Nothing stinks more than dying the turn before you can get your Mechathun Warlock to pop. I gotta stop watching these YT videos and thinking that doesn’t look so hard. It sure didn’t seem like a 60% deck today.
Still not a fan of the rating system either. I always seem to get paired up with the deck that is the direct foil to what I’m playing.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
FUCK Rogue! Just fuck them! They make me starting to hate this game. FUCK!
nothing better than getting rogue to 4 hp as enrage warrior only for reliquary of souls he discovered earlier to save him from the 4 needed face damage. lifesteal from 4 back to 30 all the while spamming emotes. lottery deck
I find this thread very therapeutic to post in. I think it's a good thing. Perhaps in the long run it would be better if I sought ways to learn to get less salty in the first place, but I don't think getting frustrated with certain situations in games we're passionate about is actually uncommon - I think it probably happens to most players, so I'm thankful that this thread exists.
I also play MTG (in MTGA), and unfortunately there's no such refuge there, besides the weekly thread that gets taken down after a couple days. So I'm going to go slightly OT, and post about that in here. I'll try to make it relatable for those that don't play Magic.
So I'm in the low tiers with my F2P collection (it's much harder to get a top class competitive set of decks while F2Ping in MTGA than it is in HS), and I'm currently piloting a Jeskai (red/blue/white) Yorion/Fires deck. Main reason is that I can run Fires (easily my best card), and almost every good board sweeper I have (in low ranks board sweepers easily win games, as many players go creature heavy without enough of a contingency plan). Get paired up with someone who ends up going 5C... stuff... and going second, of course. Opponent has no color fixing, yet doesn't have an issue casting a single spell. In particular, what ended up putting a bunch of pressure on me was a blue creature, that under normal circumstances would need two blue mana for, but in this circumstance only needed one - and they had exactly one blue mana available. Meanwhile, I can't draw one of my ~6 sweepers to save my life, and I'm getting land after land after land.
Penultimate turn, I finally draw a sweeper. However, it's my sweeper that only kills non-giant creatures, and wouldn't you know it, my opponent actually has a giant (this is actually really rare, to the point that the sweeper is, in 95%+ of cases, just "kill everything"). That's fine though. Thanks to all the land I've been drawing, I can play a bigger creature to block, so my 2 life is protected (the giant is a 3/3). He has no cards in hand, so he'll likely have to draw something to win, and if not I should be able to stabilize given my deck quality advantage.
He draws - nothing. Proceeds to combat - now, this giant has an ability that happens at the start of combat, where it gets one of ten abilities on the first trigger, then one of nine on the next, etc, until it has all 10. It already has one, and 8 of the other abilities are either useless or at least not game-ending. One of the remaining 9 would see me lose, as his creature would become unblockable by my solo creature.
Guess which ability it got. >.> <.< >.>
I mean, I guess it's the good thing about CCGs like Hearthstone and Magic in that even a bad deck can beat a much better deck depending on draws and luck (or, luck and other types of luck I guess?), and I really hope that player savored that win and appreciated just how awesome it was to win that matchup, but as the losing player in this case - it's soooo much more satisfying (or rather, less painful) to at least lose to a deck that's constructed relatively well. :'D
it maybe priest or dh for most people but fking rogue players make me wanna pull out my hair in rage, man having to wait for rogues to finish their turn is one of the worst fucking experience ever! my sympathies to everyone who went through that, they can do way too dam much and that bouncing shit in hand and then playing again and again and again, i would nuke this fking class to oblivion if i could.
5 years and I still don't understand aggro deck, why playing aggro? Why don't use a minimum of your brain? Why people are so dumb they just click on a button, copy a dumb deck and enjoy it? I really don't understand, I gonna leave this world for another one.
Freaking grunts that play competitive decks in the jank leagues - if they're smurfing (which they almost always are if you play them more than once, given how many players there are) should be taken out the back and shot. Worst part of the gaming community.
