Just played against someone who may have had the biggest high roll I've seen in a while.
Going second, coin, Galvanizer, three one drop mechs. Turn two, they topdeckCrystology and play their final discounted card (Micro Mummy), and they ultimately finish their game pretty much playing out every card they draw - including the second Crystology while 17 cards remained in their deck, and while having a deck that didn't just solely consist of cheap cards to make use of Galvaniser.
If that's not bad enough, but for whatever reason they were playing SLOW. AS. FRACK. I don't think it was intentional roping given that it lead to misplays like not attacking with minions, but they must've been multitasking or something because there was no good reason for how long they took. I suppose when you draw that well you don't need to play properly.
I played 17 games on Galakrond Warrior. I faced 29% pepega big druids and 24% pepega face hunters (counters to Galakrond Warrior). So, I make a deck that HARD counters both of those. I immediately see 7% hunter and 14% druids (spot on with HSreplay statistics) but a whopping 36% super aggro mech paladin. Ironically, guess what deck hard counters the new deck I just switched to? Yep, that's right. Super aggro mech paladin. What percentage of the meta is mech paladin? According to HSReplay, 2.41%. You still think matchmaking isn't rigged? Hmmm.
Seriously, when was the last time Hunter as a class remained in the dumpster? Probably the time before Spell Hunter or the Keleseth DR version appeared. But, surprisingly, almost no one seems to care about the king of SMOrc. Even nowadays Rexxar has access to three pretty powerful archetypes (Face, Quest and Singleton) whereas Paladin is nothing but Aggro Mech. Guess what, people like to complain more about Paladin...
The same goes for Druid which was considered a dead class before the recent balance changes. Instead of requesting Hunter nerfs most people want Malfurion to become unplayable again. It's getting ridiculous, folks.
I swear that about 70 percent of my matches on rank 4 are embiggen druid. I'm getting so sick of my opponents dumping 13 mana worh of stats onto the board on turn 5. The side quest is busted. Cheating any minion from your deck into play for 1 mana is insane. All for the generic cost of paying mana to play minions.
What the hell were they thinking printing Winged Guardian? And as a two-of! In a class they just gave a 0-cost deck buff?? Even if you can silence it (which requires Mass Dispel, Owl/Spellbreaker or a lucky Tinkmaster Overspark), it’s still a big body you need to deal with. And then you still have to deal with two 7/6 or 9/8 Elusive Feywings, etc. Really unfun deck and it’s everywhere right now.
What the hell were they thinking printing Winged Guardian? And as a two-of! In a class they just gave a 0-cost deck buff?? Even if you can silence it (which requires Mass Dispel, Owl/Spellbreaker or a lucky Tinkmaster Overspark), it’s still a big body you need to deal with. And then you still have to deal with two 7/6 or 9/8 Elusive Feywings, etc. Really unfun deck and it’s everywhere right now.
I agree with all of the above. Of course you can also cheat a buffed copy into play for 1 mana via stength in numbers. Tilting!!
all this game is really about now is cheating stuff on the board you shouldn't be able to if this was a good and thought through game
it's really getting more pathetic every single expansion
just play a lololol 1 mana card that gives you 7-10 mana for free with basically no requirement but 2-3 turns. fantastically fair card. give the guy who thought of it a raise a burning at the stake
This is so braindead. Who found out it was wise to let rogue play 100000 0 mana cards?? Playing a guy, he is in absolutely hopeless situation. Gets Alexstraza, Siamat and Galakrond 0 mana from those 3 cards. Clears my board, plays shitloads of dragons and gets armor, so I cant spell his face.
This is so fair, Blizzard, well done. Pure skill....
Started playing ranked ladder again after a couple month hiatus, have dropped three ranks in the past two days as no matter what I play, I seem to get smoked. Getting pretty tilted...
Has this season caused a lot of people to start smurfing with tier decks? It's the start of a season, and I don't know if something would cause a lot of players to return now - but Jesus Christ, I've never seen it this bad before.
went for some "fun times" tonight after the super bowl. so i took a new account and laddered until rank 45
guess what everyone played? the exact same decks you see everyday anyway. embiggen priest, face quest hunter, secret mages etc.
it was the most atrocious ladder session in at least the last 2 years or so, hope for humankind was lost that night
fucking legend ladder decks almost card for card at rank 45-ish, hatred for people is at a new high...
Oh god, and I thought it was bad happening at ranks ~18-20. Happening at 45? Jesus Christ - don't you need to basically have a new account to even be in 45? So people are getting the game, and without even having played enough to have a good handle on it they're dropping enough cash to get tier decks?
New season and started dropping two ranks right away. Either getting smorced by huntards or outvalued by 0 mana infinite lackey generation rogues. Midrange to late game decks like Quest Druid are unplayable anymore, because almost everything is "too slow" right now. Yay, fun.
Res priest players can go suck a fucking dick. I don't care that I have 65% or whatever winrate vs them I insta concede anyway. Such a toxic fucking fun-ruining bullshit deck.
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Just played against someone who may have had the biggest high roll I've seen in a while.
