sometimes the day is just well...that kind of day.
To the people that loves to play Tier 1 decks like Aggro Rogue, Token Druid, Secret Mage and Spell mage deck on the regular ladder a feat words: You guys suck. Like a lot. Emoting people that is obviusly playing a deck for quest or testing something and emoting to hell every time they do something or play an off meta stuff? Plz, do you even have the brain cells to play other deck? i think that is too much to ask to people like you.
Playing a great game with my deck, managing to keep up with my opponent really well, have them on the ropes.
Then my mage opponent primed into potion of illusion. Which allowed him to play another one. Where... he got another potion of illusion.
Was really enjoying the match until then.
How HISTERIA made it through playtest is BEYOND ME
So you are forced to play ONLY ONE minion at time to not get punished by this. PERFECT! thats exactly what control wants, you to not pressure him hard enough.
Dared to play a few minions? TOO BAD because I will clear your entire board with 1 card that costs THREE MANA HAHAHAHA.
WIN WIN. There is no way in hell this card is even remotely balanced, the only reason why it didn't completely broke the meta is because rogue can kill people with WEAPONS instead of minions and because Mozaki Mage still exists ,but as soon as Nitroboost get its nerf and the rotation hits, it's over, HS will be Warlock/Priest Stone
Just had a soul DH do 26 dmg in 1 turn to me ( with his face ), just as I'm 1 win away from my promo from gold to plat. Feels bad man
Don't feel bad. It is programmed in. You bounce off of the next tier until the game decides you get to move on. That way you keep playing longer and they hope you spend real money to get the cards you don't have for the next net deck that the streamers promote. It has nothing to do with your deck, your opponent's deck, or luck. It is a business and it is all calculated out.
Playing bomb warrior. 20 cards in my deck - 3 bombs. Top deck all 3. You don't play Hearthstone - you watch it.
I wanna play a meme Dragon Pally just for fun before Dragonrider Talritha rotates out and of course out of the first three matches I play two are against Big Priests. Can't wait for that toxic garbage to rotate.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
After reaching Legend in Standard and Wild for the month, I thought I'd try to get some wins with priest, my lowest win class (147).
The goal was to get 3 wins with Highlander priest. 3hrs of play later, and after losing 4k rank at legend I achieved those 3 wins. Man I hate playing against and now playing as priest.
LoL you crazy dude, if you are good enough and can read the meta pretty good you can get from bronze to Diamond 5 in about 2h maybe 3h if you are unlucky.
Priest, the worst class to play against. Should be removed already or swapped for monk.
Lol, screw you Blizzard.
How you gonna let me win 11 ranked games straight only to card screw me on the 12 game to lose and not finish off that achievement tree?
What a bunch of bullshit.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
I think you mean playing Ladder decks in casual? Because yeah that blows.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.