I've probably never written to these salt threads before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
So I decided to try Libram Paladin today, since it seems a lot more viable now after the nerfs. I've already tried it out before with decent success, so surely it should go even better right? Nope. 0-15 so far, can't beat anything. Everything seems to go wrong. This is probably the biggest losing streak I've ever had in this game.
Against Demon Hunters - they go face with everything, I need to heal and clear the board every turn, but I always fail to find either healing or AOE, so I'm dead in 7 turns.
Against Mages - Box RNG destroys me every time I think I'm about to win. The one time they accidentally burn their Box, Reno's hero power gives them the nuts.
Against a Rogue - This is probably the most ridiculous thing of them all. Game is very much under control, then they build a big all-in board with Kronx's +2/+2 buffs, and if I can clear the board I'll win the game easily. But both of my Wild Pyromancers, Consecrations and Libram of Justices are all in the bottom 8 cards of my deck.
Mirror matches - They draw double Libram of Hope by turn 8, I draw none.
Not to mention that Lady Liadrin is always either clogging the starting hand, or at the bottom of the deck.
//edit: Okay, after almost 20 games it turned out Hunter is a really good matchup. Too bad everything else seems terrible. Ending at 1-18.
I've probably never written to these salt threads before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
So I decided to try Libram Paladin today, since it seems a lot more viable now after the nerfs. I've already tried it out before with decent success, so surely it should go even better right? Nope. 0-15 so far, can't beat anything. Everything seems to go wrong. This is probably the biggest losing streak I've ever had in this game.
Against Demon Hunters - they go face with everything, I need to heal and clear the board every turn, but I always fail to find either healing or AOE, so I'm dead in 7 turns.
Against Mages - Box RNG destroys me every time I think I'm about to win. The one time they accidentally burn their Box, Reno's hero power gives them the nuts.
Against a Rogue - This is probably the most ridiculous thing of them all. Game is very much under control, then they build a big all-in board with Kronx's +2/+2 buffs, and if I can clear the board I'll win the game easily. But both of my Wild Pyromancers, Consecrations and Libram of Justices are all in the bottom 8 cards of my deck.
Mirror matches - They draw double Libram of Hope by turn 8, I draw none.
Not to mention that Lady Liadrin is always either clogging the starting hand, or at the bottom of the deck.
//edit: Okay, after almost 20 games it turned out Hunter is a really good matchup. Too bad everything else seems terrible. Ending at 1-18.
You can't beat manipulated RNG. The mirror match illustrated how one player each game gets a perfect draw on curve and the other watches. Play long enough and you'll be on both ends 50% of the time. ZTG is not just a card - it's the heart of the game. The system reads the board, determines the best (or worst) card and pulls accordingly. How many games have you said "that was like a one in million combo? Queen Alex finds your opponent a zero cost malygos with two sinister strikes in hand and you sitting at 16 health? Like winning the lottery right? Wrong. That's a typical game. Every game ends with a Royal Flush on the river. Every hand either you or the dealer gets blackjack. And if you play long enough you break even. Where's the fun in that?
Man I'm lightly salted today. I got two D1 with 2 stars. I had been playing only a couple games a day, moving slowly and getting a star or two a day. But I decided to just go for it and went down a terrible tilting hole back to D3. Not the worst thing in the world but just gotta vent.
Whoever play Reno decks in wild is braindead cancerus shitt who doesnt deserve to walk on this earth... plss k... yourself !!! All of you ! No one will miss you retarded skill less pussyss. Just do it !
DH was an absolute shitshow that they have finally sorted out. It’s the MMR folks and their STATED goal of having all players win rate at 50%. What a way to lose customers and ruin a game that was already on the decline. Take your algorithms and shove them up your ass you idiotic Blizzard fucks.
