Every singleton hunter I faced today (4) topdecked brann and then topdecked zephrys on curve for lethal. Each and every one of them. All of them by the time I had the streak to climb to rank 5. And there are people still believing this shit ain't rigged. Yeah, ok.
The game is unplayable.... this is by far the worst fucking meta in wild as well as in standard. Literally if you want to win, you have to play high tier decks, because every fucking scrub is tryin' hard in both ranked and casual
I feel like too many of my loses end up with enemy top decking lethal or discover just the right card to seal the deal or turn the game around or the games feels scripted to me. I don't know how to not get tilted from this and keep enjoying the game. For example my previous match I played against shaman and I had really good draw.
All i have to say to all of you sad souls who still play this shit...
Seriously, the game is very good, I would highly recommend it if youre tired of HS and its RNG bullshit
I just need a way to sell my account lol. But yeah, clearly time to explore other options, Legends or Magic look ok. At this point anything would be better to the steaming pile of shit HS has become.
Just made an account to share my experience with you as a re-joiner, who has not touched this game for about half a year. So I got a few packs (quite a lot actually), but I did not care that much, I wanted to make a Demon Hunter deck so I can try and see what's the fuss about that new class, and Oh My God, they have managed to make a more braindead class archetype than Face Hunter. I had some quests to complete, but man, I felt embarrassed playing with that kind of deck during the time I finished with those mandatory quests.
But I prefer Arena to Standard, so I chose a Warrior twice and decided to delete again without shedding a single tear. Because I had to realize, that the game is an even worse RNG fuckfest then before. No matter that I have had a 79 point-deck twice in a row, the RNG raped me in the most gruesome ways.
Rogue with spamming Lackeys endless random card steals and Discovering random legendaries and in the end spawned Nethrandamus, with Kalecygos and some other big ass fuck Dragon, Mage with the classic Conjurer's Calling, Shaman with a "Hey I have got 10 mana, let's spawn 3 5/6 big ass fucks on the board", and another Shaman who got Underbelly Angler into Underbelly Angler, into Scargill, into LITERALLY EVERY FUCKIGNG LEGENDARY AND EPIC MURLOCS. Yeah and I am still talking about Arena, did you realize that?
So, nah that was enough to see how degenerate this game is and this time did not say myself, that "ahh it was just bad luck, chin up! The next game will be better! No, Fuck this game, fuck this 0-skill crap.
Nice, just lost a game because of the buggy Nozdormu, Ysera Unleashed and Dream Portals animations by my opponent. I had 0 seconds to finish my turn. Great!
Gah, I haaate when opponents make obvious misplays (comes with the territory of playing in the jank leagues with non-competitive decks), but I hate even more when I'm heavily favored to punish that misplay and whiff.
Case in point: I'm playing a Dead Man's Hand control warrior build against a pure paladin, and from the last few turns of play it should be veeery obvious I have a Brawl. At least, any decent player would know I have a Brawl (tapping and making minimal plays for turns 5, 6 and 7 while my opponent is hovering around 4-6 damage on board). So on turn 8, they go ham. Go from 3 to 5 minions, and make one minion huge with Pharaoh's Blessing. Besides this one minion, everything else is pretty small - next biggest is a 2/3.
I topdeck a Town Crier to tip the odds even more in my favor (losing the 1/2 is worth the slightly decreased percentage), so when I Brawl they have a 1 in 6 (16.67%) chance of keeping the one minion that mattered.
Of course, you know what minion survived because I'm posting here about it. XD It's bad enough when you lose high probability rolls like that, but losing them after a misplay burns even more. >.<
In my quest to try to race down a Libram Paladin before he pulls some 8/8 divine shield taunt lifesteal bullshit, I dropped Brightwing and get a Nozari. Great, unplayable card. I drop DQ Alex and get ANOTHER Nozari -- with a Questing Adventurer, no less. I can't even play the 0 mana card to buff the Questing Adventurer to push 1 more damage. Meanwhile...my opponent gets TWO copies of Alexstrasza -- one to heal himself back to 15 and another to give him lethal by reducing my HP from 25 to 15 with Alex and 8/8 bullshit taunt on board. Yup, you're right. I have totally normal RNG. *eyeroll*
I feel like too many of my loses end up with enemy top decking lethal or discover just the right card to seal the deal or turn the game around or the games feels scripted to me. I don't know how to not get tilted from this and keep enjoying the game. For example my previous match I played against shaman and I had really good draw.
