I hate this standard meta so much, I'd rather go back to Secret Paladin meta. Cheese Paladin and token druid are un-counterable, fail to clear exactly 1 turn of up to just 4 2/2s and you lose on the spot, and for Paladin's namesake auto lose on an Alura turn. Then you have these degenerate Tickatus players that play awful cards like Felosophy and Demonic Studies just to support Tickatus and LITERALLYBULLY non-aggro decks as if they don't get bullied enough already by this god awful meta, really drives the nail in the coffin for any non-aggro player, you can just forget about playing those decks. Even fucking aggressive decks are running weapon removal. Does Evolve shaman REALLY have to tech in a Stickyfinger just to get their weapon back after their opponent sticky finger'd them? fucking baffling. Teching 1 card to counter the same fucking card.
Fuck this shit. God I hope they do nerf Tickatus in the next patch. And thank the lord Cheese Paladin won't exist anymore next expansion. I can't take one more month of this crap.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
I'm kinda spamming, but this is my last post for today.
God speed control players. May your struggle against the tyrannical Control Warlock be in your favour, and don't be that guy to just run Control Warlock because it's the best control class. Spice up your life with a little variety.
Why did I bother playing Duels today? My run with an insane deck ended at 6 to 3 warlock. The last one was a dick and had so many copies of Tickatus, Completely ignored the Knife Juggler in Dude Paladin and just went face (disrespecting the Knife Juggler...he wasn't taking me seriously at all) And whaddya know had the weapon that gives you a mage spell each turn and killed me with it because he got alot of face spells. Seems without even facing a Mage I still run into the same soul crushing bad luck that has anything to do with a Mage RNG card.
Ranked was fun though. Highlander Druid has been the most fun I've had lately, but per usual lost to 2 Mages, the only ones I came across. That's a normal day for me.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
LOL you gave them 9 hours to nerf a card? Shocking that didn't happen.
Have you tried playing Tickatus? I have. It's rare in this meta to even make it to turn 7 let alone have the cards in hand.
Bottom line is that it doesn't matter what deck you play or how overpowered the cards are. The ZTG programming that controls the entire game determines the winner before the mulligan.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
LOL you gave them 9 hours to nerf a card? Shocking that didn't happen.
Have you tried playing Tickatus? I have. It's rare in this meta to even make it to turn 7 let alone have the cards in hand.
Bottom line is that it doesn't matter what deck you play or how overpowered the cards are. The ZTG programming that controls the entire game determines the winner before the mulligan.
I have too and I felt disgusting. I'm not a bully so I don't stoop to their level. I'm not saying Tickatus is OP, but it feels bad to play against with any slow deck, not just a bad matchup but soul crushing. I dunno about you but I don't like my cards disappearing as if I don't get to play the game.
End of story. Don't care what you think it will never change my mind.
Yep, I'm done. Five years of playing this garbage and my last match was against Secret Mage in Wild. Once I saw 2 5/5s and 3 4/4s drop in one turn, I force quitted the app, uninstalled and decided this stopped being fun a long time ago. It's not fun, it's addictive. Anyone with a slight competitive edge who claims they have fun with this game is in denial and full of shit. I've been lurking these forums for a couple of years and there is a reason this thread has by far the longest tenure with the most posts. I get Wild is supposed to be a bunch of crazy decks but there comes a point where it's simply unplayable and that's what it is now and it's only getting worse. Decks like Secret Mage have no business being alive. It's by far the most oppressive experience one can have in this game. It prevents you from playing. It's the poster child for anti-fun.
Of course that goes for a lot of other decks too. Don't get me started on Tickatus or Cheese Pally. These kind of decks have completely ruined the game. And this is after they had the genius idea of introducing another class that has every single tool in the book. Ever play against Odd Demon Hunter? It's ridiculous.
Then there is the massive amount of RNG. There is a good reason people went ape shit when Yogg-Saron was released and that's because it was the first card to introduce 100% RNG as an endgame. As far as I'm concerned, that was the beginning of the end. Spend all that time playing a great competitive match only to let coin flips decide the outcome. Utter bullshit.
I'm just done. It's a waste of time and a strain on mental health. I can lose all day to Souls like video games and not come anywhere close to the rage I feel when some Secret Mage cunt emotes "Well Played" after you concede when all they do is vomit their fucking hand. That's because unlike this pile of slutty trash, when you die in Souls it's because you fucked up.
I counter aggro decks than I get fucked by late game decks I counter late game decks than I get fucked by aggro fuck this rigged rock paper scissor game.