Fuck you Bli$$ard! FUCK YOU. You disgusting piece of fucking filth company you have become. You have had three rounds of nerfs in a month but yet every single one has made the game worse? How is that fucking possible???? I am SICK and fucking tired of losing to bullshit rng after bullshit rng. I am sick and fucking tired of every fucking time I have lethal my opp is able to wiggle their way out of it because of rng!!!! I’m fucking sick of it! Oh lackey evolve!!!! Untargetable taunt with reborn! Oh shucks I was at one and you had lethal but I guess I just outplayed you tee hee! Oh you had lethal? Oh sorry I had renewed into renew into renew guess you can’t win now tee hee! Oh you had lethal that’s ok I’ll top deck genie actually I have lethal now tee hee! Wtf does it take to realize this is not fucking fun! I’m sick of every game being this way! And im sick and fucking tired of this company being purposely incompetent! You can be legit retarded, have a 60 iq, and be in a coma and still make legend in this game. It cheapens legend so fucking much now. What’s the fucking endgame now? Why should I play bli$$ard? When I hit over 50 percent I instantly get shot back down. Please tell me why I should continue to be a f2p or any of the brain dead consumers who spend money why we shouldn’t quit it mass. Business 101 you can shit the bed over and over and over and as long as you are a monopoly company like Bli$$ard and the masses continue to be fools you can put out all the absolutely monstrosity products you want and it will always fucking blow over no matter what. I really don’t know who I hate more. This shit money grubbing incompetent company or the brain dead consumer who eat this shit up and think it’s ok the game is like this now.
The kinds of people who smurf with competitive decks at low ranks are probably the kinds of people who leave shopping trolleys in the middle of parking bays, or don't leave a note after hitting an unattended parked car.
That is, they do shithouse things just because they can get away with it. Not a great character trait.
I made it past Edwin. I made it past Heistbaron. I made it past The Wand. I made it past Galakrond. I made it past a number of 0 cost cards. I made it past Flik. I made it past Kronx. After all this, I'm still at 26 health with plenty of resources in hand and in deck so I figured I was coming out of this one on the winning side...
The board state: The Rogue had 5 Lackey's on board but I didn't really feel threatened by their presence so I felt I had plenty of time to deal with it. They then play a 'Draconic Lackey' and immediately follow up with an 'Alexstrasza' to bring me to 15 health, and then 10 health once the other 5 Lackey's attacked.
I don't know why Rogue RNG bothers me so much but losing this one hurt.
Nothing stinks more than dying the turn before you can get your Mechathun Warlock to pop. I gotta stop watching these YT videos and thinking that doesn’t look so hard. It sure didn’t seem like a 60% deck today.
Still not a fan of the rating system either. I always seem to get paired up with the deck that is the direct foil to what I’m playing.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your crap, and knowing you’re crap.
A .gif is worth a thousand words.
nothing better than getting rogue to 4 hp as enrage warrior only for reliquary of souls he discovered earlier to save him from the 4 needed face damage. lifesteal from 4 back to 30 all the while spamming emotes. lottery deck
I find this thread very therapeutic to post in. I think it's a good thing. Perhaps in the long run it would be better if I sought ways to learn to get less salty in the first place, but I don't think getting frustrated with certain situations in games we're passionate about is actually uncommon - I think it probably happens to most players, so I'm thankful that this thread exists.
I also play MTG (in MTGA), and unfortunately there's no such refuge there, besides the weekly thread that gets taken down after a couple days. So I'm going to go slightly OT, and post about that in here. I'll try to make it relatable for those that don't play Magic.
So I'm in the low tiers with my F2P collection (it's much harder to get a top class competitive set of decks while F2Ping in MTGA than it is in HS), and I'm currently piloting a Jeskai (red/blue/white) Yorion/Fires deck. Main reason is that I can run Fires (easily my best card), and almost every good board sweeper I have (in low ranks board sweepers easily win games, as many players go creature heavy without enough of a contingency plan). Get paired up with someone who ends up going 5C... stuff... and going second, of course. Opponent has no color fixing, yet doesn't have an issue casting a single spell. In particular, what ended up putting a bunch of pressure on me was a blue creature, that under normal circumstances would need two blue mana for, but in this circumstance only needed one - and they had exactly one blue mana available. Meanwhile, I can't draw one of my ~6 sweepers to save my life, and I'm getting land after land after land.