His FOUR Fate Weaver (discovered) paired quite nicely with his THREE copies of Breath of the Infinite (discovered) and THREE copies of Thoughtsteal to perpetually keep my board nice and clear and fill his hand with my best cards which all now cost 4 mana less than I get to play them for, while also having a fully invoked Galakrond by turn 7.
It must be really nice to high roll the fuck out of games and just get everything you need to completely lock your opponent out of the game by turn 5. I wouldn't know, because that shit never happens to me. Ever.
Alexstraza wow what a fun card. Have someone do nothing the whole game and at 4 life. That’s ok I’ll top deck Alex to get the other Alex to put me at 15 and drop a malygos to boot. Guess I should’ve played better and around my opp gaining 11 health and dropping 20/28 worth of stats for 9 mana. Dang I just love modern day hearthstone. Truely a game of skill.
FUCKING DUMB CUNT DEMON HUNTERS PLAYING CARBON-COPY STANDARD DECKS IN WILD. So fucking annoying. Like, not only is it a bad idea meta-wise, but why the fuck wouldn't you play a competitive standard archetype in, I don't know, STANDARD?!? A large reason we play wild is to get away from the stale standard stuff, and then these fucking morons bring it in.
If that's not bad enough, they're almost always people who won't accept a friend request so I can't ask them the simple question "did you accidentally click on wild". Because really, that's the only reason with any semblance of logic behind it.
Why is malygos still a thing? Why do I play against druids who ramp to hell and just draw draw draw just for them to drop malygos and spam “my greetings” like they did some next level pro play? Why is Bli$$ard so fucking shit?
Was playing against a Maly Quest Warlock. By sheer luck they still haven't found their combo pieces to burn me down. Then they play a zero cost DQA and there is a long pause on their end...
They then drop both Dragons that were provided by DQA. What were they? Alex and Maly...
Like I was probably going to lose to the combo once they drew it but come on!
Every singleton hunter I faced today (4) topdecked brann and then topdecked zephrys on curve for lethal. Each and every one of them. All of them by the time I had the streak to climb to rank 5. And there are people still believing this shit ain't rigged. Yeah, ok.
Hearthstone is dead for me. Wild is just not fun anymore.
I wish I could enjoy wild but I can't and I'm really sad now. Guess I gotta go play standard. ._.
The game is unplayable.... this is by far the worst fucking meta in wild as well as in standard. Literally if you want to win, you have to play high tier decks, because every fucking scrub is tryin' hard in both ranked and casual
All i have to say to all of you sad souls who still play this shit...
Seriously, the game is very good, I would highly recommend it if youre tired of HS and its RNG bullshit
I feel like too many of my loses end up with enemy top decking lethal or discover just the right card to seal the deal or turn the game around or the games feels scripted to me. I don't know how to not get tilted from this and keep enjoying the game. For example my previous match I played against shaman and I had really good draw.
turn 6 Dragoncaster+Power of Creation -> shaman playes earthquake (top deck)
turn 7 siamat -> shaman plays hex. (top deck)
turn 8 -> deep freeze -> shaman plays another earthquake.
turn 9 alex -> shaman plays Hagathas scheme with 8 damage on it. (I got alex at starting hand and he got hagatha scheme as starting hand)
And this keeps happening way too much for it too be just bad luck.
Also Rogue and Priest class design is really terrible to play against. You have no chance of playing around all that discover randomness there's.
I just need a way to sell my account lol. But yeah, clearly time to explore other options, Legends or Magic look ok. At this point anything would be better to the steaming pile of shit HS has become.
Just made an account to share my experience with you as a re-joiner, who has not touched this game for about half a year. So I got a few packs (quite a lot actually), but I did not care that much, I wanted to make a Demon Hunter deck so I can try and see what's the fuss about that new class, and Oh My God, they have managed to make a more braindead class archetype than Face Hunter. I had some quests to complete, but man, I felt embarrassed playing with that kind of deck during the time I finished with those mandatory quests.
But I prefer Arena to Standard, so I chose a Warrior twice and decided to delete again without shedding a single tear. Because I had to realize, that the game is an even worse RNG fuckfest then before. No matter that I have had a 79 point-deck twice in a row, the RNG raped me in the most gruesome ways.
Rogue with spamming Lackeys endless random card steals and Discovering random legendaries and in the end spawned Nethrandamus, with Kalecygos and some other big ass fuck Dragon, Mage with the classic Conjurer's Calling, Shaman with a "Hey I have got 10 mana, let's spawn 3 5/6 big ass fucks on the board", and another Shaman who got Underbelly Angler into Underbelly Angler, into Scargill, into LITERALLY EVERY FUCKIGNG LEGENDARY AND EPIC MURLOCS. Yeah and I am still talking about Arena, did you realize that?