The problem with this game is that the mechanics it gives the player are so unbalanced. They give you a Spell Damage but in order to leverage it, you need a little bit of play at least. This doesn't work if you die in round 4-5 to a hyper aggressive deck. Give them their aggressiveness but tone it down so that it doesn't peak sooner than anything else. You can design a deck well around an idea, which was clearly put in place to be built around, but find yourself losing to the same old, same old. I could add the usual Ramp Paladin, nice to see that they they are still OP in the Core Set, nothing will change there it seems.
Yep, I'm done. Five years of playing this garbage and my last match was against Secret Mage in Wild. Once I saw 2 5/5s and 3 4/4s drop in one turn, I force quitted the app, uninstalled and decided this stopped being fun a long time ago. It's not fun, it's addictive. Anyone with a slight competitive edge who claims they have fun with this game is in denial and full of shit. I've been lurking these forums for a couple of years and there is a reason this thread has by far the longest tenure with the most posts. I get Wild is supposed to be a bunch of crazy decks but there comes a point where it's simply unplayable and that's what it is now and it's only getting worse. Decks like Secret Mage have no business being alive. It's by far the most oppressive experience one can have in this game. It prevents you from playing. It's the poster child for anti-fun.
Of course that goes for a lot of other decks too. Don't get me started on Tickatus or Cheese Pally. These kind of decks have completely ruined the game. And this is after they had the genius idea of introducing another class that has every single tool in the book. Ever play against Odd Demon Hunter? It's ridiculous.
Then there is the massive amount of RNG. There is a good reason people went ape shit when Yogg-Saron was released and that's because it was the first card to introduce 100% RNG as an endgame. As far as I'm concerned, that was the beginning of the end. Spend all that time playing a great competitive match only to let coin flips decide the outcome. Utter bullshit.
I'm just done. It's a waste of time and a strain on mental health. I can lose all day to Souls like video games and not come anywhere close to the rage I feel when some Secret Mage cunt emotes "Well Played" after you concede when all they do is vomit their fucking hand. That's because unlike this pile of slutty trash, when you die in Souls it's because you fucked up.
Fuck this game. I quit.
Don’t see anything in here that’s incorrect. When do priests and mage players get the boot they all fucking deserve? When do we as a community say enough is enough? Oh that’s right I forget that 3/4 of this community are full of there own delusions. Kissing Bli$$ards ass and trying to justify 95 percent rng in every goddamn play mode. All these fucks I’m sure are priest and mage players themselves. And let’s not act like the cancer from those classes hasn’t spread to every other because it has. What’s your wincon? Oh rng! Every mother fucking loss is because a top deck a draw the nuts or a discover! Every single fucking one! There is absolutely no in-between anymore. NONE. And the stupid people who benefit from this because they are either stupid or pay to win. Pay to win not exactly meaning what it use to. Pay to win is not only having the cards. But having the game and rng do all the work for you! Wow what a great game to play! And it is NOT fun. No one in there right mind can say this is fun. It’s not. It’s the same garbage peddled everywhere else disguised as competition. Bull fucking shit. It really did start with Yogg and it’s only shat the bed more and more. Theres a reason so many of the “pro” players left. There’s a reason why so many people who worked on the game when they left the rng just piled up. There’s a reason the bundles are so much better now. There’s a reason the game is starting to get “diversity”. Because Bli$$ard and Activision are garbage companies who let the small men make great things. Then they piggy back and it suck it for all it’s worth until it dies. Hearthstone imo at this moment is officially dead.
How short-sighted and stupid of me not to play around the classic turn 4 play with 21/21 stats, especially with all my high-cost cards in hand after the mulligan.
I honestly didn't think it was possible for a meta to be this bad. I don't even feel like I get to actually play the game in most matches. It seems like the majority games are decided in the mulligan, with little to no decision making at all on either end. This game doesn't even seem fixable at this point.
It's also getting slightly nauseating to watch Rogues play 5+ cards every turn & ending up with more cards than they started with.
I honestly didn't think it was possible for a meta to be this bad. I don't even feel like I get to actually play the game in most matches. It seems like the majority games are decided in the mulligan, with little to no decision making at all on either end. This game doesn't even seem fixable at this point.
It's also getting slightly nauseating to watch Rogues play 5+ cards every turn & ending up with more cards than they started with.
Yep. Only this Meta will only seem mild compared to future Metas from this trash company.
Why? Because Blizzard trades in fun, competitive, and interactive game mechanics for ways to manipulate MMR RNG to keep players at desired winrates.
They have done this from the beginning to keep a certain level of addiction among HS players that is measurable by expansion profits.
This will never be the great strategic or fun game it could be because of Minion RNG, Discover RNG, Spell RNG, TopDeck RNG, Weapon RNG etc...all system controls that help manipulate MMR outcomes beneath a business model that focuses on profits in exchange for fun, fair strategy mechanics, or interactivity.
