Priest mirror matches are just the worst. Wasting 30 minutes to lose RNG from Galakrond is just bad design... Even if you play fully optimal, you can just lose to a guy that gets 3 board clears and you only getting useless cards.
I'm not salty, and souldn't be about a game I'm not putting my money in and most of all is intended to give me good time not the oposite.
I'm posting just to share my opinon about the standard state. There is actually two fully fleshed out decks which are Druid and Palladin period. The cards in there are just exeptionnally good and made to combo with eachother.
The let down here is the other decks which are either jamming in all the low cost burst cards like rogue, DH to come up as aggro decks. Or playing plain old decks which comeplety sucks a** for a game charging 50 plus bucks every four-ish month.
remove fucking Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from arena pool. Too fucking easy to discover, and I think I've lost 10 games over the past two days cause of that shitty swing card.
Is it really too much to ask people that before they go live versus a person with a combo deck, that they might take a little bit of time to play test it vs. AI, so they know how it actually works?
I mean it's what I do. Nothing worse than fumbling through a game not knowing what card to cast and when.
Especially all you new Kael'thas Druid players. I realize the rope thingy can be scary, but RNGeezus do you play like old people making love. Slow and sloppy.
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Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
All i wanted to say is fuck Secret Passage, to hell with that OP, untested garbage. Whoever thought that a one mana draw 5 cards was a good idea should be shot on sight.
remove fucking Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from arena pool. Too fucking easy to discover, and I think I've lost 10 games over the past two days cause of that shitty swing card.
Totally agree, insta loss whenever it gets discovered by some bullshit card.
Just lost to a druid that only had 4 cards left in his deck by the time I had 8 mana. Kael needs to only reduce stuff to COST ONE!!!!
Best way would be if his effect only worked once per turn. When I first saw the card I assumed that would be the case, but no. The card was simply designed with insanity.
Speaking of Druids, I came here to mention that I defeated one! In arena. And he was roping the whole time. God I hate ropers. There are pretty rare, I think a bit less in arena, but still. If you manage to find one though, it's torture. What a waste of my time.
All i wanted to say is fuck Secret Passage, to hell with that OP, untested garbage. Whoever thought that a one mana draw 5 cards was a good idea should be shot on sight.
As a Rogue main and using this card in every deck, i agree with you. It's crazy and i want some of those drugs they been using.
Had Mindrender Illucia in my hand most of the game. Didn't notice I was playing a combo deck until it was too late. Could have wasted their moonfires.. Eh...
I didn’t think it was possible, but they made a deck stronger then v1 Demon Hunter. GG paladin...I’ll see you in 2 weeks when you get your first set of nerfs to half your deck.
This is one of the worst expansions. Blizzard really tests their cards or they're just going to release all powercreed from now on. Basically standard will become wild this year with broken combos and OP cards.
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people who reply to their own comments are just the worst
i totally agree
Priest mirror matches are just the worst. Wasting 30 minutes to lose RNG from Galakrond is just bad design...
Even if you play fully optimal, you can just lose to a guy that gets 3 board clears and you only getting useless cards.
Feels bad.
I'm not salty, and souldn't be about a game I'm not putting my money in and most of all is intended to give me good time not the oposite.
I'm posting just to share my opinon about the standard state. There is actually two fully fleshed out decks which are Druid and Palladin period. The cards in there are just exeptionnally good and made to combo with eachother.
The let down here is the other decks which are either jamming in all the low cost burst cards like rogue, DH to come up as aggro decks. Or playing plain old decks which comeplety sucks a** for a game charging 50 plus bucks every four-ish month.
remove fucking Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from arena pool. Too fucking easy to discover, and I think I've lost 10 games over the past two days cause of that shitty swing card.
Is it really too much to ask people that before they go live versus a person with a combo deck, that they might take a little bit of time to play test it vs. AI, so they know how it actually works?
I mean it's what I do. Nothing worse than fumbling through a game not knowing what card to cast and when.
Especially all you new Kael'thas Druid players. I realize the rope thingy can be scary, but RNGeezus do you play like old people making love. Slow and sloppy.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
All i wanted to say is fuck Secret Passage, to hell with that OP, untested garbage. Whoever thought that a one mana draw 5 cards was a good idea should be shot on sight.
Release the Kraken! after a druid played... I think 40 mana worth of cards in a single turn I kinda felt like chucking my keyboard out the window.
And I was playing a pretty fast aggro deck.
Totally agree, insta loss whenever it gets discovered by some bullshit card.
Just lost to a druid that only had 4 cards left in his deck by the time I had 8 mana. Kael needs to only reduce stuff to COST ONE!!!!
Best way would be if his effect only worked once per turn. When I first saw the card I assumed that would be the case, but no. The card was simply designed with insanity.
Speaking of Druids, I came here to mention that I defeated one! In arena. And he was roping the whole time. God I hate ropers. There are pretty rare, I think a bit less in arena, but still. If you manage to find one though, it's torture. What a waste of my time.
1/2 the games I face are OP paladin. Blizzard can suck a dick.
Against Token Druid an hour ago.
Turn 1 : 14/14 on board.
Me : Alt + F4 and went to take a nice big dump while drinking ice cold tropical Redbull.
As a Rogue main and using this card in every deck, i agree with you. It's crazy and i want some of those drugs they been using.
Had Mindrender Illucia in my hand most of the game. Didn't notice I was playing a combo deck until it was too late. Could have wasted their moonfires.. Eh...
I didn’t think it was possible, but they made a deck stronger then v1 Demon Hunter. GG paladin...I’ll see you in 2 weeks when you get your first set of nerfs to half your deck.
There is nothing more obnoxious than a Mage. So cheap, so scummy.
I got beat down by a pure libram paladin on turn 4 because he drew two First Day at Schools and I couldn't keep up.
Druid in arena
Turn 1 discovers Embiggen through Nature Studies. Ok, one of those matches again, so I try and carry on.
Turn 4 Ethereal Lackey generated by EVIL Cable Rat discovers Embiggen.
OK, nothing to see here. Just druid being druid as always.
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This is one of the worst expansions. Blizzard really tests their cards or they're just going to release all powercreed from now on. Basically standard will become wild this year with broken combos and OP cards.