So, nah that was enough to see how degenerate this game is and this time did not say myself, that "ahh it was just bad luck, chin up! The next game will be better! No, Fuck this game, fuck this 0-skill crap.
I think it's time Blizzard admits defeat and removes Demon Hunter from the game.
Nice, just lost a game because of the buggy Nozdormu, Ysera Unleashed and Dream Portals animations by my opponent. I had 0 seconds to finish my turn. Great!
Gah, I haaate when opponents make obvious misplays (comes with the territory of playing in the jank leagues with non-competitive decks), but I hate even more when I'm heavily favored to punish that misplay and whiff.
Case in point: I'm playing a Dead Man's Hand control warrior build against a pure paladin, and from the last few turns of play it should be veeery obvious I have a Brawl. At least, any decent player would know I have a Brawl (tapping and making minimal plays for turns 5, 6 and 7 while my opponent is hovering around 4-6 damage on board). So on turn 8, they go ham. Go from 3 to 5 minions, and make one minion huge with Pharaoh's Blessing. Besides this one minion, everything else is pretty small - next biggest is a 2/3.
I topdeck a Town Crier to tip the odds even more in my favor (losing the 1/2 is worth the slightly decreased percentage), so when I Brawl they have a 1 in 6 (16.67%) chance of keeping the one minion that mattered.
Of course, you know what minion survived because I'm posting here about it. XD It's bad enough when you lose high probability rolls like that, but losing them after a misplay burns even more. >.<
In my quest to try to race down a Libram Paladin before he pulls some 8/8 divine shield taunt lifesteal bullshit, I dropped Brightwing and get a Nozari. Great, unplayable card. I drop DQ Alex and get ANOTHER Nozari -- with a Questing Adventurer, no less. I can't even play the 0 mana card to buff the Questing Adventurer to push 1 more damage. Meanwhile...my opponent gets TWO copies of Alexstrasza -- one to heal himself back to 15 and another to give him lethal by reducing my HP from 25 to 15 with Alex and 8/8 bullshit taunt on board. Yup, you're right. I have totally normal RNG. *eyeroll*
It only feels scripted because it is scripted. There is nothing random about this game.
After Turn 1 Disciple of Galakrond into Turn 2 DOUBLE Disciple of Galakrond (third discovered from first)
His FOUR Fate Weaver (discovered) paired quite nicely with his THREE copies of Breath of the Infinite (discovered) and THREE copies of Thoughtsteal to perpetually keep my board nice and clear and fill his hand with my best cards which all now cost 4 mana less than I get to play them for, while also having a fully invoked Galakrond by turn 7.
It must be really nice to high roll the fuck out of games and just get everything you need to completely lock your opponent out of the game by turn 5. I wouldn't know, because that shit never happens to me. Ever.
Alexstraza wow what a fun card. Have someone do nothing the whole game and at 4 life. That’s ok I’ll top deck Alex to get the other Alex to put me at 15 and drop a malygos to boot. Guess I should’ve played better and around my opp gaining 11 health and dropping 20/28 worth of stats for 9 mana. Dang I just love modern day hearthstone. Truely a game of skill.
Cursing incoming.
FUCKING DUMB CUNT DEMON HUNTERS PLAYING CARBON-COPY STANDARD DECKS IN WILD. So fucking annoying. Like, not only is it a bad idea meta-wise, but why the fuck wouldn't you play a competitive standard archetype in, I don't know, STANDARD?!? A large reason we play wild is to get away from the stale standard stuff, and then these fucking morons bring it in.
If that's not bad enough, they're almost always people who won't accept a friend request so I can't ask them the simple question "did you accidentally click on wild". Because really, that's the only reason with any semblance of logic behind it.
Why is malygos still a thing? Why do I play against druids who ramp to hell and just draw draw draw just for them to drop malygos and spam “my greetings” like they did some next level pro play? Why is Bli$$ard so fucking shit?
Fucking priest getting 3x Murozond from Galakrond's Wit + manages to play his own 4th one. Fuck off with that nonsense.
Galakrond rogue 2x shadowstep on kronx is so stupid bullshit + togwagle sheme. Great game. Great cards. Great Galakrond shit.
Was playing against a Maly Quest Warlock. By sheer luck they still haven't found their combo pieces to burn me down. Then they play a zero cost DQA and there is a long pause on their end...
They then drop both Dragons that were provided by DQA. What were they? Alex and Maly...
Like I was probably going to lose to the combo once they drew it but come on!
the funny thing is we can't even sell our accounts because no one pays a dime anymore for this shitty game.