This game feels terrible to lose at, and usually scummy to win because of how little you can impact final results. It's trash right now.
I honestly didn't think it was possible for a meta to be this bad. I don't even feel like I get to actually play the game in most matches. It seems like the majority games are decided in the mulligan, with little to no decision making at all on either end. This game doesn't even seem fixable at this point.
It's also getting slightly nauseating to watch Rogues play 5+ cards every turn & ending up with more cards than they started with.
Yep. Only this Meta will only seem mild compared to future Metas from this trash company.
Why? Because Blizzard trades in fun, competitive, and interactive game mechanics for ways to manipulate MMR RNG to keep players at desired winrates.
They have done this from the beginning to keep a certain level of addiction among HS players that is measurable by expansion profits.
This will never be the great strategic or fun game it could be because of Minion RNG, Discover RNG, Spell RNG, TopDeck RNG, Weapon RNG etc...all system controls that help manipulate MMR outcomes beneath a business model that focuses on profits in exchange for fun, fair strategy mechanics, or interactivity.
This game feels terrible to lose at, and usually scummy to win because of how little you can impact final results. It's trash right now.
What are you talking about? What MMR? MMR is a complete joke. There is not even an actual visible MMR like in other games. That thing alone should be enough to tell you that there's not an actual MMR. You can obviously see that in legend ranks as well. And frankly, how could there be a decent MMR if there was? It's a card game and the skill cap is limited, while results are often RNG produced. So you may be on a winning streak because RNGesus decided so and not that you're actually a good player. So when RNGesus decides to piss off of your side you may be playing against an actual good player that will wreck you. NOT ONLY THAT, you're also giving a good player a free win. So, HOW exactly is MMR applicable to a random based game? Honestly?
Also, another annoying deck that plays Pen Flinger. I can't believe this card still hasn't been nerfed.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
I hate this standard meta so much, I'd rather go back to Secret Paladin meta. Cheese Paladin and token druid are un-counterable, fail to clear exactly 1 turn of up to just 4 2/2s and you lose on the spot, and for Paladin's namesake auto lose on an Alura turn. Then you have these degenerate Tickatus players that play awful cards like Felosophy and Demonic Studies just to support Tickatus and LITERALLY BULLY non-aggro decks as if they don't get bullied enough already by this god awful meta, really drives the nail in the coffin for any non-aggro player, you can just forget about playing those decks. Even fucking aggressive decks are running weapon removal. Does Evolve shaman REALLY have to tech in a Stickyfinger just to get their weapon back after their opponent sticky finger'd them? fucking baffling. Teching 1 card to counter the same fucking card.
Fuck this shit. God I hope they do nerf Tickatus in the next patch. And thank the lord Cheese Paladin won't exist anymore next expansion. I can't take one more month of this crap.
Dear Team 5: Why do you keep on giving Control Warlock the best cards? and why haven't you nerfed Tickatus yet? why would you give the best control tools for a class with the best hero power in the game that is also really good for control decks?
Signed, A fan of Hearthstone that's been with you since classic and a control player of a variety of classes.
I'm kinda spamming, but this is my last post for today.
God speed control players. May your struggle against the tyrannical Control Warlock be in your favour, and don't be that guy to just run Control Warlock because it's the best control class. Spice up your life with a little variety.
Why did I bother playing Duels today? My run with an insane deck ended at 6 to 3 warlock. The last one was a dick and had so many copies of Tickatus, Completely ignored the Knife Juggler in Dude Paladin and just went face (disrespecting the Knife Juggler...he wasn't taking me seriously at all) And whaddya know had the weapon that gives you a mage spell each turn and killed me with it because he got alot of face spells. Seems without even facing a Mage I still run into the same soul crushing bad luck that has anything to do with a Mage RNG card.
Ranked was fun though. Highlander Druid has been the most fun I've had lately, but per usual lost to 2 Mages, the only ones I came across. That's a normal day for me.
LOL you gave them 9 hours to nerf a card? Shocking that didn't happen.
Have you tried playing Tickatus? I have. It's rare in this meta to even make it to turn 7 let alone have the cards in hand.
Bottom line is that it doesn't matter what deck you play or how overpowered the cards are. The ZTG programming that controls the entire game determines the winner before the mulligan.
I have too and I felt disgusting. I'm not a bully so I don't stoop to their level. I'm not saying Tickatus is OP, but it feels bad to play against with any slow deck, not just a bad matchup but soul crushing. I dunno about you but I don't like my cards disappearing as if I don't get to play the game.
End of story. Don't care what you think it will never change my mind.