Penultimate turn, I finally draw a sweeper. However, it's my sweeper that only kills non-giant creatures, and wouldn't you know it, my opponent actually has a giant (this is actually really rare, to the point that the sweeper is, in 95%+ of cases, just "kill everything"). That's fine though. Thanks to all the land I've been drawing, I can play a bigger creature to block, so my 2 life is protected (the giant is a 3/3). He has no cards in hand, so he'll likely have to draw something to win, and if not I should be able to stabilize given my deck quality advantage.
He draws - nothing. Proceeds to combat - now, this giant has an ability that happens at the start of combat, where it gets one of ten abilities on the first trigger, then one of nine on the next, etc, until it has all 10. It already has one, and 8 of the other abilities are either useless or at least not game-ending. One of the remaining 9 would see me lose, as his creature would become unblockable by my solo creature.
Guess which ability it got. >.> <.< >.>
I mean, I guess it's the good thing about CCGs like Hearthstone and Magic in that even a bad deck can beat a much better deck depending on draws and luck (or, luck and other types of luck I guess?), and I really hope that player savored that win and appreciated just how awesome it was to win that matchup, but as the losing player in this case - it's soooo much more satisfying (or rather, less painful) to at least lose to a deck that's constructed relatively well. :'D
Oh boy, fuck priest and their endless removal..
it maybe priest or dh for most people but fking rogue players make me wanna pull out my hair in rage, man having to wait for rogues to finish their turn is one of the worst fucking experience ever! my sympathies to everyone who went through that, they can do way too dam much and that bouncing shit in hand and then playing again and again and again, i would nuke this fking class to oblivion if i could.
5 years and I still don't understand aggro deck, why playing aggro? Why don't use a minimum of your brain? Why people are so dumb they just click on a button, copy a dumb deck and enjoy it? I really don't understand, I gonna leave this world for another one.
why the f i face lots of priest who only knows how to heal and aoe and blizzard keeps supporting this idiotic 0 IQ deck
I was in charge!! - Patches the Pirate
Freaking grunts that play competitive decks in the jank leagues - if they're smurfing (which they almost always are if you play them more than once, given how many players there are) should be taken out the back and shot. Worst part of the gaming community.
I greatly dislike Malygos and wish it would be sent to the Hall of Fame.
I've probably never written to these salt threads before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
So I decided to try Libram Paladin today, since it seems a lot more viable now after the nerfs. I've already tried it out before with decent success, so surely it should go even better right? Nope. 0-15 so far, can't beat anything. Everything seems to go wrong. This is probably the biggest losing streak I've ever had in this game.
Against Demon Hunters - they go face with everything, I need to heal and clear the board every turn, but I always fail to find either healing or AOE, so I'm dead in 7 turns.
Against Mages - Box RNG destroys me every time I think I'm about to win. The one time they accidentally burn their Box, Reno's hero power gives them the nuts.
Against a Rogue - This is probably the most ridiculous thing of them all. Game is very much under control, then they build a big all-in board with Kronx's +2/+2 buffs, and if I can clear the board I'll win the game easily. But both of my Wild Pyromancers, Consecrations and Libram of Justices are all in the bottom 8 cards of my deck.
Mirror matches - They draw double Libram of Hope by turn 8, I draw none.
Not to mention that Lady Liadrin is always either clogging the starting hand, or at the bottom of the deck.
//edit: Okay, after almost 20 games it turned out Hunter is a really good matchup. Too bad everything else seems terrible. Ending at 1-18.
You can't beat manipulated RNG. The mirror match illustrated how one player each game gets a perfect draw on curve and the other watches. Play long enough and you'll be on both ends 50% of the time. ZTG is not just a card - it's the heart of the game. The system reads the board, determines the best (or worst) card and pulls accordingly. How many games have you said "that was like a one in million combo? Queen Alex finds your opponent a zero cost malygos with two sinister strikes in hand and you sitting at 16 health? Like winning the lottery right? Wrong. That's a typical game. Every game ends with a Royal Flush on the river. Every hand either you or the dealer gets blackjack. And if you play long enough you break even. Where's the fun in that?
