I have all golden heroes and 4 with 1,000+ wins. My observations are not conspiracy theory. In fact pro players have commented on the same things for years.
This game is still full of losers, who achieved nothing in their life, so they BM at the end of a game. Get a hold of yourself. A win in a video game isn't an achievement.
Pen Flinger Paladin (that's what the deck is, enough of the Libroom labeling) is the most annoying shit in the world. Just a slow, tedious grind and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it.
And they keep printing these types of annoying busted cards expansion after expansion after expansion.
Fix one busted card? Replace it with 2 more next expansion so they can sell packs.
Warlock feels completely broken to me right now. With the corrupt mechanic they have self healing from soul fragments, efficient board removal with three different spells, 0 cost 6/6 taunts to slow you down, ticketus to burn your deck, getting that all back for free with Y'Shaarj, while also having deck refill from primes.
The whole corrupt mechanic feels broken by Y'shaarj. I know the winrate of these decks might not be the highest but its so many different mechanics that feel so opressive all in a single deck.
How have Blessing of Authority, Argent Braggart and Libram of Hope not gotten a single nerf in a whole damn year. With Paladin at the top almost that entire time.
Nothing says hearthstone like a 45 min game losing to bad rng cuz haha my opp tots outplayed me! Go fuck yourself bli$$ard the epitome of we hate our fucking fan base
Hahahahha when you are not allowed to win any and I mean any idiot can beat you. Sorry you have to pay your rng tax! You see my avatar I paid real money for this. So that means Bli$$ard cares about me and plays the game for me!
You go aggro face Resurrest priest,you go control face the endless Tickatus deck,and the list goes on,i have to lose whatever i play,but this play was so interesting so i posted it :)
I get that top decking one outers is exciting. However when the programming makes it happen literally every game it loses the allure. Oh look, another Royal Flush on the river (yawn).
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I have all golden heroes and 4 with 1,000+ wins. My observations are not conspiracy theory. In fact pro players have commented on the same things for years.
This game is still full of losers, who achieved nothing in their life, so they BM at the end of a game. Get a hold of yourself. A win in a video game isn't an achievement.
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And they keep printing these types of annoying busted cards expansion after expansion after expansion.
Fix one busted card? Replace it with 2 more next expansion so they can sell packs.
The autism is real at Blizzard.
Warlock feels completely broken to me right now. With the corrupt mechanic they have self healing from soul fragments, efficient board removal with three different spells, 0 cost 6/6 taunts to slow you down, ticketus to burn your deck, getting that all back for free with Y'Shaarj, while also having deck refill from primes.
The whole corrupt mechanic feels broken by Y'shaarj. I know the winrate of these decks might not be the highest but its so many different mechanics that feel so opressive all in a single deck.
How have Blessing of Authority, Argent Braggart and Libram of Hope not gotten a single nerf in a whole damn year. With Paladin at the top almost that entire time.
It's mind boggling.
They don't even need much, just do SOMETHING.
0-3 in arena cuz all my opponents had an answer for everything I had 2 of which were Mages discovering shit left and right what else is new
When my opponent plays Pure Paladin: Attendant and/or First Day of School on 1, Hand of A'Dal on 2, Perfect curve thereafter into LoH + Braggart on 7.
When I play Pure Paladin: 5+ cost cards for the first three turns.
Nothing says hearthstone like a 45 min game losing to bad rng cuz haha my opp tots outplayed me! Go fuck yourself bli$$ard the epitome of we hate our fucking fan base
Hahahahha when you are not allowed to win any and I mean any idiot can beat you. Sorry you have to pay your rng tax! You see my avatar I paid real money for this. So that means Bli$$ard cares about me and plays the game for me!
Fun and interactive,everything today goes like this :)
At turn 2 :)
Just laughing what else.....
Wild secret mage complaining about other decks?
I'm not a wild player, how on earth is that a 1-mana turn 2 play? ha
He kept 1 mana too :)
Cant wonder with 1 mana more what he could have been done lol.....
What is the play for that to happen though?
I dont use deck tracker,know my decks,but happened, the zero mana shaman card 2 mana something like this.
You go aggro face Resurrest priest,you go control face the endless Tickatus deck,and the list goes on,i have to lose whatever i play,but this play was so interesting so i posted it :)
Paying to play Hearthstone is the equivalent of paying to watch YouTube videos.
I get that top decking one outers is exciting. However when the programming makes it happen literally every game it loses the allure. Oh look, another Royal Flush on the river (yawn).