Secret mages are cancer and can go die in a fire
Yep, I'm done. Five years of playing this garbage and my last match was against Secret Mage in Wild. Once I saw 2 5/5s and 3 4/4s drop in one turn, I force quitted the app, uninstalled and decided this stopped being fun a long time ago. It's not fun, it's addictive. Anyone with a slight competitive edge who claims they have fun with this game is in denial and full of shit. I've been lurking these forums for a couple of years and there is a reason this thread has by far the longest tenure with the most posts. I get Wild is supposed to be a bunch of crazy decks but there comes a point where it's simply unplayable and that's what it is now and it's only getting worse. Decks like Secret Mage have no business being alive. It's by far the most oppressive experience one can have in this game. It prevents you from playing. It's the poster child for anti-fun.
I counter aggro decks than I get fucked by late game decks I counter late game decks than I get fucked by aggro fuck this rigged rock paper scissor game.
The problem with this game is that the mechanics it gives the player are so unbalanced. They give you a Spell Damage but in order to leverage it, you need a little bit of play at least. This doesn't work if you die in round 4-5 to a hyper aggressive deck. Give them their aggressiveness but tone it down so that it doesn't peak sooner than anything else. You can design a deck well around an idea, which was clearly put in place to be built around, but find yourself losing to the same old, same old. I could add the usual Ramp Paladin, nice to see that they they are still OP in the Core Set, nothing will change there it seems.
Don’t see anything in here that’s incorrect. When do priests and mage players get the boot they all fucking deserve? When do we as a community say enough is enough? Oh that’s right I forget that 3/4 of this community are full of there own delusions. Kissing Bli$$ards ass and trying to justify 95 percent rng in every goddamn play mode. All these fucks I’m sure are priest and mage players themselves. And let’s not act like the cancer from those classes hasn’t spread to every other because it has. What’s your wincon? Oh rng! Every mother fucking loss is because a top deck a draw the nuts or a discover! Every single fucking one! There is absolutely no in-between anymore. NONE. And the stupid people who benefit from this because they are either stupid or pay to win. Pay to win not exactly meaning what it use to. Pay to win is not only having the cards. But having the game and rng do all the work for you! Wow what a great game to play! And it is NOT fun. No one in there right mind can say this is fun. It’s not. It’s the same garbage peddled everywhere else disguised as competition. Bull fucking shit. It really did start with Yogg and it’s only shat the bed more and more. Theres a reason so many of the “pro” players left. There’s a reason why so many people who worked on the game when they left the rng just piled up. There’s a reason the bundles are so much better now. There’s a reason the game is starting to get “diversity”. Because Bli$$ard and Activision are garbage companies who let the small men make great things. Then they piggy back and it suck it for all it’s worth until it dies. Hearthstone imo at this moment is officially dead.
How short-sighted and stupid of me not to play around the classic turn 4 play with 21/21 stats, especially with all my high-cost cards in hand after the mulligan.
Ceterum censeo classum magi esse delendam.
I play around a bunch of secret's from Mage, and just when I need to play my Expensive spells NOW he starts drawing into Counterspell.
I honestly didn't think it was possible for a meta to be this bad. I don't even feel like I get to actually play the game in most matches. It seems like the majority games are decided in the mulligan, with little to no decision making at all on either end. This game doesn't even seem fixable at this point.
It's also getting slightly nauseating to watch Rogues play 5+ cards every turn & ending up with more cards than they started with.
Yep. Only this Meta will only seem mild compared to future Metas from this trash company.
Why? Because Blizzard trades in fun, competitive, and interactive game mechanics for ways to manipulate MMR RNG to keep players at desired winrates.
They have done this from the beginning to keep a certain level of addiction among HS players that is measurable by expansion profits.
This will never be the great strategic or fun game it could be because of Minion RNG, Discover RNG, Spell RNG, TopDeck RNG, Weapon RNG etc...all system controls that help manipulate MMR outcomes beneath a business model that focuses on profits in exchange for fun, fair strategy mechanics, or interactivity.
This game feels terrible to lose at, and usually scummy to win because of how little you can impact final results. It's trash right now.
What are you talking about? What MMR? MMR is a complete joke. There is not even an actual visible MMR like in other games. That thing alone should be enough to tell you that there's not an actual MMR. You can obviously see that in legend ranks as well. And frankly, how could there be a decent MMR if there was? It's a card game and the skill cap is limited, while results are often RNG produced. So you may be on a winning streak because RNGesus decided so and not that you're actually a good player. So when RNGesus decides to piss off of your side you may be playing against an actual good player that will wreck you. NOT ONLY THAT, you're also giving a good player a free win. So, HOW exactly is MMR applicable to a random based game? Honestly?
Honestly can't wait for the rotation, this game is in such a fuckin' state and needs a hard reset.
I am so tired of paladins winning games just because they played an argent braggart.