Going second, coin, Galvanizer, three one drop mechs. Turn two, they topdeck Crystology and play their final discounted card (Micro Mummy), and they ultimately finish their game pretty much playing out every card they draw - including the second Crystology while 17 cards remained in their deck, and while having a deck that didn't just solely consist of cheap cards to make use of Galvaniser.
If that's not bad enough, but for whatever reason they were playing SLOW. AS. FRACK. I don't think it was intentional roping given that it lead to misplays like not attacking with minions, but they must've been multitasking or something because there was no good reason for how long they took. I suppose when you draw that well you don't need to play properly.
I played 17 games on Galakrond Warrior. I faced 29% pepega big druids and 24% pepega face hunters (counters to Galakrond Warrior). So, I make a deck that HARD counters both of those. I immediately see 7% hunter and 14% druids (spot on with HSreplay statistics) but a whopping 36% super aggro mech paladin. Ironically, guess what deck hard counters the new deck I just switched to? Yep, that's right. Super aggro mech paladin. What percentage of the meta is mech paladin? According to HSReplay, 2.41%. You still think matchmaking isn't rigged? Hmmm.
Stop. Playing. Meta. Decks. In. Casual.
You high-grade, pathetic fucking dropkicks.
9 out of 10 opponents druids at rank 8 .
As if it wasn't bad enough Yogg got a maexna at tier 3 from shifter zerus...
The rest of the lobby lived just long enough to watch rafaam take over from that moron. Fucking hell. I had a good setup too.
Seriously, when was the last time Hunter as a class remained in the dumpster? Probably the time before Spell Hunter or the Keleseth DR version appeared. But, surprisingly, almost no one seems to care about the king of SMOrc. Even nowadays Rexxar has access to three pretty powerful archetypes (Face, Quest and Singleton) whereas Paladin is nothing but Aggro Mech. Guess what, people like to complain more about Paladin...
The same goes for Druid which was considered a dead class before the recent balance changes. Instead of requesting Hunter nerfs most people want Malfurion to become unplayable again. It's getting ridiculous, folks.
I swear that about 70 percent of my matches on rank 4 are embiggen druid. I'm getting so sick of my opponents dumping 13 mana worh of stats onto the board on turn 5. The side quest is busted. Cheating any minion from your deck into play for 1 mana is insane. All for the generic cost of paying mana to play minions.
What the hell were they thinking printing Winged Guardian? And as a two-of! In a class they just gave a 0-cost deck buff?? Even if you can silence it (which requires Mass Dispel, Owl/Spellbreaker or a lucky Tinkmaster Overspark), it’s still a big body you need to deal with. And then you still have to deal with two 7/6 or 9/8 Elusive Feywings, etc. Really unfun deck and it’s everywhere right now.
I agree with all of the above. Of course you can also cheat a buffed copy into play for 1 mana via stength in numbers. Tilting!!
all this game is really about now is cheating stuff on the board you shouldn't be able to if this was a good and thought through game
it's really getting more pathetic every single expansion
just play a lololol 1 mana card that gives you 7-10 mana for free with basically no requirement but 2-3 turns. fantastically fair card. give the guy who thought of it
a raisea burning at the stakeEndless copy paste netdecking of braindead decks in wild. It was barnes priest, now its secret mage for the last year and a half
This is so braindead. Who found out it was wise to let rogue play 100000 0 mana cards?? Playing a guy, he is in absolutely hopeless situation. Gets Alexstraza, Siamat and Galakrond 0 mana from those 3 cards. Clears my board, plays shitloads of dragons and gets armor, so I cant spell his face.
This is so fair, Blizzard, well done. Pure skill....
went for some "fun times" tonight after the super bowl. so i took a new account and laddered until rank 45
guess what everyone played? the exact same decks you see everyday anyway. embiggen priest, face quest hunter, secret mages etc.
it was the most atrocious ladder session in at least the last 2 years or so, hope for humankind was lost that night
fucking legend ladder decks almost card for card at rank 45-ish, hatred for people is at a new high...
It's astonishing how often I encounter AFK second when I am rafaam, and third when I am not rafaam.
Started playing ranked ladder again after a couple month hiatus, have dropped three ranks in the past two days as no matter what I play, I seem to get smoked. Getting pretty tilted...
Has this season caused a lot of people to start smurfing with tier decks? It's the start of a season, and I don't know if something would cause a lot of players to return now - but Jesus Christ, I've never seen it this bad before.
Oh god, and I thought it was bad happening at ranks ~18-20. Happening at 45? Jesus Christ - don't you need to basically have a new account to even be in 45? So people are getting the game, and without even having played enough to have a good handle on it they're dropping enough cash to get tier decks?
The hell is going on with Hearthstone these days?
New season and started dropping two ranks right away. Either getting smorced by huntards or outvalued by 0 mana infinite lackey generation rogues. Midrange to late game decks like Quest Druid are unplayable anymore, because almost everything is "too slow" right now. Yay, fun.
Res priest players can go suck a fucking dick. I don't care that I have 65% or whatever winrate vs them I insta concede anyway. Such a toxic fucking fun-ruining bullshit deck.