Man I'm lightly salted today. I got two D1 with 2 stars. I had been playing only a couple games a day, moving slowly and getting a star or two a day. But I decided to just go for it and went down a terrible tilting hole back to D3. Not the worst thing in the world but just gotta vent.
Whoever play Reno decks in wild is braindead cancerus shitt who doesnt deserve to walk on this earth... plss k... yourself !!! All of you ! No one will miss you retarded skill less pussyss. Just do it !
DH was an absolute shitshow that they have finally sorted out. It’s the MMR folks and their STATED goal of having all players win rate at 50%. What a way to lose customers and ruin a game that was already on the decline. Take your algorithms and shove them up your ass you idiotic Blizzard fucks.
Fuck you Bli$$ard! FUCK YOU. You disgusting piece of fucking filth company you have become. You have had three rounds of nerfs in a month but yet every single one has made the game worse? How is that fucking possible???? I am SICK and fucking tired of losing to bullshit rng after bullshit rng. I am sick and fucking tired of every fucking time I have lethal my opp is able to wiggle their way out of it because of rng!!!! I’m fucking sick of it! Oh lackey evolve!!!! Untargetable taunt with reborn! Oh shucks I was at one and you had lethal but I guess I just outplayed you tee hee! Oh you had lethal? Oh sorry I had renewed into renew into renew guess you can’t win now tee hee! Oh you had lethal that’s ok I’ll top deck genie actually I have lethal now tee hee! Wtf does it take to realize this is not fucking fun! I’m sick of every game being this way! And im sick and fucking tired of this company being purposely incompetent! You can be legit retarded, have a 60 iq, and be in a coma and still make legend in this game. It cheapens legend so fucking much now. What’s the fucking endgame now? Why should I play bli$$ard? When I hit over 50 percent I instantly get shot back down. Please tell me why I should continue to be a f2p or any of the brain dead consumers who spend money why we shouldn’t quit it mass. Business 101 you can shit the bed over and over and over and as long as you are a monopoly company like Bli$$ard and the masses continue to be fools you can put out all the absolutely monstrosity products you want and it will always fucking blow over no matter what. I really don’t know who I hate more. This shit money grubbing incompetent company or the brain dead consumer who eat this shit up and think it’s ok the game is like this now.
The kinds of people who smurf with competitive decks at low ranks are probably the kinds of people who leave shopping trolleys in the middle of parking bays, or don't leave a note after hitting an unattended parked car.
That is, they do shithouse things just because they can get away with it. Not a great character trait.
Galakrond Priest (Me) vs Galakrond Rogue (Them)
I made it past Edwin. I made it past Heistbaron. I made it past The Wand. I made it past Galakrond. I made it past a number of 0 cost cards. I made it past Flik. I made it past Kronx. After all this, I'm still at 26 health with plenty of resources in hand and in deck so I figured I was coming out of this one on the winning side...
The board state: The Rogue had 5 Lackey's on board but I didn't really feel threatened by their presence so I felt I had plenty of time to deal with it. They then play a 'Draconic Lackey' and immediately follow up with an 'Alexstrasza' to bring me to 15 health, and then 10 health once the other 5 Lackey's attacked.
I don't know why Rogue RNG bothers me so much but losing this one hurt.
Just playing some spell hunter in Wild
Go against rogue who is playing deathrattle Maly
Draws maly, their DK, both saps, both deathrattle weapons, both sinister strikes and their Kobold all within 15 cards
Like what is that shit? I did not even draw half the spells I was looking for to deal damage in the same amount of cards
some bulll crap right there
To the Tempo Quest Mage playing Tier1 deck in CASUAL against a homebrew no-minion mage.
Completing the nerfed(LOL) quest in less than 5 turn and clearing my board and putting me at 7hp all that while his board was frozen a T4.
you’re a sorry fuck.
Yes, casual Big Priest player, you are going to beat my Quest Evolve Murloc Shaman. You can stop emoting, now.